<title>Choose a scenario and see how it would affect your lifetime plan</title>
<klink type="prcdr">How do I choose a scenario and see how it would affect my lifetime plan?</klink>
<p variant="impt">You must create and complete your lifetime plan before you can use the Financial Event Modeler.</p>
<li>On the <emph>Planner</emph> menu, click <emph>Financial Event Modeler</emph>.</li>
<li>Click <emph>Start exploring</emph>.</li>
<li>In the <emph>Scenario</emph> box, click the scenario you want to investigate.</li>
<li>Read the scenario's description to get a better sense of what the scenario will do.</li>
<li>Enter any additional information that the scenario requires.</li>
<li>Click <emph>Compare My Plan</emph>.</li>
<p>Depending on how complex your plan is, it may take a few moments for the Financial Event Modeler to do its analysis.</p>
<li>Take a good look at the Comparison Forecast graph, which compares your annual Bottom Line under your current plan and under the scenario you chose.</li>
<p>To see the data for any given year, move the pointer to that part of the timeline.</p>
<li>After you've reviewed the results, you can:</li>
<li>Click <emph>Try New Scenario</emph> if you want to work through another scenario or modify the scenario you just considered.</li>
<li>Incorporate the scenario in your lifetime plan, if you've chosen a scenario where that's possible. However, once you incorporate a scenario, you can't undo it easily.</li>
<li>Click <emph>Done</emph> if you're done experimenting.</li>
<tease>What's a variable?</tease>
<p>A variable is the an item you'd be willing to change to make your scenario work within the constraints of your current lifetime plan. For example, if you're considering adopting a child, you might be willing to retire at an older age, increase your savings contributions, or invest your money more aggressively.</p>