How many bands the equalizer is configured to use - Usage: equalizer.GetNumBands();
Return value: The number of bands in the current configuration
<item name="SetNumBands">
Set the number of bands the equalizer is configured to use. - Usage: equalizer.SetNumBands(num);
num The number of bands to use - between 1 and 200.
<item name="GetEQData">
Retrieve the current EQ gain settings. - Usage: equalizer.GetEQData();
Return value: An array of gain values, the length of which is the number of bands.
<item name="SetEQData">
Set the equalizer gain settings. - Usage: equalizer.SetEQData(banddata);
banddata An array of gain data, one value for each equalizer band.
<item name="GetBandGain">
Get the gain for one frequency band. - Usage: equalizer.GetBandGain(band);
band Which frequency band to query the gain of.
Return value: The gain for that equalizer band
<item name="SetBandGain">
Set the gain for one frequency band. - Usage: equalizer.SetBandGain(band, gain);
band Which frequency band to query the gain of.
gain The gain to set it to..
<item name="RegisterChangeCallback">
Register for callback whenever EQ information changes. - Usage: equalizer.RegisterChangeCallback(name, script, context);
name The name of the callback, for future reference.
script The script to call when eq information has changed. It will be passed a single parameter, boolean in value, which tells whether the number of bands has changed.
context Optional: The object that the script should be run from. Default: The equalizer
Return value: 'registered' if success.
<item name="UnregisterChangeCallback">
Unregister a previously registered callback. - Usage: equalizer.UnregisterChangeCallback(name, context);
name The name of the callback to unregister.
context Optional: The object that the script is associated with. Default: The equalizer
Return value: 'unregistered' if success.
<item name="Reset">
Reset the equalizer to flat (no equalization). - Usage: equalizer.Reset();
<section name="pab">
<item name="GetPitch">
Get the pitch setting - Usage: PitchAmpBal.GetPitch();
Return value: The pitch setting, in the range 0.125 to 8.0
<item name="GetAmplification">
Get the amplification setting - Usage: PitchAmpBal.GetAmplification();
Return value: The amplification setting, in the range 0.125 to 8.0
<item name="GetBalance">
Get the balance setting - Usage: PitchAmpBal.GetBalance();
Return value: The balance setting, in the range -1.0 to 1.0
<item name="SetPitch">
Set the pitch setting - Usage: PitchAmpBal.SetPitch(pitch);
pitch The pitch and tempo to set (a multiple of 'normal') in the range of 0.125 to 8.0
<item name="SetAmplification">
Set the amplification setting - Usage: PitchAmpBal.SetAmplification(gain);
gain The gain to set in the range of 0.125 to 8.0
<item name="SetBalance">
Set the balance - Usage: PitchAmpBal.SetBalance(balance);
balance The balance to set in the range of -1.0 to 1.0 (negative being to the left)
<item name="RegisterChangeCallback">
Register for callback whenever pitch, amplification, or balance settings change. - Usage: PitchAmpBal.RegisterChangeCallback(name, script, context);
name The name of the callback, for future reference.
script The script to call when settings have changed.
context Optional: The object that the script should be run from. Default: The PitchAmpBal object
Return value: 'registered' if success.
<item name="UnregisterChangeCallback">
Unregister a previously registered callback. - Usage: PitchAmpBal.UnregisterChangeCallback(name, context);
name The name of the callback to unregister.
context Optional: The object that the script is associated with. Default: The PitchAmpBal object
Return value: 'unregistered' if success.
<section name="files">
<item name="RegisterFileAssociation">
Registers a file extention for Sonique 2 - Usage: files.RegisterFileAssociation(ext, actions, description);
ext The extention to register
actions A comma delimited list of actions. Possible values are "open" and "add".
description Optional: A description of the file type eg., Ogg Vorbis file Default: null
<item name="UnregisterFileAssociation">
Unregister a file extention for Sonique2 - Usage: files.UnregisterFileAssociation(ext);
ext The extention to unregister
<item name="IsFileAssociationRegistered">
Queries whether a file association is registered for Sonique2. - Usage: files.IsFileAssociationRegistered(ext);
ext The extention to query
Return value: If registered, the type of registration, othereise false
<section name="playlists">
<item name="AddPlaylist">
Add a playlist - Usage: playlists.AddPlaylist(name);
name The name of the playlist to add.
Return value: 'done' on success
<item name="RemovePlaylist">
Remove a playlist - Usage: playlists.RemovePlaylist(name);
name The name of the playlist to remove.
Return value: 'done' on success
<item name="RenamePlaylist">
Rename a playlist - Usage: playlists.RenamePlaylist(oldname, newname);
oldname The name of the playlist to rename.
newname Its new name.
Return value: 'renamed' on success
<item name="GetPlaylistList">
Retrieve a list of playlists - Usage: playlists.GetPlaylistList();
Return value: An array of playlist objects.
<item name="MakeTempPlaylist">
Create a temporary playlist - Usage: playlists.MakeTempPlaylist(name);
name The prefered name of the playlist to create
Return value: Actual name of the playlist (this may differ from the preferred name)
bAppend Optional: If false, this replaces the dest with the source Default: true
Return value: Actual name of the playlist (this may differ from the preferred name)
<item name="SetIdleScan">
Configure the playlist idle scan - Usage: playlists.SetIdleScan(mode);
mode One of the following: 'none' 'quick' or 'thorough'
<section name="players">
<item name="AddPlayer">
Add a player - Usage: players.AddPlayer(name);
name The name of the player to add.
Return value: 'done' on success
<item name="RemovePlayer">
Remove a player - Usage: players.RemovePlayer(name);
name The name of the player to remove.
Return value: 'done' on success
<item name="RenamePlayer">
Rename a player - Usage: players.RenamePlayer(oldname, newname);
oldname The name of the player to rename.
newname Its new name.
Return value: 'renamed' on success
<item name="GetPlayerList">
Retrieve a list of players - Usage: players.GetPlayerList();
Return value: An array of player objects.
<item name="MakeTempPlayer">
Create a temporary player - Usage: players.MakeTempPlayer(name);
name The prefered name of the player to create
Return value: Actual name of the player (this may differ from the preferred name)
<item name="GetEndpointList">
Get a list of available endpoints (audio output devices) - Usage: players.GetEndpointList();
Each endpoint is reported as an array with the following members: 'name', 'description', 'factoryID'.
Return value: An array of endpoints (audio output devices)
<item name="QueryDefaultEndpoint">
What is the default output device? - Usage: players.QueryDefaultEndpoint();
Return value: The name of the default endpoing (output device)
<item name="SelectDefaultEndpoint">
Set the default output device? - Usage: players.SelectDefaultEndpoint(device);
device The name of the audio output device to use as the default endpoint.
Return value: The name of the default endpoing (output device)
<item name="GetStreamList">
Get a list of available streams (audio input devices) - Usage: players.GetStreamList();
Return value: An array of streams (audio input devices)
Each stream is reported as an array with the following members: 'name', 'description', 'factoryID'.
