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/ Chip 2005 April / CHIP_CD_2005-04.iso / software / netv / NVinst.exe / $INSTDIR / Lng / English.lng next >
INI File  |  2005-02-22  |  50.1 KB  |  1,759 lines

  1. [help]
  2. chmhelp=english.chm
  4. [In code]
  5. v1=Total:
  6. v2=. Online: 
  7. v3=.
  8. v4=Done.
  9. v5=Are you sure you want to cancel following operation(s):
  10. v6=Searching files in network
  11. v7=Not saved filelist in network searcher
  12. v8=Network scanning
  13. v9=Share scanning
  14. v10=Deinitializing plugins: 
  15. v11=Opened: 
  16. v12=Offline
  17. v13=Net unreachable
  18. v14=Host unreachable
  19. v15=Internal error
  20. v16=Host
  21. v17=Online
  22. v18=Error 
  23. v19=Out of memory: 
  24. v20=Corrupted: 
  25. v21=Not found: 
  26. v22=Path not found: 
  27. v23=Copy: 
  28. v24=Copy complete
  29. v25=Clearing filelist. This can take several minutes...
  30. v26=Total:
  31. v27=Priority: LOW
  32. v28=Priority: NORMAL
  33. v29=Priority: HIGHER
  34. v30=Priority: HIGHEST
  35. v31=You should specify preset name
  36. v32=Enum shares
  37. v33=Searching
  38. v34=Quened
  39. v35=Saving filelist...
  40. v36=Enter setting and press start
  41. v37=Tracing hosts
  42. v38=Recheck list
  43. v39=Checking
  44. v40=Enum network
  45. v41=Unable to enum hostnames from network. Error
  46. v42=Checking
  47. v43=Saving log...
  48. v44=Update hosts:
  49. v45=Loading hostlist:
  50. v46=Update lists: 
  51. v47=Route to host 
  52. v48=: traced
  53. v49=: not traced
  54. v50=hostlist
  55. v51=Route map
  56. v52=Refresh map inforation...
  57. v53=On by default
  58. v54=Socket error
  59. v55=shares
  60. v56=portlistener detected activity
  61. v57=ICMP flood alert
  62. v58=SYN flood alert
  63. v59=UDP flood alert
  64. v60=Enum - wait...
  65. v61=Nothing to save
  66. v62=Save filelist
  67. v63=Getting users from
  68. v64=Check share
  69. v65=Finished
  70. v66=Saving sharelist...
  71. v67=Sending
  72. v68=Tracing
  73. v69=Try
  74. v70=Resolving
  75. v71=Timeout
  76. v72=Steps
  77. v73=ICMPs
  78. v74=Are you sure you want delete 
  79. v75=from hostlist?
  80. v76=Are you sure you want delete all selected hosts from hostlist?
  81. v77=Open with 
  82. v78=Hostname
  83. v79=IP address
  84. v80=Server comment
  85. v81=Connection
  86. v82=Custom comment
  87. v83=Last open
  88. v84=Last change
  89. v85=Workgroup
  90. v86=Type
  91. v87=Speed
  92. v88=Length
  93. v89=Note
  94. v90=Hostlist and line settings
  95. v91=and all hosts from it?
  96. v92=Hostlist settings
  97. v93=Specified IP address is not valid.
  98. v94=Failed to resolve hostname using IP
  99. v95=Resolving hostname
  100. v96=Failed to resolve IP address using hostname
  101. v97=Resolving IP address
  102. v98=Please wait until all hostlist operations complete
  103. v99=You should specify hostname. IP address should be valid, if specified.
  104. v100=Edit hostlist entries
  105. v101=Edit hostlist entry
  106. v102=Scan finished
  107. v103=at port
  108. v104=Are you sure you want to clear route map?
  109. v105=Confirmation
  110. v106=Are you sure you want to delete selected host with all its children hosts from route map?
  111. v107=General information
  112. v108=Userlist
  113. v109=Connections
  114. v110=Ports
  115. v111=Information about
  116. v112=Quering information....
  117. v113=Inaccessible under Win'9x
  118. v114=Port #:        Service:
  119. v115=Cant getinformation :
  120. v116=Network path not found
  121. v117=LAN manager version
  122. v118=Platform ID
  123. v119=Possible OS
  124. v120=Remote GMT
  125. v121=(Local: 
  126. v122=min)
  127. v123=System uptime:
  128. v124=days
  129. v125=hours
  130. v126=minutes
  131. v127=second
  132. v128=***Other features and running services***
  133. v129=Load
  134. v130=Unload
  135. v131=Area
  136. v132=Line settings
  137. v133=Are you sure you want to permanently delete selected port from portlist?
