Chip 2004 April
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630 lines
* NNTP-Abstraction class
* Author: Markus Schabel <markus.schabel@tgm.ac.at>
* TODO check if the calls of imap_*() have finished without problems and
* do something if an error occoured.
* TODO re-implement the postMessage function to use the imap functions
* and to return the message-id of the posted message so that we are able
* to display a thread if we just started one...
* TODO document nntp->postMessage() and the class nntpMessage
class nntpMessage {
// This variable is an array which stores the name and the email address
// of the sender of the message.
var $sender;
var $subject;
var $server;
var $groups;
var $id;
var $long_id;
var $timestamp;
var $lines;
var $references;
var $in_reply_to;
var $content;
var $body;
var $answers;
var $depth;
function nntpMessage( $nntp, $id ) {
$this->id = $id;
$head = imap_fetchheader( $nntp, $id, FT_UID|FT_PREFETCHTEXT );
if ( $head == "" ) {
// Message does not exist on the server!
$this = NULL;
return NULL;
$this->body = quoted_printable_decode( chop( imap_fetchbody( $nntp, $id, '1', FT_UID ) ) );
$head = str_replace( "\r\n ", "", $head );
$headers = explode( "\r\n", $head );
unset( $head );
foreach ( $headers as $header ) {
$headerinfo = explode( ": ", $header, 2 );
if ( count( $headerinfo ) == 2 ) {
if ( $headerinfo[0] == "From" ) {
$from = preg_split( "/[<@>]/", $headerinfo[1] );
if ( count( $from ) < 4 ) {
$this->sender["name"] = chop( $from[0] );
$this->sender["mail"] = $from[0]."@".$from[1];
} else {
$this->sender["name"] = chop( $from[0] );
$this->sender["mail"] = $from[1]."@".$from[2];
} else if ( $headerinfo[0] == "Xref" ) {
// This is usually "server group:id"
$xref = explode( " ", $headerinfo[1], 2 );
$this->server = $xref[0];
$xref = explode( " ", $xref[1] );
foreach ( $xref as $ref ) {
$group = explode( ":", $ref );
$this->groups[] = $group;
} else if ( $headerinfo[0] == "Subject" ) {
$this->subject = $headerinfo[1] ;
} else if ( $headerinfo[0] == "Date" ) {
$this->timestamp = strtotime( $headerinfo[1] );
} else if ( $headerinfo[0] == "Lines" ) {
$this->lines = $headerinfo[1];
} else if ( $headerinfo[0] == "Message-ID" ) {
$this->long_id = $headerinfo[1];
} else if ( $headerinfo[0] == "References" ) {
$this->references = explode( " ", $headerinfo[1] );
} else if ( $headerinfo[0] == "In-Reply-To" ) {
$this->in_reply_to = split( " ", $headerinfo[1] );
} else if ( $headerinfo[0] == "Content-Type" ) {
$ctype = explode( "; ", $headerinfo[1] );
foreach ( $ctype as $detail ) {
if ( ( strpos( $detail, "charset=" ) === 0 ) ) {
$this->content["charset"] = substr( $detail, 8 );
} else if ( ( strpos( $detail, "format=" ) === 0 ) ) {
$this->content["format"] = substr( $detail, 7 );
} else {
$this->content["type"] = $detail;
} else if ( $headerinfo[0] == "Content-Transfer-Encoding" ) {
$this->content["transfer-encoding"] = $headerinfo[1];
} else if ( in_array( $headerinfo[0], array( "Path", "Newsgroups", "Organization", "NNTP-Posting-Host", "X-Trace", "X-Complaints-To", "NNTP-Posting-Date", "Mime-Version", "User-Agent", "X-Accept-Language" ) ) ) {
} else {
$head[$headerinfo[0]] = $headerinfo[1];
if ( isset( $this->content ) ) {
if ( isset( $this->content["charset"] ) ) {
$this->subject = utf8_decode( imap_utf8( $this->subject ) );
function show( $mode='' ) {
echo "<table border='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1'";
echo " bgcolor='#000000'><tr><td>\n";
echo "<table border='0' width='100%' cellspacing='5' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>";
echo "<tr><td>\n";
echo "<b><a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?task=show_groups&newsgroup=";
echo $this->groups[0][0]."'>".$this->groups[0][0]."</a>: ";
echo $this->subject;
echo "</b>";
echo "<pre>";
echo htmlentities( $this->body );
echo "</pre>";
echo "<hr noshade size='1'>";
echo "<p align='center'>";
echo "Von <a href='mailto:".$this->sender["mail"]."'>";
echo $this->sender["name"]."</a>, ";
echo date("l dS of F Y H:i:s", $this->timestamp )."<br>";
echo " [ ";
if ( $mode == "comment" ) {
if ( $this->answers == 0 ) {
echo "0 Kommentare";
} else {
echo "<a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
echo "?task=show_thread&newsgroup=".$this->groups[0][0];
echo "&message=".$this->groups[0][1]."'>";
echo $this->answers." Kommentar";
