<p>Here is a general outline of how to upgrade your existing version of dotProject (probably version 0.2.1 or 0.2.2)<p>
<li>Download the latest release and follow the install instructions placing it in a new directory.</li>
<li>Create a copy of your existing dotProject database.</li>
<li>Edit the database parameters in the config.php file to point to this copied db.</li>
<li>Apply the upgrade script to the copied db.</li>
<li>Test out the new version of dotProject. If all is well then promote this version to production and archive your old data (just in case). If there is a problem then let up know.</li>
<h3>Upgrading to Version 1.0</h3>
Version 1.0 incorporates many additions and modifications to existing database structure. You need to apply the script upgrade_022_to_100.sql to your MySQL database to upgrade from wither version 0.2.1 or 0.2.2.<br />
<br />
<br />
<h3>Upgrading DotProject 1.0 alpha 1 to DotProject 1.0 alpha 2</h3>
The task_log, tasks and projects tables have all changed slightly from alpha 1 to alpha 2. You will need to upgrade your database to take advantage of these improvements.<br />
<br />
Apply the <code>upgrade_alpha2_to_beta1.sql</code> script to your database copy.<br />
<br />
The example below assumes the following configuration. Please modify the example commands to match your local settings. These commands are executed from the commandline within the dotproject database directory.<br />
<br />
$dPconfig['dbname'] = "dp_1_0_alpha";<br />
$dPconfig['dbuser'] = "dp_user";<br />
$dPconfig['dbpass'] = "dp_pass";<br />
<br />
<h3>Upgrading DotProject 1.0 alpha 2 to DotProject 1.0 beta 1</h3>
Beta 1 includes two major security improvements. Changes were made to prevent a vulnerability caused by malicious injection of SQL into the username and password fields. The password encryption method was also changed in line with recommendations from MySQL.<br />
<br />
Apply the <code>upgrade_alpha2_to_beta1.sql</code> script to your database copy.<br />
<br />
There is a configuration variable, <code>check_legacy_password</code>, that also needs to be set to <code>true</code>.