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- /*
- ZynAddSubFX - a software synthesizer
- OscilGen.C - Waveform generator for ADnote
- Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Nasca Octavian Paul
- Author: Nasca Octavian Paul
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License (version 2) for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2)
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "OscilGen.h"
- #include "../Effects/Distorsion.h"
- OscilGen::OscilGen(FFTwrapper *fft_,Resonance *res_):Presets(){
- setpresettype("Poscilgen");
- fft=fft_;
- res=res_;
- oscilFFTfreqs=new REALTYPE[OSCIL_SIZE];
- basefuncFFTfreqsQ=NULL;
- basefuncFFTfreqs=NULL;
- outoscilFFTfreqs=NULL;
- randseed=1;
- ADvsPAD=false;
- defaults();
- };
- OscilGen::~OscilGen(){
- if (basefuncFFTfreqs!=NULL) delete [] basefuncFFTfreqs;
- if (basefuncFFTfreqsQ!=NULL) delete [] basefuncFFTfreqsQ;
- delete [] oscilFFTfreqs;
- };
- void OscilGen::defaults(){
- oldbasefunc=0;oldbasepar=64;oldhmagtype=0;oldwaveshapingfunction=0;oldwaveshaping=64;
- oldbasefuncmodulation=0;oldharmonicshift=0;oldbasefuncmodulationpar1=0;oldbasefuncmodulationpar2=0;oldbasefuncmodulationpar3=0;
- oldmodulation=0;oldmodulationpar1=0;oldmodulationpar2=0;oldmodulationpar3=0;
- for (int i=0;i<MAX_AD_HARMONICS;i++){
- hmag[i]=0.0;
- hphase[i]=0.0;
- Phmag[i]=64;
- Phphase[i]=64;
- };
- Phmag[0]=127;
- Phmagtype=0;
- if (ADvsPAD) Prand=127;//max phase randomness (usefull if the oscil will be imported to a ADsynth from a PADsynth
- else Prand=64;//no randomness
- Pcurrentbasefunc=0;
- Pbasefuncpar=64;
- Pbasefuncmodulation=0;
- Pbasefuncmodulationpar1=64;
- Pbasefuncmodulationpar2=64;
- Pbasefuncmodulationpar3=32;
- Pmodulation=0;
- Pmodulationpar1=64;
- Pmodulationpar2=64;
- Pmodulationpar3=32;
- Pwaveshapingfunction=0;
- Pwaveshaping=64;
- Pfiltertype=0;
- Pfilterpar1=64;
- Pfilterpar2=64;
- Pfilterbeforews=0;
- Psatype=0;
- Psapar=64;
- Pamprandpower=64;
- Pamprandtype=0;
- Pharmonicshift=0;
- Pharmonicshiftfirst=0;
- Padaptiveharmonics=0;
- Padaptiveharmonicspower=100;
- Padaptiveharmonicsbasefreq=128;
- if (basefuncFFTfreqsQ!=NULL) {
- delete(basefuncFFTfreqsQ);
- basefuncFFTfreqsQ=NULL;
- };
- if (basefuncFFTfreqs!=NULL){
- delete(basefuncFFTfreqs);
- basefuncFFTfreqs=NULL;
- };
- for (int i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) oscilFFTfreqs[i]=0.0;
- oscilprepared=0;
- oldfilterpars=0;oldsapars=0;
- prepare();
- };
- void OscilGen::convert2sine(int magtype){
- get(oscil,-1.0);
- FFTwrapper *fft=new FFTwrapper(OSCIL_SIZE);
- fft->smps2freqs(oscil,freqs);
- delete(fft);
- REALTYPE max=0.0;
- mag[0]=0;
- phase[0]=0;
- for (int i=0;i<MAX_AD_HARMONICS;i++){
- mag[i]=sqrt(pow(oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i-1],2)+pow(oscilFFTfreqs[i+1],2.0));
- phase[i]=atan2(oscilFFTfreqs[i+1],oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i-1]);
- if (max<mag[i]) max=mag[i];
- };
- if (max<0.00001) max=1.0;
- defaults();
- for (int i=0;i<MAX_AD_HARMONICS-1;i++){
- REALTYPE newmag=mag[i]/max;
- REALTYPE newphase=phase[i];
- Phmag[i]=(int) ((newmag)*64.0)+64;
- Phphase[i]=64-(int) (64.0*newphase/PI);
- if (Phphase[i]>127) Phphase[i]=127;
- if (Phmag[i]==64) Phphase[i]=64;
- };
- prepare();
- };
- /*
- * Base Functions - START
- */
- REALTYPE OscilGen::basefunc_pulse(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a){
- return((fmod(x,1.0)<a)?-1.0:1.0);
- };
- REALTYPE OscilGen::basefunc_saw(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a){
- if (a<0.00001) a=0.00001;
- else if (a>0.99999) a=0.99999;
- x=fmod(x,1);
- if (x<a) return(x/a*2.0-1.0);
- else return((1.0-x)/(1.0-a)*2.0-1.0);
- };
- REALTYPE OscilGen::basefunc_triangle(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a){
- x=fmod(x+0.25,1);
- a=1-a;
- if (a<0.00001) a=0.00001;
- if (x<0.5) x=x*4-1.0;
- else x=(1.0-x)*4-1.0;
- x/=-a;
- if (x<-1.0) x=-1.0;
- if (x>1.0) x=1.0;
- return(x);
- };
- REALTYPE OscilGen::basefunc_power(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a){
- x=fmod(x,1);
- if (a<0.00001) a=0.00001;
- else if (a>0.99999) a=0.99999;
- return(pow(x,exp((a-0.5)*10.0))*2.0-1.0);
- };
