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- <?php
- /*
- * NNTP-Interface in weblog-style
- *
- * Author: Markus Schabel <markus.schabel@tgm.ac.at>
- *
- * TODO add support for multiple servers
- * TODO remove hard-coded servers
- * TODO add multiple language code
- */
- // Require main configuration file
- require( "../../Group-Office.php" );
- // Include NNTP class, all communication to the NNTP server is done over
- // this class. It also includes a class for a nntpMessage, so that each
- // message has the same format.
- require_once( "nntp.class.inc" );
- // Get language-file for this module...
- // TODO create language-file for this module
- // require( $GO_LANGUAGE->get_language_file( 'news' ) );
- // Check if a user is logged in. If not try to login via cookies. If that
- // also fails then show the login-screen.
- $GO_SECURITY->authenticate();
- // Check if the user is allowed to access this module.
- $GO_MODULES->authenticate( 'news' );
- // This is the title of this page. Needed in header.inc for displaying the
- // correct title in the titlebar of the browser.
- $page_title = "news";
- // Require theme-header, most times this will be the navigation with some
- // design issues.
- require( $GO_THEME->theme_path."header.inc" );
- // If this module is loaded without any parameters we display all groups
- // we have access to. So we set the default task to show_groups if it has
- // not been set before.
- $task = isset( $_REQUEST['task'] ) ? $_REQUEST['task'] : 'show_groups';
- // This file implements the navigation of this module. So if you need more
- // functions in this module you probably have to add them there.
- require( "tasks.inc" );
- // All output should be aligned in a table to have correct distances
- // between the window-borders and our output.
- echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='10'><tr><td>";
- // Initialize the NNTP class. As parameters give the server we want to connect
- // to, the current user and the password he used to login.
- // TODO in the future this will be probably be configurable and stored in
- // the database... This will probably break authentication on some public
- // NNTP servers!
- $nntp = new nntp(
- "dot.tgm.ac.at",
- $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']["username"],
- $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']["user_auth_id"]
- );
- // Open the connection to the newsserver. We also could open a connection
- // each time we query the server for data, but that would be a performance
- // impact, so we decided to open the connection once and keep it open.
- $nntp->open();
- // Decide what output we should generate...
- switch( $task ) {
- // Display all groups the user is allowed to see or the specific group
- // the user likes to see if he is allowed to.
- case 'show_groups':
- // If the user requested a newsgroup we will only display this one.
- // Since the implementation in showMessages needs an array as parameter
- // we convert the newsgroup to an array.
- if ( isset( $_REQUEST['newsgroup'] ) ) {
- // Generate a new array.
- $list = array();
- // Put the newsgroup in this array.
- array_push( $list, $_REQUEST['newsgroup'] );
- } else {
- // If the user didn't request a newsgroup we clear the array and
- // display all groups this user is able to see.
- $list = 0;
- }
- // Get all messages of the groups that are listed in $list. If $list
- // is 0 then return all messages.
- $msgs = $nntp->getMessages( $list );
- // If we got any messages we'll sort them and print them in reverse
- // (that means newest first) order. If we got no messages we do not
- // need to do anything.
- if ( count( $msgs ) > 0 ) {
- // Sort and reverse the list of messages (sort by timestamp).
- $omsg = $msgs;
- // Proceed for each message:
- foreach( $omsg as $msg ) {
- // and print it in commenting-enabled view.
- $msg->show( "comment" );
- // Since the messages will be put directly one after another we'll
- // provide an additional space between them.
- echo "<br>";
- }
- }
- break;
- // Post the new generated message to the server. No need to break after
- // this becase we can print the thread after the mail got posted.
- case 'post':
- // To post a new message to a newsgroup we need to know to which
- // group we should post it. So first we check if we know something
- // about the destination newsgroup...
- if ( isset( $_POST['newsgroup'] ) ) {
- // Next thing we check if $message is set, which means that the new
- // message is a answer to an old message.
