$add_contacts_wrong = "Wrong E-mail or authorization code.";
$add_personal_text = "Click on 'Save' to add the contact. The fields marked with a * are required.";
$contacts_select = "Select contacts to add and click on 'Ok'.";
$contacts_select_title = "Contacts";
$contact_profile = "Profile";
$user_profile = "User profile";
$contacts_authorise = "Authorization";
$contacts_add_member = "Add this member to your contacts";
$strConfirmSynchronise = "This will update this contact with data the user has entered himself. Manual changes by you will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?";
$contacts_import = "Import";
$contacts_export = "Export";
$contacts_export_text = "Select the type of CSV you would like to create.";
$contacts_delete = "Delete";
$contacts_import_text = "Select a CSV file and click on 'Ok'";
$contacts_import_text_group = "Select a group and the CSV file. Click on 'Ok'.";
$fbNoFile = "No file was not recieved";
$fbPleaseWait = "Please wait while uploading file...";
$strNotIncluded = "Do not import";
$contacts_import_feedback = "The following columns where found in your CSV file.<br />";
$contacts_import_feedback .= "Select the group you wish to import to or automatically create groups based on a column of the file.<br />";
$contacts_import_feedback .= " Match corrosponding Group-Office columns with the columns from the file and make sure that you don't select columns twice.";
$contacts_separator = "Values are seperated by";
$contacts_no_separator = "You didn't enter a separator character.";