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/* ZynAddSubFX - a software synthesizer OscilGen.h - Waveform generator for ADnote Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Nasca Octavian Paul Author: Nasca Octavian Paul This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License (version 2) for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2) along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef OSCIL_GEN_H #define OSCIL_GEN_H #include "../globals.h" #include "../Misc/XMLwrapper.h" #include "Resonance.h" #include "../DSP/FFTwrapper.h" #include "../Params/Presets.h" class OscilGen:public Presets{ public: OscilGen(FFTwrapper *fft_,Resonance *res_); ~OscilGen(); //computes the full spectrum of oscil from harmonics,phases and basefunc void prepare(); //do the antialiasing(cut off higher freqs.),apply randomness and do a IFFT short get(REALTYPE *smps,REALTYPE freqHz);//returns where should I start getting samples, used in block type randomness short get(REALTYPE *smps,REALTYPE freqHz,int resonance); //if freqHz is smaller than 0, return the "un-randomized" sample for UI void getbasefunction(REALTYPE *smps); //called by UI void getspectrum(int n,REALTYPE *spc,int what);//what=0 pt. oscil,1 pt. basefunc void getcurrentbasefunction(REALTYPE *smps); void useasbase();//convert oscil to base function void add2XML(XMLwrapper *xml); void defaults(); void getfromXML(XMLwrapper *xml); void convert2sine(int magtype); //Parameters /* The hmag and hphase starts counting from 0, so the first harmonic(1) has the index 0, 2-nd harmonic has index 1, ..the 128 harminic has index 127 */ unsigned char Phmag[MAX_AD_HARMONICS],Phphase[MAX_AD_HARMONICS];//the MIDI parameters for mag. and phases /*The Type of magnitude: 0 - Linear 1 - dB scale (-40) 2 - dB scale (-60) 3 - dB scale (-80) 4 - dB scale (-100)*/ unsigned char Phmagtype; unsigned char Pcurrentbasefunc;//The base function used - 0=sin, 1=... unsigned char Pbasefuncpar;//the parameter of the base function unsigned char Pbasefuncmodulation;//what modulation is applied to the basefunc unsigned char Pbasefuncmodulationpar1,Pbasefuncmodulationpar2,Pbasefuncmodulationpar3;//the parameter of the base function modulation /*the Randomness: 64=no randomness 63..0 - block type randomness - 0 is maximum 65..127 - each harmonic randomness - 127 is maximum*/ unsigned char Prand; unsigned char Pwaveshaping,Pwaveshapingfunction; unsigned char Pfiltertype,Pfilterpar1,Pfilterpar2; unsigned char Pfilterbeforews; unsigned char Psatype,Psapar;//spectrum adjust unsigned char Pamprandpower, Pamprandtype;//amplitude randomness int Pharmonicshift;//how the harmonics are shifted int Pharmonicshiftfirst;//if the harmonic shift is done before waveshaping and filter unsigned char Padaptiveharmonics;//the adaptive harmonics status (off=0,on=1) unsigned char Padaptiveharmonicsbasefreq;//the base frequency of the adaptive harmonic (30..3000Hz) unsigned char Padaptiveharmonicspower;//the strength of the effect (0=off,100=full) unsigned char Pmodulation;//what modulation is applied to the oscil unsigned char Pmodulationpar1,Pmodulationpar2,Pmodulationpar3;//the parameter of the parameters //makes a new random seed for Amplitude Randomness //this should be called every note on event void newrandseed(unsigned int randseed); bool ADvsPAD;//if it is used by ADsynth or by PADsynth private: REALTYPE hmag[MAX_AD_HARMONICS],hphase[MAX_AD_HARMONICS];//the magnituides and the phases of the sine/nonsine harmonics // private: FFTwrapper *fft; //computes the basefunction and make the FFT; newbasefunc<0 = same basefunc void changebasefunction(); //Waveshaping void waveshape(); //Filter the oscillator accotding to Pfiltertype and Pfilterpar void oscilfilter(); //Adjust the spectrum void spectrumadjust(); //Shift the harmonics void shiftharmonics(); //Do the oscil modulation stuff void modulation(); //Do the adaptive harmonic stuff void adaptiveharmonic(REALTYPE *freqs,REALTYPE freq); //Basic/base functions (Functiile De Baza) REALTYPE basefunc_pulse(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a); REALTYPE basefunc_saw(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a); REALTYPE basefunc_triangle(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a); REALTYPE basefunc_power(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a); REALTYPE basefunc_gauss(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a); REALTYPE basefunc_diode(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a); REALTYPE basefunc_abssine(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a); REALTYPE basefunc_pulsesine(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a); REALTYPE basefunc_stretchsine(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a); REALTYPE basefunc_chirp(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a); REALTYPE basefunc_absstretchsine(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a); REALTYPE basefunc_chebyshev(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a); REALTYPE basefunc_sqr(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a); //Internal Data unsigned char oldbasefunc,oldbasepar,oldhmagtype,oldwaveshapingfunction,oldwaveshaping; int oldfilterpars,oldsapars,oldbasefuncmodulation,oldbasefuncmodulationpar1,oldbasefuncmodulationpar2,oldbasefuncmodulationpar3,oldharmonicshift; int oldmodulation,oldmodulationpar1,oldmodulationpar2,oldmodulationpar3; /* The frequencies of wavefroms are stored like this: c[0],c[1],....,c[OSCIL_SIZE/2],s[OSCIL_SIZE/2-1],...,s[2],s[1] c[N] is the cosine component and the s[N] is the sine component in the frequency domain This way of storing of frequencies is similar to the FFTW package. */ REALTYPE *basefuncFFTfreqs;//Base Function Frequencies REALTYPE *oscilFFTfreqs;//Oscillator Frequencies - this is different than the hamonics set-up by the user, it may contains time-domain data if the antialiasing is turned off int oscilprepared;//1 if the oscil is prepared, 0 if it is not prepared and is need to call ::prepare() before ::get() REALTYPE *outoscilFFTfreqs; unsigned short int *basefuncFFTfreqsQ; Resonance *res; unsigned int randseed; }; #endif