if ( $this->answers != 1 ) {
echo "e";
echo "</a>";
echo " | ";
echo "<a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
echo "?task=answer_msgs&newsgroup=".$this->groups[0][0];
echo "&message=".$this->groups[0][1]."'>";
echo "Antworten";
echo "</a>";
echo " ] ";
echo "</p>";
echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
function cmp_timestamp( $a, $b ) {
if ( $a->timestamp == $b->timestamp ) return 0;
return ( $a->timestamp < $b->timestamp ) ? +1 : -1;
class nntp {
// This variable stores the hostname of the server we are connecting
// to. It is set in the constructor.
var $host = "";
// This two variables store the account information we use to connect
// to the nntp server. They are set in the constructor.
var $user = "";
var $pass = "";
// Here we store our connection to the server. Since the actual version
// of PHP has no destructors we need to take care that our code closes
// the connection before exiting.
var $nntp = NULL;
// Here we store a list of all available groups. It is initialized when
// we open the connection to the server. It is an array of objects with
// the following attributes:
// name => contains the name of the group. This is an extended
// string, that means a lot of information we usually
// do not need: {hostname:port/nntp}group
// eg. "{dot.tgm.ac.at:119/nntp}tgm.dot.bugs"
// attributes =>
// eg. int(0)
// delimiter =>
// eg. "."
var $list = NULL;
// This variable contains the name of the group we're connected at the
// moment. So we do not need to rebind each time we fetch a message from
// the same group if we definitely know that we are already connected to
// this group.
var $group = NULL;
// This is the constructor of this class. It initializes the variables
// that are used to connect to the server. The parameters user and pass
// are optional, since we are able to bind anonymously.
function nntp( $host, $user="", $pass="" ) {
// We just initialize the following variables and that's it.
$this->host = $host;
$this->user = $user;
$this->pass = $pass;
// Open a connection to the server and get a list of available groups.
function open() {
// First we check if we already have an open connection. If we do not
// have we open a new one. With the current implementation it is not
// possible to access multiple servers at the same time with one object
// of this class, so we do not open a new connection if there still
// exists an open one.
if ( !$this->nntp ) {
// Ok, we have no open connections and are able to open a new one.
// As parameters we support the "imap"-string which represents our
// server. We also provide user and passwort. OP_HALFOPEN means that
// we open a connection but do not specify a group.
$this->nntp = @imap_open(
$this->user, $this->pass,
// Get a list of newsgroups from the server. As server we support
// the connection id we just got from imap_open. As reference we
// support the "root" of the server and as filter an asterix to get
// all available groups.
$this->list = @imap_getmailboxes(
// Set the group we're connected to to NULL because we have no group
// selected at the moment.
$this->group = NULL;
// Close the connection to the server.
function close() {
// First we check if there is an open connection. If we have one then
// we can close it. If we are not connected to a server we cannot
// close it ;)
if ( $this->nntp ) {
// We found a connection so we can close it.
@imap_close( $this->nntp );
// Reset the connection variable.
$this->nntp = NULL;
// Return a list of all avaliable groups.
function getGroups() {
// We only can return a list of groups if we are connected to the
// server. So check if there is an open connection...
if ( $this->nntp ) {
// There's an open connection so we can return the list of groups
// the server has. This list is queried when we open the connection
// to the server.
return $this->list;
} else {
// If there is no connection we have no groups and return false.
return false;
// Try to find out the full name of the group (that means with the
// server the port and so on, this is needed each time we reopen the
// connection to a specific group.
function getFullNameOfGroup( $fromgroup ) {
// First we check if we have an open connection. No need to do
// something if we have no connections opened.
if ( $this->nntp ) {
// Ok, there is an open connection.
