<topic sku="dlxbiz" tNum="287996" author="leighanw" xmlns="x-schema:hhTopicSchema.xml"><index><title>Learn about the Assumptions page in the Lifetime Planner</title><category>lifeplan</category><klink type="cncpt">Tell me about the Assumptions page in the Lifetime Planner</klink></index>
<p>As you enter or change any data in your lifetime plan, Money automatically updates the information on the <emph>Assumptions</emph> page so you can see how the calculations are made.</p>
<p>It's a good idea to review all the details on the <emph>Assumptions</emph> page occasionally to make sure your plan is based on accurate and complete assumptions.</p>
<tease>How do I see my plan's assumptions?</tease>
<li>On the <emph>Planner</emph> menu, click <emph>Lifetime Planner</emph>.</li>
<li>In the left pane, click <emph>Results</emph>, and then click <emph>Assumptions</emph>.</li>
<tease>How do I change my plan's assumptions?</tease>
<p>Go to the appropriate page in the Lifetime Planner. For example, to change your retirement age, go to the <emph>About You</emph> page. You can also click on the section headings on the <emph>Assumptions</emph> page to go to its corresponding page.</p>