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- nnCron history
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- + new feature
- * improvement/modification or bug fix
- - deleted feature
- 1.89 (12.May.04) release
- + Belarussian readme and res-files are available (thanks to the translator!)
- * RunMissed + Time which specify range bug fixed;
- * FILE-CROP: incorrect crop of NetWare files bug fixed;
- + WatchResumeAuto.
- + IS-CD-PRESENT: <letter>
- prerelease 6 (04.Mar.04)
- * appearance of nncron.log after execution of an oneliner bug fixed;
- * combined usage of WatchHotKey:, Rule: and non-US kbd layout bug fixed;
- * default value of MonitorResponseTime is changed to 100 ms.
- prerelease 5 (19.Feb.04)
- * new option TrayIconBalloonClick: <word> and new USER-variable OnBalloonClick;
- * current directory loss bug fixed;
- * repeated show balloon after logoff/logon bug fixed;
- * plugin http.spf changed.
- prerelease 4 (04.Feb.04)
- * WatchDir/File bug fixed (on file instead dir);
- * START-TIME and open console on start bug fixed;
- * remote console: OEM to ANSI input converting bug fixed;
- + new variable DelayOnStartup (temporary solution for Win98).
- prerelease 3 (22.Jan.04)
- * Crontab on removable media bug fixed;
- * WatchLogoff: <username> bug fixed;
- + WatchDrive: *, %DRIVE-LETTER%;
- * AsLogged and -ns combined usage bug is fixed;
- * http.spf changed;
- * Backslash at eol before )# bug fixed another time;
- * WatchProc[Stop]: bug fixed;
- + New condition RunMissed?;
- * Win95 crash bug fixed;
- * Duplicating tasks on GUI editing bug fixed;
- * Crash on start fixed (Win NT).
- prerelease 2 (25.Nov.03)
- * WatchLogon didn't work on fast computers. Fixed once again.
- * New options: TrayIconDoubleClick: <word>, TrayIconRightButton: <word>
- * Backslash at eol before )# bug fixed
- * Crash on logon test when domain name is empty fixed.
- + GUI/Options/Interface TrayIconDoubleClick and TrayIconRightButton setup,
- new resource strings: 482 and 483;
- * Another bug of ADD-HOST (win2tray.spf) is fixed.
- + WatchCPUUsage: <CPUUsage%> <seconds> and PerfMonitor ini-parameter. (WinNT/2000/XP only)
- + CPU-USAGE ( -- %), PROC-CPU-USAGE ( a u -- %) (WinNT/2000/XP only)
- + PROC-WAIT-CPU-USAGE (see plugins/process.spf) (WinNT/2000/XP only)
- * WatchDriveInsert: changed to WatchDrive:
- * WatchHotKey bug fixed.
- prerelease 1 (08.Nov.03)
- * GUI RunMised: bug is fixed
- + full-text search was added to the help file
- * Problem with '%','"' and empty lines in reminders is eliminated.
- * OnceAHour etc., Time: and RunMissed combined usage bug is fixed.
- * GetLastError now returns correct error code after FILE-RENAME: and FILE-COPY:
- * WatchLogon didn't work on fast computers. Fixed.
- + New word PROC-WAIT-IDLE ( pid --)
- + New ini-parameter ReloadImmediately
- * Bug of ADD-HOST (win2tray.spf) is fixed.
- beta 9 (18.Oct.03)
- * "ERROR PASS" bug of beta 8 is fixed
- + New words GetVolID/GET-VOL-ID (see system.spf)
- beta 8 (15.Oct.03)
- * tools.spf changed: TABS, TASK-DEL, TASK-ADD
- + WatchFileDelete: <file_path>
- * GUI: width of crontab dropdown list depends of crontab names length
- * Log troubles fixed.
- + New command line option -wp (run without plugins) for -runfile.
- * Bug of FILE-CROP: fixed
- + Semantic of RunMissed is extended
- + Czech, Dutch, Italian, Polish, Serbian (Latin) and Ukrainian
- readme and res-files are available (thanks to all the translators!)