- REALTYPE OscilGen::basefunc_gauss(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a){
- x=fmod(x,1)*2.0-1.0;
- if (a<0.00001) a=0.00001;
- return(exp(-x*x*(exp(a*8)+5.0))*2.0-1.0);
- };
- REALTYPE OscilGen::basefunc_diode(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a){
- if (a<0.00001) a=0.00001;
- else if (a>0.99999) a=0.99999;
- a=a*2.0-1.0;
- x=cos((x+0.5)*2.0*PI)-a;
- if (x<0.0) x=0.0;
- return(x/(1.0-a)*2-1.0);
- };
- REALTYPE OscilGen::basefunc_abssine(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a){
- x=fmod(x,1);
- if (a<0.00001) a=0.00001;
- else if (a>0.99999) a=0.99999;
- return(sin(pow(x,exp((a-0.5)*5.0))*PI)*2.0-1.0);
- };
- REALTYPE OscilGen::basefunc_pulsesine(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a){
- if (a<0.00001) a=0.00001;
- x=(fmod(x,1)-0.5)*exp((a-0.5)*log(128));
- if (x<-0.5) x=-0.5;
- else if (x>0.5) x=0.5;
- x=sin(x*PI*2.0);
- return(x);
- };
- REALTYPE OscilGen::basefunc_stretchsine(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a){
- x=fmod(x+0.5,1)*2.0-1.0;
- a=(a-0.5)*4;if (a>0.0) a*=2;
- a=pow(3.0,a);
- REALTYPE b=pow(fabs(x),a);
- if (x<0) b=-b;
- return(-sin(b*PI));
- };
- REALTYPE OscilGen::basefunc_chirp(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a){
- x=fmod(x,1.0)*2.0*PI;
- a=(a-0.5)*4;if (a<0.0) a*=2.0;
- a=pow(3.0,a);
- return(sin(x/2.0)*sin(a*x*x));
- };
- REALTYPE OscilGen::basefunc_absstretchsine(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a){
- x=fmod(x+0.5,1)*2.0-1.0;
- a=(a-0.5)*9;
- a=pow(3.0,a);
- REALTYPE b=pow(fabs(x),a);
- if (x<0) b=-b;
- return(-pow(sin(b*PI),2));
- };
- REALTYPE OscilGen::basefunc_chebyshev(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a){
- a=a*a*a*30.0+1.0;
- return(cos(acos(x*2.0-1.0)*a));
- };
- REALTYPE OscilGen::basefunc_sqr(REALTYPE x,REALTYPE a){
- a=a*a*a*a*160.0+0.001;
- return(-atan(sin(x*2.0*PI)*a));
- };
- /*
- * Base Functions - END
- */
- /*
- * Get the base function
- */
- void OscilGen::getbasefunction(REALTYPE *smps){
- int i;
- REALTYPE par=(Pbasefuncpar+0.5)/128.0;
- if (Pbasefuncpar==64) par=0.5;
- REALTYPE basefuncmodulationpar1=Pbasefuncmodulationpar1/127.0,
- basefuncmodulationpar2=Pbasefuncmodulationpar2/127.0,
- basefuncmodulationpar3=Pbasefuncmodulationpar3/127.0;
- switch(Pbasefuncmodulation){
- case 1:basefuncmodulationpar1=(pow(2,basefuncmodulationpar1*5.0)-1.0)/10.0;
- basefuncmodulationpar3=floor((pow(2,basefuncmodulationpar3*5.0)-1.0));
- if (basefuncmodulationpar3<0.9999) basefuncmodulationpar3=-1.0;
- break;
- case 2:basefuncmodulationpar1=(pow(2,basefuncmodulationpar1*5.0)-1.0)/10.0;
- basefuncmodulationpar3=1.0+floor((pow(2,basefuncmodulationpar3*5.0)-1.0));
- break;
- case 3:basefuncmodulationpar1=(pow(2,basefuncmodulationpar1*7.0)-1.0)/10.0;
- basefuncmodulationpar3=0.01+(pow(2,basefuncmodulationpar3*16.0)-1.0)/10.0;
- break;
- };
- // printf("%.5f %.5f\n",basefuncmodulationpar1,basefuncmodulationpar3);
- for (i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) {
- switch(Pbasefuncmodulation){
- case 1:t=t*basefuncmodulationpar3+sin((t+basefuncmodulationpar2)*2.0*PI)*basefuncmodulationpar1;//rev
- break;
- case 2:t=t+sin((t*basefuncmodulationpar3+basefuncmodulationpar2)*2.0*PI)*basefuncmodulationpar1;//sine
- break;
- case 3:t=t+pow((1.0-cos((t+basefuncmodulationpar2)*2.0*PI))*0.5,basefuncmodulationpar3)*basefuncmodulationpar1;//power
- break;
- };
- t=t-floor(t);
- switch (Pcurrentbasefunc){
- case 1:smps[i]=basefunc_triangle(t,par);
- break;
- case 2:smps[i]=basefunc_pulse(t,par);
- break;
- case 3:smps[i]=basefunc_saw(t,par);
- break;
- case 4:smps[i]=basefunc_power(t,par);
- break;
- case 5:smps[i]=basefunc_gauss(t,par);
- break;
- case 6:smps[i]=basefunc_diode(t,par);
- break;
- case 7:smps[i]=basefunc_abssine(t,par);
- break;
- case 8:smps[i]=basefunc_pulsesine(t,par);
- break;
- case 9:smps[i]=basefunc_stretchsine(t,par);
- break;
- case 10:smps[i]=basefunc_chirp(t,par);
- break;
- case 11:smps[i]=basefunc_absstretchsine(t,par);
- break;
- case 12:smps[i]=basefunc_chebyshev(t,par);
- break;
- case 13:smps[i]=basefunc_sqr(t,par);
- break;
- default:smps[i]=-sin(2.0*PI*i/OSCIL_SIZE);
- };
- };
- };
- /*
- * Filter the oscillator
- */
