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▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌¡¬¬¬¬¡¡¡·▌▌▌▌▌·▀▌▌·▀┌ werf▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¡▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌;table error.;=▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌able Doctor provides▌▌▌▌┘ useful ¬¬¬¬¡ions: such as;backup partition tabm▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ table.;So much ╤s, it perm ²▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ Tabj╝Ωú33333333333333333333333330usef}▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▄╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠, set password for harddisk, unlock;harddi}▌▌▌view s╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠r╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠ctors, fill sectors , and so on. · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ ²▀²▀▀ · ▀ #D║¼ñVz▌▌ ²▀ ▌▀ ²▀ ▌▌▀ ▌ ²▌ ²▀ ²▀ ▌ ²▀¡»▌ Short View:;; Partition Table Doctor( PTD ) is a powerful recovery tool for your; harddisk partition tables, it automatically checks and repairs partition;table error.;; Partition Table Doctor provides very useful functions: such as;backup partition table, restore partition table, rebuild partition table.;So much as, it permits you to configure every parameter of the;partition table.;; In addition, Partition Table Doctor provides some other useful;functions: check partition, active partition, hide partition, scandisk,;rebuild MBR(Master Boot Record), set password for harddisk, unlock;harddisk, view sectors, edit sectors, backup sectors to file,;restore file to sectors, copy sectors, fill sectors, and so on. · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ ²▀²▀▀ · ▀ #D║¼ñVz▌▌ ²▀ ▌▀ ²▀ ▌▌▀ ▌ ²▌ ²▀ ²▀ ▌ ²▀¡»▌ Notes for Using And Running:;; You'd better run Partition Table Doctor under pure MS DOS environment,; because partition operations are independent of operating systems and; very 'low level', some function such as fill sectors only run under; pure MS DOS environment.;; Of course, you can run Partition Table Doctor under the MS DOS; prompted window in WINDOWS 9x or WINDOWS ME. To execute Partition; Table Doctor, just type 'ptd' at MS DOS command prompt or double hit; ptd.exe using mouse in the path of Partition Table Doctor. Also you ; can use mouse to choose 'Create Emergency Disk' from 'General' menu; to run ptd under pure MS DOS environment.;; When restore partition table to harddisk, the master boot sector will ; be overwrote. So you should 'Disable' the 'Anti Virus' option in BIOS; setup.;; When running, the partitions circumstantiality will be displayed; using chart and tables. The cylinder diagram in the top displays; all allocated partitions' position and size.;; The type and other detail parameters of partitions are listed in; a table on the middle of screen. About the meanings of these parameters,; please refer to 'About Partition Table' of Help files.;; Before operating on a partition you must select it first. To select; a partition, just click on the partition in the diagram or in the; table use mouse. And also you can use Up or Down key for selecting.;; In order to prevent mistakes, all operations except restore file; to sectors, copy sectors, fill sectors are not wrote to harddisk; immediately. They are saved in memory buffer instead.;; While complete and there are no errors, you can send out a 'apply'; command use CtrL+S key or select 'Save' from menu 'General'. Then;Partition Table Doctor write all your operations to harddisk one-off. · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ Notes for the shareware version:;; You can order the shareware version of this program by using the; online shop on the Internet.;; O R D E R :;; Licence(s) Partition Table Doctor each US$ 35.00;; All other ordering details and prices can be found on the order.txt;; Updates of the shareware version may be downloaded from the Internet; whenever they become available. Currently, all updates are free!;; Partition Table Doctor, Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by PTDD Group · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ ²▀²▀▀ · ▀ #D║¼ñVz▌▌ ²▀ ▌▀ ²▀ ▌▌▀ ▌ ²▌ ²▀ ²▀ ▌ ²▀¡»▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ ²▀²▀▀ · ▀ #D║¼ñVz▌▌ ²▀ ▌▀ ²▀ ▌▌▀ Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by PTDD Group. All rights reserved.;; Internet:;; http://www.ptdd.com/;; Windows is a registered trademark owned by Microsoft Corporation.;; All other mentioned trademarks can be registered trademarks of their; respective owners.;; Distribution of materials of this Help both in original and/or edited; form in published form (book) is forbidden unless a special written; permission from the author is obtained.THIS DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED; IS THERE ARE NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED OBLIGATIONS, CONFIRMATIONS OR; WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THOSE RELATED TO SOFTWARE MARKETABILITY AND; SUITABILITY FOR ANY SPECIFIC PURPOSES, TO THE DEGREE OF SUCH LIMITED; LIABILITY APPLICABLE BY LAW.;; This program is delivered together with a limited version of FreeDOS.; To be exact, it is