// We need to find out the complete name of the group we got as
// parameter. So we proceed for each entry in the list of all groups
// and compare each one with the name we got as parameter.
foreach ( $this->list as $ng ) {
// We split the complex name ({dot.tgm.ac.at:119/nntp}tgm.dot.bugs)
// into a simpler array with the following regular expression: {}:/
// so we get the following seperate values in our array:
// [1] => dot.tgm.ac.at
// [2] => 119
// [3] => nntp
// [4] => tgm.dot.bugs
$group = preg_split ("/[{}:\/]+/", $ng->name );
// Now we compare if the group we got as parameter is the same as
// the last part of the complex name in our list.
if ( $fromgroup == $group[4] ) {
// It is the same, so we initialize the variable ngroup with the
// full name. It is needed again when we re-open our connection.
return $ng;
// If we reach this point, we have not found the group we were searching
// for and can indicate that the search failed.
return false;
// Get a message from a group. As parameters the group and the message
// id must be supported.
function getMessage( $fromgroup, $num ) {
if ( $this->nntp ) {
// Find out what the long identifier of this group is, that means the
// long string that is needed to open/reopen a connection to the server.
$ngroup = $this->getFullNameOfGroup( $fromgroup );
// If we were able to find out to which group the message belongs, then
// we can fetch all interesting data of this msg.
if ( $ngroup ) {
// We check if we are connected to the correct group, and if not we
// reconnect to the right one.
if ( $this->group != $ngroup->name ) {
// We reopen the connection, and connect to the correct group.
@imap_reopen( $this->nntp, $ngroup->name );
// Now we set the group we are connected to to this one.
$this->group = $ngroup->name;
// Query the server for this message and return it to the calling
// function. This will generate a new object with all data of the
// message in it, and is therefore a standardized way to represent
// our messages.
return new nntpMessage( $this->nntp, $num );
// We only reach this point if we have not found message before, that
// means we have not found the corresponding group or have no open
// connection to the server. So we inform the caller that we failed.
return false;
// This is a slightly more complex function which queries all messages
// from the supplied groups. If we do not supply a list of groups this
// function will return all messages of all available groups.
function getMessages( $fromgroups='', $sort=1 ) {
if ( $this->nntp ) {
$thread_arr = array();
$thread_dep = 0;
// For all groups we try to find out if we should query the group.
foreach ( $this->list as $ng ) {
// The same as in the function getMessage, we split the name of
// the group into something we can easily read.
$group = preg_split ("/[{}:\/]+/", $ng->name );
// First we think that the current processed will not be processed
// and then we check if we have to.
$process = false;
// If we have no list of groups as parameter we have to process all
// groups.
if ( $fromgroups == '' ) {
// Ok, we process all groups, so we set the variable to true.
$process = true;
} else {
// We got something as parameter and we need to check if it is an
// array (a list of groups) or a string (a single group).
if ( is_array( $fromgroups ) ) {
// We have an array as parameter. So we have to check if the
// current processed newsgroup is an element of the array. If it
// is we should process this group.
if ( in_array( $group[4], $fromgroups ) ) {
// It is element of the array, so we process this group.
$process = true;
} else {
// The parameter is no array. So it must be a string and we
// compare the parameter and the actual group.
if ( $fromgroups == $group[4] ) {
// They are the same, so we process this group.
$process = true;
// We checked all possibilities if we have to process the group
// or not. If we need to process it, then we do it now.
if ( $process ) {
// First we reopen the connection to bind to the specific group
// we are processing at the moment. We don't check if we are
// already connected to this group, because most times this code
// runs it will have to rebind since this function usually
// processes more than one group.
imap_reopen( $this->nntp, $ng->name );
// We connected to a specific group, so we can set the status
// variable to this group. We could also do this at the end of this
// function, but it doesn't need much processing time, and setting
// the variable each time we change our selected group is the clean
// way.
$this->group = $ng->name;
// We check if there are postings in this group available. If there
// are no postings, it is not needed to process this group.