- void OscilGen::oscilfilter(){
- if (Pfiltertype==0) return;
- REALTYPE par=1.0-Pfilterpar1/128.0;
- REALTYPE par2=Pfilterpar2/127.0;
- REALTYPE max=0.0,tmp=0.0,p2,x;
- for (int i=1;i<OSCIL_SIZE/2;i++){
- REALTYPE gain=1.0;
- switch(Pfiltertype){
- case 1: gain=pow(1.0-par*par*par*0.99,i);//lp
- tmp=par2*par2*par2*par2*0.5+0.0001;
- if (gain<tmp) gain=pow(gain,10.0)/pow(tmp,9.0);
- break;
- case 2: gain=1.0-pow(1.0-par*par,i+1);//hp1
- gain=pow(gain,par2*2.0+0.1);
- break;
- case 3: if (par<0.2) par=par*0.25+0.15;
- gain=1.0-pow(1.0-par*par*0.999+0.001,i*0.05*i+1.0);//hp1b
- tmp=pow(5.0,par2*2.0);
- gain=pow(gain,tmp);
- break;
- case 4: gain=i+1-pow(2,(1.0-par)*7.5);//bp1
- gain=1.0/(1.0+gain*gain/(i+1.0));
- tmp=pow(5.0,par2*2.0);
- gain=pow(gain,tmp);
- if (gain<1e-5) gain=1e-5;
- break;
- case 5: gain=i+1-pow(2,(1.0-par)*7.5);//bs1
- gain=pow(atan(gain/(i/10.0+1))/1.57,6);
- gain=pow(gain,par2*par2*3.9+0.1);
- break;
- case 6: tmp=pow(par2,0.33);
- gain=(i+1>pow(2,(1.0-par)*10)?0.0:1.0)*par2+(1.0-par2);//lp2
- break;
- case 7: tmp=pow(par2,0.33);
- //tmp=1.0-(1.0-par2)*(1.0-par2);
- gain=(i+1>pow(2,(1.0-par)*7)?1.0:0.0)*par2+(1.0-par2);//hp2
- if (Pfilterpar1==0) gain=1.0;
- break;
- case 8: tmp=pow(par2,0.33);
- //tmp=1.0-(1.0-par2)*(1.0-par2);
- gain=(fabs(pow(2,(1.0-par)*7)-i)>i/2+1?0.0:1.0)*par2+(1.0-par2);//bp2
- break;
- case 9: tmp=pow(par2,0.33);
- gain=(fabs(pow(2,(1.0-par)*7)-i)<i/2+1?0.0:1.0)*par2+(1.0-par2);//bs2
- break;
- case 10:tmp=pow(5.0,par2*2.0-1.0);
- tmp=pow(i/32.0,tmp)*32.0;
- if (Pfilterpar2==64) tmp=i;
- gain=cos(par*par*PI/2.0*tmp);//cos
- gain*=gain;
- break;
- case 11:tmp=pow(5.0,par2*2.0-1.0);
- tmp=pow(i/32.0,tmp)*32.0;
- if (Pfilterpar2==64) tmp=i;
- gain=sin(par*par*PI/2.0*tmp);//sin
- gain*=gain;
- break;
- case 12:p2=1.0-par+0.2;
- x=i/(64.0*p2*p2);
- if (x<0.0) x=0.0;
- else if (x>1.0) x=1.0;
- tmp=pow(1.0-par2,2.0);
- gain=cos(x*PI)*(1.0-tmp)+1.01+tmp;//low shelf
- break;
- case 13:tmp=(int) (pow(2.0,(1.0-par)*7.2));
- gain=1.0;
- if (i==(int) (tmp)) gain=pow(2.0,par2*par2*8.0);
- break;
- };
- oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]*=gain;
- oscilFFTfreqs[i]*=gain;
- REALTYPE tmp=oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]*oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]+
- oscilFFTfreqs[i]*oscilFFTfreqs[i];
- if (max<tmp) max=tmp;
- };
- max=sqrt(max);
- if (max<1e-10) max=1.0;
- for (int i=1;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) oscilFFTfreqs[i]/=max;
- };
- /*
- * Change the base function
- */
- void OscilGen::changebasefunction(){
- if (basefuncFFTfreqs!=NULL) {
- delete(basefuncFFTfreqs);
- basefuncFFTfreqs=NULL;
- };
- if (basefuncFFTfreqs==NULL) basefuncFFTfreqs=new REALTYPE[OSCIL_SIZE];
- if (Pcurrentbasefunc!=0) {
- // I use basefuncfreq for temporary store of the time-domain data
- // because I don't wish "eat" too much memory with another array
- getbasefunction(basefuncFFTfreqs);
- fft->smps2freqs(basefuncFFTfreqs,NULL);//perform FFT
- basefuncFFTfreqs[0]=0.0;
- } else {
- delete basefuncFFTfreqs;
- basefuncFFTfreqs=NULL;
- }
- oscilprepared=0;
- oldbasefunc=Pcurrentbasefunc;
- oldbasepar=Pbasefuncpar;
- oldbasefuncmodulation=Pbasefuncmodulation;
- oldbasefuncmodulationpar1=Pbasefuncmodulationpar1;
- oldbasefuncmodulationpar2=Pbasefuncmodulationpar2;
- oldbasefuncmodulationpar3=Pbasefuncmodulationpar3;
- };
- /*
- * Waveshape
- */
- void OscilGen::waveshape(){
- int i;
- oldwaveshapingfunction=Pwaveshapingfunction;
- oldwaveshaping=Pwaveshaping;
- if (Pwaveshapingfunction==0) return;
- oscilFFTfreqs[0]=0.0;//remove the DC
- //reduce the amplitude of the freqs near the nyquist
- for (i=1;i<OSCIL_SIZE/8;i++) {
- REALTYPE tmp=i/(OSCIL_SIZE/8.0);
- oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE/2+i-1]*=tmp;
- oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE/2-i+1]*=tmp;
- };
- fft->freqs2smps(oscilFFTfreqs,NULL);
- //now the oscilFFTfreqs contains *time-domain data* of samples
- //I don't want to allocate another array for this
- //Normalize
- REALTYPE max=0.0;
- for (i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++)
- if (max<fabs(oscilFFTfreqs[i])) max=fabs(oscilFFTfreqs[i]);
- if (max<0.00001) max=1.0;