<item name="GetFilterList">
Get a list of available filters (audio decoding devices) - Usage: players.GetFilterList();
Return value: An array of filters (audio decoding devices)
Each filter is reported as an array with the following members: 'name', 'description', 'factoryID'.
<item name="GetDSPList">
Get a list of available dsps (audio processing devices) - Usage: players.GetDSPList();
Return value: An array of DSPs (audio processing devices)
Each DSP is reported as an array with the following members: 'name', 'description', 'factoryID'.
<item name="GetMiscAudioList">
Get a list of available miscellaneous audio plugins - Usage: players.GetMiscAudioList();
Return value: An array of audio settings objects
Each plugin is reported as an array with the following members: 'name', 'description', 'factoryID'.
<section name="playlist">
<item name="AddItem">
Add an item to the playlist - Usage: playlist.AddItem(item, where);
item The URL or filename of the item to add to the playlist, or an array of URLs and filenames.
where Optional: 'top', 'bottom' or the UID of the item to place it after Default: bottom
<item name="RemoveItem">
Remove items from the playlist - Usage: playlist.RemoveItem(items);
items The UID of an item to remove, or an array of UIDs.
Return value: 'removed' on success, null on error.
<item name="MoveItem">
Move items in the playlist - Usage: playlist.MoveItem(item, where);
item A UID (or array of UIDS) to move within the playlist
where Optional: 'top', 'bottom' or the UID of the item to place them after Default: bottom
Return value: 'moved' on success, null on error
<item name="RemoveAll">
Remove all items from the playlist. - Usage: playlist.RemoveAll();
Return value: 'removed' on success, null on error
<item name="GetFirstUID">
Get the UID of the first item in the playlist - Usage: playlist.GetFirstUID(bShuffled);
The following code will count how many items are in the playlist:
$key = :sonique.playlists.default.Lock();
$UID = :sonique.playlists.default.GetFirstUID();
$count = 1;
while ($UID = :sonique.playlists.default.GetNextUID($UID))
bShuffled Optional: If true, this retrieves items in the order that they will be played with the current shuffling. Otherwise, it sorts by the playlist item numbers. Default: true
Return value: The UID of the first item in the playlist
<item name="GetNextUID">
Get the UID of the next item in the playlist - Usage: playlist.GetNextUID(UID, bShuffled);
The following code will count how many items are in the playlist:
$key = :sonique.playlists.default.Lock();
$UID = :sonique.playlists.default.GetFirstUID();
$count = 1;
while ($UID = :sonique.playlists.default.GetNextUID($UID))
// Better would be :sonique.playlsits.default.GetCount();
UID The UID of the item you're currently at.
bShuffled Optional: If true, this retrieves items in the order that they will be played with the current shuffling. Otherwise, it sorts by the playlist item numbers. Default: true
Return value: The UID of the next item in the playlist, or null if we're at the end.
<item name="GetPrevUID">
Get the UID of the previous item in the playlist - Usage: playlist.GetPrevUID(UID, bShuffled);
UID The UID of the item you're currently at.
bShuffled Optional: If true, this retrieves items in the order that they will be played with the current shuffling. Otherwise, it sorts by the playlist item numbers. Default: true
Return value: The UID of the previous item in the playlist, or null if we're at the beginning.
<item name="Reshuffle">
Reshuffle the playlist. - Usage: playlist.Reshuffle();
<item name="Sort">
Sort the playlist. - Usage: playlist.Sort(field, direction);
field Which field to sort by. This can be author, title, or any of the values returned from GetTokenList()
direction Optional: The direction to sort by Default: forwards
Return value: 'sorted' on success, null on failure
<item name="Randomize">
Randomize the order of the playlist - Usage: playlist.Randomize();
Return value: 'randomized' on success, otherwise null.
<item name="Reverse">
Reverse the order of the playlist - Usage: playlist.Reverse();
Return value: 'reversed' on success, otherwise null.
<item name="Lock">
Locks the playlist for manipulation. - Usage: playlist.Lock();
This function locks the playlist so that other threads won't change it. You should use it when performing a number of operations that require the playlist to not change in between. After locking it, you should whatever operations you want and then unlock it within a relatively short period of time, to ensure that other playlist operations remain responsive.
Return value: A cookie that must be used with Unlock, or null on error.
<item name="Unlock">
Unlock a previously locked playlist. See the Lock function for details. - Usage: playlist.Unlock(cookie);
cookie The cookie returned by Lock
Return value: 'unlocked' on success, null otherwise
<item name="UpdateLock">
Refresh the lock on the playlist so it doesn't time out. - Usage: playlist.UpdateLock(cookie);
Locks will eventually time out (after 30 seconds or so). If this is a problem, you should refresh the lock. This will not be necessary except in extraordinary cases. Use this with extreme care - if this is misused it will effectively make the playlist unusable from the rest of the program.
cookie The cookie returned by Lock
Return value: 'updated' on success, null otherwise.
<item name="GetCurrentVersion">
Gets the revision number of the playlist. This increments whenever the playlist changes. - Usage: playlist.GetCurrentVersion();
Return value: The revision number of the playlist
<item name="GetCurrentList">
Retrieves the playlist as an array of UIDs - Usage: playlist.GetCurrentList();
Return value: An array of UIDs currently in the playlist.
<item name="GetChangeList">
Retrieves a list of what has changed in the playlist. - Usage: playlist.GetChangeList(rev);
rev The revision that you wish to diff against
Return value: An array, containing a subarray of UIDs (named 'ids'), the current version (named 'version') and a boolean value telling whether the order changed (named 'order_changed')
<item name="GetCount">
How many items are in the playlist? - Usage: playlist.GetCount();
Return value: The number of items in the playlist
<item name="GetUIDIndex">
Get the index of the specified UID in the playlist. - Usage: playlist.GetUIDIndex(UID);
UID The UID to search for.
Return value: The index of that UID
<item name="GetUIDAtIndex">
Get the UID at a given index. - Usage: playlist.GetUIDAtIndex(index);
index Which UID to get.
Return value: The UID at the specified index.
<item name="GetUIDForURL">
Search for a URL - Usage: playlist.GetUIDForURL(URL);
URL The URL to search for
Return value: The UID that corresponds with a given URL. If that URL is in the playlist multiple times, only one will be returned. If no results are found, null is returned.
<item name="GetTotalPlaylistTime">
The total playlist length - Usage: playlist.GetTotalPlaylistTime();
Return value: An array, containing an element named 'time' with the time, and an element named type which will be one of the following: duration_estimate, duration_verified, duration_unknown, duration_infinite
<item name="GetSongAtTime">
Get the info for the song at the specified time into the playlist. - Usage: playlist.GetSongAtTime(time);
time The time into the playlist to query.
Return value: An array containing the following elements: id, url, title, author, duration, duration_type, album, and subposition (how far into this song we are at the given time)
<item name="GetSongAtPercent">
Get the info for the song at the specified percent through the playlist. - Usage: playlist.GetSongAtPercent(percent);
percent How far through the playlist to query.
