Chip 2005 June
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346 lines
<MixVibes Config>
// This skin is designed for MixVibes DVS [and MixVIbes famyly products]
// !!!Any reproduction of this skin without the permission of a member of the MixVIbes team, is strictly forbiden!!!
:VERSION "1.3"
:DATECREATED "10:45 AM 9/17/2002"
:DATELASTMODIFIED "6:01 AM 6/7/2004"
:WEB "http://www.mixvibes.com"
:EMAIL "sorin@mxivibes.com"
:COMMENT "MixVibes Copyright (C) 1999-2003"
:MAIN -1 -1 -1 -1 0 3 RGB(80,192,255) RGB(0,0,0)
:MEDIABASE 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(200,215,215) RGB(0,0,0)
:SEQUENCER 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,40,40) RGB(0,0,0)
:FONT0 8 0 "Arial" //font normal
:FONT1 7 0 "Arial" //small
:FONT2 11 1 "ocraext" //large
:FONT3 8 0 "Arial" //counter
:FONT4 11 1 "Arial" //title
:FONT5 9 1 "Arial" //Crossfader
:FONT6 10 1 "Arial" //Crossfader
:MEDIABASE 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(190,185,180) RGB(,,)
:MEDIAVIEW 0 0 0 0 0 5 RGB(255,158,22) RGB(90,90,90)
:SEQUENCER 0 0 0 0 4 0 RGB(190,185,180) RGB(,,)
:SEQUENCERVIEW 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,158,22) RGB(90,90,90)
:FILE 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(190,185,180) RGB(90,90,90)
:SELECTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,158,22) RGB(0,0,0)
:EXPLORER 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,158,22) RGB(0,0,0)
:AUTOBPM 0 0 290 120 0 0 RGB(,,) RGB(,,)RGB(,,)
:BITMAP 0 0 290 120 0 0 "back_autobpm.bmp"
:COLORS 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(196,229,249) RGB(255,0,0) RGB(255,230,140)
:WINDOW 15 30 260 50 0 0 RGB(,,) RGB(19,38,50)
:VOLUME 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0)
:MVTREB 7 24 -1 -1 #5001 RGB(100,100,100) RGB(0,0,0)RGB(130,130,130)RGB(100,100,100)"sound mixer treble"
:MVMID 7 49 -1 -1 #5001 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "sound mixer mid"
:MVBASS 7 74 -1 -1 #5001 RGB(100,100,100) RGB(0,0,0)RGB(130,130,130)RGB(100,100,100)"sound mixer bass"
:MVTREBKILL 29 26 -1 -1
:MVMIDKILL 29 51 -1 -1
:MVBASSKILL 29 75 -1 -1
:LEVEL 51 12 6 55 3 "level"
:LEVEL2 59 12 6 55 3 "level"
:MVVOL 68 12 -1 -1 #1001 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "sound mixer wave"
:RECORDLEVEL 98 12 6 55 1 "sound mixer record level"
:RECORDVOL 106 12 -1 -1 #3001 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer record"
:RECORD 106 78 -1 -1 0 "sound mixer record"
// coordinates start at 0
// for the mixer
:MAINVOL 8 12 -1 -1 #3001 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer main volume"
:WAVE 36 12 -1 -1 #3001 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer wave"
:MIC 65 12 -1 -1 #3001 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer microphone"
:LINE 94 12 -1 -1 #3001 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer CD"
:CD 122 12 -1 -1 #3001 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer cd"
:WAVEMUTE 40 78 -1 -1 0 "sound mixer wave mute"
:MICMUTE 69 78 -1 -1 0 "sound mixer microphone mute"
:LINEMUTE 98 78 -1 -1 0
:CDMUTE 127 78 -1 -1 0 "sound mixer cd mute"
:VINYL 0 0 400 120 0 0 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(255,255,255)
:BITMAP 0 0 400 120 0 "back_vinyl.bmp"
:NOISEVOL 45 27 -1 -1 #3001 "noise volume"
:CRACKLEVOL 125 27 -1 -1 #3001 "crackle volume"
:CRACKLEINT 155 27 -1 -1 #3001 "crackle volume"
:SENSIBILTY 235 27 -1 -1 #3001 "scratch sensibility"
:BRAKETIME 265 27 -1 -1 #3001 "brake time"
//:WINDOW 255 27 -1 -1 #3001 "window interval in ms"
:NOISEVOLST 42 90 20 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
:CRACKLEVOLST 122 90 20 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
