String Table English, Application: Game Theater XP & Gamesurround Fortissimo II control panel.
IDS_ABOUT 1002 About...
IDS_SHUTDOWN 1003 Shut Down
IDS_RESTART 1004 Restart
IDS_CANCEL 1005 Cancel
IDS_OK 1006 OK
IDS_MSG_RESTART0 1500 Your system must be restarted to complete installation. Please remove any floppy disks from the drive and ensure the Hercules audio hardware is properly installed.
IDS_MSG_RESTART1 1501 If audio hardware needs to be installed:
IDS_MSG_RESTART2 1502 1. Shutdown the system
IDS_MSG_RESTART3 1503 2. Turn the power off
IDS_MSG_RESTART4 1504 3. Consult hardware documentation for installation
IDS_OTHER_AEC 3406 Enable echo elimination function
IDS_OTHER_DIGITALOUT 3407 Digital output configuration:
IDS_OTHER_MAIN 3408 Main outputs
IDS_OTHER_DIGITAL 3409 Digital audio source
IDS_OTHER_POWERDVD 3410 PowerDVD software player
IDS_OTHER_SHOWICON 3411 Show the Game Theater XP 6.1 icon in system tray.
IDS_OTHER_HERCULES_LINK 3412 Click on the web site address to access our web site and check for updated drivers for your Game Theater XP 6.1 soundcard.
IDS_OTHER_RESTART_MSG 3413 To enable or disable this option, you must restart your computer.
IDS_OTHER_GFII_SHOWICON 3414 Show Gamesurround Fortissimo II icon in system tray.
IDS_OTHER_HERCULES_GFII_LINK 3415 Click on the web site address to access our web site and check for updated drivers for your Gamesurround Fortissimo II soundcard.
IDS_OTHER_CP 3416 Copy Protection
IDS_WRN_DIGITALIN 3500 To record via the digital input Digital In, select the optical or coaxial input in the Mixer tab.
IDS_WRN_MICLINEIN2_REC 3501 To record with a micro, switch the potentiometer on (green LED on) and then select the Mic option in the Mixer tab. To record a line-in audio signal, switch the potentiometer off (green LED off) and then select the Line In 2 option in the Mixer tab.
IDS_WRN_MIC_REC 3502 When you select Mic, switch the micro potentiometer on (green LED on).
IDS_WRN_LINEIN2_REC 3503 When you select Line In 2, switch the micro potentiometer off (green LED off).
IDS_WRN_DIGITALIN_MUTE 3504 For optimal performance, please mute the Digital In input whenever it is not used.
IDS_WRN_CLOSE_CPL 3505 Closing the control panel will turn off the headphone detection feature (if enabled).
IDS_WRN_NO_CPL_ON_BOOTUP 3506 Not loading the control panel at Windows startup will prevent the headphone detection feature to work (if enabled).
IDS_WRN_NODISTURB 3599 Do not display this message again
IDS_WRN_HCP_TITLE 3600 Hercules sound cards control panel warning
IDS_WRN_CANTREAD_SPKCONFIG 3601 Can't read Hercules speaker configuration\nUsing current Microsoft speaker configuration.
IDS_WRN_NO_MIXER_FOUND 3602 No audio mixer device found.
IDS_WRN_NOT_INSTALLED_PROPERLY 3603 Initialization failed, there might be a problem with your sound card installation. Please reinstall the drivers.
IDS_WRN_NO_GFX_RES_FOUND 3604 Can't find control panel's external graphic ressources.