- max=1.0/max;for (i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) oscilFFTfreqs[i]*=max;
- //Do the waveshaping
- waveshapesmps(OSCIL_SIZE,oscilFFTfreqs,Pwaveshapingfunction,Pwaveshaping);
- fft->smps2freqs(oscilFFTfreqs,NULL);//perform FFT
- };
- /*
- * Do the Frequency Modulation of the Oscil
- */
- void OscilGen::modulation(){
- int i;
- oldmodulation=Pmodulation;
- oldmodulationpar1=Pmodulationpar1;
- oldmodulationpar2=Pmodulationpar2;
- oldmodulationpar3=Pmodulationpar3;
- if (Pmodulation==0) return;
- REALTYPE modulationpar1=Pmodulationpar1/127.0,
- modulationpar2=0.5-Pmodulationpar2/127.0,
- modulationpar3=Pmodulationpar3/127.0;
- switch(Pmodulation){
- case 1:modulationpar1=(pow(2,modulationpar1*7.0)-1.0)/100.0;
- modulationpar3=floor((pow(2,modulationpar3*5.0)-1.0));
- if (modulationpar3<0.9999) modulationpar3=-1.0;
- break;
- case 2:modulationpar1=(pow(2,modulationpar1*7.0)-1.0)/100.0;
- modulationpar3=1.0+floor((pow(2,modulationpar3*5.0)-1.0));
- break;
- case 3:modulationpar1=(pow(2,modulationpar1*9.0)-1.0)/100.0;
- modulationpar3=0.01+(pow(2,modulationpar3*16.0)-1.0)/10.0;
- break;
- };
- oscilFFTfreqs[0]=0.0;//remove the DC
- //reduce the amplitude of the freqs near the nyquist
- for (i=1;i<OSCIL_SIZE/8;i++) {
- REALTYPE tmp=i/(OSCIL_SIZE/8.0);
- oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE/2+i-1]*=tmp;
- oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE/2-i+1]*=tmp;
- };
- fft->freqs2smps(oscilFFTfreqs,NULL);
- //now the oscilFFTfreqs contains *time-domain data* of samples
- //I don't want to allocate another array for this
- int extra_points=2;
- REALTYPE *in=new REALTYPE[OSCIL_SIZE+extra_points];
- //Normalize
- REALTYPE max=0.0;
- for (i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++)
- if (max<fabs(oscilFFTfreqs[i])) max=fabs(oscilFFTfreqs[i]);
- if (max<0.00001) max=1.0;
- max=1.0/max;for (i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) in[i]=oscilFFTfreqs[i]*max;
- for (i=0;i<extra_points;i++) in[i+OSCIL_SIZE]=oscilFFTfreqs[i]*max;
- //Do the modulation
- for (i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) {
- switch(Pmodulation){
- case 1:t=t*modulationpar3+sin((t+modulationpar2)*2.0*PI)*modulationpar1;//rev
- break;
- case 2:t=t+sin((t*modulationpar3+modulationpar2)*2.0*PI)*modulationpar1;//sine
- break;
- case 3:t=t+pow((1.0-cos((t+modulationpar2)*2.0*PI))*0.5,modulationpar3)*modulationpar1;//power
- break;
- };
- t=(t-floor(t))*OSCIL_SIZE;
- int poshi=(int) t;
- REALTYPE poslo=t-floor(t);
- oscilFFTfreqs[i]=in[poshi]*(1.0-poslo)+in[poshi+1]*poslo;
- };
- delete(in);
- fft->smps2freqs(oscilFFTfreqs,NULL);//perform FFT
- };
- /*
- * Adjust the spectrum
- */
- void OscilGen::spectrumadjust(){
- if (Psatype==0) return;
- REALTYPE par=Psapar/127.0;
- switch(Psatype){
- case 1: par=1.0-par*2.0;
- if (par>=0.0) par=pow(5.0,par);
- else par=pow(8.0,par);
- break;
- case 2: par=pow(10.0,(1.0-par)*3.0)*0.00095;
- break;
- case 3: par=pow(10.0,(1.0-par)*3.0)*0.00095;
- break;
- };
- REALTYPE max=0.0;
- for (int i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE/2-1;i++){
- REALTYPE tmp=pow(oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i-1],2)+pow(oscilFFTfreqs[i+1],2.0);
- if (max<tmp) max=tmp;
- };
- max=sqrt(max);
- if (max<1e-8) max=1.0;
- for (int i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE/2-1;i++){
- REALTYPE mag=sqrt(pow(oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i-1],2)+pow(oscilFFTfreqs[i+1],2.0))/max;
- REALTYPE phase=atan2(oscilFFTfreqs[i+1],oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i-1]);
- switch (Psatype){
- case 1: mag=pow(mag,par);
- break;
- case 2: if (mag<par) mag=0.0;
- break;
- case 3: mag/=par;
- if (mag>1.0) mag=1.0;
- break;
- };
- oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i-1]=mag*cos(phase);
- oscilFFTfreqs[i+1]=mag*sin(phase);
- };
- };
- void OscilGen::shiftharmonics(){
- if (Pharmonicshift==0) return;
- REALTYPE hc,hs;
- int harmonicshift=-Pharmonicshift;
- if (harmonicshift>0){
- for (int i=OSCIL_SIZE/2-2;i>=0;i--){
- int oldh=i-harmonicshift;
- if (oldh<0){
- hc=0.0;
- hs=0.0;
- } else {
- hc=oscilFFTfreqs[oldh+1];