  138. v134=Edit description for port #
  139. v135=Description:
  140. v136=Changing script for port #
  141. v137=Script's filename:
  142. v138=Adding new port
  143. v139=New port number:
  144. v140=Incorrect port number
  145. v141=Port already exists
  146. v142=Do you want to delete update-state .sfl file too?
  147. v143=Clear filelist in update mode
  148. v144=Found:
  149. v145=Host table is empty. Please add hosts where to search
  150. v146=Scripts:
  151. v147=Stopping searching...
  152. v148=Main template
  153. v149=Host entry template
  154. v150=File entry template
  155. v151=New file entry template
  156. v152=Install NetView as service
  157. v153=Un-Install NetView service
  158. v154=Stopping service
  159. v155=Can't access services database. Error
  160. v156=Can't un-install NetView service when running as service. You can only un-install NetView service if it is running in application mode. Stop NetView service now?
  161. v157=Can't create service. Error
  162. v158=Service was deleted
  163. v159=NetView detected that you are using private per-user NetView settings. Do you want to use global NetView's settings, shared with SYSTEM account with coping all current settings?
  164. v160=NetView service was successfully installed. You can now exit from running in application mode NetView then type in console "net start NetView" to start it or just restart system
  165. v161=Post-processing and saving state: %i%%
  166. v162=Stopping service
  167. v163=NetView currently running as service. You will be able to restart it using command "net start NetView". Are you sure you want to stop NetView service?
  168. v164=Workstation OS version:
  169. v165=Workstation logged users:
  170. v166=Workstation domain:
  171. v167=Workstation platform id:
  172. v168=Logged-on:
  173. v169=Browsed domains:
  174. v170=Servername
  175. v171=Specified hostname or IP address conflicts with another existing host:
  176. v172=Hosts confilct
  177. v173=NetView detected that linkages recheck operation was too deep recursive and canceled recursion resolving. Please check linkages settings for self-cycled recursion for host:
  178. v174=Self-cycled recursive linkages detected
  179. v175=Loading filelist state from %s: %i%%
  180. v176=Waiting for lost threads (%i)...
  181. v177=Rescan
  182. v178=Cancel
  183. v179=No filelist mode
  184. v180=Windows reboot needed to correctly apply settings
  185. v181=Rejected
  186. v182=Start
  187. v183=Stop
  188. v184=Pause
  189. v185=Resume
  190. v186=Cancel
  191. v187=Connect
  192. v188=Listen
  193. v189=No search mask specified. Please go to filters sheet and add filename masks to search.
  194. v190=Starting searching...
  195. v191=IP range is not valid. Please see help.
  196. v192=Port settings are not valid
  197. v193=Port list file missed or corrupted
  198. v194=No entries in main hostlist
  199. v195=Are you sure you want to close NetSearcher? This will discard all current search results.
  200. v196=Are you sure you want to close sharing this resource?
  201. v197=Disable NetWatcher
  202. v198=Enable NetWatcher
  203. v199=Disable sharing
  204. v200=Enable sharing
  205. v201=Disable share
  206. v202=Enable share
  208. [Main]
