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- About
- -----
- History++ Plugin
- Version 1.4.0
- by Art Fedorov
- for Miranda IM
- written with Delphi 5 Pro
- (based on source code of History+ by Christian
- Kastner)
- Contents
- --------
- Description
- -----------
- This plugin is improvement over History+. It
- introduces new history layout, as well as new
- features. Some of them are:
- * HotSearch -- you can type letters from keyboard
- and plugin searches for letters you have typed so
- far. It's also known as Incremental Search
- * Sorting -- you can choose to show recent
- messages on top (ICQ History style) or recent
- messages at bottom (History+ style)
- * Filters -- you can filter messages by Incoming,
- Outgoing, URLs, Files events
- * Customisation -- you can select different colors
- and different fonts for viewing. You can also set
- up plugin to use default miranda settings
- Other features are: URL highlighting, Clipoard
- Copy support, Detail View, full or partial
- history export to HTML, XML or Text, Delete all
- history or selected message(s), Search, Message
- forwarding, Password Protection, hotkeys for all
- actions.
- Options
- -------
- To access options go to System Menu (click icon
- on title of the history window) and select
- Options. You can customise there visual style of
- History++
- New in 1.4.0: You can now click "Additional"
- button and select options from the drop-down
- menu.
- Hotkeys
- -------
- Ctrl+C - Copy selected messages
- Ctrl+R - Reply quoted to selected message
- Ctrl+F - Opens Search Dialog
- Ctrl+M - Forward Message
- F3 - Find Next (for Search and HotSearch)
- Shift+F3 - Find Previous (for Search & HotSearch)
- Del - Delete message(s)
- Enter - open details view for selected message
- Password Protection
- -------------------
- This feature appeared in 1.4.0, but still it's
- too weak to be called "protection". That's
- because there's no way to encrypt miranda's DB
- from plugin, so it's stored there in plain text.
- With this feature you can still hide your history
- from some users. But remember:
- If you've lost your password, do the following:
- 1) Download DatabaseEditor plugin
- ( http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?id=336 ),
- 2) Open it, navigate to Current user ->
- HistoryPlusPlus
- 3) Delete record "Password"
- Now your password is blank and you can open any
- contact's history.
- Mini-FAQ
- --------
- * Plugin doesn't load
- If History++ plugin doesn't load and another
- history plugin loads instead (or default history
- is used):
- Fast solution:
- Rename historypp.dll to (for example) histpp.dll
- and start miranda. At start select histpp.dll
- as history plugin.
- Note: you will have to rename plugin every time
- you update it. So we have here...
- Right solution:
- Download and install DatabaseEditor plugin
- ( http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?id=336 ),
- start miranda and open Database Editor from the
- main menu. In the Database Editor window browse
- to Miranda -> Current user -> PluginDisable and
- delete all records with then name historypp.dll
- (you can have several items, written in different
- cases). Restart miranda and select historypp.dll
- at start as history plugin.
- * Where are options?
- Scroll up, it's written above in the Options
- section of readme.
- * I've lost my password for history!
- Look for "Password Protection" section in readme
- Installation
- ------------
- Just copy the dll into Miranda's plugin
- subdirectory.
- Source
- ------
- Source code can be found at miranda plugins
- web-site.
- Link: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?id=549
- License
- -------
- This program is free software; you can
- redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
- of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it
- will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
- without even the implied warranty of
- PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU
- General Public License along with this program;
- if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307, USA.
- Changes
- -------
- 1.4.0
- + Translation support
- + Password protection
- + New "Copy Text" menu item, copies plain
- message body (text)
- + Ctrl+R now does "Reply Quoted". There's no
- menu item because this feature in miranda
- is buggy. For Hotkeys section in readme for
- shortcuts
- * "Options" menu item added to "Additional"
- drop-down menu
- - Fixed bug, when crash on Select All, Delete
- - Bug when closing history window before find
- window, now there's no exception thrown
- - "Show Event Icons" is always uchecked when
- Options window opens
- - Added horizontal scrollbar to memo control
- in Event Details window
- 1.3.1
- - Fixed bug with copying filename to clipboard
- 1.3.0
- + New improved scroll bar behaviour
- + URL highlighting
- + File highlighting in file transfer messages
- + XML export compatable with XMLHistory
- + Text export (don't know if it's compatable
- with anything)
- * "Reply Quoted" changed to "Forward Message"
- - Bug with setting system event font fixed
- 1.2.0
- + Added "Reply Quoted" function
- * Copy now copies message date & time
- - Fixed bug with crash on miranda exit
- - Event Details dialog looks right now on high
- resolutions
- 1.1.0
- + Fonts and Color customization added
- (System Menu -> Options)
- + Event Icons are shown in history window
- + Reversed Sorting added
- + HTML saves with all fonts & colors options
- + Greatly improved HotSearch
- + Search continues from the start when finds the
- end of the list
- * Hotkeys for search added (F3, Shift+F3, Ctrl+F,
- Backspace for HotSearch)
- * You can search now Up & Down
- * Some perfomance improvements
- - Loading window position works again
- - Various scrolling bugs are fixed
- 1.0.1
- + Now you can delete messages with DEL key and open
- them with ENTER key.
- - Fixed bug with problems on Win9x systems, which
- caused to appear tons of "Access Violations"
- - Copy multiple items now copies all items, and not only
- focused one
- - Find Next fixed
- 1.0.0
- Initial release. Not implemented translation and font selection
- (it uses standard windows font so it seems ok)
- Translation
- -----------
- For translation details, see hpp_translate.txt
- Feedback
- -----------
- Contact me at artemf@mail.ru
- Any kind of feedback is appreciated, especially feedback on bugs.
- Art Fedorov
- artemf@mail.ru