- hs=oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-oldh-1];
- };
- oscilFFTfreqs[i+1]=hc;
- oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i-1]=hs;
- };
- } else {
- for (int i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE/2-1;i++){
- int oldh=i+abs(harmonicshift);
- if (oldh>=(OSCIL_SIZE/2-1)){
- hc=0.0;
- hs=0.0;
- } else {
- hc=oscilFFTfreqs[oldh+1];
- hs=oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-oldh-1];
- if (fabs(hc)<0.000001) hc=0.0;
- if (fabs(hs)<0.000001) hs=0.0;
- };
- oscilFFTfreqs[i+1]=hc;
- oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i-1]=hs;
- };
- };
- oscilFFTfreqs[0]=0.0;
- };
- /*
- * Prepare the Oscillator
- */
- void OscilGen::prepare(){
- int i,j,k;
- REALTYPE a,b,c,d,hmagnew;
- if ((oldbasepar!=Pbasefuncpar)||(oldbasefunc!=Pcurrentbasefunc)||
- (oldbasefuncmodulation!=Pbasefuncmodulation)||
- (oldbasefuncmodulationpar1!=Pbasefuncmodulationpar1)||
- (oldbasefuncmodulationpar2!=Pbasefuncmodulationpar2)||
- (oldbasefuncmodulationpar3!=Pbasefuncmodulationpar3))
- changebasefunction();
- for (i=0;i<MAX_AD_HARMONICS;i++) hphase[i]=(Phphase[i]-64.0)/64.0*PI/(i+1);
- for (i=0;i<MAX_AD_HARMONICS;i++){
- hmagnew=1.0-fabs(Phmag[i]/64.0-1.0);
- switch(Phmagtype){
- case 1:hmag[i]=exp(hmagnew*log(0.01)); break;
- case 2:hmag[i]=exp(hmagnew*log(0.001));break;
- case 3:hmag[i]=exp(hmagnew*log(0.0001));break;
- case 4:hmag[i]=exp(hmagnew*log(0.00001));break;
- default:hmag[i]=1.0-hmagnew;
- break;
- };
- if (Phmag[i]<64) hmag[i]=-hmag[i];
- };
- //remove the harmonics where Phmag[i]==64
- for (i=0;i<MAX_AD_HARMONICS;i++) if (Phmag[i]==64) hmag[i]=0.0;
- for (i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) oscilFFTfreqs[i]=0.0;
- if (Pcurrentbasefunc==0) {//the sine case
- for (i=0;i<MAX_AD_HARMONICS;i++){
- oscilFFTfreqs[i+1]=-hmag[i]*sin(hphase[i]*(i+1))/2.0;
- oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i-1]=hmag[i]*cos(hphase[i]*(i+1))/2.0;
- };
- } else {
- for (j=0;j<MAX_AD_HARMONICS;j++){
- if (Phmag[j]==64) continue;
- for (i=1;i<OSCIL_SIZE/2;i++){
- k=i*(j+1);if (k>OSCIL_SIZE/2) break;
- a=basefuncFFTfreqs[i];
- b=basefuncFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i];
- c=hmag[j]*cos(hphase[j]*k);
- d=hmag[j]*sin(hphase[j]*k);
- oscilFFTfreqs[k]+=a*c-b*d;
- oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-k]+=a*d+b*c;
- };
- };
- };
- if (Pharmonicshiftfirst!=0) shiftharmonics();
- if (Pfilterbeforews==0){
- waveshape();
- oscilfilter();
- } else {
- oscilfilter();
- waveshape();
- };
- modulation();
- spectrumadjust();
- if (Pharmonicshiftfirst==0) shiftharmonics();
- /* //normalize (sum or RMS) - the "Full RMS" normalisation is located in the "::get()" function
- if ((Pnormalizemethod==0)||(Pnormalizemethod==1)){
- REALTYPE sum=0;
- for (j=1;j<OSCIL_SIZE/2;j++) {
- REALTYPE term=oscilFFTfreqs[j]*oscilFFTfreqs[j]+oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-j]*oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-j];
- if (Pnormalizemethod==0) sum+=sqrt(term);
- else sum+=term;
- };
- if (sum<0.00000001) sum=1.0;
- if (Pnormalizemethod==1) sum=sqrt(sum)*2.0;
- sum*=0.5;
- for (j=1;j<OSCIL_SIZE;j++) oscilFFTfreqs[j]/=sum;
- };
- */
- oscilFFTfreqs[0]=0.0;//remove the DC
- if (ANTI_ALIAS==0) {
- //Perform the IFFT in case of Antialiasing is disabled
- for (i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) tmp[i]=oscilFFTfreqs[i];
- fft->freqs2smps(tmp,oscilFFTfreqs);
- //now the oscilFFTfreqs contains samples data in TIME-DOMAIN (despite it's name)
- delete(tmp);
- };
- oldhmagtype=Phmagtype;
- // oldnormalizemethod=Pnormalizemethod;
- oldharmonicshift=Pharmonicshift+Pharmonicshiftfirst*256;
- oscilprepared=1;
- };
- void OscilGen::adaptiveharmonic(REALTYPE *freqs,REALTYPE freq){
- if ((Padaptiveharmonics==0)||(freq<1.0)) return;
- for (int i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) {
- infreqs[i]=freqs[i];
- freqs[i]=0.0;
- };
- REALTYPE hc=0.0,hs=0.0;
- REALTYPE basefreq=30.0*pow(10.0,Padaptiveharmonicsbasefreq/128.0);
- REALTYPE power=(Padaptiveharmonicspower+1.0)/101.0;
- REALTYPE rap=freq/basefreq;
- rap=pow(rap,power);
- // printf("bf=%g (%d) pow=%g(%d)\n",basefreq,Padaptiveharmonicsbasefreq,power,Padaptiveharmonicspower);