possible to create a boot disk using this program; together with FreeDOS.;; This program does not use any function or functionality of FreeDOS.; The copyright of this program has no connection with the copyright; of FreeDOS. The rights of use of this program have no connection with; the rights of use of FreeDOS.;; FreeDOS is a completely independent and different program and is; subject to the general rights of use and the General Public Licenses;(GPL).;; Source code to FreeDOS is available: either write to us for a copy of; the kernel source code that we used, or visit http://www.freedos.org/ to; download the latest version of FreeDOS! · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ Frequently Asked Question( FAQ ):;; Ask:; Does Partition Table Doctor support all the hardware?;; Answer:; The Partition Table Doctor basically supports every Hardware.; However, some hardware products have inherent errors, which become; noticeable when using the PartitionTableDoctor:;; More details see Problems with Hardware;;; Ask:; Does Partition Table Doctor support all the operating systems / file;systems?;; Answer:; Yes, Partition Table Doctor functions independently from the operating; or file systems! A few operating systems, however, have some limitations,; which need to be observed when using the Partition Table Doctor:;; More details see Problems with operating systems / file systems;;; Ask:; Is it possible for Partition Table Doctor to manage one operating; system(s) together with another operating system(s)?;; Answer:; Yes, the Partition Table Doctor can manage individual operating systems; completely separate. Therefore, every individual operating system works; with every other operating system.;;; Ask:; I worked on WINDOWS XP, how can I use Partition Table Doctor?;; Answer:; Run ptd.exe under WINDOWS XP, and insert an empty floppy to drive A,; after 'Create Emergency Disk', run pcopy.bat.;;; Ask:; What's the difference between Fill sectors on partition and Fill sectors?;; Answer:; Fill sectors on partition will fill sectors on one partition. Fill sectors; will fill any sectors on harddisk, just enter absolute start sector and; count, so you could fill whole harddisk with zero.;;; Ask:; Is tech support free?;; Answer:; Yes! It's free for all.;;; Ask:; I have more questions - who should I write to?;; Answer:; Please send your additional questions to techsupport@ptdd.com.;;; Ask:; I have tested the Demo version of the Partition Table Doctor and; now would like to purchase it. How do I do that?;; Answer:; You can use an online shop. You will receive your registration key faster; that way.;;; Ask:; How do I get updates of the Partition Table Doctor?;; Answer:; Current updates of the Partition Table Doctor are (only) obtainable via; the Internet. Currently, all updates are free!;;; Ask:; I have lost my registration key. Can you send me my key again?;; Answer:; please email us at registrationproblems@ptdd.com. Please include your; name, address, email address, and order confirmation number; (if you have it). We will be happy to help you. · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ · ▀ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ Notes For Problem / Solution:;;;; Problem with Hardware:;;; Problem:;; Error:The BIOS cannot support Interrupt 13 Extensions;; Solution:;; Firmware Update to version 1.23 or higher;;; Problem:;; BIOS with Anti-Virus Options (Almost All BIOS);; Solution:;; You should 'Disable' the 'Anti Virus' option in BIOS setup.;; Problem:;; Warning after which a program tries to modify the master boot record.; This is most likely a virus.;; Solution:;; This might be a message from an anti-virus program: The Partition; Table Doctor modifies the master boot record. That is the reason why; some anti-virus programs erroneously report this as a virus. Please; permit the modification if you want Partition Table Doctor modify the; partition table.;;;; Problem with Software:;;; Problem:;; Error:cannot allocate more memory;; Program is too big to fit in memory;; Solution:;; Restart computer and use Partition Table Doctor;;; Problem:;; Cannot use mouse under pure MSDOS;; Solution:;; Edit config.sys and autoexec.bat, here are examples in the path of; Partition Table Doctor installation(e.g., c:\ptd\Win98 and; c:\ptd\Dos6.22). But we strongly suggest if you want to run Partition; Table Doctor under pure MSDOS, you'd better use 'Emergency Disk'. Also; you could run ctmouse.exe under pure MSDOS before run Partition Table; Doctor.;;; Problem:;; Set password for harddisk trouble with some bootstrap programs;; Solution:;; Set password for harddisk has no conflicts with NT loader, Lilo, Grub; , System Commander. Set password for harddisk is trouble with BootStar,; SmartBootManger.;;; Problem with Operating systems:;;; Problem:;; The Partition Table Doctor cannot run under Windows NT/2000/XP;; Solution:;; You should create emergency disk to run ptd under pure MS DOS; environment. After 'Create Emergency Disk' under Windows NT/2000/XP,; donnot forget run pcopy.bat to copy freedos kernel files. · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ · ▀ Menu: General;;;; Reload:;; Press 'Ctrl+L' key or select 'Reload' from 'General' menu. Reload