:CRACKLEINTST 152 90 20 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
:SENSIBILTYST 226 90 25 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
:BRAKETIMEST 258 90 30 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
//:WINDOWST 245 90 27 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
:BRAKESTOP 310 38 -1 -1
:BACKMUTE 310 66 -1 -1
//:TEXT 414 2 60 18 1 RGB(128,128,128) "brake on stop"
//:TEXT 414 30 60 18 1 RGB(128,128,128) "back mute"
:GAIN 0 0 400 120 0 0 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(255,255,255)
:BITMAP 0 0 400 120 0 "back_gain.bmp"
:AGC 24 10 -1 -1
:AGCTHRESOLD 35 27 -1 -1 #3001 "Auto gain thresold"
:AGCATTACK 70 27 -1 -1 #3001 "Auto gain attack"
:AGCRELEASE 105 27 -1 -1 #3001 "Auto gain release"
:AGCTHRESOLDST 26 90 20 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
:AGCATTACKST 50 90 30 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
:AGCRELEASEST 83 90 30 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
:COMP 142 10 -1 -1
:COMPTHRESOLD 157 27 -1 -1 #3001 "compressor thresold"
:COMPATTACK 192 27 -1 -1 #3001 "compressor atttack"
:COMPRELEASE 227 27 -1 -1 #3001 "compressor release"
:COMPRATIO 262 27 -1 -1 #3001 "compressor ratio"
:COMPGAIN 297 27 -1 -1 #3001 "compressor gain"
:COMPTHRESOLDST 154 90 20 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
:COMPATTACKST 181 90 30 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
:COMPRELEASEST 216 90 30 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
:COMPRATIOST 261 90 30 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
:COMPGAINST 300 90 15 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
:LIM 334 10 -1 -1
:LIMTHRESOLD 350 27 -1 -1 #3001 "limiter thresold"
:LIMTHRESOLDST 342 90 20 10 1 0 RGB(,,) RGB(174,174,172)
:CROSSFADER 0 0 290 120 1 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0)
:BITMAP 0 0 290 120 0 "back_crossfader.bmp"
//:TEXT 50 7 100 15 0 RGB(,,) "CROSSFADER"
:CROSSVOL 63 39 -1 -1 #1000 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(128, 128, 128)
//:CROSSCHA 25 65 -1 -1 0 6 RGB(255,50,0) "Select mixer for crossfader A"
//:CROSSCHB 135 65 -1 -1 0 6 RGB(255,50,0) "Select mixer for crossfader B"
//:AUTOB 357 45 -1 -1 0 6 "Auto CrossFading A->B"
//:AUTOA 100 45 -1 -1 0 6 "Auto CrossFading B->A"
:AUTOMATCHB 244 72 -1 -1 0 6 RGB(80,80,80) "Auto Matching pitch A=B"
:AUTOMATCHA 19 72 -1 -1 0 6 RGB(80,80,80) "Auto Matching pitch B=A"
:MIXER 3 0 5 5 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) // option 1 : screw
:CHANNEL 5 5 500 400 0 -1 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(19,38,50)
:BITMAP 0 0 -1 -1 0 "back_channel.bmp"
:CH 195 325 16 22 0 2 RGB(80,84,101)RGB(19,38,50)RGB(196,229,249) "Channel Number"
:WAVESONG 215 300 220 10 2 0 RGB(196,229,249)RGB(19,38,50) RGB(220,220,220)
:WAVEFRAME 215 310 220 44 3 3 RGB(196,229,249)RGB(19,38,50) RGB(19,38,50)
:NAME 195 354 170 12 #20 0 RGB(196,229,249)RGB(19,38,50) "Track Name"
:TIMEPAST 190 365 80 15 #300 4 RGB(196,229,249)RGB(19,38,50) RGB(100,10,10) "Past Time"
:TIME 267 365 80 15 #301 4 RGB(196,229,249)RGB(19,38,50) RGB(100,10,10) "Remaining Time"
:BPM 399 357 32 11 1 0 RGB(196,229,249)RGB(19,38,50) "BPM"
:BPMAVG 399 368 32 11 1 0 RGB(196,229,249)RGB(19,38,50) "Average BPM"
:BACK 109 349 -1 -1 0 "Backward Skip"
:FWD 144 349 -1 -1 0 "Forward Skip"
:TRACKSPIN+ 109 304 -1 -1 #10 "Track Search Previous"
:TRACKSPIN- 144 304 -1 -1 #10 "Track Search Next"
:CUE 14 279 -1 -1 0 "Stop / Cue"
:PLAYPAUSE 34 324 -1 -1 0 "Play / Pause"
:STATE 195 300 -1 -1 0 "Play State"
:ADD 455 19 -1 -1 0 "Quick Load"
:LEVEL 385 170 6 108 3 "level"
:LEVEL2 392 170 6 108 3 "level"
:OUTBUTTON 337 18 -1 -1
:MONITOR 304 19 -1 -1 0 "Phomes Monitor"