Return value: An array containing the following elements: id, url, title, author, duration, duration_type, album, and subposition (how far into this song we are at the given percent)
<item name="GetUIDInfo">
Returns a structure describing the playlist entry with the specified ID - Usage: playlist.GetUIDInfo(UID);
UID The UID to query (or an array of UIDs)
Return value: An array with the following fields: uid, url, title, author, duration, duration_type. If an array is passed in, the return value will be an array of these arrays.
<item name="GetTokenList">
Get a list of token names - which can then be passed into Sort() - Usage: playlist.GetTokenList();
Return value: An array containing one array for each unique token name. Each of those arrays has two elements, name and count (the number of occurences in the playlist of this token)
<item name="RegisterCallback">
Register for callback when a playlist event occurs. - Usage: playlist.RegisterCallback(name, script, context);
name The name of the callback, for future reference.
script The script to call when a playlist event occurs.
context Optional: The object to run the script from. Default: the playlist object
<item name="UnregisterCallback">
Unegister for callback. - Usage: playlist.UnregisterCallback(name, context);
name The name of the callback to unregister.
context Optional: The object associated with the callback. Default: the playlist object
<item name="SetIdleScan">
Set the idlescan mode - Usage: playlist.SetIdleScan(mode, startnow);
mode quick, thorough, or none.
startnow Optional: Determines whether to start scanning immediately. Default: true
<item name="StartIdleScan">
Forces the idle scan to start (in case it's not set to start immediately) - Usage: playlist.StartIdleScan();
<item name="StopIdleScan">
Forces the idle scan to stop - Usage: playlist.StopIdleScan();
<item name="CurrentlyIdleScanning">
Are we currently idle scanning? - Usage: playlist.CurrentlyIdleScanning();
Return value: true if we are, false if we aren't.
<item name="IdleScanningIsActive">
Is the idle scan thread actively scanning files? - Usage: playlist.IdleScanningIsActive();
Return value: true if we are, false if we aren't.
<section name="player">
<item name="Play">
If the player is stopped or paused, play - Usage: player.Play();
Return value: 'Playing' if we were started playing, null if we already were.
<item name="WaveWrite">
Similar to play, except that the audio is written to a file instead of (or including) it being played through the normal output device. If the parameter is true, then sound comes out of the output device normally as well as being written to file(s). If the parameter is false then the normal output method is totally bypassed and data is written as fast as possible to the file(s). - Usage: player.WaveWrite();
Return value: 'Writing' if this call succeeds, NULL otherwise.
<item name="Stop">
If the player is playing or paused, stop. - Usage: player.Stop();
Return value: 'Stopped' if we stopped, null if we were already stopped.
<item name="pause">
If the player is playing, pause playback. - Usage: player.pause();
Return value: 'Paused' if we paused playback, null if we were not currently playing.
<item name="TogglePause">
If playing, pause. If paused, play. - Usage: player.TogglePause();
<item name="Next">
Skip to the next track in the playlist (in accordance with shuffle and what not) - Usage: player.Next();
<item name="Previous">
Skip to the previous track in the playlist (in accordance with shuffle and what not) - Usage: player.Previous();
<item name="SeekTo">
Seek to a given track in the playlist - Usage: player.SeekTo(UID, offset);
UID The UID of the item in the playlist to skip to.
offset Optional: How many seconds into the song to skip to. Default: 0
<item name="SeekToIndex">
Seek to a given index into the playlist - Usage: player.SeekToIndex(index, offset);
index The index of the item in the playlist to skip to.
offset Optional: How many seconds into the song to skip to. Default: 0
<item name="SeekToTime">
Seek to the specified time into the currently playing track - Usage: player.SeekToTime(time, bAccurate);
time How many seconds into the song to skip to.
bAccurate Optional: Use false to give a quick preview (for instance if the user is dragging a slider) and true for the final seek Default: true
<item name="Scan">
Scan forward or backwards by the specified amount - Usage: player.Scan(time, bAccurate);
time How many seconds skip. (negative means scan back)
bAccurate Optional: Use false to give a quick preview (for instance if the user is dragging a slider) and true for the final scan Default: true
<item name="GetInfo">
Get information on the current play state - Usage: player.GetInfo();
Return value: An array containing the following fields: info (an array describing the current track, with the fields 'uid', 'url', 'title', 'author', 'duration', and 'duration_type'), 'playstate' (an array with the following fields: 'state' (may be 'stopped', 'paused', or 'playing'), 'shuffled' (true or false), 'repeat' ('off', 'one' or 'all')), 'cursongid' (the UID of the current song), 'numsongs' (the number of songs in the playlist), 'cursongindex' (the index into the playlist currently playing), and 'curplaytime' (how many seconds into the current track we are).
<item name="GetPlayProgress">
Query the estimated amount of time through the playlist we're at. - Usage: player.GetPlayProgress();
<item name="GetShuffle">
Query whether shuffle play is enabled. - Usage: player.GetShuffle();
Return value: true if it is, false if it isn't.
<item name="SetShuffle">
Enable or disable shuffle play - Usage: player.SetShuffle(shuffle);
shuffle true to enable shuffle play, false to disable
<item name="ToggleShuffle">
Toggle shuffle play - Usage: player.ToggleShuffle();
<item name="GetRepeat">
Query repeat play is status. - Usage: player.GetRepeat();
Advance through repeat settings 'off', 'one', and 'all. - Usage: player.ToggleRepeat();
<item name="GetVolume">
Get the current playback volume - Usage: player.GetVolume();
Return value: The volume, between 0.0 and 1.0
<item name="SetVolume">
Set the current playback volume. - Usage: player.SetVolume(vol);
vol A number between 0.0 (silence) and 1.0 (pretty loud)
<item name="GetPlaybackMethod">
What is the current playback mode? - Usage: player.GetPlaybackMethod();
Return value: An array with two items 'method' (one of: 'normal', 'seamless', 'crossfade', or 'unknown') and 'transitiontime' (a number of seconds)
<item name="SetPlaybackMethod">
Set the playback mode - Usage: player.SetPlaybackMethod(method, time);
method 'normal', 'seamless', or 'crossfade'
time Optional: How long to spend transitioning between tracks. Default: -1
<item name="RegisterCallback">
Register for callback when a player event occurs. - Usage: player.RegisterCallback(name, script, context);
name The name of the callback to hook. Valid callbacks are: 'Playing', 'Stopping', 'Pausing', 'SongStarted','VolumeChanged', 'Seeking', 'SeekFailed', 'Seeked', 'PlayFailed', 'CurrentIDChanged', 'ShuffleChanged', 'RepeatChanged', and 'AssociatedPlaylistChanged'
script What to do when player events occur.
context Optional: The object to run the script from. Default: the player object
<item name="UnregisterCallback">
Unregister a previously registered callback. - Usage: player.UnregisterCallback(name, context);
name The name of the callback to unregister.
context Optional: The object associated with the callback. Default: the player object
<item name="GetAssociatedPlaylistName">
Get the name of the playlist associated with this player - Usage: player.GetAssociatedPlaylistName();
Return value: The name of the playlist or 'unknown' if not known.
