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- This is a poor translation of kissgs.doc. Comments, questions and
- corrections are greatly welcomed.
- KISS/GS ( KISS General Specification ) Manual by K.O.S.
- <<<<<<<< KISS/GS (v1.00) $Date: 1994/09/23 23:30:37 $ >>>>>>>>
- ***********************************************************
- This is an abridged translation of the official document about KISS data format.
- However parts of it are undefined and will be updated gradually.
- ***********************************************************
- 1. Introduction
- KISS - a paper doll program has been developped for computers
- based on NEC PC-9801VM2 architecture since March 1991.
- Many people have enjoyed and implemented KISS for other computers.
- Now KISS is running on many platforms.
- Now we make a reference manual about new KISS data format, that is,
- KISS General Specification : KISS/GS
- and release this.
- 2. Abstract of new specification
- New style KISS data is upper compatible with the old style.
- * color (cel) 16 colors -> 16 or 256 colors
- * color (palette) 4096 colors -> 4096 or 16,777,216 colors
- * screen size 640 x 400 -> 768 x 480 or more
- * cel and object max 128 -> 256 or more
- Multiple palette files available.
- (-> 4-1 multipalette)
- A header is added to cel/palette files to store additional information.
- At implemention some limitations may exist about hardware and software resources.
- So implementation level is indicated in the following form:
- KISS/GSn ( n = 1,2,3,... )
- (-> 7 KISS/GS Ranks)
- 3. Basic concepts
- 3-1 KISS functions
- KISS is a image viewer program with transparency processing.
- It is able to display overlapped pictures
- and allow the user to manipulate them with real-time mouse operation.
- 3-2 Files
- KISS needs the following files.
- * Cel file
- Image data to be moved.
- An array of pixels.
- Pixel code 0 is transparent pixel.
- * Palette file
- Defines actual colors of pixels.
- * Configuration file
- Describes the overlapping order and positions of cels, etc.
- KISS reads this first and refers it to read other files.
- This file is a text file created with a text editor.
- Some parts of it may be changed by KISS program's save function.
- 3-3 Technical terms
- * Cel A minimum element of pictures.
- * Object A unit of pictures for moving;
- composed of one or more cels.
- * Palette group Color information of one screen.
- * Set Data composed of a palette group and object positions.
- 4. GS-KISS new feature
- 4-1 Multipalette
- Before KISS/GS, all cels are drawn according to
- a single palette table in the palette file.
- Now, cels can be drawn with individual palette tables.
- The total number of colors must be less than or equal to 256.
- Each cel requires information about which palette it uses.
- 5. Details of the configuration file
- Each line must be shorter than 256 bytes.
- Palette/cel filenames are composed of the basename (max 8 bytes) +
- the suffix (max 3 bytes). Upper and lower cases are identical.
- The character set used in filenames is [_0-9a-z].
- The character at the top of each line is one of the following:
- * '=' Memory size
- Description: =<memory>K
- For KISS v1.0 compatibility.
- KISS v2.0 or later ignores it.
- Its use is discouraged.
- Example:
- |
- |=260K
- |
- * '(' Screen size
- Description: (<horizontal size>,<vertical size>)
- Defines the screen size.
- If omitted, (448,320) is assumed for KISS v2.18 compatibility.
- Maximum size of screen is (640,400) on KISS/GS2.
- (-> 7 KISS/GS Ranks)
- Example:
- |
- |(640,400)
- |
- * '%' Palette file
- Description: %<Palette filename>
- Describes a palette file.
- Palette files are numbered as 0,1,2... in the order of appearance.
- All colors in the palette file #0 are used.
- But the first (transparent) color in the other palette files is ignored.
- Total number of colors must be less than or equal to 256.
- All palette files must be described
- before description about cel files.
- Example:
- |
- |%COL2.KCF
- |
- * '[' Border color
- Description: [<Border color's pixel code>
- Outside of the screen is filled with this pixel code.
- Example:
- |
- |[12
- |
- * '#' Cel file
- Description: #<Mark>[.<Fix>] <Cel filename>
- [*<Palette number>] [:<Set number>...]
- <Mark> : Identification number to specify object.
- Cels of the same Mark are unified
- and make an object.
- Object number is from 0 to 255 on KISS/GS2.
- (-> 7 KISS/GS Ranks)
- <Fix> : Fixed value. Specify this for fixed objects
- such as the doll's body.
- An object with a big value is hard to move.
- Value is a number from 0 to 32767.
- If omitted, treated as 0 (not fixed).
- <Cel filename> : Describes the filename with suffix.
- <Palette number> :
- Indicates which palette file this cel uses.
- If omitted, treated as 0.
- <Set number> : The cel is drawn only in the sets specified here.
- 0 - 9 is available.
- If omitted, this cel is drawn in all sets.
- The order of cel file descriptions determines
- the priority in drawing cels.
- The number of cels is max 256.
- (-> 7 KISS/GS Ranks)
- Example:
- |
- |#2 data1.cel ; forward (near)
- |#3 data2.cel :2 3 4 ;
- |#4.255 data3.cel ; fixed
- |#5 data4.cel *1 :5 ;
- |#2 data1_.cel ; backward (far)
- |
- data1.cel and data1_.cel make one object.
