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- This documents how to get you up, running and using FreeAmp. It also
- explains a bit about where we are coming from.
- Send feedback to info@freeamp.org. If you have any questions, please
- check the web site at http://www.freeamp.org for answers to common
- problems before sending us mail.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- From the source:
- See the document INSTALL
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- FreeAmp 2.1 for Win32 and Linux:
- freeamp [options] [file 1] [file 2]...
- A lot has changed since version 1.3. In version 2.0 we have an all
- new interface with easily labelled buttons.
- * My Music - Opens a music browser which will hopefully allow you
- to more easily manage your music. The "My Music" dialog allows
- you to edit the current play queue as well as persistant
- playlists.
- * Options - Opens the preferences dialog, enabling you to control
- many features in FreeAmp.
- * Files - Allows you to immediately open files located on your
- file system.
- * Download - Opens the download manager.
- Above the button bar are the volume slider on the left and the seek
- slider on the right.
- Below the button bar are the primary audio controls, Previous Song,
- Play/Pause, Stop, and Next Song.
- The small buttons to the left of the primary audio controls control
- shuffle and repeat modes.
- ABOUT FreeAmp:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- FreeAmp is an Open Source effort to build the best digital audio
- player available. In the interest of supporting the free software
- community, while at the same time fostering the growth of the online
- delivery of music, EMusic.com, THE Source for Downloadable Music, is
- funding both the FreeAmp.org domain and the efforts of the FreeAmp
- team. The FreeAmp team consists of: Mark B. Elrod, Robert Kaye, Isaac
- Richards, Brett Thomas, and Jason Woodward.
- Other people have also contributed to FreeAmp. Bill Yuan in China has
- contributed the RainPlay user interface and Gabor Fleischer in Hungary
- has contributed Linux ALSA support. For a complete list of contributors
- and their contributions check out the AUTHORS file. If you feel like
- contributing to the project, please check out our developer pages.
- FreeAmp is being released under the GPL. As is provided by the GPL,
- all of EMusic's and your efforts toward FreeAmp will be released back
- to the community at large.
- The current development and release versions of FreeAmp can be found
- at http://www.freeamp.org.
- To join a low volume mailing list which will announce updates to the
- release software, visit:
- http://www.freeamp.org/mailman/listinfo/freeamp-announce
- To join a mailing list actively discussing the ongoing development of
- FreeAmp, visit: http://www.freeamp.org/mailman/listinfo/freeamp-dev
- To make feature suggestions, send mail to freeamp-features@freeamp.org,
- or, better yet, if you are able, add the feature yourself and send us
- the updates!