//main language menu file register login and other non logged in pages
$cmdLogin = "Login";
$cmdSave = "Save";
$cmdBack = "Back";
$cmdCancel = "Cancel";
$cmdClose = "Close";
$cmdOk = "Ok";
$cmdDelete = "Delete";
$cmdNext = "Next";
$cmdPrevious = "Previous";
$cmdContinue = "Continue";
$cmdUpdate = "Synchronize";
$cmdApply = "Apply";
$cmdYes = "Yes";
$cmdNo = "No";
$cmdAdd = 'Add';
$cmdEdit = 'Edit';
$cmdInvertSelection = 'Invert selection';
$strEdit = "Edit";
$strThis = 'this';
$strItems = 'items';
$strDescription = 'Description';
$strName = "Name";
$strUser = "User";
$strUsername = "Username";
$strPassword = "Password";
$strAuthcode = "Authorization code";
$strCountry = "Country";
$strState = "State";
$strCity = "City";
$strZip = "ZIP/Postal code";
$strAddress = "Street address";
$strEmail = "E-mail";
$strPhone = "Phone";
$strWorkphone = "Phone work";
$strCellular = "Cellular";
$strCompany = "Company";
$strDepartment = "Department";
$strFunction = "Function";
$strQuestion = "Secret question";
$strAnswer = "Answer";
$strFax = "Fax";
$strWorkFax = "Fax work";
$strHomepage = "Homepage";
$strWorkAddress = "Address Work";
$strWorkZip = "Zipcode work";
$strWorkCountry = "Country work";
$strWorkState = "State work";
$strWorkCity = "City work";
$strPhoto = "Photo";
$strComments = "Comments";
$strProperties = 'Properties';
$strDeleteItem = "Delete";
$strDate = "Date";
$strSaveSuccess = "Data saved successfully";
$strSaveError = "An error occured while saving data.";
$strDataError = "An error occured while reading data.";
$strDeleteError = "Could not delete data.";
$strAclError = "Access Control error";
$strDateError = "You entered an invalid date";
$strAccessDenied = "Access denied";
$AccessDenied_text = "You are not allowed to view this section of the site or to perform this action.<br />Another user has restricted access to the information you requested.";
$invalid_chars = "The following characters are not allowed";
$strGroups = "Groups";
$strOwner = "Owner";
$strDeletePrefix = "Are you sure you want to delete ";
$strDeleteSuffix = "?";
$menu_logout = "Logout";
$menu_applications = "Applications";
$menu_help = "Help";
$menu_about = "About";
$menu_documentation = "Documentation";
$menu_configuration = "Configuration";
$menu_groups = "User groups";
$menu_accounts = "Your account";
$menu_preferences = "Preferences";
$menu_bookmarks = "Bookmarks";
$menu_bookmarks_manage = "Modify bookmarks";
$menu_add_bookmark = "Add bookmark";
$menu_add_current = "Add current page";
$menu_invite = "Invite users";
$menu_search_discussions = "Discussions";
$menu_search_files = "Files and folders";
$menu_search_web = "The web";
$menu_scheduler = "Scheduler";
$menu_filetypes = "Filetypes";
$menu_discussions = "Discussion board";
$menu_users = "Users";
$menu_start = "Start page";
$menu_reboot = "Reboot server";
$menu_halt = "Shutdown server";
$menu_reboot_text = "WARNING! All Group-Office services will be temporarely unavailable. Are you sure you want to do continue?";
$menu_halt_text = "WARNING! All Group-Office services will be terminated. Are you sure you want to do continue?";
$menu_new = "New";
$menu_message = "Message";
$menu_contact = "Contact";
$menu_event = "Event";
$menu_bookmark = "Bookmark";
$menu_topics = "Topics";
$menu_support = "Support";
$menu_projects = "Projects";
$menu_sysinfo = "System information";
$menu_admin = 'Administrator';
$menu_modules = 'Modules';
$menu_manual = 'Manual';
//class validate
$error_required = "You didn't specify the required field below.";
$error_match_auth = "The authorisation codes didn't match.";
$error_match_pass = "The passwords didn't match.";
$error_min_length = "Minimum characters of the field below:";
$error_max_length = "Maximum characters of the field below:";
$error_email = "The E-mail address you specified was invalid.";
$error_email_exists = "The E-mail address you entered already exists.";
$error_username_exists = "Sorry, the username you entered already exists. Please choose another one.";
$errors_in_form = "There were errors in the form. Correct them and try again.";
$error_missing_field = "You didn't fill in all the required fields.";
//acl control
$acl_control_auth_groups = "Authorized groups";
$acl_control_auth_users = "Authorized users";
$acl_control_no_contacts = "You don't have any member contacts to select.<br /> Use the Addressbook to add members to your contacts.";