<item name="GetAssociatedPlaylist">
Get the UID of the playlist associated with this player - Usage: player.GetAssociatedPlaylist();
Return value: The UID, or if unavailabe, null
<item name="SetAssociatedPlaylist">
Set which playlist this player is playing from - Usage: player.SetAssociatedPlaylist(uid);
uid The UID of the playlist to use.
<item name="SendFilterMessage">
Send a message to a filter that's being used to play the current track. - Usage: player.SendFilterMessage(message);
message A filter-specific message. If that filter is not in use, the message will be ignored.
<item name="GetFileExtensions">
What file extensions can this player play? - Usage: player.GetFileExtensions();
Return value: An array of arrays, each of which has fields named: 'ext' (the extention), and 'desc' (a description)
<section name="playersetting">
<item name="get">
Get a setting by name. - Usage: playersetting.get(name);
name The name of the setting to get.
Return value: The value currently set, or a null string of unset.
<item name="set">
Set a setting by name. - Usage: playersetting.set(name, value);
name The name of the setting to set.
value The value to set it to.
<section name="player">
<item name="GetTitleString">
Get the title of the currently playing track. - Usage: player.GetTitleString(format, player);
format Optional: How to format the title string. Default: :sonique.player.DefaultTitleFormat
player Optional: The name of the player to query. Default: default
<item name="GetTimeString">
Get the time of the currently playing track. - Usage: player.GetTimeString(format, mode, player);
format Optional: How to format the time string. Default: :sonique.player.DefaultTimeFormat
mode Optional: Time display mode. Options are: 'timeremaining', 'totaltime', and 'elapsed' Default: elapsed
player Optional: The name of the player to query. Default: default
<item name="GetTrackString">
Get the number of the currently playing track. - Usage: player.GetTrackString(format, player);
format Optional: How to format the track string. Default: :sonique.player.DefaultTrackFormat
player Optional: The name of the player to query. Default: 'default'
<item name="GetTotalTimeString">
Get the total length of a playlist. - Usage: player.GetTotalTimeString(format, playlist);
format Optional: How to format the time string. Default: :sonique.player.DefaultTotalTimeFormat
playlist Optional: The name of the playlist to query. Default: 'default'
<item name="GetTimeSeekString">
Get the string to display when seeking a certain amount. - Usage: player.GetTimeSeekString(time, format);
time The time in seconds we would be seeking.
format Optional: How to format the time string. Default: :sonique.player.DefaultTimeSeekFormat
<item name="GetTitleSeekString">
Get the string to display when seeking a specific track. - Usage: player.GetTitleSeekString(uid, format, playlist);
uid The UID of the track we'd be seeking to.
format Optional: How to format the time string. Default: :sonique.player.DefaultTrackSeekFormat
playlist Optional: The name of the playlist to query. Default: 'default'
<item name="GetTitleTimeSeekString">
Get the string to display when seeking a specific track and time. - Usage: player.GetTitleTimeSeekString(uid, time, format, playlist);
uid The UID of the track we'd be seeking to.
time The time into the track to seek to.
format Optional: How to format the time string. Default: :sonique.player.DefaultTitleTimeSeekFormat
playlist Optional: The name of the playlist to query. Default: 'default'
<item name="GetInfoString">
Get a string describing the format of the current audio stream. - Usage: player.GetInfoString(format, player);
format Optional: How to format the info string. Default: :sonique.player.DefaultInfoFormat
player Optional: The name of the player to query. Default: 'default'
<section name="prefs">
<item name="GetString">
Retrieves a string from the preferences. For use with multiple nodes of the same name and location. - Usage: prefs.GetString(section, name);
section The section containing the preferences.
name The name of the item within the section.
Return value: The current value of that preference.
<item name="GetStringArray">
Retrieves an array string values from the preferences. - Usage: prefs.GetStringArray(section, name);
section The section containing the preferences.
name The name of the items within the section.
Return value: An array containing the current values of the named preferences.
<item name="SetString">
Set a string in the prefernces - Usage: prefs.SetString(section, name, value);
section The section containing the preferences.
name The name of the item within the section.
value The value to set it to.
<item name="SetStringArray">
Set multiple strings in the prefernces. For use with multiple nodes of the same name and location, - Usage: prefs.SetStringArray(section, name, values);
section The section containing the preferences.
name The name of the items within the section.
values The array of values to set them to.
<item name="PrepString">
Set a string value in the preferences, if it doesn't already exist. - Usage: prefs.PrepString(section, name, value);
section The section containing the preferences.
name The name of the item within the section.
value The value to set it to.
<item name="CreateSection">
Create a preferences section in which you can store data. - Usage: prefs.CreateSection(section);
section The section containing the preferences. If this section already exists, nothing happens.
<item name="DoesSectionExist">
Query whether a section exists - Usage: prefs.DoesSectionExist(section);
section The section to query for existance.
Return value: true if it does, false if it doesn't
<item name="Save">
Force Sonique to write all preferences out to disk. This normally happens only on program shutdown. - Usage: prefs.Save();
<section name="sonique">
<item name="InstallInterface">
Register a skin or interface. - Usage: :sonique.InstallInterface(path);
path The path to the interface.
<item name="OpenFiles">
Present the user with a file open dialog. Selected files are added to the playlist. - Usage: :sonique.OpenFiles(playlist);
playlist Optional: The playlist to add the files to. Default: 'default'
<item name="BrowseForFolder">
Present the user with a folder browser dialog. The selected folder path is returned. - Usage: :sonique.BrowseForFolder(title, path);
title Optional: The title displayed in the browse dialogue. Default: 'null'
path Optional: The path that is initially selected in the browse dialogue. Default: 'null'
<item name="SavePlaylistFile">
Present the user with a file save dialog, to chose where to save the playlist. - Usage: :sonique.SavePlaylistFile(playlist);
playlist Optional: The playlist to save. Default: 'default'
<item name="LoadPlaylistFile">
Present the user with a file load dialog, to chose where to load the playlist from. - Usage: :sonique.LoadPlaylistFile(playlist, append);
playlist Optional: The playlist to save. Default: 'default'
append Optional: Append to the currently loaded playlist? True means yes. Default: false
<item name="Exit">
Exit Sonique 2. - Usage: :sonique.Exit();
<item name="LoadSkin">
Reskin the current application window. - Usage: :sonique.LoadSkin(interface);
interface The unique name of an interface containing the skin to load.
<item name="SetLanguage">
Set the order of language preference. - Usage: :sonique.SetLanguage(langauges);
langauges An array of names of languages to use, in order of descending preference. GetLanguageList() will show available languages.
<item name="SetLanguageIndex">
Select a single language, by index. - Usage: :sonique.SetLanguageIndex(index);
index The index of the language to select. GetLanguageList() will show available languages.
<item name="GetLanguageList">
Enumerate available languages. - Usage: :sonique.GetLanguageList();
Return value: An array of languages that are at least partially available.