means; restart Partition Table Doctor.;; Reports:;; Press 'Ctrl+P' key or select 'Reports' from 'General' menu. You should; input a file name for the reports of your harddisk partition table. The; reports contains details of harddisk informatition and Cylinder/Head/; Sector parameters of each partition on one harddisk.;; Save:;; Press 'Ctrl+S' key or select 'Save' from 'General' menu. In order to; prevent mistakes, all operations except restore file to sectors, copy; sectors, fill sectors are not wrote to harddisk immediately. They are; saved in memory buffer instead. If you want to save modification, We; strongly suggest you should save modification before exit.;; Create Emergency Disk:;; Press 'Ctrl+D' key or select 'Create Emergency Disk' from 'General'; menu. You shoud insert an empty 1.44M floppy disk. We strongly suggest; you Create Emergency Disk when you first run Partition Table Doctor.; The Emergency Disk contains partition tables of your harddisks.; Backup is better than recovery!;; Exit:;; Press 'Alt+F4' key or select 'Exit' from 'General' menu. If you have; modified the partition table, Partition Table Doctor will automatically; detect the modification, but We strongly suggest you should save; modification before exit if you want. After save modification, you should; reboot immediately. If you run Partition Table Doctor under MS DOS,; Partition Table Doctor will reboot immediately, but if you run Partition; Table Doctor under WINDOWS 9x or WINDOWS ME, you could choose; Start->Close system to reboot computer immediately.;; · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ Menu: Partition;;;; Edit properties:;; Move cursor to the partition you want to configure, use mouse to; select 'Edit properties' from 'Partition' menu or press 'Enter' key,; or double hit the partition you want to configure. A configuration; dialog will be displayed on screen. Move cursor to the parameter you; want to change. Then type its value. Select 'OK' to complete the; change or 'Cancel' to give up.;; Check properties:;; Partition Table Doctor will automatically check all parameters when; loading or updating partition table. To check it manually, just press; 'F4' key or select 'Check properties' from 'Partition' menu.;; Active partition:;; Move cursor to the partition you want to activate, press 'Space' key; or select 'Active partition' from 'Partition' menu. Only one Primary; partition must be activated. Logic partition also could be activated. To; unactivate one logic partition, press 'Space' key again.;; Hide partition:;; Move cursor to the partition you want to hide, press 'F5' key, or; select 'Hide partition' from 'Partition' menu. To unhide it, press 'F5'; key again. Hide partition only support FAT16/FAT32/NTFS file system.;; · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ Menu: Operations:;;;; Backup partition table:;; In order to backup your partition table to a file, press 'F1' key; or select 'Backup partition table' from 'Operations' menu, then enter; the filename you want backup to.;; Restore partition table:;; To restore the partition table from a backup file, press 'F2' key; or select 'Restore partition table' from 'Operations' menu, then enter; the filename you want restore to harddisk. There are two choice: 'Disk':; restore file directly to harddisk. Warning: This operations could not be; recovery !;; If you are not sure about your backup file, we strongly suggest you; choose 'VirtualDisk' choice , this choice uses memory instead. So you; can confirm that the partition table is just which you want and apply; the partition table by press 'Ctrl+S' key or select 'Save' from 'General'; menu later. But if you choose 'VirtualDisk', boot sector of every; partition will not be wrote !;; Rebuild partition table:;; If partition table was destroyed by virus or other reasons, this; function can help you to rebuild the partition table by searching the; boot record information of every partition. The searching process can; run with 'Auto' mode or 'Interactive' mode. Auto mode will automatically; save every partition found. That's, you need not control the searching; process. This mode is the same with most situation.;; While, Interactive mode allows you to select 'Yes' or 'No' for each; partition Partition Table Doctor found. When the partition table rebuilt; by Auto mode is not correct, you can try Interactive mode. In searching; process, the searched partitions will be displayed on screen in time. But; Partition Table Doctor will not automatically save the rebuild result; when complete. So, you can search time after time till the correct; partition table is rebuilt. The "Rebuild" function item is under; 'Operations' menu.;; Set password for harddisk:;; Set password for harddisk realize direct physical disk access and IO; port. Set password for harddisk encrypt partition table, and rewrite MBR; (master boot record), User must enter the correct password to decrypt; partition table and start the system. Maximum password length of support; 8 characters.;; When harddisk locked, you cannot use floppy or cdrom boot the; system. It's a safe for encrypt disk and protect privacy. This feature is; designed for PC and Microsoft operator system.;; If you