- + new nnCron installer
- * if a resource string is absent, the string is taken from English resources.
- * bug of -run <taskname> fixed
- + New task option RunMissed: hh:mm|days
- + New ini-parameter DefaultRunMissedTime: hh:mm|days
- * WatchHotkey: is changed
- + New resource string 144
- * WatchProc:, WatchProcStop:, WatchHotkey:, WatchLogon, WatchLogoff,
- WatchShutdown, WatchSuspend, WatchResume are changed to minimize
- system resources using.
- * WatchLogoff: <username> bug fixed
- beta 7 (17.Jun.03)
- * POWER-HIBERNATE and POWER-SUSPEND bug fixed (98,ME).
- + evSourceName, evComputername, evStrings, evStrings2String,
- evNString, evUserSid
- * Time: statement parsing bug fixed (GUI).
- * RAS connection name losing bug fixed (GUI).
- * CLIPBOARD bug fixed.
- * FOR-PROCS: works with PID extra.
- + PROC-NAME ( pid - a u), PROC-FULLNAME ( pid - a u)
- beta 6 (09.Jun.03)
- + TRAY-REFRESH eliminates dead system tray icons
- * Log system bug fixed.
- * USERNAME is changed for XP.
- + WatchRegistry: key-path, REG-CHANGE-NAME, REG-CHANGE-ATTRIBUTES,
- beta 5 (31.May.03)
- * tm.exe could not edit the tasks with quoted names. Fixed.
- + WatchEventLog: <logname> etc.,
- * Logging system is changed.
- + French and Finnish interface languages.
- beta 4 (15.May.03)
- + res-files changed (see 143 and 423)
- + RunMissed task option (also GUIs of add task and reminder are changed)
- + Portuguese and Portuguese-BR interface languages.
- * Hotkey retrieving changed (WinSpy)
- beta 3 (07.May.03)
- * res-files changed (see 170-174)
- * vertical scroll bar is added to reminder
- * CLIPBOARD returns current value of clipboard
- beta 2 (18.Apr.03)
- * winlirc.spf changed
- + "Virtual Key" tool added to WinSpy
- + It is possible to enter virtual key code into WatchHotkey: expression (WatchHotkey: {0x20})
- * GUI changed
- + MenuHotkey: <combination keystroke>
- + German and Spanish interface languages.
- beta 1 (09.Apr.03)
- * some reminder bugs fixed
- + RANDOM, START-SEQUENCE - random generator
- * Double task start (during one minute) bug fixed
- + winlirc.spf plug-in
- + Numpad, multimedia and BREAK keys support (see SEND-KEYS: and WatchHotkey:)
- 1.88 (26.Feb.03) release
- prerelease 9 (26.Feb.03)
- * Windows 9x version info is corrected
- * WatchProcStop: bug fixed
- * Negative window positions is written to tm.ini correctly
- prerelease 8 (21.Feb.03)
- + English help file 'help.chm'
- * Directory 'txt' is deleted
- * MSG: bug fixed
- * Some cosmetic improvements
- prerelease 7 (18.Feb.03)
- + CD-TRAY-EJECT: <cd-drive-letter>, CD-TRAY-CLOSE: <cd-drive-letter>
- + Version info in nncron.exe
- * "Suspend nnCron" bug fixed (a task with Rule: worked on suspended mode)
- prerelease 6 (23.Jan.03)
- * FOR-FILES: bug fixed (with SKIPERRORS)
- * Name of deleted task is removed from once.txt
- prerelease 5 (21.Jan.03)
- + FOR-PROCS: proc-pattern ... ;FOR-PROCS
- * FOR-FILES: changed (be careful)
- prerelease 4 (15.Jan.03)
- * ProcActiveTime returns ms as double value
- * PURGE-OLD: bug fixed
- prerelease 3 (11.Jan.03)
- * Memory leakage on WatchProc/WatchProcStop fixed
- * Handle leakage for FILE-TIME: etc. fixed
- * Name of commands changed (it's possible to use old names too):
- suspend -> disable (it's filename)
- AddTask -> NewTask (tm.exe options)
- AddReminder -> NewReminder
- * Jun -> Jan
- prerelease 2 (16.Dec.02)
- * -v, -?, -ep work properly.