<item name="Status">
Set the status text bar of all windows - Usage: :sonique.Status(text, type);
text The text to set
type Optional: How to set it. Options include: 'fallback', 'info', 'warning', 'error' Default: 'info'
<item name="LocalStatus">
Set the local status bar text - Usage: :sonique.LocalStatus(text, priority, context);
Register a script to be executed when a certain key is pressed in this window - Usage: :app.RegisterWindowKeyScript(key, script, context, windowcontext);
key the key code to react to, e.g. "ctrl-c", "ctrl-shift-s", "pageup"
script the script to execute when this key is pressed
context Optional: the context to execute the script in Default: none
windowcontext Optional: the window in which to trap this keypress Default: window the calling script is from
Return value: true/false for success/failure
<item name="UnregisterWindowKeyScript">
Remove an script registered to a keypress by RegisterWindowKeyScript - Usage: :app.UnregisterWindowKeyScript(key, script, context, windowcontext);
key the key code to unregister
script the script which was passed to RegisterWindowKeyScript. this is needed to check that your script is currently the one still registered.
context Optional: the context which was passed to RegisterWindowKeyScript. Default: none
windowcontext Optional: the window context which was passed to RegisterWindowKeyScript. Default: window the calling script is from
Return value: true/false for success/failure
<item name="RegisterGlobalKeyScript">
Register a script to be executed when a certain key is pressed in any window - Usage: :app.RegisterGlobalKeyScript(key, script, context);
key the key code to react to, e.g. "ctrl-c", "ctrl-shift-s", "pageup"
script the script to execute when this key is pressed
context Optional: the context to execute the script in Default: none
Return value: true/false for success/failure
<item name="UnregisterWindowKeyScript">
Remove an script registered to a keypress by RegisterGlobalKeyScript - Usage: :app.UnregisterWindowKeyScript(key, script, context);
key the key code to unregister
script the script which was passed to RegisterGlobalKeyScript. this is needed to check that your script is currently the one still registered.
context Optional: the context which was passed to RegisterGlobalKeyScript. Default: none
Return value: true/false for success/failure
<section name="console">
<item name="Write">
Print a string to the console. - Usage: :console.Write(stuff, mode);
stuff is a value to output. If it is an array it will be displayed as text.
mode Optional: How to log the result. Options are: 'debug', 'info', 'logtext', 'commandtext', 'commandresult', 'warning', and 'error' Default: logtext
<item name="Echo">
Print a string to the console, with a newline at the end. - Usage: :console.Echo(stuff, mode);
stuff is a value to output. If it is an array it will be displayed as text.
mode Optional: How to log the result. Options are: 'debug', 'info', 'logtext', 'commandtext', 'commandresult', 'warning', and 'error' Default: logtext
<item name="enabledisklogging">
Turns console disk logging on or off. - Usage: :console.enabledisklogging(bEnable, This);
bEnable is a boolean value - true to enable, false to disable.
This causes the console to be logged to a file when it's on. Normally this uses"consolelog.txt".
<section name="data">
<item name="IsScalar">
Is this data item a string? - Usage: $data.IsScalar();
Return value: true, if the item is a number or string, false if it is an array.
<item name="IsArray">
Is the data item an array? - Usage: $data.IsArray();
Return value: true if the item is an array, false if it is a number or a string.
<item name="ArraySize">
How large is an array? - Usage: $data.ArraySize();
Return value: the number of elements in $MyArray.
<item name="IsValidIndex">
Is foo a valid array index? - Usage: $data.IsValidIndex(index);
index is a number or string which may or may not be a valid index into $MyArray.
Return value: true if $MyArray[index] would evaluate succesfully, false otherwise.
<section name="base">
<item name="BroadcastScript">
Broadcast a script to all children. - Usage: Object.BroadcastScript(script);
script is a script to be run by Object and all of its children (meaning in their contexts). All return values are ignored.
<item name="Funcs">
Enumerate functions. - Usage: Object.Funcs();
Return value: An array of the names of the functions which Object contains.
<item name="Help">
Retrieve help information. - Usage: Object.Help();
Return value: A description of Object's usage. Note that Object may be a function.
<item name="Children">
Enumerate children. - Usage: Object.Children();
Return value: An array of the names of the child objects which Object contains.
<item name="Members">
Enumerate members. - Usage: Object.Members();
Return value: An array of the names of the members (data) which Object contains.
<item name="All">
Enumerate everything. - Usage: Object.All();
Return value: An array of tne names of everything which Object contains.
<item name="DoesChildExist">
Does an object contain a certain child? - Usage: Object.DoesChildExist(childname);
childname is the name of the child which Object may or may not contain.
Return value: true if Object contains a child, member, or function named childname. Otherwise false.
<item name="Name">
Ask an object its name. - Usage: Object.Name();
Return value: The name of the object.
<item name="ObjectType">
Ask an object it's type. - Usage: Object.ObjectType();
Return value: The internal name of Object's type. You probably won't find this useful.
<item name="Version">
Ask an object it's version. - Usage: Object.Version();
Return value: The revision number of an object's internal implementation. Please refrain from writing Mantis Script code which relies on this function if possible.
<section name="consolewin">
<item name="SetMinDisplayType">
Select the minimm severity of messages that are displayed on the console. - Usage: Console.SetMinDisplayType(severity);
severity Options are: 'debug', 'info', 'warning', and 'error'
<section name="button">
<item name="GetHover">
Query a control's hover status. - Usage: Button.GetHover();
Return value: True, if the hover is enabled. False if hover is disabled.
<item name="SetHover">
Set a control's hover status. - Usage: Button.SetHover(bHoverState);
bHoverState True to enable mouse over hovering, false to disable it.
<item name="SetState">
Set a button's state. - Usage: Button.SetState(state, delayed);
state A number representing which state the button should transition to.
delayed An optional parameter. True to use normal transitions, false for instaneous results. Default is true.
<item name="GetState">
Retrieve a button's state. - Usage: Button.GetState();
Return value: The number of the state that is currently active for Button.
<item name="GetToggle">
Get a button's toggle state. - Usage: Button.GetToggle();
Return value: True if the button is in Toggle mode (that is, it automatically switches between states 0 and 1 when clicked), false otherwise.
<item name="SetToggle">
Set a button's toggle state. - Usage: Button.SetToggle(bToggle);
bToggle True if you wish the button to automatically switch between states 0 and 1 when clicked, false otherwise.
<item name="SetText">
Set the button's display text. - Usage: Button.SetText(string);
string The text to display on the button.
<section name="EditControl">
<item name="GetText">
Retrieve an Edit control's contents. - Usage: (null).GetText();
Return value: The text contents of the Edit control.
<item name="SetText">
Set the contents of an Edit Control. - Usage: (null).SetText(text);
text What to set the edit control's contents to.
<section name="language">
<item name="Translate">
Translate a string. - Usage: :language.Translate(key, module);
key The name of the string to translate - this is a series of section names, each followed by a slash and then an item name, as laid out in the language XML file.
module Optional: The name of the module the string belongs to. Default: "sonique gui".
Return value: The translation (in the currently selected language) of the key
<section name="picker">
<item name="GetCurrentItem">
Get the currently selected item. - Usage: Picker.GetCurrentItem();
Return value: The text contents of the currently selected item.