$strShowProfile = "View Profile";
$strShowGroup = "View group members";
$strProcessingTime = "The processing of this page took ";
$strLoggedInAs = "Logged in as ";
$strAt = " at ";
$strEmailTo = "Send an E-mail message to: ";
$strProtectedUser = "Protected User";
$http_not_found = "Document not found";
$http_not_found_text = "The requested document was not found. Maybe you mistyped the URL.";
$http_error = "Internal Server Error";
$http_bad_request = "Bad request";
$strAddContact = "Add to contacts";
$strReadRights = "Read permissions";
$strWriteRights = "Write permissions";
$strPermissions = 'permissions';
$editor_bold = "Bold";
$editor_italic = "Italic";
$editor_underline = "Underline";
$editor_left = "Left";
$editor_right = "Right";
$editor_center = "Center";
$editor_ord_list = "Ordered List";
$editor_bul_list = "Bulleted List";
$editor_txt_color = "Text Color";
$editor_back_color = "Background Color";
$editor_hyperlink = "Hyperlink";
$editor_image = "Image";
$editor_rule = "Horizontal Rule";
$editor_very_small = "Very small";
$editor_small = "Small";
$editor_medium = "Medium";
$editor_large = "Large";
$editor_larger = "Larger";
$editor_very_large = "Very large";
$editor_strikethrough = "Strike Through";
$editor_outdent = "Outdent";
$editor_indent = "Indent";
$editor_superscript = "Superscript";
$editor_subscript = "Subscript";
$editor_undo = "Undo";
$editor_redo = "Redo";
$editor_copy = "Copy";
$editor_paste = "Paste";
$editor_cut = "Cut";
$editor_font = "Font";
$editor_size = "Size";
$editor_heading = "Heading";
$editor_select = "Select";
$editor_mode = "Toggle editor mode";
$full_days[0] = "Sunday";
$full_days[1] = "Monday";
$full_days[2] = "Tuesday";
$full_days[3] = "Wednesday";
$full_days[4] = "Thursday";
$full_days[5]= "Friday";
$full_days[6] = "Saturday";
$strLoadTime = 'Generated in';
$strDescription = 'Description';
$strTitle = 'Title';
//translation required
$editorCmd['undo'] = "Undo";
$editorCmd['redo'] = "Redo";
$editorCmd['bold'] = "Bold";
$editorCmd['italic'] = "Italic";
$editorCmd['underline'] = "Underline";
$editorCmd['left'] = "Justify left";
$editorCmd['right'] = "Justify right";
$editorCmd['full'] = "Fill";
$editorCmd['center'] = "Justify center";
$editorCmd['ord_list'] = "Numbered list";
$editorCmd['bul_list'] = "Bulleted list";
$editorCmd['txt_color'] = "Textcolor";
$editorCmd['back_color'] = "Backgroundcolor";
$editorCmd['hyperlink'] = "Hyperlink";
$editorCmd['image'] = "Insert image";
$editorCmd['rule'] = "Horizontale rule";
$editorCmd['table'] = "Insert table";
$editorCmd['strikethrough'] = "Strikethrough";
$editorCmd['outdent'] = "Outdent";
$editorCmd['indent'] = "Indent";
$editorCmd['superscript'] = "Superscript";
$editorCmd['subscript'] = "Subscript";
$editorCmd['undo'] = "Undo";
$editorCmd['redo'] = "Redo";
$editorCmd['copy'] = "Copy";
$editorCmd['paste'] = "Paste";
$editorCmd['cut'] = "Cut";
$editorCmd['font'] = "Font";
$editorCmd['size'] = "Size";
$editorCmd['heading'] = "Heading";
$editorCmd['select'] = "Select";
$editorCmd['mode'] = "Change mode";
$editorCmd['textindicator'] = 'Current style';
$lang_modules['addressbook'] = "Addressbook";
$cmdShowAll = 'Show all';
$cmdSearch = 'Search';
//translation required
$cmdYesToAll = 'Yes to all';
$cmdNoToAll = 'No to all';
$strToday = 'Today';
$strShortWeek = 'wk';
$cal_prev_year = "Prev. year (hold for menu)";
$cal_prev_month = "Prev. month (hold for menu)";
$cal_go_today = "Go Today";
$cal_next_month = "Next month (hold for menu)";
$cal_next_year = "Next year (hold for menu)";
$cal_drag_to_move = "Drag to move";
$cal_part_today = " (today)";
$cal_monday_first = "Display Monday first";
$cal_sunday_first = "Display Sunday first";
$cal_select_date = "Select date";
$cmdPrint = 'Print';
$strFirstName = 'First name';
$strLastName = 'Last name';
$strInitials = 'Initials';
$strSex = 'Sex';
$strBirthday = 'Birthday';
$strSexes['M'] = 'Male';
$strSexes['F'] = 'Female';
$strTitle = 'Title';
$strBeginning = 'Beginning';
$strMiddleName = 'Middle name';
$sir_madam['M'] = 'sir';
$sir_madam['F'] = 'madam';
$strModifiedAt = 'Modified at';
$strCreatedAt = 'Created at';
$htmlarea_language_name = 'en';
$strLocalization = 'Localization';
$lang_modules['notes'] = "Notes";
//look up the language in controls/jscalendar/lang
$jscalendar_language_name = 'calendar-en.js';
$lang_modules['bookmarks'] = "Bookmarks";
//2.01 translations
//look up language in 'classes/phpmailer/language'