- prerelease 2 (11.Dec.02)
- * bug of service installation fixed
- + fVAR varname (file variable)
- + regVAR varname (registry variable)
- prerelease (07.Dec.02)
- * Editing task is saved in old place of crontab.
- * Bug of Rem. console on "Log2StdOut ON" fixed.
- + New plug-in http.spf
- * WatchProc: and WatchProcStop: are changed
- + %WATCH-PROC-ID% (only for WatchProc:, WatchProcStop: tasks)
- * PROC-EXIST: procname -> PROC-EXIST: proc-pattern
- * WatchClipboard: wc-pattern|/re-pattern/
- beta 12 (20.Nov.02)
- * %FOLDER-WINDOWS% is corrected for Win9x
- + New plug-in system.spf
- + Remote console (see nncron.ini parameters: RemConsole,
- RemConsolePort:, RemAllowed:, RemDisallowed:)
- * FILE-DELETE: filename -> [RECURSIVE] FILE-DELETE: filemask
- + Title: "console title"
- + WIN-SET-TITLE: "pattern" "new title"
- * WIN- commands can treat handle of window as pattern.
- * SYS-SET bug fixed.
- + tm.exe Console <host> <port>
- + Window handle in WinSpy tool
- * Updating of nncron.ini file on installing is changed.
- beta 11 (03.Nov.02)
- + BALLOON: "tooltip title" "tooltip text"
- * Occasional crash on choosing "help" menu item bug fixed.
- + SUSPEND-CRON, RESUME-CRON and corresponding menu item.
- * WatchHotKey: bug fixed (keyboard layout)
- * Watch* bug fixed
- * FOR-FILES: changed
- + FF-EXIT completes FOR-FILES: loop
- + New option of nncron.ini Log2StdOut
- beta 10 (28.Oct.02)
- * Another bug of FREE-SPACE: fixed
- + New word SYS-SET which serves for assignment values to system
- environment variables (SYS-SET PATH="c:\bin;c:\")
- * Bug of WatchLogon: and WatchLogoff: fixed.
- * example.tab changed.
- * Add reminder bug fixed (error, if CRLF is absent at EOF)
- * Add/Edit crontab/plug-in dialog changed
- + New word PROC-ID. Use it after an application start (START-APP:) only.
- * Semantic of KILL: is extended (KILL: "proc_name OR proc_id")
- * Algorithm of WatchFile: and WatchDir: is enhanced.
- + New word WIN-RESIZE ( w h -- )
- * Help file did not launched on -ns switch or windows 9x/ME
- beta 9 (10.Oct.02)
- * Plug-in wakeup.spf changed. You can use %% variables in time spec. now
- * New semantic of FILE-COPY:,FILE-MOVE:,FILE-RENAME:
- * DIR-DELETE: and DIR-EMPTY: bug fixed
- * WIN-ACTIVATE: did not restore minimized windows. Fixed
- + Plug-in windows.spf is changed (WIN-TRANSPARENCY:)
- * bug of FREE-SPACE: fixed
- * PLAY-SOUND did work synchronously. Fixed.
- * Console window was not active on opening.
- * Algorithm of %USERNAME% changed for NT-XP.
- + WatchLogon: username-pattern, WatchLogoff: username-pattern
- * A task with AsLoggedUser option will not run, if logged user is absent.
- * IconForAdminsOnly works properly
- + It is allowed use the backslash (\) as a continuation character at end of line
- beta 8 (15.Aug.02)
- * bug of -ini switch fixed (tm.exe did not use this parameter)
- * Background color of hint is system color of tooltip (COLOR_INFOBK)
- + HelpFile: option of nncron.ini
- * nnCron is less sensitive to stack manipulation errors in Rule: and Action: parts.
- * Error in default nncron.tab fixed (1st-hello: Crontab syntax ERROR!!!...)
- beta 7 (13.Aug.02)
- * REG-DELETE-KEY: deletes a key and all its subkeys.