:VOL 400 167 -1 -1 #1001 0 "Volume"
:LOOPABA 452 245 -1 -1 0 "Loop in"
:LOOPABB 452 283 -1 -1 0 "Loop out"
:LOOPABR 452 341 -1 -1 0 "Reloop"
:GAIN 380 25 -1 -1 #1001 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "Gain"
:TREB 380 60 -1 -1 #1001 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "Treble"
:MID 380 95 -1 -1 #1001 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "Mid"
:BASS 380 130 -1 -1 #1001 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "Bass"
:MUTE 414 24 -1 -1 0 "mute"
:KTREB 414 59 -1 -1 0 "killer treb"
:KMID 414 94 -1 -1 0 "killer mid"
:KBASS 414 129 -1 -1 0 "killer bass"
:PITCHALL 293 67 -1 -1 #1003 0 "speed/mt/pitch slider"
:PITCHSTATIC 360 357 35 10 1 0 RGB(196,229,249)RGB(19,38,50) "speed/mt/pitch"
:PITCH 359 368 39 10 #0103 0 RGB(196,229,249)RGB(19,38,50) "speed"
:PITCHSELECT 333 73 -1 -1 0 "speed/mt/pitch select"
:PITCHBUTTON+ 339 114 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,128) "pitch -"
:PITCHBUTTON- 339 164 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,128) "pitch +"
:PITCHRESET 339 139 -1 -1 0 "reset speed"
:WHEEL 30 30 240 240 0 0 "jog wheel"
:SCRATCH 303 243 -1 -1 0 0 "scratch"
:SELTEFFECT 454 153 -1 -1
:SELEFFECTBMP1 448 180 -1 -1 //led for displaying effect 1
:SELEFFECTBMP2 448 197 -1 -1 //led for displaying effect 2
:SELEFFECTBMP3 448 214 -1 -1 //led for displaying effect 3
:SELEFFECTCMD1 455 68 -1 -1 //button command effect 1
:SELEFFECTCMD2 455 95 -1 -1 //button command effect 2
:SELEFFECTCMD3 455 122 -1 -1 //button command effect 3
:BMDirectory "Mv6skinStd" // define in which realtive path bitmaps are (ex. "\Program Files\Mixvibes Pro\Bitmap\")
//________________________________________________ CHANNEL ______________________________________________________________
//channel _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
// OFF(unpressed) ON (pressed) bg (sliders & knobs) Transparency color
:BMCue "b_cue_off.bmp" "b_cue_on.bmp" // button cue
:BMCueSet "b_cueset_off.bmp" "b_cueset_on.bmp" // button cue when you can set the cue point
:BMPlayPause "b_playpause_off.bmp" "b_playpause_on.bmp" // play/pause button
:BMAdd "b_open.bmp" "b_open_on.bmp"
:BMPlayState "button_state_off.bmp" "button_state_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) // green led (all others green led if not defined will be set with this bitmap)
:BMLoop "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on_red.bmp"
:BMAutoBpmCount "button_autobpm_off.bmp" "button_autobpm_on.bmp"
:BMPlayBar "playbar_mobile.bmp" "playbar_limit.bmp" "playbar_back.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMBack "b_skip_prev_off.bmp" "b_skip_prev_on.bmp"
:BMUp "b_skip_next_off.bmp" "b_skip_next_on.bmp"
:BMTrkDn "b_track_prev_off.bmp" "b_track_prev_on.bmp"
:BMTrkUp "b_track_next_off.bmp" "b_track_next_on.bmp"
:BMBeatReverse "button_beatloopreverse_off.bmp""button_beatloopreverse_on.bmp"
:BMFrame "button_beatloop_off.bmp" "button_beatloop_on.bmp"
:BMBeat0 "button_beat05_off.bmp" "button_beat05_on.bmp"
:BMBeat1 "button_beat1_off.bmp" "button_beat1_on.bmp"
:BMBeat2 "button_beat2_off.bmp" "button_beat2_on.bmp"
:BMBeat4 "button_beat4_off.bmp" "button_beat4_on.bmp"
:BMBeat8 "button_beat8_off.bmp" "button_beat8_on.bmp"
:BMBeat16 "button_beat16_off.bmp" "button_beat16_on.bmp"
:BMLoopABA "b_loopab_a.bmp" "b_loopab_a_on.bmp"
:BMLoopABB "b_loopab_b.bmp" "b_loopab_b_on.bmp"
:BMLoopABR "b_loopab_r.bmp" "b_loopab_r_on.bmp"
:BMLoopABA "button_loopaba2_off.bmp" "button_loopaba2_on.bmp"
:BMLoopABB "button_loopabb2_off.bmp" "button_loopabb2_on.bmp"
:BMLoopABR "button_loopab2_off.bmp" "button_loopab2_on.bmp"
:BMLoc1 "button_location1_off.bmp" "button_location1_on.bmp"
