<li>On a new installation, have you created a copy of the distribution file called <b>config-dist.php</b> called <b>config.php</b>?</li>
<li>When upgrading an existing installation, have you checked that any new configuration settings in <b>config-dist.php</b> have been transferred to <b>config.php</b>?</li>
<li>Is the <b>root_dir</b> variable set correctly.</li>
<li>Is there any white space (including carriage returns) after the closing php brace ?>. If so, delete them. This cause the html headers to be sent too early.</li>
<li>When upgrading, have you set the configuration variable <code>check_legacy_password</code> to <code>true</code>.
<br />Set to on to enable the file upload module. You will also need to have appropriate permissions on the file folder. Maximum upload size can also be configured in <b>php.ini</b>.
The maximum file upload size will depend on:<br />
<b>Server Configuration</b>
<b>Bandwidth Connectivity</b>
For the most part, you can control the ability of uploading LARGE (>8mb files) by modification of your <code>php.ini</code> file. However, your modifications will likely go beyond simply tweeking the <code>upload_max_filesize</code> variable.<br />
<br />
Here are some sample <code>php.ini</code> modifications used to get a 11mb+ upload to function:<br />
<br />
<code>upload_max_filesize = 20M </code>; DEFAULT is 2M
<code>max_execution_time = 300 </code>; DEFAULT is 30 [seconds]
<code>post_max_size = 12M </code>; DEFAULT is 8M
You may also find it necessary to modify the <code>memory_limit</code> Resource Limit, but this shouldn't be an issue if you have good bandwidth.<br />
<br />
In order to get a 3MB upload to work within our LAN environment, it was only necessary to modify the <code>upload_max_filesize</code> variable. However, file uploads may fail because of script timeouts exceeding <code>max_execution_time</code> if you have a poor network connection between your client and server (e.g. dialup).<br />
<br />
Please remember to restart Apache after making modifications to <code>php.ini</code>.<br /><br />
<li>You need PHP version 4.1.x or higher.</li>
<li>Is <b>MySQL</b> correctly compiled with PHP on a *nix server. You can check this by writing a simple little php file that simply contains:
<pre><?php phpinfo(); ?></pre>
Point your browser at this file (via your web server!) and see if there are configuration entries for MySQL.
<li>If the Gantt charts aren't working, have you compiled the GD libraries with PHP?</li>
<h2>Other thigs to try</h2>
<p>There is a line in ./index.php that looks like this:
<pre>// If you experience a 'white screen of death' or other problems,
// uncomment the following line of code:
//error_reporting( E_ALL );</pre>
Un-comment the error reporting line to see if any error messages appear.</p>
<h2>General Things</h2>
<p>The project percent complete is calculated on a weighed average of the task durations. Therefore, a project may not be 50% complete even if it had two tasks at 50% complete but they were of different durations. If no tasks have any duration then the project will always show 0% complete.</p>
</p>If you are wanting to use the translation management facilities, the <code>locales/{country code}</code> directory and all the files within this diectory (the *.inc files) will need to have the correct permissions under a POSIX based system to allow the web-server to write to these directories.</p>
<p>If all else fails then post your problem on the SourceForge forum or Tracker. However, to help out we remote developers, please include the following information:</p>
<li>Your PHP and MySQL version.</li>
<li>Your web server and it's version.</li>
<li>Your browser and version is useful.</li>
<li>The version of dotProject you are using (file release or CVS).</li>
<p>Please describe the problem as best you can. Try not to say "The contacts links are broken". Something like "When I click on the letters on the Contacts index page, it takes me to the user admin list." would be much better and helps us home in on the problems a lot quicker.<p>
<p>Another example might be "When I try and edit a project I get the error 'create a company first'". The critical piece of information missing here is the fact the dotProject user only has read-write permissions to the Projects module.</p>