- if ( isset( $_POST['message'] ) ) {
- // So we are answering a message. To fill the References Headers
- // we need to find out details of the original message...
- $msg = $nntp->getMessage( $_POST['newsgroup'], $_POST['message'] );
- // The field that is interesting is the id of the original message.
- $msgid = $msg->long_id;
- } else {
- // Ok, we are generating a new message, so there is no message id
- // of an old message and we set the id to 0.
- $msgid = 0;
- }
- // Next step is to find out who we are to generate the correct
- // from address...
- $sender = $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']["name"]." <".
- $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']["email"].">";
- // Now we have all information we need to post the new message. So
- // we can do it.
- // TODO add some checks if subject and body is valid.
- // TODO $retval should include the message id of the new message so
- // we can display the correct thread if we just started a new one.
- $retval = $nntp->postMessage(
- $_POST['newsgroup'],
- $sender,
- $msgid,
- smartstrip( $_POST['news_subj'] ),
- smartstrip( $_POST['news_body'] )
- );
- // If the message was posted successfully we can inform the user
- // about this.
- // TODO also inform the user if sending failed
- if ( $retval ) {
- // TODO replace hardcoded message with variable in language-file
- echo "<h1>Nachricht erfolgreich gesendet.</h1>\n";
- }
- }
- // We do not break here because we like to see the thread to which the
- // posted message belongs. For the user this is an additional check if
- // the message was posted correctly...
- // Display only one thread of a specific newsgroup.
- case 'show_thread':
- // The thread can only be identified if we know a message of this
- // thread and to which newsgroup it belongs. So first we check if
- // we know some details...
- if ( isset( $_REQUEST['message'] ) && isset( $_REQUEST['newsgroup'] ) ) {
- // OK, we know which thread we should display. So we query this
- // thread from the server and put it into a variable.
- $thread = $nntp->getThread(
- $_REQUEST['newsgroup'],
- $_REQUEST['message']
- );
- // Thread is an array of messages. We proceed for each message
- // (that means we split this array to seperate messages and print
- // each message for it's own)
- foreach ( $thread as $msg ) {
- // We print this message in a table, this is the easiest way to
- // enable a threaded view, because we can add clean cells left
- // of the message to shift the message a bit to the right.
- echo "<table border='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1'";
- echo " bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><tr>\n";
- // The eigth value of the message (which is also represented by
- // an array) is the number of messages it references, that means
- // the value we have to shift the message to the right.
- for ( $i=1; $i<$msg->depth; $i++ ) {
- echo " <td width=20> </td>\n";
- }
- // This is the cell where we print the content of the message.
- // Since we are still in a table we have to add the <td> tags.
- echo " <td>\n";
- // Print the message. Use the function show of the message, so we
- // do not care about the implementation here.
- $msg->show();
- // Close the cell with the message content...
- echo " </td>\n";
- // Of course we have to close the table ;-)
- echo "</tr></table>\n";
- }
- }
- break;
- // Answer to an existing message or generate a new message. This depends
- // on weather a specific message is known to answer to, and if not we
- // decide the user likes to create a new.
- case 'new_message':
- case 'answer_msgs':
- // Find out if we should generate a new message or answer to an existing
- // and set the status variable $mode depending on this.
- $mode = ( isset( $_REQUEST['newsgroup'] ) &&
- isset( $_REQUEST['message'] ) ) ? "answer" : "new";
- // Since the user should write his message in the webinterface we must
- // provide a form.
- echo "<form name='sendform' method='post' action='";
- echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."'>\n";
- // Depending on the mode we print a drop-box with all accessible groups
- // or the specific group we are answering to.
- if ( $mode == "answer" ) {
- // Find out to which message we are answering. This is needed for
- // correct settings of the References and Follow-Up headers.
- $msg = $nntp->getMessage( $newsgroup, $message );
- // Print the message we are anwering to in a hidden field.