:BMLoc2 "button_location2_off.bmp" "button_location2_on.bmp"
:BMLoc3 "button_location3_off.bmp" "button_location3_on.bmp"
:BMLoc4 "button_location4_off.bmp" "button_location4_on.bmp"
:BMLoc5 "button_location5_off.bmp" "button_location5_on.bmp"
:BMLoc6 "button_location6_off.bmp" "button_location6_on.bmp"
:BMMonitor "b_monitor_off.bmp" "b_monitor_on.bmp"
:BMMute "b_mute_off.bmp" "b_mute_on.bmp" // red led (all others red led if not defined will be set with this bitmap)
:BMOutButton "button_out2.bmp"
:BMSliderVe "sl_mobile.bmp" "sl_mobile.bmp" "sl_volume.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMSliderHo "cross_volsl_v2_off.bmp" "cross_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "cross_pan_back.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) // pan
:BMDirect "button_direct_off.bmp" "button_direct_on.bmp"
:BMKill "b_killmid_off.bmp" "b_killmid_on.bmp"
:BMGain "wheel_eq_mobile.bmp" "wheel_eq_mobile_on.bmp" "kn_gain.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMBass "wheel_eq_mobile.bmp" "wheel_eq_mobile_on.bmp" "kn_bass.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMMid "wheel_eq_mobile.bmp" "wheel_eq_mobile_on.bmp" "kn_mid.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMTreb "wheel_eq_mobile.bmp" "wheel_eq_mobile_on.bmp" "kn_treb.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMEffects "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMEffVol "mnv_volsl_v2.bmp" "mnv_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMJog "button_jog.bmp" "button_jog.bmp" "w_jog.bmp" RGB(255,255,255)
:BMScratch "b_vinylmode_off.bmp" "b_vinylmode_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMPitch+ "b_speed-_off.bmp" "b_speed-_on.bmp"
:BMPitch- "b_speed+_off.bmp" "b_speed+_on.bmp"
:BMPitchReset "b_speedreset_off.bmp" "b_speedreset_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMPitch "sl_mobile.bmp" "sl_mobile.bmp" "sl_speed.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMSelectPitch "b_speedselect.bmp"
:BMFadePan "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMSelEffect "b_sel_rotate.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //select effect 2 icons on/off
:BMSelEffectBmp "b_sel_led.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //led (2*5 icons)
:BMSelEffectCmd "b_123.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //command (2*5 icons)
:BMUser "button_user.bmp"
:BMWaveFrame "waveview_back.bmp"
:BMWaveLoc "locations_view.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMSliderCross "sl_cross_mobile.bmp" "sl_cross_mobile.bmp" "sl_cross.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) // cross volume
:BMCrossBA "new.bmp"
:BMCrossAB "new.bmp"
:BMCrossEq "cross_volsl.bmp" "cross_volsl_on.bmp" "cross_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //define the bitmaps for slider
:BMCrossEqGroup "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) // define the bitmaps for led group
:BMMatchB "button_matchab_off.bmp" "button_matchab_on.bmp"
:BMMatchA "button_matchba_off.bmp" "button_matchba_on.bmp"
:BMUpdateVol "new.bmp"
:BM3BandEq "button_small.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMCrossCh "button_crossch.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)//16 bitmaps for selecting playlist 1 ... 16
:BMCrossType "button_crosstype.bmp" //crossfader curve
:BMMainVol "mnv_volsl_v2.bmp" "mnv_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMMixerMute "b_killmid_off.bmp" "b_killmid_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMMainPan "cross_volsl_v2_off.bmp" "cross_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_pan_back.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMVolEq "wheel_eqvol_mobile.bmp" "wheel_eqvol_mobile_on.bmp" "wheel_eqvol_back.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMVolSlider "mnv_volsl_v2.bmp" "mnv_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMRecordWave "b_killmid_off.bmp" "b_killmid_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMVol1 "back_vol1.bmp"