- bool down=false;
- if (rap>1.0) {
- rap=1.0/rap;
- down=true;
- };
- for (int i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE/2-2;i++){
- REALTYPE h=i*rap;
- int high=(int)(i*rap);
- REALTYPE low=fmod(h,1.0);
- if (high>=(OSCIL_SIZE/2-2)){
- break;
- } else {
- if (down){
- freqs[high+1]+=infreqs[i+1];
- freqs[OSCIL_SIZE-high-1]+=infreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i-1];
- } else {
- hc=infreqs[high+1]*(1.0-low)+infreqs[high+2]*low;
- hs=infreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-high-1]*(1.0-low)+infreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-high-2]*low;
- };
- if (fabs(hc)<0.000001) hc=0.0;
- if (fabs(hs)<0.000001) hs=0.0;
- };
- if (!down){
- if (i==0) {//corect the aplitude of the first harmonic
- hc*=rap;
- hs*=rap;
- };
- freqs[i+1]=hc;
- freqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i-1]=hs;
- };
- };
- delete(infreqs);
- };
- /*
- * Get the oscillator function
- */
- short int OscilGen::get(REALTYPE *smps,REALTYPE freqHz){
- return(this->get(smps,freqHz,0));
- };
- void OscilGen::newrandseed(unsigned int randseed){
- this->randseed=randseed;
- };
- /*
- * Get the oscillator function
- */
- short int OscilGen::get(REALTYPE *smps,REALTYPE freqHz,int resonance){
- int i;
- int nyquist,outpos;
- if ((oldbasepar!=Pbasefuncpar)||(oldbasefunc!=Pcurrentbasefunc)||(oldhmagtype!=Phmagtype)
- ||(oldwaveshaping!=Pwaveshaping)||(oldwaveshapingfunction!=Pwaveshapingfunction)) oscilprepared=0;
- if (oldfilterpars!=Pfiltertype*256+Pfilterpar1+Pfilterpar2*65536+Pfilterbeforews*16777216){
- oscilprepared=0;
- oldfilterpars=Pfiltertype*256+Pfilterpar1+Pfilterpar2*65536+Pfilterbeforews*16777216;
- };
- if (oldsapars!=Psatype*256+Psapar){
- oscilprepared=0;
- oldsapars=Psatype*256+Psapar;
- };
- if ((oldbasefuncmodulation!=Pbasefuncmodulation)||
- (oldbasefuncmodulationpar1!=Pbasefuncmodulationpar1)||
- (oldbasefuncmodulationpar2!=Pbasefuncmodulationpar2)||
- (oldbasefuncmodulationpar3!=Pbasefuncmodulationpar3))
- oscilprepared=0;
- if ((oldmodulation!=Pmodulation)||
- (oldmodulationpar1!=Pmodulationpar1)||
- (oldmodulationpar2!=Pmodulationpar2)||
- (oldmodulationpar3!=Pmodulationpar3))
- oscilprepared=0;
- if (oldharmonicshift!=Pharmonicshift+Pharmonicshiftfirst*256) oscilprepared=0;
- if (oscilprepared!=1) prepare();
- outpos=(int)((RND*2.0-1.0)*(REALTYPE) OSCIL_SIZE*(Prand-64.0)/64.0);
- outpos=(outpos+2*OSCIL_SIZE) % OSCIL_SIZE;
- if (ANTI_ALIAS==0) {//Anti-Aliasing OFF
- for (i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) smps[i]=oscilFFTfreqs[i];
- if (Prand!=64) return(outpos);
- else return(0);
- };
- //Anti-Aliasing ON
- outoscilFFTfreqs=new REALTYPE[OSCIL_SIZE];
- for (i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) outoscilFFTfreqs[i]=0.0;
- nyquist=(int)(0.5*SAMPLE_RATE/fabs(freqHz))+2;
- if (ADvsPAD) nyquist=(int)(OSCIL_SIZE/2);
- if (nyquist>OSCIL_SIZE/2) nyquist=OSCIL_SIZE/2;
- int realnyquist=nyquist;
- if (Padaptiveharmonics!=0) nyquist=OSCIL_SIZE/2;
- for (i=1;i<nyquist-1;i++) {
- outoscilFFTfreqs[i]=oscilFFTfreqs[i];
- outoscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]=oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i];
- };
- adaptiveharmonic(outoscilFFTfreqs,freqHz);
- nyquist=realnyquist;
- if (Padaptiveharmonics){//do the antialiasing in the case of adaptive harmonics
- for (i=nyquist;i<OSCIL_SIZE/2;i++) {
- outoscilFFTfreqs[i]=0;
- outoscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]=0;
- };
- };
- // Randomness (each harmonic), the block type is computed
- // in ADnote by setting start position according to this setting
- if ((Prand>64)&&(freqHz>=0.0)&&(!ADvsPAD)){
- REALTYPE rnd,angle,a,b,c,d;
- rnd=PI*pow((Prand-64.0)/64.0,2.0);
- for (i=1;i<nyquist-1;i++){//to Nyquist only for AntiAliasing
- angle=rnd*i*RND;
- a=outoscilFFTfreqs[i];
- b=outoscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i];
- c=cos(angle);
- d=sin(angle);
- outoscilFFTfreqs[i]=a*c-b*d;
- outoscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]=a*d+b*c;
- };
- };
- //Harmonic Amplitude Randomness
- if ((freqHz>0.1)&&(!ADvsPAD)) {
- unsigned int realrnd=rand();
- srand(randseed);