// Check if there is at least one message available.
if ( imap_num_msg( $this->nntp ) > 0 ) {
// There are messages on the server in this group available.
// Get all headers of this group. With the current implementation
// of the imap functions in PHP it is not possible to get only
// some messages, it will always return _all_ messages!
$headers = @imap_headers( $this->nntp );
// Get the threads of the current group. This returns a somewhat
// strange array. Since this function is not documented at the
// moment it was complicated to find out what it really does...
// The index of the array is always a string that consists of two
// parts seperated by a dot: the fist part is an integer that is
// only used to group the second part to messages, we can ignore
// it at the moment (and probably at any time). The second part
// is one of the following strings: num, next and branch.
// We can ignore "next", this should be the next message in the
// thread, but I'm not sure of that. If it is "num" it indicates
// that have to move a level deeper in the thread, and if it is
// "branch" we go up one level again. Each time "branch" is set,
// "next" should be 0, but I'm really not sure of thet.
// The second part of the array (the value) contains the mesg-id
// of that message. In fact this is the number we're using to
// fetch the message from the server.
// The following is a short example of the return value of this
// function:
// array(18) {
// ["0.num"] => int(1)
// ["0.next"] => int(1)
// ["1.num"] => int(2) o 1
// ["1.next"] => int(0) |--o 2
// ["1.branch"] => int(2) |--o 3
// ["2.num"] => int(3) |--o 4
// ["2.next"] => int(3) |--o 5
// ["3.num"] => int(4) |--o 6
// ["3.next"] => int(4)
// ["4.num"] => int(5)
// ["4.next"] => int(0)
// ["4.branch"] => int(5)
// ["5.num"] => int(6)
// ["5.next"] => int(0)
// ["5.branch"] => int(0)
// ["3.branch"] => int(0)
// ["2.branch"] => int(0)
// ["0.branch"] => int(0)
// }
$threads = @imap_thread( $this->nntp, SE_UID );
// For each entry of the array we got from imap_threads we split
// it into a key and a value pair (the key is the index in the
// array and the value is the value of that element in the array).
// The key is the identifier of the depth in the thread and the
// value is the message id.
while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $threads ) ) {
// We split the current index into a new array. The first value
// contains an id and the second tells us what we need to do: If
// it is "num" then we increment the thread_depth (which means
// we leave the root of the thread and process to answers in the
// thread. And if it is "branch" we decrement thread_depth which
// means we tend to the root of the thread.
$tree = explode( ".", $key );
// Now we do this.
if ( $tree[1] == "num" ) {
// If the depth in the thread is zero we have a new thread.
if ( $thread_dep == 0 ) {
// Since this is a new thread there are no answers now. This
// variable is used to store the number of answers in this
// thread.
$thread_num = 0;
// Fetch the current message from the server.
$message = new nntpMessage( $this->nntp, $val );
} else {
// We already are in a thread, so we increment the number of
// messages that are in this thread.
// if ( $message )
// Now we have a branch, that means the current thread (to be
// exact the actual subtree of this thread) ends here. So we
// decrement the depth in this thread and if it reaches 0 we
// can say that this thread is finished.
} else if ($tree[1] == "branch") {
// As we said before, we decrement the depth in this thread.
// Now we check if we already reached the top-level (that
// means this thread ends here).
if ( $thread_dep == 0 ) {
// Check if the message exists. If the message is deleted
// from the server, this variable will be NULL.
if ( $message ) {
// $message is the first message of this thread. We now
// know the number of answers to this message and set the
// corresponding attribute.
$message->answers = $thread_num;
// Append the message to the array of all messages.
$thread_arr[] = $message;
// unset message, so it really will be NULL if the next
// message we fetch from the server is deleted.
unset( $message );
// We can ignore all other cases (e.g. "next").
// If we should sort the messages, then do it.
if ( $sort == 1 ) {
// The class nntpMessage has a function (cmp_timestamp()) that
// compares the timestamps of two messages.
usort( $thread_arr, array( "nntpMessage", "cmp_timestamp" ) );
// Return the list of messages we fetched.
return $thread_arr;
// We only reach this point if there is no connection to the server
// available. So we indicate that we weren't able to process the
// request.
return false;
function getThread( $fromgroup, $message ) {
// First we have to check if we are connected to the server. We can just
// fail if we are not connected.
if ( $this->nntp ) {
// Find out what the long identifier of this group is, that means the
// long string that is needed to open/reopen a connection to the server.