- * Modifier FILESONLY (of FOR-FILES:) works now.
- * Background of whole of HINT window is yellow now.
- * bug of -stop fixed
- * It is possible to use "Time: START-TIME" with another Time: specifications
- * nnCron GUI did not considered YearField option on adding reminder.
- + SyntaxRestriction option of nncron.ini
- + New nncron.exe command line switches: -ini inifilename, -out outfilename
- * Scripting error on Windows 9x bug fixed
- * Saving nncron.ini bug fixed (tm.exe did not save an option,
- if this option was absent in the nncron.ini file)
- beta 6 (16.Jul.02)
- + New monitor event WatchLogon
- * PROC-EXIST: returns boolean value instead PID
- * Command line switches -v, -?, -ep work properly.
- * Plug-in time.spf, FILE-CHANGE: bug fixed (on simultaneous usage in several tasks)
- * "WatchConnect" event generating on crontab reloading bug fixed.
- + WIN-NOTOPMOST: "title"
- + WITHDIRS modifier of PURGE-OLD:
- * FILE-COPY: now copies files over existing read-only files.
- beta 5 (26.Jun.02)
- * Logon testing changed
- * Some cosmetic improvement
- + WatchSuspend, WatchResume, WatchStandby, WatchResumeStandby,
- WatchQuerySuspend, WatchQueryStandby, WatchBatteryLow
- + Now is allowed to use several "Watch*" and "Rule:" in one task.
- beta 4 (18.Jun.02)
- * GUI processed non standard minutely and hourly intervals incorrectly
- + New task option 'SingleInstance'
- + Plug-in wakeup.spf changed: new word WakeAt: hh:mm
- * New syntax of PAUSE: hh:mm|ms
- + Error message on reminder adding, if time of reminder is over.
- * Error on opening documents which have space in the name.
- beta 3 (25.May.02)
- + new examples (see example.tab)
- * hanging up on shutdown (Win 9x) bug fixed.
- * win2tray.spf plug-in changed.
- * LoadProfile option location changed
- + nnCron runs GUI as logged user.
- beta 2 (23.May.02)
- + ShowErrorMsg option (see nncron.ini)
- + AsLoggedUser task option.
- beta 1 (23.May.02)
- + IconForAdminsOnly option (see nncron.ini)
- * WatchHotKey bug fixed (hot-key did not work properly after crontab reloading).
- + Several tasks with the same WatchHotkey: key allowed now.
- * nnguard.exe crush bag fixed.
- * Clipboard monitor changed.
- + New plug-in: wakeup.spf (WakeAfter: hh:mm)
- * nnCron icon appeared no always after explorer.exe restarting.
- 1.87 (07.May.02)
- + "Also" option (using: Time: ... Also Watch* ...)
- + WatchHotKey: "hot-key"
- + WatchShutdown, WatchLogoff (NT/2k/XP only)
- * Now Rule: condition is tested after authorization
- * task deleting/editing on opened nncron.tab file bug fixed
- * bug of WatchWin* fixed (loss of window title)
- beta 9 (16.04.2002)
- * HOST-EXIST: bug fixed (ok on "IP_DEST_HOST_UNREACHABLE" end etc. reply)
- * time.spf plugin-changed (+ FILE-CHANGE: "mask" condition)
- * IDLE: is changed for Win2k/XP (hooks not used for these OS)
- * User list generating (as user) bug fixed (NT 4)
- + -q command line switch - be quiet on install/remove
- beta 8 (09.04.2002)
- * error on locked once.txt fixed
- * error on opened nncron.tab or nncron.ini fixed
- * win2tray.spf plug-in changed
- beta 7 (09.03.2002)
- * ancient memory leak fixed
- * of WIN-WAIT: bug fixed (stack garbage)
- beta 6 (05.03.2002)
- + "Reload crontabs" menu item and ItemReload option.
- * WIN-TERMINATE: didn't work
- * example.tab is corrected
- * some bugs fixed
- beta 5 (27.02.2002)
- * DefualtPassword: -> DefaultPassword:
- * -runfile bug fixed (of beta 4).