:BMVol2 "back_vol2.bmp" "back_vol2.bmp"
:BMVol3 "back_vol3.bmp"
:BMVol4 "back_vol4.bmp"
// _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
// ______________________________________________________ EQUALIZATION _______________________________________________________________
//equalization _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
// OFF(unpressed) ON (pressed) bg (sliders & knobs) Transparency color
:BMEqOn "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMEq2ch "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMEqSlider "mnv_volsl_v2.bmp" "mnv_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
// _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
// ____________________________________________________ VINYL _________________________________________________________________
//vinyl _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
:BMScratching "mnv_volsl_v2.bmp" "mnv_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMBrakeStop "button_small.bmp"
:BMBackMute "button_small.bmp"
// _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
// ____________________________________________________ AUTO GAIN_________________________________________________________________
//Auto-gain _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
:BMAgcSlider "mnv_volsl_v2.bmp" "mnv_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMCompSlider "mnv_volsl_v2.bmp" "mnv_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMLimSlider "mnv_volsl_v2.bmp" "mnv_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMAgc "button_small.bmp"
:BMComp "button_small.bmp"
:BMLim "button_small.bmp"
// _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
// _____________________________________________________ ICONS ________________________________________________________________
//icons ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
// Normal Hot (mouse over) Disabled transparency color
:BMBaseHdr "ico_basehdr_off.bmp" "ico_basehdr_on.bmp"
:BMSeqHdr "ico_seqhdr.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)//16 bitmaps for selecting playlist 1 ... 16
:BMSequencerList "ico_sequencerlist.bmp" //10 bitmaps for event //PLAY/STOP/CLOSE/PAN/VOLUME/EFFECT/EQUALIZATION/FRAMELOOP/PITCH/OTHERS
:BMMediaList "ico_medialist.bmp" //12 bitamps for media state : CLOSE/OPEN/PLAY/STOP/FRAME/noy used for music
//CLOSE/OPEN/PLAY/STOP/FRAME/noy used for video
:BMMediaState "ico_button_small.bmp" //2 state led for preview and bpm search
// _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
// ______________________________________________________ GENERAL USE __________________________________________________
//unknown or gemeral use _______________________________________________________________________________________________
:BMLevel "test2.bmp"
:BMVolLevel "test2.bmp"
:BMVueMeter "vuemeter1.bmp" "vuemeter1on.bmp"
:BMVolVueMeter "vuemeter1.bmp" "vuemeter1on.bmp"
:BMABMHorz "abmhorz.bmp"
:BMABMVert "abmvert.bmp"
:BMABMMove "abmhorz.bmp"
:BMABMHorzScroll "cross_volsl_v2_off.bmp" "cross_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_pan_back.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMABMMoveScroll "cross_volsl_v2_off.bmp" "cross_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_pan_back.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMWheel 24 "jogcenter.bmp" "w_jog.bmp"