<item name="GetCurrentItemIndex">
Get the index of the selected item. - Usage: Picker.GetCurrentItemIndex();
Return value: The numeric index of the currently selected item, 0 being the first.
<item name="SetCurrentItem">
Sets the selected item. - Usage: Picker.SetCurrentItem(value, Note);
value May be either an array or a string. If it's an array, it may have an element named 'text' the value of which is the label for the new item, and an element named"data" which is the data associated with it. If value is a string, it is used for the control's label.
Note that this will replace the current item with the new information.
Return value: "set" if success. null if failure.
<item name="SetCurrentItemIndex">
Selects an item by index. - Usage: Picker.SetCurrentItemIndex(index);
index The numeric index of the item to set, beginning with 0.
<item name="GetItem">
Gets the contents of an item by index. - Usage: Picker.GetItem(index, Return);
index The numeric index of the item to get, beginning with 0.
Return value An array, with an elenment named"text" containing the item's label, and, if available, an item named 'data' containing it's associated data.
<item name="SetItem">
Sets the contents of an item by index. - Usage: Picker.SetItem(index, value, Note);
index The numeric index of the item to set, beginning with 0.
value May be either an array or a string. If it's an array, it may have an element named 'text' the value of which is the label for the new item, and an element named 'data' which is the data associated with it. If value is a string, it is used for the control's label.
Note that this will replace the item previously at index with the new information.
Return value: "set" if success. null if failure.
<item name="AddItem">
Add a new item on to the end of the picker list. - Usage: Picker.AddItem(value);
value May be either an array or a string. If it's an array, it may have an element named"text" the value of which is the label for the new item, and an element named 'data' which is the data associated with it. If value is a string, it is used for the control's label.
Return value: "added" if success. null if failure.
<item name="InsertItem">
Insert a new item into the picker list. - Usage: Picker.InsertItem(index, value);
index The numeric index of the item to insert before, beginning with 0.
value May be either an array or a string. If it's an array, it may have an element named"text" the value of which is the label for the new item, and an element named 'data' which is the data associated with it. If value is a string, it is used for the control's label.
Return value: "inserted" if success, null if failure.
<item name="RemoveItem">
Remove an item from the picker list. - Usage: Picker.RemoveItem(index);
index The numeric index of the item to remove, beginning with 0.
Return value: "removed" if success, null if failure.
<item name="GetItems">
Get the contents of the picker list. - Usage: Picker.GetItems();
Return value: An array of the items in the picker. Each item is itself an array, containing an element named 'text', which holds the item's label, and, if avaiable, an item named 'data' containing data associated with the item.
<item name="SetItems">
Set the contents of the picker list. - Usage: Picker.SetItems(items);
items An array of items to replace the entire contents of the picker with. Each item may be either an array or a string. If it's an array, it may have an element named 'text' the value of which is the label for the new item, and an element named 'data' which is the data associated with it. If value is a string, it is used for the control's label.
Return value: "set" if success, null otherwise.
<section name="spinbutton">
<item name="GetRealPos">
Get the spinner's position, 0.0 to 1.0. - Usage: Spinner.GetRealPos();
Return value: A number in the range 0.0 to 1.0
<item name="GetIntPos">
Get the spinner's integral position. - Usage: Spinner.GetIntPos();
Return value: A number between the min and max integer positions
<item name="SetRealPos">
Set the spinner's position, 0.0 to 1.0. - Usage: Spinner.SetRealPos(pos);
pos A number in the range 0.0 to 1.0. 0.5 would set the Spinner to be half way between its minimum and maximum values.
<item name="SetIntPos">
Set the spinner's position. - Usage: Spinner.SetIntPos(pos);
pos A number between the spinner's minimum and maximum values.
<item name="GetMin">
Get the spinner's mimimum integer position. - Usage: Spinner.GetMin();
Return value: The minimum value that spinner can hold.
<item name="GetMax">
Get the spinner's maximum integer position. - Usage: Spinner.GetMax();
Return value: The maximum value that spinner can hold.
<section name="selectionlist">
<item name="GetSelectionArray">
Returns an array of the list. - Usage: List.GetSelectionArray();
Return value: An array of items, each of which is an array with two items, one named'name' and the other named 'selected' (which is either true or false, depending on the status of the item)
<item name="IsItemIndexSelected">
Returns whether the supplied index is selected or not. - Usage: List.IsItemIndexSelected(index);
index The index of the item whose selection state is to be queried.
Return value: True if the item is selected, false otherwise.
<item name="IsItemSelected">
Returns whether the given item is selected or not. - Usage: List.IsItemSelected(name);
name The name of an item in the list.
Return value: True if the item named name is selected, otherwise false.
<item name="SelectItemIndex">
Set the specified item's selected state. - Usage: List.SelectItemIndex(index, bSelect);
index Which item to select or deselect.
bSelect true to select the item, false to deselect it.
<item name="SelectItem">
Set the specified item's selected state. - Usage: List.SelectItem(name, bSelect);
name The name of the item to select or deselect.
bSelect true to select the item, false to deselect it.
<item name="GetItem">
Get the contents of an item by index. - Usage: List.GetItem(index);
index The index of the item to retrieve.
Return value: The text at that index.
<item name="SetItem">
Set the contents of an item by index. - Usage: List.SetItem(index, contents);
index The index of the item to set.
contents A string containing the text to be displayed in the item.
Return value: "set" if success, null if failure.
<item name="AddItem">
Add a new item on to the end of the selection list. - Usage: List.AddItem(value);
value May be either an array or a string. If it's an array, it may have an element named"text" the value of which is the label for the new item, and an element named 'data' which is the data associated with it. If value is a string, it is used for the control's label.
Return value: "added" if success. null if failure.
<item name="InsertItem">
Insert a new item into the selection list. - Usage: List.InsertItem(index, value);
index The numeric index of the item to insert before, beginning with 0.
value May be either an array or a string. If it's an array, it may have an element named 'text' the value of which is the label for the new item, and an element named 'data' which is the data associated with it. If value is a string, it is used for the control's label.
Return value: "inserted" if success, null if failure.
<item name="RemoveItem">
Remove an item from the selection list. - Usage: List.RemoveItem(index);
index The numeric index of the item to remove, beginning with 0.
Return value: "removed" if success, null if failure.
<item name="GetItems">
Get the contents of the selection list. - Usage: List.GetItems();
Return value: An array of the items in the selection list. Each item is itself an array, containing an element named 'text', which holds the item's label, and, if avaiable, an item named 'data' containing data associated with the item.
<item name="SetItems">
Set the contents of the selection list. - Usage: List.SetItems(items);
items An array of items to replace the entire contents of the selection list with. Each item may be either an array or a string. If it's an array, it may have an element named 'text' the value of which is the label for the new item, and an element named 'data' which is the data associated with it. If value is a string, it is used for the control's label.
Return value: "set" if success, null otherwise.