want to change or remove password for harddisk, you must enter; old password.;; Please remember your password clearly as possible as you can! If you; forget password, it's very difficult to unlock system !;; Rebuild MBR (Master Boot Record):;; Use this function to manually rebuild the master boot record (located; on cylinder 0, head 0 and sector 1) when it was destroyed and the; computer couldn't boot from it. Partition Table Doctor will check and; rebuild the MBR automatically.;; Scandisk:;; This function is used for checking bad sectors on one harddisk.; It checks partitions not by 'clusters' and doesn't labeled out the bad; sectors on FAT(FAT32) partition. Partition Table Doctor will check every; sectors and display when it found a bad track (head). While complete,; a bad sectors list file 'scandisk.txt' will be created.;; Unlock harddisk:;; This function is used for unlock harddisk which had been locked even; if use bootable floppy or cdrom cannot boot system. You shoud insert; an empty 1.44M floppy disk.;; · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ Menu: Sector;;;; Edit sector:;; You can view and edit ANY sectors on your harddisk by Partition Table; Doctor. Press 'Ctrl+F1' key or select 'Edit Sector' from 'Sector' menu,; The 'Edit sector' window will be displayed. The first sector of current; partition will be displayed by default. To view other sectors, just set; the position of the sectors. Use 'Tab' key or mouse to move cursor to; 'Cylinder', or 'Head', or 'Sector' or 'Absolute' field then enter a; value. The sector pointed by the cylinder, head and sector will be; displayed immediately. Using 'Page Up' or 'Page Down' keys, you; can view other sectors forth and back.;; If you want to edit sector, Press 'Insert' key or use mouse to hit; any position on current sector, then enter HEX value. 'Edit sector'; donnot directly edit sector on hardddisk( use memory instead ).; If you want to save modification on sector immediately, press 'Ctrl+H'; key to save modification on sector. Press 'Esc' key or use mouse to; move cursor to 'Cylinder', or 'Head', or 'Sector' or 'Absolute' field; or buttons on 'Edit sector' window to leave 'Edit'. If modification; has occured on current sector, the 'Save to sector' dialog will be; displayed, you can choose 'Yes' or 'No'.;; In addition, you can save some of the sectors started from current; sector into a file. Enter start absolute sector and count, file name.; But you must save sectors to files on drive A.;; Also you can restore file to sectors, just enter start absolute; sector and count, file name.;; If you want fill sectors, just enter start absolute sector and count,; use this function you can fill whole harddisk with 0. Fill sectors only; run pure MS DOS environment.;; Copy sector:;; This function can copy some sectors to another position on one; harddisk. For example, you may copy the backup boot sectors of a FAT32; partition to the destroyed boot records for recovering. To copy, you; must enter source and destination position sectors and the number; of sectors want to be copied. The maximum of number sectors is 2000.;; Fill sectors on partition:;; This function can fill all sectors on current partition with 0. Fill; sectors on partition only run pure MS DOS environment.;; · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» Menu: View;;;; Harddisk Parameters:;; This function display size( GB ), cylinder, head, sector of current; harddisk.;; Dec( Hex ):;; For convenience, the parameters for partition table are displayed by; Partition Table Doctor are in decimal numbers by default. The menu item; 'Dec( Hex )' under 'View' menu is used for changing between hex and; decimal display. · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ Menu: Help:;;; Registration:;; This menu item is only in the shareware version available!;; Here you can type in your registration key, which you will receive; after ordering. This registration key always consists of an 'User name'; and a 'Registration code'.;; Only after the registration is complete is it possible to use the; program without limitations and/or restrictions.;; All future installations performed with this program (EXE file); will be executable afterwards without any restrictions as well.;; Partition Table Doctor, Copyright 2002-2003 by PTDD Group · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ Command Options:;;;; Uh:;; Uh is short for Unlock harddisk.;; This function is used for unlock harddisk which had been locked even; if use bootable floppy or cdrom cannot boot system. You shoud insert; an empty 1.44M floppy disk.;; Mbr:;; Use this function to manually rebuild the master boot record (located; on cylinder 0, head 0 and sector 1) when it was destroyed and the; computer couldn't boot from it. Partition Table Doctor will check and; rebuild the MBR automatically.;; For example: ptd /mbr ( default harddisk1 );; ptd /mbr hd2 ( for harddisk2 ) · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ Change Harddisk:;;;; Use mouse to hit the Disk drop-down list on the toolbar, and choose; harddisk which you want.;; Also press 'Tab' key between the Disk drop-down list and table,; Press 'Enter' key and then Press 'Up' or 'Down' key to