- REALTYPE power=Pamprandpower/127.0;
- REALTYPE normalize=1.0/(1.2-power);
- switch (Pamprandtype){
- case 1: power=power*2.0-0.5;
- power=pow(15.0,power);
- for (i=1;i<nyquist-1;i++){
- // REALTYPE x=(i-1)/3.0;if (x>1.0) x=1.0;x*=x;
- REALTYPE amp=pow(RND,power)*normalize;
- // amp=1.0-x+amp*x;
- outoscilFFTfreqs[i]*=amp;
- outoscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]*=amp;
- };
- break;
- case 2: power=power*2.0-0.5;
- power=pow(15.0,power)*2.0;
- REALTYPE rndfreq=2*PI*RND;
- for (i=1;i<nyquist-1;i++){
- REALTYPE amp=pow(fabs(sin(i*rndfreq)),power)*normalize;
- outoscilFFTfreqs[i]*=amp;
- outoscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]*=amp;
- };
- break;
- };
- srand(realrnd+1);
- };
- if ((freqHz>0.1)&&(resonance!=0)) res->applyres(nyquist-1,outoscilFFTfreqs,freqHz);
- //Full RMS normalize
- REALTYPE sum=0;
- for (int j=1;j<OSCIL_SIZE/2;j++) {
- REALTYPE term=outoscilFFTfreqs[j]*outoscilFFTfreqs[j]+outoscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-j]*outoscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-j];
- sum+=term;
- };
- if (sum<0.000001) sum=1.0;
- sum=sqrt(sum);
- for (int j=1;j<OSCIL_SIZE;j++) outoscilFFTfreqs[j]/=sum;
- if ((ADvsPAD)&&(freqHz>0.1)){//in this case the smps will contain the freqs
- for (i=1;i<OSCIL_SIZE/2;i++) smps[i-1]=sqrt(outoscilFFTfreqs[i]*outoscilFFTfreqs[i]+outoscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]*outoscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]);
- } else {
- fft->freqs2smps(outoscilFFTfreqs,smps);
- for (i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) smps[i]*=0.25;//correct the amplitude
- };
- delete(outoscilFFTfreqs);
- outoscilFFTfreqs=NULL;
- if (Prand<64) return(outpos);
- else return(0);
- };
- /*
- * Get the spectrum of the oscillator for the UI
- */
- void OscilGen::getspectrum(int n, REALTYPE *spc,int what){
- if (n>OSCIL_SIZE/2) n=OSCIL_SIZE/2;
- for (int i=1;i<n;i++){
- if (what==0){
- if (ANTI_ALIAS==0) spc[i-1]=0.0;//there is no spectrum available
- else spc[i-1]=sqrt(oscilFFTfreqs[i]*oscilFFTfreqs[i]+
- oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]*oscilFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]);
- } else {
- if (Pcurrentbasefunc==0) spc[i-1]=((i==1)?(1.0):(0.0));
- else spc[i-1]=sqrt(basefuncFFTfreqs[i]*basefuncFFTfreqs[i]+
- basefuncFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]*basefuncFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]);
- };
- };
- }
- /*
- * Convert the oscillator as base function
- */
- void OscilGen::useasbase(){
- int i;
- if (Pcurrentbasefunc==0) basefuncFFTfreqs=new REALTYPE[OSCIL_SIZE];
- for (i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) basefuncFFTfreqs[i]=oscilFFTfreqs[i];
- oldbasefunc=Pcurrentbasefunc=127;
- prepare();
- };
- /*
- * Get the base function for UI
- */
- void OscilGen::getcurrentbasefunction(REALTYPE *smps){
- if (Pcurrentbasefunc!=0) {
- for (int i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) smps[i]=basefuncFFTfreqs[i];
- fft->freqs2smps(smps,NULL);
- } else getbasefunction(smps);//the sine case
- };
- void OscilGen::add2XML(XMLwrapper *xml){
- xml->addpar("harmonic_mag_type",Phmagtype);
- xml->addpar("base_function",Pcurrentbasefunc);
- xml->addpar("base_function_par",Pbasefuncpar);
- xml->addpar("base_function_modulation",Pbasefuncmodulation);
- xml->addpar("base_function_modulation_par1",Pbasefuncmodulationpar1);
- xml->addpar("base_function_modulation_par2",Pbasefuncmodulationpar2);
- xml->addpar("base_function_modulation_par3",Pbasefuncmodulationpar3);
- xml->addpar("modulation",Pmodulation);
- xml->addpar("modulation_par1",Pmodulationpar1);
- xml->addpar("modulation_par2",Pmodulationpar2);
- xml->addpar("modulation_par3",Pmodulationpar3);
- xml->addpar("wave_shaping",Pwaveshaping);
- xml->addpar("wave_shaping_function",Pwaveshapingfunction);
- xml->addpar("filter_type",Pfiltertype);
- xml->addpar("filter_par1",Pfilterpar1);
- xml->addpar("filter_par2",Pfilterpar2);
- xml->addpar("filter_before_wave_shaping",Pfilterbeforews);
- xml->addpar("spectrum_adjust_type",Psatype);
- xml->addpar("spectrum_adjust_par",Psapar);
- xml->addpar("rand",Prand);
- xml->addpar("amp_rand_type",Pamprandtype);