- * changed options loss when 'nncron.ini' file is blocked.
- * once.txt format changed.
- beta 4 (22.02.2002)
- * QUERY: waits infinite time.
- * Misoperation of WatchDisconnect is eliminated. CONNECT and
- DISCONNECT tasks are changed in example.tab
- + %LAST-CONNECTION% - name of last RAS connection (for WatchDisconnect)
- * Crash of nnCron on crontab reloading when a connection is
- established (WatchConnect/WatchDisconnect)
- * Error # 87 on logon test.
- * START-APP: semantic is enhanced.
- + New options (see nncron.ini):
- RunAsDefaultUser, DefaultUser:, DefualtPassword:, DefaultDomain:
- DefaultLoadProfile, WithoutProfile, NoRunAs
- GUIAsUser, GUIUser:, GUIPassword:, GUIDomain:, GUILoadProfile
- * New options GUI.
- beta 3 (12.02.2002)
- + WaitFor: <ms or hh:mm> option of START-APPW: (kill after <ms or hh:mm>)
- + DialOnce option
- + Possibility enter username (Run as user) which is absent in user list.
- * User list is made after completion editing of Domain.
- * Invisible (only caption) message box bug fixed (WinXP).
- + TQUERY: "message" timeout-in-sec Yes/No
- + QUERY: uses QueryStartTimeout as timeout and QueryStartAnswer as
- default answer
- * WatchFile slept simultaneous creation two or more controllable files
- in one directory.
- * False firing of WatchFile on nnCron starting or crontab reloading,
- if file exist (now creation and last write time of file
- is written into once.txt)
- + Plugins:
- time.spf - some time operation (FILE-TIME: etc.)
- beta 2 (23.01.2002)
- * Adding empty reminder bug fixed
- + Semantics of FOR-FILES changed
- (now FOR-FILES passes directories by *.* mask)
- * Error message on access to unloaded media fixed (FILE-EXIST:)
- + %ACTIVE-WINDOW% title of active window
- + FOR-WINDOWS: "pattern-or-regexp" ... ;FOR-WINDOWS loop
- + FOR-CHILD-WINDOWS: "pattern-or-regexp" ... ;FOR-CHILD-WINDOWS loop
- + ALL modifier of WIN-* commands
- + Added possibility to use regexp as "pattern" in WIN-* commands
- + [RECURSIVE] DIR-SIZE: "path" - size of dir
- + DIR-EMPTY: "path" - TRUE, if directory not contain files and directories
- * CRONTAB-ERROR changed (see txt\nncron.ini)
- + Now it is possible to use $0-$15 (%$0%,%$1% etc.) after RE-MATCH:
- * GUI bugs:
- fall of connection name (DIAL:)
- appearance of garbage (RunOnce NoDel) on absence of Time: sentence
- impossibility of transference to some control by TAB keystroke
- * Tab distance is decreased in multi-line edit boxes
- + German interface language.
- + Plugins:
- win2tray.spf - hides windows to system tray
- [ALL] WIN-TO-TRAY: "pattern"
- timesync.spf - sycnhronizes system time by Time Protocol
- TP-SYNC: "time-server"
- %TP-SYNC-RESULT% - 0 ok, otherwise error code
- %TP-SYNC-DELAY% - delay of time server respond
- windows.spf - useful words for FOR-WINDOWS: loop
- beta 1 (09.01.2002)
- + Guard option of ini-file (now nnCron has nearly total-lot floodability)
- * Several BEEP: GUI bug fixed.
- * Misprint (Jun->Jan) fixed.
- 1.86 (05.12.2001)
- + Console tool and "Console" option of ini-file
- + ItemExit, ItemOptions, ItemConsole options of ini-file
- * Bug of LoadProfile (for NT4) fixed.
- * Crash on open menu after task changing fixed.