- echo "<input type='hidden' name='message' value='";
- echo $_REQUEST['message']."'/>\n";
- // Print the name of the group we are answering.
- echo "<input type='hidden' name='newsgroup' value='";
- echo $_REQUEST['newsgroup']."'/>\n";
- } else {
- // We generate a new message. So first we find out which groups are
- // present on the server.
- $list = $nntp->getGroups();
- // Since $list is a complex array and we only like to know about the
- // names of the groups we must split them and fill a new array. First
- // create a new array without data in it.
- $ngroups = array();
- // Now we proceed for each group
- foreach ( $list as $ng ) {
- // Get the name of this group and append the name to the array.
- $ngroups[] = substr( $ng->name, strpos( $ng->name, "}")+1 );
- }
- // Sort the array, the user will be happy to see the groups in
- // alphabetical order.
- sort( $ngroups );
- // Now we create our dropbox with all the groups.
- $dropbox = new dropbox();
- // Fill the dropbox with data (add each groupname to it), but prcess
- // the groups to enable a threaded view of them
- foreach ( $ngroups as $ng ) {
- // We say that a group is not a subgroup of another group.
- $indent = "";
- // Since the groups are sorted, we can compare the actual group with
- // the group we processed last, and all fields that are equal in this
- // group and the last group indicate that we can indent this group.
- // We can only do this if we already processed the first group.
- if ( is_array( $last ) ) {
- // Fill the array with the seperate parts of the name of the group.
- $parts = explode( ".", $ng );
- // We process each part of the shorter group.
- for ( $i=1; ($i<count($parts)) && ($i<count($last)); $i++ ) {
- // If the actual processed part is equal in this group and tha
- // last one, we can indent it.
- if ( $parts[$i] == $last[$i] )
- $indent = $indent." ";
- }
- }
- // Text and value of dropbox entry should be the same: the name
- // of the group.
- $dropbox->add_value( $ng, $indent.$ng );
- // We finished with processing this group. Now we update this variable
- // To be able to compare the next group with this one.
- $last = explode( ".", $ng );
- }
- // Print the dropbox. It's called "newsgroup" without any parameters.
- $dropbox->print_dropbox('newsgroup','','');
- echo "<br/>";
- }
- // Now we print an input field for the subject of the message.
- echo "<input type='text' class='textbox' name='news_subj' size='110' ";
- echo "value='";
- // If we are answering to an message we print the old subject with an
- // additional "Re: " in front of it:
- if ( $mode == "answer" ) {
- // Print an "Re: " and the encoded subject of the old message.
- echo "Re: ".utf8_decode( imap_utf8( $msg->subject ) );
- }
- // Close the input field. If we're not answering the value of the input
- // field will be clear and the user has to choose a subject.
- echo "'><br/>\n";
- // Print a textbox for the body of the new message
- echo "<textarea class='textbox' name='news_body' cols='110' rows='12'>";
- // If we are answering a message we print the old body quoted in the box.
- if ( $mode == "answer" ) {
- // Print the quoted text.
- echo quote( $msg->body );
- }
- // And close the message-body textbox again.
- echo "</textarea><br/>";
- // Add a hidden field to tell us that the user is posting a new message.
- echo "<input type='hidden' name='task' value='post'/>";
- // Print the "send" button
- $button = new button( "send", "document.sendform.submit();" );
- // Close the form.
- echo "</form>";
- break;
- // This really should not happen since our default-action is show_groups!
- default:
- break;
- }
- // Since all our output goes into a table we have to close the following tags
- echo "</td></tr></table>";
- // Load theme-footer, this is probably some kind of "Group-Office Version..."
- require( $GO_THEME->theme_path."footer.inc" );
- // That's it, we've printed what the user wanted to do and can now exit.
- // Maybe that would be the correct place to close database connections...
- // We're finished and able to close the connection to the newsserver,
- $nntp->close();
- ?>