choose; harddisk you want.;; Partition Table Doctor support four harddisks. · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ About Partition Table:;;;; Partition is a piece of disk space marked to belong to some operating; system. Partition table is located in the first sector (cylinder 0,; head 0 and sector 1) of every harddisk. It has information about sizes; and locations of partitions on harddisk. The partition information is; started on offset 1BEH of master boot sector. Each partition entry is; 16 bytes long. The total partition table is 64 bytes long. Then; partition table is limited to maximum 4 entries. That's, there are; maximum 4 partitions, called primary partition, can be created on; harddisk.;; But many people want to create more than 4 partitions. The extended; partition is designed for this. Master extended partition is a primary; partition. Differ from other partitions, the first sector of extended; partition is not a boot sector, but another partition table, called; logical partition table.;; Commonly, there are only two partition entries in logical partition; table. One points to a partition, called logical partition. And the; boundary of this logical partition must be limited in the extended; partition. The other entry, if needed, of the extended partition; table points to next logical partition table. Similarly, its boundary; is limited in its parents extended partition. The next logical partition; table may has two partition entries too. The one points to a logical; partition. The other points to another logical partition table and the; rest may be deduced by analogy. Therefore, many partitions could be; created in extended partition.;; Now let us have a look on the layout of a partition entry.; The 16 bytes of one entry are as follows:;; OFFSET BYTE DESCRIPTION;; 0 1 Boot label. Tell computer to boot from this partition;; 1 1 Starting head;; 2 1 Lower 6 bits(bit 0 to bit 5) is starting sector.; Higher 2 bits(bit 6 to bit 7) is the higher bits of starting cylinder;; 3 1 The lower 8 bits of starting cylinder;; 4 1 Partition type;; 5 1 Ending head;; 6 1 Lower 6 bits(bit 0 to bit 5) is ending sector.; Higher 2 bits(bit 6 to bit 7) is the higher bits of ending cylinder;; 7 1 The lower 8 bits of ending cylinder;; 8 4 Leading sectors of this partition;; 12 4 Number of sectors of this partition;; a) Boot label (offset 0):;; Most disks have one primary partition, but some people want to have; more than one operating system on their computers and therefore, have; to create other primary partitions. In order to tell the computer which; operating system is ready to boot from, one 'Active' partition is needed.; That's why partition table always keeps an indicator of the currently; 'Active' partition - the one from which the computer boots. In Partition; Table Doctor, the active partition is figured out by 'Act' with 'Yes'.;; b) Starting position (offset 1-3):;; Describes the partition's starting position, the cylinder, the head and; the sector. Also called starting CHS.;; starting head = (OFFSET 1);; starting sector = (OFFSET 2) & 0x3f;; starting cylinder = (((OFFSET 2) & 0xc0)<<2)|(OFFSET 3);; c) Partition type (offset 4):;; Indicate what file system is in the partition. For example, 06 or 0E; indicates a FAT file system. 0B or 0C indicates a FAT32 file system. 07; indicates NTFS or OS/2 HPFS file system.;; d) Ending position (offset 5-7):;; Describes the partition's ending position, the cylinder, the head and; the sector. Also called ending CHS.;; e) Leading sectors (offset 8-11):;; The number of sectors before this partition. If we count all sectors; on hard disk sequentially from zero, this field will exactly point to the; first sector of this partition.;; f) Number of sectors (offset 12-15):;; The total number of sectors on this partition. So the size of this; partition will be (Number of sectors)*512/1048576 MB. Liability / Warranty:;;;; If this program is used improperly, it may result in the irretrievable; destruction of all data on your harddisk!;; It is thus absolutely necessary to create a backup before using the; Partition Table Doctor. According to the ruling by the district court; Konstanz 1 S 292/95 from May 10 1997, daily data backup is reasonable; and can be expected!;; Thus, any responsibility or liability for any losses or damages is not; accepted! UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES!;; The software can be evaluated before the actual purchase. The software; is provided as is without warranty of any kind. Any rights for; modifications or follow-up corrections do not exist.;; Should you find any errors, please let our support staff know and we; will try to correct the error within a few days.;; Any bug notifications will be rewarded with a free registration key!;; The Partition Table Doctor is delivered together with a limited version; of FreeDOS.;; FreeDOS is a completely independent and different program. FreeDOS is; freeware and does not grant any warranty claims.;;; More about FreeDOS on the Internet at: http://www.freedos.org/;; Partition Table Doctor, Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by PTDD Group. · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀ √ ▌▌▀²▌ ⁿ¬¬¬» ²▌ · ▀