<section name="slider">
<item name="GetRealPos">
Get the slider's position, 0.0 to 1.0. - Usage: Slider.GetRealPos();
Return value: A number in the range 0.0 to 1.0
<item name="GetIntPos">
Get the slider's integral position. - Usage: Slider.GetIntPos();
Return value: A number between the min and max integer positions
<item name="SetRealPos">
Set the slider's position, 0.0 to 1.0. - Usage: Slider.SetRealPos(pos);
pos A number in the range 0.0 to 1.0. 0.5 would set the slider to be half way between its minimum and maximum values.
<item name="SetIntPos">
Set the slider's position. - Usage: Slider.SetIntPos(pos);
pos A number between the slider's minimum and maximum values.
<item name="GetMin">
Get the slider's mimimum integer position. - Usage: Slider.GetMin();
Return value: The minimum value that slider can hold.
<item name="GetMax">
Get the slider's maximum integer position. - Usage: Slider.GetMax();
Return value: The maximum value that Slider can hold.
<item name="SetMin">
Set the slider's minimum integer position. - Usage: Slider.SetMin(min);
min The new lower bound of the slider's range.
<item name="SetMax">
Set the slider's maximum integer position. - Usage: Slider.SetMax(max);
max The new upper bound of the slider's range.
<section name="window">
<item name="GetDesiredFPS">
Retrieve the desired frame rate. - Usage: Window.GetDesiredFPS();
Return value: The desired frame rate, in Frames Per Second.
<item name="GetDesiredFPS">
Retrieve the actual frame rate. - Usage: Window.GetDesiredFPS();
Return value: The actual frame rate, in Frames Per Second.
<item name="SetDesiredFPS">
Set the desired frame rate. - Usage: Window.SetDesiredFPS(rate);
rate The desired frame rate, in Frames Per Second.
<item name="GetLocation">
Retrieve the window location. - Usage: Window.GetLocation();
Return value: An array (x,y) containing the position of the window relative to it's parent or the desktop (if a top level window)
<item name="GetOffset">
Retrieve the window offset. - Usage: Window.GetOffset(component);
component Optional:"left","top","right", or"bottom" to select a component of the offset, or nothing for all, in an array.
Return value: If no component is specifies, an array (l,t,r,b) containing the offset of the window relative to it's parent or the desktop (if a top level window). If a component is specified, only that will be returned.
<item name="GetAlignment">
Retrieve the window alignment. - Usage: Window.GetAlignment(component);
component Optional:"left","top","right", or"bottom" to select a component of the alignment, or nothing for all, in an array.
Return value: If no component is specifies, an array (l,t,r,b) containing the alignment of the window relative to it's parent or the desktop (if a top level window). If a component is specified, only that will be returned.
<item name="GetSize">
Retrieve the window size. - Usage: Window.GetSize();
Return value: An array (x,y) containing the dimensions in pixels of the window.
<item name="GetVirtSize">
Retrieve the window's virtual size. - Usage: Window.GetVirtSize();
Return value: An array (x,y) containing the dimensions in pixels of the window's virtual area.
<item name="GetPan">
Retrieve the window size. - Usage: Window.GetPan();
Return value: An array (x,y) containing the location of the pan origin.
<item name="SetLocation">
Set the window location. - Usage: Window.SetLocation(pos, start, duration, tweenfunc, bRelative, bCancelOp);
pos An array (x,y) containing the new position of the window
start Optional: How many milliseconds from now to start moving. Default: 0
duration Optional: How long (milliseconds) to move for. Default: 0
tweenfunc Optional: How to move - options are linear, linear_accel, linear_decel, linear_smooth, and linear_bounce. Default: linear
bRelative Optional: If this is true, pos is relative to the current position. Otherwise it's relative to the parent window or (if a top level window) the desktop. Default: false
bCancelOp Optional: If this is true, all other pending SetLocation operations are cancelled. Default: true
<item name="SetSize">
Set the window size. - Usage: Window.SetSize(size, start, duration, tweenfunc, bRelative, bCancelOp);
size An array (x,y) containing the new size of the window
start Optional: How many milliseconds from now to start resizing. Default: 0
duration Optional: How long (milliseconds) to resize for. Default: 0
tweenfunc Optional: How to resize - options are linear, linear_accel, linear_decel, linear_smooth, and linear_bounce. Default: linear
bRelative Optional: If this is true, pos is relative to the current size, otherwise it's an absolute size. Default: false
bCancelOp Optional: If this is true, all other pending SetSize operations are cancelled. Default: true
<item name="SetPan">
Set the window pan origin. - Usage: Window.SetPan(pos, start, duration, tweenfunc, bRelative, bCancelOp);
pos An array (x,y) containing the new pan origin of the window
start Optional: How many milliseconds from now to start panning. Default: 0
duration Optional: How long (milliseconds) to pan for. Default: 0
tweenfunc Optional: How to move - options are linear, linear_accel, linear_decel, linear_smooth, and linear_bounce. Default: linear
bRelative Optional: If this is true, pos is relative to the current pan origin. Otherwise it's absolute. Default: false
bCancelOp Optional: If this is true, all other pending SetPan operations are cancelled. Default: true
<item name="SetVirtSize">
Set the window's virtual size. - Usage: Window.SetVirtSize(size, start, duration, tweenfunc, bRelative, bCancelOp);
size An array (x,y) containing the new virtual size of the window. This may make parts of the window not visible.
start Optional: How many milliseconds from now to start resizing. Default: 0
duration Optional: How long (milliseconds) to resize for. Default: 0
tweenfunc Optional: How to resize - options are linear, linear_accel, linear_decel, linear_smooth, and linear_bounce. Default: linear
bRelative Optional: If this is true, pos is relative to the current virtual size, otherwise it's an absolute virtual size. Default: false
bCancelOp Optional: If this is true, all other pending SetVirtSize operations are cancelled. Default: true
<item name="SetParent">
Set how the window is offset to its parent. - Usage: Window.SetParent(offset, start, duration, tweenfunc, bRelative);
offset An array (l,t,r,b) containing the new offset of the window, relative to its parent.