  209. ToolButton3_h=Switch hostlist
  210. ToolButton5_h=
  211. ToolButton10_h=NetSearcher
  212. ToolButton13_h=Terminal
  213. ToolButton18_h=Port mapper
  214. ToolButton9_h=NetWatcher
  215. ToolButton12_h=IP logger
  216. ToolButton6_h=Network scaner
  217. ToolButton15_h=Resources scaner
  218. ToolButton16_h=NetMessenger
  219. ToolButton17_h=TraceRoute
  220. ToolButton14_h=
  221. ToolButton8_h=Exit
  222. Panel1_h=
  223. Showhostslabelsonmap1_c=Show hosts labels on map
  224. File1_c=File
  225. Action1_c=Action
  226. Settings1_c=Settings
  227. Plugins1_c=Plug-ins
  228. Tools1_c=Tools
  229. Windows1_c=Windows
  230. N1_c=?
  231. Createnewhostlist1_c=Create new hostlist
  232. Addfromlmhosts1_c=Add from hostlist
  233. SaveLMHOSTS1_c=Save hostlist
  234. SaveLMHOSTSas1_c=Save hostlist as
  235. Savetracemap1_c=Export route map
  236. Exit1_c=Exit
  237. Exit2_c=Exit
  238. Forcerecheck2_c=Force recheck
  239. Refreshlist1_c=Refresh all lists
  240. Rechecklist1_c=Recheck all lists
  241. Retracehostlist1_c=Retrace all lists
  242. Autosplit1_c=Autosplit
  243. Hideoffline1_c=Hide offline
  244. Autohide1_c=Autohide
  245. Alwaysontop1_c=Always on top
  246. Edit1_c=Edit
  247. Preferences1_c=Preferences
  248. Configuration1_c=Configuration
  249. NetSearch1_c=NetSearcher
  250. Terminal1_c=Terminal
  251. Trafficredirector1_c=Port mapper
  252. NetWatcher1_c=NetWatcher
  253. IPPortscaner1_c=Network scaner
  254. NetDefencetools1_c=IP logger
  255. ShareScaner1_c=Resources scaner
  256. NetMessenger1_c=NetMessenger
  257. TraceRoute1_c=TraceRoute
  258. Scriptseditor1_c=Scripts editor
  259. Connectnetworkdrive1_c=Connect network drive
  260. Disconnectnetworkdrive1_c=Disconnect network drive
  261. Cascade1_c=Cascade
  262. Tile1_c=Tile
  263. Nexttool1_c=Next
  264. Switchwindow1_c=Switch tool
  265. Createtool1_c=Create tool
  266. Byworkgroup1_c=By workgroup
  267. ByIPsegment1_c=By IP segment
  268. Manual1_c=No autosplit
  269. SendalltoDefault1_c=Send all to [Default]
  270. File1_s=
  271. Action1_s=
  272. Settings1_s=
  273. Plugins1_s=
  274. Tools1_s=
  275. Windows1_s=
  276. N1_s=
  277. Open1_s=
  278. Forcerecheck1_s=
  279. N2_s=
  280. NetWatcher2_s=
  281. NetMessenger2_s=
  282. TraceRoute2_s=
  283. N10_s=
  284. Networkdrive1_s=
  285. Disconnectnetworkdrive2_s=
  286. N3_s=
  287. About2_s=
  288. Exit2_s=
  289. Createnewhostlist1_s=Ctrl+N
  290. Addfromlmhosts1_s=F3
  291. SaveLMHOSTS1_s=F2
  292. SaveLMHOSTSas1_s=Ctrl+F2
  293. Savetracemap1_s=Shift+F2
  294. N6_s=
  295. Exit1_s=Alt+X
  296. Forcerecheck2_s=F5
  297. N4_s=
  298. Refreshlist1_s=Ctrl+F5
  299. Rechecklist1_s=Shift+F5
  300. Retracehostlist1_s=Shift+Ctrl+F5
  301. Autosplit1_s=
  302. Hideoffline1_s=Ctrl+O
  303. Autohide1_s=
  304. Alwaysontop1_s=Ctrl+Alt+A
  305. N8_s=
  306. Preferences1_s=Ctrl+F9
  307. N11_s=
  308. Configuration1_s=Shift+Ctrl+F9
  309. NetSearch1_s=Ctrl+S
  310. Terminal1_s=Ctrl+T
  311. Trafficredirector1_s=Ctrl+E
  312. NetWatcher1_s=Ctrl+W
  313. IPPortscaner1_s=Ctrl+P
  314. NetDefencetools1_s=Ctrl+L
  315. ShareScaner1_s=Ctrl+H
  316. NetMessenger1_s=Ctrl+M
  317. TraceRoute1_s=Ctrl+R
  318. N9_s=
  319. Connectnetworkdrive1_s=F12
  320. Disconnectnetworkdrive1_s=Shift+F12
  321. N5_s=
  322. Cascade1_s=
  323. Tile1_s=
  324. Nexttool1_s=F7
  325. Switchwindow1_s=F6
  326. Createtool1_s=Shift+F6
  327. Byworkgroup1_s=
  328. ByIPsegment1_s=
  329. Manual1_s=
  330. N15_s=
  331. SendalltoDefault1_s=
  332. Help1_s=F1
  333. About1_s=
  334. [NetWatcher]
  335. CheckBox3_c=Hide additional info in active
  336. CheckBox5_c=Don't show opened pipes
  337. CheckBox4_c=Don't use hostlist
  338. CheckBox4_h=Don't use hostlist when resolving addresses and names and don't add automatically new host to hostlist
  339. Form_c=NetWatcher
  340. Label3_c=Server name:
  341. Button2_c=Change server
  342. Button2_h=Changes server to be monitores, blank means local computer