- * Crash on synchronous using HOST-EXIST: (in Action: part)
- in two or more tasks
- + NHOST-EXIST: host-name-or-IP num
- 1.85 (29.11.2001)
- + <task-name> RUN, <task-name> LAUNCH
- + SEND-KEYS-DELAY: <keystrokes-delay-in-ms> <delay-after-SEND-KEYS-in-ms>
- + HINT: "text of hint", HINT-OFF
- (also HINTW: "text", THINT: "text" sec, THINTW: "text" sec)
- HINT-POS: x y, HINT-SIZE: w h
- + tools/WinSpy menu item
- * bug of memory leakage on Watch* tasks fixed
- + IDLE: seconds
- + PROC-TIME: "proc-name" (WinNT/2000/XP only)
- * About box is changed
- + Full range in time specification (e.g. Time: 55-5 22-7 28-2 10-2 5-2 *)
- + New switches of nncron.exe:
- -run task-name - runs specified task
- -runfile file - runs specified file (it mast contain word 'main')
- -hi - hides tray icon
- -si - shows tray icon
- + Authorization for Watch* tasks (now you can monitor network
- directories and files)
- + REG-SZ: "registry-path" "data string"
- REG-DWORD: "registry-path" number
- REG-DELETE-KEY: "registry-path", REG-DELETE-VALUE: "registry-path"
- <buffer> GET-REG: "registry-path"
- + AboveNormalPriority, BelowNormalPriority (2k/XP only)
- * WatchProc bug fixed (occasional crash on crontab reload)
- + WIN-TOPMOST: "title"
- + LoadProfile option of START-APP: (NT/2k/XP)
- + new plugins: plugins\ net.spf, sid.spf, process.spf
- 1.84 (16.10.2001)
- * 'Hourly' have been changed to 'OnceAHour', etc.
- + HIDE-ICON, SHOW-ICON - operations with tray icon
- + WatchProc: "proc name" , WatchProcStop: "proc name",
- WatchProcDelay: ini-file parameter
- + SEND-KEYS: "string", WIN-SEND-KEYS: "win-title" "string"
- + WIN-ACTIVATE: "title"
- + %FOUND-WINDOW% - contents title of window after WIN- commands
- + %WIN-TITLE% - additional semantic for WIN- commands
- + PAUSE: ms
- + WinNT? flag, WIN-VER and GET-VER commands
- + %FILE: filename% - inserts content of file 'filename'
- + WIN-MOVE: x y , WIN-MOVER: x y , WIN-WAIT
- and other mouse operation
- + FILE-CROP: "filename" max-size size-to-crop
- + New examples
- 1.83 (04.09.2001) (great thanks to Valery Kondakoff)
- + Hourly, Daily, Monthly, Weekly flags
- + WatchWinCreateDelay: ini-file parameter
- + Editor: "editor.exe" ini-file parameter
- + BackupPath: "path" ini-file parameter
- * Russian and english documentation are synchronized
- + FILE-CREATE: "filename", FILE-WRITE: "filename" "text",
- FILE-APPEND: "filename" "text"
- + DIR-CREATE: "path", DIR-DELETE: "path"
- + 'Start task' and 'Edit' menu item improvement, 'Exit' menu item
- * WatchClipborad: bug fixed (crash)
- * RunOnce bug fixed
- * ONLINE? and DIAL: bugs fixed (9x)
- + The start of the registered applications is simplified
- (.doc, .xls, .htm etc.)
- * WatchFile: and WatchDir: bugs fixed
- + FREE-SPACE: <drv-letter>
- 1.82 (19.07.2001)
- + 'AsService' option of START-APP:
- Now nnCron can fulfil the duties of SRVANY.EXE
- + Application don't steal focus, if its open mode is "Minimized"
- + BEEP: works properly on Windows 9x
- * Handles leakage on logoff bug fixed
- 1.81 (20.06.2001)
- + Regular expressions (RE-MATCH:, RE-ALL: ... ;RE-ALL, %$0%...%$15%)
- see readme.txt and txt\regexp.txt
- + </SCRIPT> (universal closing tag for <JScript> AND <VBScript>)
- * <JScript>/<VBScript> bug fixed (stack garbage error)
- + New examples (see example.tab)
- 1.79 (31.05.2001)
- * HANGUP: (interface) bug fixed (connection list box did not work)
- * Crash bug fixed (win2k)
- 1.78 (25.05.2001)
- + New events - WatchDriveInsert:, WatchDriveRemove: (CD-ROM activity)
- + YearField ini parameter (see nncron.ini file) - now nnCron's classic
- crontab format is fully compatible with unix cron's crontab format
- 1.77 (21.05.2001)
- + Windows Scripting Host support.