start Optional: How many milliseconds from now to start changing. Default: 0
duration Optional: How long (milliseconds) to change for. Default: 0
tweenfunc Optional: How to change - options are linear, linear_accel, linear_decel, linear_smooth, and linear_bounce. Default: linear
bRelative Optional: If this is true, offest is relative to the current offset. Otherwise, it's absolute. Default: false
<item name="SetAlignment">
Set the window alignment relative to its parent. - Usage: Window.SetAlignment(alignment, start, duration, tweenfunc, bRelative);
alignment An array (l,t,r,b) containing the new alignment of the window
start Optional: How many milliseconds from now to start changing. Default: 0
duration Optional: How long (milliseconds) to change for. Default: 0
tweenfunc Optional: How to change - options are linear, linear_accel, linear_decel, linear_smooth, and linear_bounce. Default: linear
bRelative Optional: If this is true, alignment is relative to the current alignment. Otherwise it's absolute. Default: false
<item name="SetOffset">
Set the window offset from it's alignment. - Usage: Window.SetOffset(alignment, start, duration, tweenfunc, bRelative);
alignment An array (l,t,r,b) containing the new offset of the window
start Optional: How many milliseconds from now to start changing. Default: 0
duration Optional: How long (milliseconds) to change for. Default: 0
tweenfunc Optional: How to change - options are linear, linear_accel, linear_decel, linear_smooth, and linear_bounce. Default: linear
bRelative Optional: If this is true, offset is relative to the current offset. Otherwise it's absolute. Default: false
<item name="DestroyWindow">
Destroy a window. - Usage: Window.DestroyWindow(when);
when Optional: When, in ms from now, should we destroy it? Default: 0
<item name="Enable">
Enable the window to recieve input. - Usage: Window.Enable(when);
when Optional: When, in ms from now, to start accepting input. Default: 0
<item name="Disable">
Disable the window from recieving input. - Usage: Window.Disable(when);
when Optional: When, in ms from now, to stop accepting input. Default: 0
<item name="Show">
Make the window visable. - Usage: Window.Show(when);
when Optional: When, in ms from now, should we make the window visible. Default: 0
<item name="Hide">
Make the window hidden. - Usage: Window.Hide(when);
when Optional: When, in ms from now, should we make the window hidden. Default: 0
<item name="SetZOrder">
Change the window's z order. - Usage: Window.SetZOrder(where, when);
where The new position of the window. This can be one of the following:"top" or"bottom" (meaning above or below all siblings) or"top-most" or"bottom-most" (meaning above or below everything)
when Optional: When, in ms from now, to change the window's z-order.
<item name="StartSize">
Start sizing the window, as though the user did so. - Usage: Window.StartSize(sizetype, mousepoint, button);
mousepoint (array) {x,y} giving pointer location to start the size.
button (string) of the set {"MBUTTON_LEFT","MBUTTON_MIDDLE","MBUTTON_RIGHT" }
<item name="StartDrag">
Start draggin the window, as though the user did so. - Usage: Window.StartDrag(dragtype, mousepoint, button);
dragtype (string) of the set {"IH_DRAG","IH_DRAGX","IH_DRAGY" }
mousepoint (array) {x,y} giving pointer location to start the drag.
button (string) of the set {"MBUTTON_LEFT","MBUTTON_MIDDLE","MBUTTON_RIGHT" }
Set a window's Always-On-Top state - Usage: Window.SetAlwaysOnTop(bOnTop);
bOnTop True means parent window always on top, false means normal z-order.
<item name="StartIntro">
Broadcast Intro event to all children - Usage: Window.StartIntro(duration);
duration Optional: How long to animate for, in milliseconds. Default: 1000, or current settings
<item name="StartExtro">
Broadcast Extro event to all children - Usage: Window.StartExtro(duration);
duration Optional: How long to animate for, in milliseconds. Default: 1000, or current settings
<item name="GetAnimationDuration">
Returns the system-wide number of milliseconds that animations (i.e. intro, extro) should run for. - Usage: Window.GetAnimationDuration();
Return value: The time, in milliseconds, that animations should run for.
<item name="SetAngle">
Set the angle for a window. Angle-aware imagestyle elements will rotate - Usage: Window.SetAngle(angle, start, duration, tweenfunc, bCancelOp);
angle The angle, in degrees.
start Optional: How many milliseconds from now to start changing. Default: 0
duration Optional: How long (milliseconds) to change for. Default: 0
tweenfunc Optional: How to change - options are linear, linear_accel, linear_decel, linear_smooth, and linear_bounce. Default: linear
bCancelOp Optional: Cancel other pending operations of the same type Default: true
<item name="SetAnimTime">
Set the Animation time for a window. Animation time aware imagestyle elements will animate - Usage: Window.SetAnimTime(t, start, duration, tweenfunc, bCancelOp);
t The animation time, in milliseconds.
start Optional: How many milliseconds from now to start changing. Default: 0
duration Optional: How long (milliseconds) to change for. Default: 0
tweenfunc Optional: How to change - options are linear, linear_accel, linear_decel, linear_smooth, and linear_bounce. Default: linear
bCancelOp Optional: Cancel other pending operations of the same type Default: true
<item name="SetZoom">
Set the zoom for a window. Zoom aware imagestyle elements will zoom - Usage: Window.SetZoom(magnification, start, duration, tweenfunc, bCancelOp);
magnification The zoom factor..
start Optional: How many milliseconds from now to start changing. Default: 0
duration Optional: How long (milliseconds) to change for. Default: 0
tweenfunc Optional: How to change - options are linear, linear_accel, linear_decel, linear_smooth, and linear_bounce. Default: linear
bCancelOp Optional: Cancel other pending operations of the same type Default: true
<item name="SetOpacity">
Set the opacity for a window. - Usage: Window.SetOpacity(opacity, start, duration, tweenfunc, bCancelOp);
opacity The opacity, from 0 to 1.
start Optional: How many milliseconds from now to start changing. Default: 0
duration Optional: How long (milliseconds) to change for. Default: 0
tweenfunc Optional: How to change - options are linear, linear_accel, linear_decel, linear_smooth, and linear_bounce. Default: linear
bCancelOp Optional: Cancel other pending operations of the same type Default: true
<item name="GetAngle">
Get the current angle for a window. - Usage: Window.GetAngle();
Return value: The current angle, in degrees
<item name="GetZoom">
Get the current zoom for a window. - Usage: Window.GetZoom();
Return value: The current zoom factor
<item name="GetOpacity">
Get the current opacity for a window. - Usage: Window.GetOpacity();
Return value: The current opacity, in the range of 0 to 1.
<item name="GetAnimTime">
Get the current animation time for a window. - Usage: Window.GetAnimTime();
Return value: The current time into the animations, in ms
<item name="GetHoverHint">
Get the hover hint for a window. - Usage: Window.GetHoverHint();
Return value: The window's hover hint.
<item name="SetHoverHint">
Set the hover hint for a window. - Usage: Window.SetHoverHint(hint);
hint The new hover hint. If of the format "Lang://module/key", it will be loaded out of the language file. Otherwise, it is used directly.
<item name="GetMinimized">
Get the minimized state of the parent window. - Usage: Window.GetMinimized();
Return value: True if minimized, false if restored.
<item name="GetAlwaysOnTop">
Get the always-on-top state of the parent window. - Usage: Window.GetAlwaysOnTop();
Return value: True if always on top, false if normal.
<item name="PostScript">
Execute a script after all pending GUI events have completed. - Usage: Window.PostScript(script);
script What to execute when all pending GUI events are done.
<section name="textdisplay">
<item name="SetText">
Set the display text. - Usage: TextDisplay.SetText(text);
text The text to set it to.
<section name="timer">
<item name="SetTimer">
Set a timer. - Usage: timer.SetTimer(name, interval, script, context, repeat);
This removes any other timer associated with the specified object that has the same name.
name The name of the timer, for furture reference
interval How long, in milliseconds, before the timer is triggered
script What to do when the timer is triggered
context What object to run the script in, when the timer is triggered.
repeat Optional: Boolean: Should the timer reset itself when it is triggered? Default: false
<item name="UnsetTimer">
Remove a previously set timer. - Usage: timer.UnsetTimer(name, context);