$ngroup = $this->getFullNameOfGroup( $fromgroup );
// If we were able to find out the exact name of the group we are
// searching for, we can proceed.
if ( $ngroup ) {
// Now we find out if we are already connected to this group, and if
// not we connect to it.
if ( $this->group != $ngroup->name ) {
// We reconnect to this specific group.
imap_reopen( $this->nntp, $ngroup->name );
// And set our status variable to this group.
$this->group = $ngroup->name;
// We are now definitly connected to the correct group.
// Now we find out how many messages are in this group. If there are
// no messages posted, we do not need to get the thread ;-)
if ( imap_num_msg( $this->nntp ) > 0 ) {
// Since there are messages in this group, we get the thread
// information from this server. The syntax of the array this
// function returns is explained in the corresponding code fragment
// of the function getMessages().
$threads = @imap_thread($this->nntp, SE_UID);
// We do not know in which thread our message id is, so we have to
// process all available threads till we find our message. At the
// beginning we can say that we haven't found it.
$found = false;
// We are at the top-level of the messages in the group, that means
// we are flat and not in any thrad.
$thread_dep = 0;
// A thread is an array of messages. To use the function [] of this
// array we have to say PHP that it is an array.
$thread = array();
// Process each entry we got from imap_threads(). What we are doing
// here is also explaind in the code of getMessages().
while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $threads ) ) {
// We split the current index in the array into two parts, the
// first part is the id (for internal use only, we can ignore it)
// and the second part tells us what we have to do. "num" is a
// message in a thread, so we have to increase the depth, and
// branch is the end of a thread so we have to decrease depth.
$tree = explode(".", $key);
// Do it. If it is num we have to increase the depth.
if ($tree[1] == "num") {
// First we check if we found our message and set the variable
// to exit after when we processed the complete thread.
if ( $val == $message )
$found = true;
// We've said we have to increase the depth in the thread.
// Now get the message from the server. This is standardized to
// simplify adding new features.
$message = new nntpMessage( $this->nntp, $val );
// Tell the message in which depth in the thread we found it.
// This is needed for a correct threaded display.
$message->depth = $thread_dep;
// Add this message to the thread.
$thread[] = $message;
// If the second part of the result from imap_thread() is "branch"
// then we go a level lower, that means decrease depth.
} else if ($tree[1] == "branch") {
// Decrease depth.
// If we are at top-level again, we have finished this thread.
if ( $thread_dep == 0 ) {
// Now we have two possibilities: if we found the message,
// then we can return the thread.
if ( $found ) {
return $thread;
// and if we haven't found the message yet, we can reset
// the thread and process with the next.
} else {
$thread = array();
// If we haven't returned till now, we haven't found the thread and can
// exit with an error.
return false;
function postMessage( $togroup, $sender, $references, $subject, $message ) {
if ( !$stream = fsockopen("dot.tgm.ac.at",119,$errno,$errstr) ) {
echo "server:".$errstr."($errno)<br>\n";
// This should be "200 dot.tgm.ac.at InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.4.0 ready (posting ok)."
$answer = fgets($stream);
fwrite($stream, "post\r\n");
// This should be "340 Ok, recommended ID"
$answer = fgets($stream);
fwrite($stream, "From: ".$sender."\r\n");
fwrite($stream, "Subject: ".$subject."\r\n");
fwrite($stream, "Newsgroups: ".$togroup."\r\n");
fwrite($stream, "References: ".$references."\r\n");
fwrite($stream, "In-Reply-To: ".$references."\r\n");
fwrite($stream, "\r\n");
if (!strstr("\n", "\r"))
$text = str_replace("\r", '', $message);
$lines = explode( "\n", $text );
echo "<pre>";
foreach ( $lines as $key => $line ) {
$line = wordwrap( $line );
fwrite($stream, $line."\r\n");
echo "</pre>";
fwrite($stream, "\n.\n");
// This should be "240 Article posted <ID>"
$answer = fgets($stream)."<br>";
if ( substr( $answer, 0, 3 ) == "240" ) {
// We need to get the message id out of this string.
return true;
} else {
return false;