- xml->addpar("amp_rand_power",Pamprandpower);
- xml->addpar("harmonic_shift",Pharmonicshift);
- xml->addparbool("harmonic_shift_first",Pharmonicshiftfirst);
- xml->addpar("adaptive_harmonics",Padaptiveharmonics);
- xml->addpar("adaptive_harmonics_base_frequency",Padaptiveharmonicsbasefreq);
- xml->addpar("adaptive_harmonics_power",Padaptiveharmonicspower);
- xml->beginbranch("HARMONICS");
- for (int n=0;n<MAX_AD_HARMONICS;n++){
- if ((Phmag[n]==64)&&(Phphase[n]==64)) continue;
- xml->beginbranch("HARMONIC",n+1);
- xml->addpar("mag",Phmag[n]);
- xml->addpar("phase",Phphase[n]);
- xml->endbranch();
- };
- xml->endbranch();
- if (Pcurrentbasefunc==127){
- REALTYPE max=0.0;
- for (int i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) if (max<fabs(basefuncFFTfreqs[i])) max=fabs(basefuncFFTfreqs[i]);
- if (max<0.00000001) max=1.0;
- xml->beginbranch("BASE_FUNCTION");
- for (int i=1;i<OSCIL_SIZE/2;i++){
- REALTYPE xc=basefuncFFTfreqs[i]/max;
- REALTYPE xs=basefuncFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]/max;
- if ((fabs(xs)>0.00001)&&(fabs(xs)>0.00001)){
- xml->beginbranch("BF_HARMONIC",i);
- xml->addparreal("cos",xc);
- xml->addparreal("sin",xs);
- xml->endbranch();
- };
- };
- xml->endbranch();
- };
- };
- void OscilGen::getfromXML(XMLwrapper *xml){
- Phmagtype=xml->getpar127("harmonic_mag_type",Phmagtype);
- Pcurrentbasefunc=xml->getpar127("base_function",Pcurrentbasefunc);
- Pbasefuncpar=xml->getpar127("base_function_par",Pbasefuncpar);
- Pbasefuncmodulation=xml->getpar127("base_function_modulation",Pbasefuncmodulation);
- Pbasefuncmodulationpar1=xml->getpar127("base_function_modulation_par1",Pbasefuncmodulationpar1);
- Pbasefuncmodulationpar2=xml->getpar127("base_function_modulation_par2",Pbasefuncmodulationpar2);
- Pbasefuncmodulationpar3=xml->getpar127("base_function_modulation_par3",Pbasefuncmodulationpar3);
- Pmodulation=xml->getpar127("modulation",Pmodulation);
- Pmodulationpar1=xml->getpar127("modulation_par1",Pmodulationpar1);
- Pmodulationpar2=xml->getpar127("modulation_par2",Pmodulationpar2);
- Pmodulationpar3=xml->getpar127("modulation_par3",Pmodulationpar3);
- Pwaveshaping=xml->getpar127("wave_shaping",Pwaveshaping);
- Pwaveshapingfunction=xml->getpar127("wave_shaping_function",Pwaveshapingfunction);
- Pfiltertype=xml->getpar127("filter_type",Pfiltertype);
- Pfilterpar1=xml->getpar127("filter_par1",Pfilterpar1);
- Pfilterpar2=xml->getpar127("filter_par2",Pfilterpar2);
- Pfilterbeforews=xml->getpar127("filter_before_wave_shaping",Pfilterbeforews);
- Psatype=xml->getpar127("spectrum_adjust_type",Psatype);
- Psapar=xml->getpar127("spectrum_adjust_par",Psapar);
- Prand=xml->getpar127("rand",Prand);
- Pamprandtype=xml->getpar127("amp_rand_type",Pamprandtype);
- Pamprandpower=xml->getpar127("amp_rand_power",Pamprandpower);
- Pharmonicshift=xml->getpar("harmonic_shift",Pharmonicshift,-64,64);
- Pharmonicshiftfirst=xml->getparbool("harmonic_shift_first",Pharmonicshiftfirst);
- Padaptiveharmonics=xml->getpar("adaptive_harmonics",Padaptiveharmonics,0,127);
- Padaptiveharmonicsbasefreq=xml->getpar("adaptive_harmonics_base_frequency",Padaptiveharmonicsbasefreq,0,255);
- Padaptiveharmonicspower=xml->getpar("adaptive_harmonics_power",Padaptiveharmonicspower,0,100);
- if (xml->enterbranch("HARMONICS")){
- Phmag[0]=64;Phphase[0]=64;
- for (int n=0;n<MAX_AD_HARMONICS;n++){
- if (xml->enterbranch("HARMONIC",n+1)==0) continue;
- Phmag[n]=xml->getpar127("mag",64);
- Phphase[n]=xml->getpar127("phase",64);
- xml->exitbranch();
- };
- xml->exitbranch();
- };
- if (Pcurrentbasefunc!=0) changebasefunction();
- if (xml->enterbranch("BASE_FUNCTION")){
- for (int i=1;i<OSCIL_SIZE/2;i++){
- if (xml->enterbranch("BF_HARMONIC",i)){
- basefuncFFTfreqs[i]=xml->getparreal("cos",0.0);
- basefuncFFTfreqs[OSCIL_SIZE-i]=xml->getparreal("sin",0.0);
- xml->exitbranch();
- };
- };
- xml->exitbranch();
- REALTYPE max=0.0;
- basefuncFFTfreqs[0]=0.0;
- for (int i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) if (max<fabs(basefuncFFTfreqs[i])) max=fabs(basefuncFFTfreqs[i]);
- if (max<0.00000001) max=1.0;
- for (int i=0;i<OSCIL_SIZE;i++) if (basefuncFFTfreqs[i]) basefuncFFTfreqs[i]/=max;
- };
- };