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- Partition Table Doctor, Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by PTDD Group
- *** Short View ***
- Partition Table Doctor( PTD ) is a powerful recovery tool
- for your harddisk partition tables, it automatically checks
- and repairs partition table error.
- Partition Table Doctor provides very useful functions: such
- as backup partition table, restore partition table, rebuild
- partition table. So much as, it permits you to configure every
- parameter of the partition table. In addition, Partition Table
- Doctor provides some other useful functions: check partition,
- active partition, hide partition, scandisk, rebuild MBR(Master Boot Record),
- set password for harddisk, unlock harddisk, view sectors,
- edit sectors, backup sectors to file, restore file to sectors,
- copy sectors, fill sectors, and so on.
- *** Notes for Using And Running ***
- You"d better run Partition Table Doctor under pure MS DOS
- environment, because partition operations are independent of
- operating systems and very "low level", some function such as
- fill sectors only run under pure MS DOS environment.
- Of course, you can run Partition Table Doctor under the MS DOS
- prompted window in WINDOWS 9x or WINDOWS ME. To execute Partition
- Table Doctor, just type "ptd" at MS DOS command prompt or double
- hit ptd.exe using mouse in the path of Partition Table Doctor.
- Also you can use mouse to choose "Create Emergency Disk" from
- "General" menu to run ptd under pure MS DOS environment.
- When restore partition table to harddisk, the master boot
- sector will be overwrote. So you should "Disable" the "Anti Virus"
- option in BIOS setup.
- When running, the partitions circumstantiality will be displayed
- using chart and tables. The cylinder diagram in the top displays
- all allocated partitions' position and size.
- The type and other detail parameters of partitions are listed
- in a table on the middle of screen. About the meanings of these
- parameters, please refer to "About Partition Table" of Help files.
- Before operating on a partition you must select it first. To
- select a partition, just click on the partition in the diagram
- or in the table use mouse. And also you can use Up or Down key
- for selecting.
- In order to prevent mistakes, all operations except restore
- file to sectors, copy sectors, fill sectors are not wrote to
- harddisk immediately. They are saved in memory buffer instead.
- While complete and there are no errors, you can send out a "apply"
- command use CtrL+S key or select "Save" from menu "General".
- Then Partition Table Doctor write all your operations to harddisk one-off.
- The Partition Table Doctor will be given in a packed ZIP-file (Ptddemo.zip).
- This file enclosed the following files.
- Ptd.exe Program
- Ptd.hlp Help file for Program under Dos
- Ptd.bin Ptd binary files
- Ctmouse.exe Mouse Driver for Pure Dos Environment
- Pcopy.bat Create Emergency Disk under Windows NT/2000/XP, run pcopy.bat
- to copy freedos kernel files.
- Win98/Dos622 Examples for config.sys and autoexec.bat files
- ReadMe.txt Brief description of this program
- Order.txt Order form for orders via mail
- *** Order ***
- You can order the shareware version of this program by using the;
- online shop on the Internet.
- O R D E R :
- Licence(s) Partition Table Doctor each US$ 35.00
- All other ordering details and prices can be found on the order.txt
- Updates of the shareware version may be downloaded from the Internet
- whenever they become available. Currently, all updates are free!
- Partition Table Doctor, Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by PTDD Group
- *** Copyright ***
- Internet:
- http://www.ptdd.com/
- Windows is a registered trademark owned by Microsoft Corporation.
- All other mentioned trademarks can be registered trademarks of their
- respective owners.
- Distribution of materials of this Help both in original and/or edited
- form in published form (book) is forbidden unless a special written
- permission from the author is obtained.THIS DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED
- This program is delivered together with a limited version of FreeDOS.
- To be exact, it is possible to create a boot disk using this program
- together with FreeDOS.
- This program does not use any function or functionality of FreeDOS.
- The copyright of this program has no connection with the copyright
- of FreeDOS. The rights of use of this program have no connection with
- the rights of use of FreeDOS.
- FreeDOS is a completely independent and different program and is
- subject to the general rights of use and the General Public Licenses(GPL).
- Source code to FreeDOS is available: either write to us for a copy of
- the kernel source code that we used, or visit http://www.freedos.org/ to
- download the latest version of FreeDOS!
- *** Liability / Warranty ***
- If this program is used improperly, it may result in the irretrievable
- destruction of all data on your harddisk!
- It is thus absolutely necessary to create a backup before using the
- Partition Table Doctor. According to the ruling by the district court
- Konstanz 1 S 292/95 from May 10 1997, daily data backup is reasonable
- and can be expected!
- Thus, any responsibility or liability for any losses or damages is not
- The software can be evaluated before the actual purchase. The software
- is provided as is without warranty of any kind. Any rights for
- modifications or follow-up corrections do not exist.
- Should you find any errors, please let our support staff know and we
- will try to correct the error within a few days.
- Any bug notifications will be rewarded with a free registration key!
- The Partition Table Doctor is delivered together with a limited version
- of FreeDOS.
- FreeDOS is a completely independent and different program. FreeDOS is
- freeware and does not grant any warranty claims.
- More about FreeDOS on the Internet at: http://www.freedos.org/
- Partition Table Doctor, Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by PTDD Group.