- * '$' Set information
- Description: $<Palette group> [<xpos,ypos> ...]
- Palette group and positions of object for each set.
- There are max 10 sets.
- This section can be overwritten by KISS save function.
- A long description is folded, and the following lines start with a ' ' (blank) character
- to indicate that the lines are continued from the previous line.
- <Palette group> : Palette group number. 0 ... 9.
- <xpos,ypos> : Position of object (from object mark 0).
- Max 256 positions are described on KISS/GS2.
- (-> 7 KISS/GS Ranks)
- '*' means a non-existent object.
- Example:
- |
- |$2 192,11 * 56,176 55,21 259,62 15,24 375,63
- |$3 43,115 154,62 372,108 253,156 * * * 165,207
- | * 162,198 * 119,56 152,44 * * *
- | 16,355 394,362 108,355 * * * 125,261
- |$0 192,11 * 56,176 55,21 259,62 15,24 375,63
- |
- * ';' Comment
- Description: ;<Comment>
- This line is ignored.
- Future extension may determine how to include various
- information of the data (title, author etc.) as comments.
- * Others
- Reserved for extention.
- 5. Details of cel files
- Cel files have a 32-byte header.
- offset size contents
- +0 4B Identifier 'KiSS' ( 4Bh 69h 53h 53h )
- +4 B Cel file mark ( 20h )
- +5 B bits per pixel ( 4 or 8 )
- +6 W Reserved
- +8 W(L,H) Width ( 1 ... XMAX )
- +10 W(L,H) Height ( 1 ... YMAX )
- +12 W(L,H) x-offset ( 0 ... XMAX-1 )
- +14 W(L,H) y-offset ( 0 ... YMAX-1 )
- +16 16B Reserved
- Caution: the reserved field must be filled with 0.
- Cels of the same object are aligned at the top left corner.
- X,y-offsets are the offsets from this alignment point.
- +32... Pixel data
- * Pixel data order (4 bits/pixel)
- One raster:
- |<- byte ->| |<- byte ->| |<- byte ->|
- | pix0 | pix1 | | pix2 | pix3 | | pix4 | pix5 | ......... | pixN |
- If the width is odd, add a padding pixel of color 0.
- The number of rasters is indicated in the height field.
- * Pixel data order (8 bits/pixel)
- One raster:
- |<- byte ->| |<- byte ->| |<- byte ->|
- | pix0 | | pix1 | | pix2 | ... | pixN |
- The number of rasters is indicated in the height field.
- If the top 4-byte identifier is not 'KiSS', the file format is as follows:
- +0 W(L,H) Width
- +2 W(L,H) Height
- +4... Pixel data
- 4 bits/pixel.
- X and y-offset are 0.
- This is the conventional format.
- 6. Palette file detail
- Palette files have a 32-byte header.
- offset size contents
- +0 4B Identifier 'KiSS' ( 4Bh 69h 53h 53h )
- +4 B Palette file mark ( 10h )
- +5 B bits per color ( 12 or 24 )
- +6 W Reserved
- +8 W(L,H) number of colors in one palette group ( 1 ... 256 )
- +10 W(L,H) number of palette groups ( 1 ... 10 )
- +12 W Reserved
- +14 W Reserved
- +16 16B Reserved
- Caution: the reserved fields must be filled with 0.
- +32... Palette data
- * Palette data order (12 bits = 4096 colors)
- A color consists of 2 bytes. 4 bits each for red, green, blue.
- |<- byte ->| |<- byte ->|
- | rrrr | bbbb | | 0000 | gggg | ....
- * Palette data order (24 bit = 16,777,216 colors)
- A color consists of 3 bytes. 8 bits each for red, green, blue.
- |<- byte ->| |<- byte ->| |<- byte ->|
- | rrrrrrrr | | gggggggg | | bbbbbbbb | ...
- If the number of palette groups is less than 10,
- colors of the remaining palette groups will be copied from Group 0.
- If the top 4-byte identifier is not 'KiSS', the file format is as follows:
- +0... palette data
- 12 bits/color, 16 colors in a palette group, 10 groups.
- This is the conventional format.
- 7. KISS/GS Ranks
- Rank size colors max cels
- --------------- ---------- ---- ----------
- KISS/GS1 640 x 400 16 128 ; KISS v2.24c
- KISS/GS2 640 x 400 256 256 ; KISS v2.37
- KISS/GS3 768 x 480 256 256 ; draft
- KISS/GS4 768 x 480 256 512 ; draft
- --------------- ---------- ---- ----------
- These are just standards. When you implement a KISS program on your system,
- you should support the maximum ability of the hardware.
- When you create KISS data you are encouraged to consider these ranks.
- The lower rank the data conforms to, the more users can play with it.
- However, you don't have to conform it to unnecessarily low ranks.
- * Appendix
- This document is in public domain.
- Send bug reports, questions, comments and problems to
- UHD98984@pcvan.or.jp
- yav
- Thank you.
- ITO Takayuki <yuki@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
- Graduate student, Department of Information Science,
- Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Japan.