- see <VBScript> ... </VBScript> and <JScript> ... </JScript> tags
- + WatchConnect/WatchDisconnect example (see example.tab)
- + LOGGEDON? (condition)
- + POP3-CHECK: "host" "user" "password"
- + %CONNECTION% - name of current opened internet connection
- + %WIN-TITLE% - title of window (see WatchWindow: etc.)
- * %MMM% bug fixed
- * some cosmetic improvements
- 1.76 (25.04.2001)
- * Fixed bug of running double instance of NNCron on logoff/logon (9x)
- + KILL: "proc-pattern" for Win 9x/NT/2000
- + PROC-EXIST: "proc-pattern" for Win 9x/NT/2000
- + MonitorResponseTime: parameter (see nncron.ini file)
- * Bug of WatchDir: & WatchFile fixed (double handling of an event has
- been eliminated)
- 1.75 (11.04.2001)
- + WatchWinCreate:, WatchWinDestroy:, WatchWindow:, WatchWinActivate:
- * Some GUI improvements
- 1.74 (26.03.2001)
- + Testing of an application path (GUI)
- + Possibility of crontab choosing (GUI)
- + 'Show log' and 'About' tray menu items
- * Tray menu bug fixed
- * Bug of BEEP: fixed
- * Writing task bug fixed
- 1.73 (22.03.2001)
- + Immediate reloading crontabs after adding/editing/deleting of task
- + Options form
- + Reminders
- * Bugs fixed
- 1.72 (07.03.2001)
- + Graphic User Interface
- 1.71 (22.02.2001)
- 1.07 (08.01.2001)
- + syntax of DIAL: "conn" is changed to DIAL: "conn" attempts pause_s
- + RUN, using: task-name RUN
- * fixed bug of WatchFile:
- * fixed bug of StartIn:
- + QUERY: "question" ( -- ?)
- + ERR-MSG: "error message"
- + WatchClipboard:, %CLIPBOARD%, CLIPBOARD: "text"
- + variables %FOLDER-DESKTOP%, %FOLDER-PROGRAMS% and so on
- + variables %QUOTE%, %PERCENT%
- + Message box on crontab error (see nncron.ini)
- + PLAY-SOUND: "wav-file path", PLAY-SOUNDW: "wav-file path"
- + Tray icon
- + Exact matching (you can use EXACT before WIN-EXIST: "title" and so on)
- + Environment variables (SET env_var=value)
- + Step values can be used in conjunction with ranges of the time/date
- specification
- + Names can be used for the 'month' and 'day of week' fields
- 1.06 (14.12.2000)
- + Priority of applications (Normal,High,Idle,Realtime)
- + Start mode (Normal,Miniminzed,Maximized,Hide), position and size of
- applications
- 1.05 (20.10.2000)
- + Security password and -ep command line switch
- + StartIn: "start-in-directory"
- * fixed bugs of WatchDir:, WatchFile:, HOST-EXIST:
- + FOR-FILES: "mask" ... ;FOR-FILES
- 1.04 (16.08.2000)
- + WatchFile:, WatchDir:, WatchConnect, WatchDisconnect
- 1.03 (20.07.2000)
- + Two switches 'RunOnce' and 'NoDel'
- * fixed bug of "Command:" (one space only)
- 1.02 (05.05.2000)
- + Time: START-TIME - starting of an applications
- at start time of NNCron
- + QCommand:, QSTART-APP:, TMSG:, LOG:
- + Several crontabs
- + Starting as user of applications
- 1.01 (18.04.2000)
- * Now NNCron works on Windows 95/98/NT/2000