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- How to compile the FreeAmp MSVC Projects on Windows 32
- by Chad Loder <cloder@ccs.neu.edu>
- $Id: README.win32,v 1.1 2002/06/20 06:38:49 mayhemchaos Exp $
- 1) Download and install a source distribution.
- 2) Download and install NASM (http://www.web-sites.co.uk/nasm/).
- 3) Download and install the Win32 port of the SGI stl from:
- http://www.freeamp.org/~robert/stl.html
- (This page is a mirror of the original page, which no longer exists)
- 4) Run Developer Studio and open the FreeAmp workspace located at:
- freeamp\base\win32\prj\freeamp.dsw
- 5) Put NASM in your path. Choose "Tools | Options" in DevStudio and
- go to the "Directories" tab. Choose "Show Directories For" and
- select "Executable Files". Then add the directory where you have
- 6) The workspace is set up so that DevStudio automatically calculates
- dependencies between projects. This means that building the top
- level project (called simply "freeamp") will automatically build
- all the other projects you need to run the product. Set freeamp
- as your active project.
- 7) Build the freeamp project, and then run freeamp.exe. If you
- installed a shipping version of FreeAmp somewhere else, the first
- time you run the development version of FreeAmp, it will ask
- you whether you want to associate .MP3 files with the development
- version. It's up to you, I find it's nice to associate them with
- the development version.
- 8) If you get some errors compiling the dsoundcardpmo.cpp file, you likely
- have an old version (or rather, the stock DirectX headers that ship
- with MSVC 5.0) of DirectX installed. You can either update the DirectX
- SDK (which is a *very* large download) or you can grab the needed
- dsound.h file from here: http://www.freeamp.org/misc/dsound.h
- ###########
- Setting Breakpoints
- -------------------
- You may have trouble setting breakpoints when freeamp is not
- currently being debugged. This is because you cannot set breakpoints
- in DLLs for which DevStudio hasn't loaded the debug symbols. This is
- common when you want to debug something that happens early in FreeAmp's
- startup.
- Once FreeAmp is completely up and running, all of the DLLs and debug
- symbols are loaded and you can set breakpoints anywhere, but before that
- time, not all the DLLs have loaded and you can't set breakpoints in some
- files. You can fix this situation by telling DevStudio about the
- DLLs you want to debug. Go to the "Project | Settings"
- dialog for the "freeamp" project and choose the "Debug" tab.
- Select "Additional DLLs" in the "Category" list and then enter
- each DLL that you want to debug. Note that FreeAmp DLL files
- do not end in .DLL -- they have funky names like something.ppp
- and something.ppo. Most of them live in the freeamp\plugins
- directory, and it wouldn't hurt to add them ALL to the "Additional
- DLLs" category -- this will cause DevStudio to load the debug
- symbols ahead of time, and you can set breakpoints before you
- start debugging.
- Building From the Command Line
- ------------------------------
- You can automate the build (for those of you who don't like using
- the DevStudio GUI) by exporting all the makefiles (select
- "Project | Export Makefile" and then running Microsoft's NMAKE.EXE
- on the freeamp makefile. You may need to twiddle a little bit
- to get it to work, but it's not difficult.
- If you are using DevStudio 6, or greater, you can also build from
- the command line by using a command line similar to this one:
- MSDEV drive:path\freeamp\base\win32\proj\freeamp.dsw /make all /out:Build-Log.txt