  343. Button3_c=Close server
  344. Button3_h=Terminates monitoring and closes this NetWatcher instance
  345. CheckBox2_c=Enable boosted kick mode
  346. CheckBox2_h=Enables improved kick mode, this mode steal some more CPU perfomance when kicking users
  347. Open1_c=Open computer
  348. Addtoskiplist1_c=Add to skip list
  349. Addtoskiplist2_c=Add to skip list
  351. ListView3_h=
  352. PageControl1_h=
  353. CheckBox11_c=Enable NetWatcher
  354. CheckBox11_h=Enable or disable NetWatcher monitor
  355. Button4_c=Hide
  356. Button4_h=
  357. CheckBox16_c=Enable sharing
  358. CheckBox16_h=By unchecking this checkbox you can temporary stop server service to prevent your computer be visible on network. This can takes some time
  359. Kickuser1_c=Kick user
  360. Kickall1_c=Kick all
  361. Sendmessage1_c=Send message
  362. Addtoblacklist1_c=Add to kick list
  363. Addtowhitelist1_c=Add to keep list
  364. Addtopopuplist1_c=Add to popup list
  365. Expandall1_c=Expand all
  366. Collapseall1_c=Collapse all
  367. EnableNetWatcher1_c=Enable NetWatcher
  368. Showshares1_c=Show shares
  369. Addtokicklist1_c=Add to kick ist
  370. Addtokeeplist1_c=Add to keep list
  371. Addtopopuplist2_c=Add to popup list
  372. Clearhistory1_c=Clear history
  373. Enableshare1_c=Enable share
  374. Enableall1_c=Enable all
  375. Disableall1_c=Disable all
  376. Deleteshare1_c=Delete share
  377. Sendmessage2_c=Send message
  378. Addusersharetokicklist1_c=Add to kick list
  379. Addtokeeplist2_c=Add to keep list
  380. Addtopopuplist3_c=Add to popup list
  381. Kick1_c=Kick
  382. Properties1_c=Properties
  383. Add3_c=Add computer
  384. Addshare1_c=Add share
  385. Delete3_c=Delete
  386. Enable1_c=Enable
  387. Clear3_c=Clear
  388. Label8_c=User:
  389. Label8_h=
  390. Label9_c=IP:
  391. Label9_h=
  392. Label10_c=OS:
  393. Label10_h=
  394. Label11_c=Time:
  395. Label11_h=
  396. ListView4_h=
  397. Edit8_h=
  398. Edit9_h=
  399. Edit10_h=
  400. Edit7_h=
  401. GroupBox4_c=Server service from:
  402. Label22_c=Kb rcvd:
  403. Label22_h=
  404. Label24_c=Kb sent:
  405. Label24_h=
  406. Label23_c=Timeouts:
  407. Label23_h=
  408. Label25_c=Files:
  409. Label25_h=
  410. Label26_c=Opens:
  411. Label26_h=
  412. Label27_c=Printer jobs:
  413. Label27_h=
  414. Label28_c=Errors:
  415. Label28_h=
  416. Label29_c=Pass erros:
  417. Label29_h=
  418. Label30_c=Sys errors:
  419. Label30_h=
  420. Label31_c=Buffer errors:
  421. Label31_h=Buffer errors:
  422. Edit21_h=Specifies the total number of kilobytes received by the server
  423. Edit22_h=Specifies the total number of kilobytes transmitted by the server
  424. Edit23_h=Specifies a value that indicates the number of times a file is opened on a server. This includes the number of times named pipes are opened
  425. Edit24_h=Specifies a value that indicates the number of times a server device is opened
  426. Edit25_h=Specifies a value that indicates the number of server print jobs spooled
  427. Edit26_h=Specifies a value that indicates the number of times the server sessions failed with an error
  428. Edit27_h=Specifies a value that indicates the number of times the server session automatically disconnected
  429. Edit28_h=Specifies a value that indicates the number of server password violations and server access permission errors
  430. Edit29_h=Specifies a value that indicates the number of server system errors
  431. Edit30_h=Specifies a value that indicates the number of times the server required a request buffer but failed to allocate one. This value indicates that the server parameters may need adjustment
  432. GroupBox5_c=Workstation service
  433. Label12_c=Kb rcvd:
  434. Label12_h=
  435. Label13_c=Smbs rcvd:
  436. Label13_h=
  437. Label14_c=Kb sent:
  438. Label14_h=
  439. Label15_c=Smbs sent:
  440. Label15_h=
  441. Label16_c=Failed Sessions:
  442. Label16_h=
  443. Label17_c=Sessions:
  444. Label17_h=
  445. Label18_c=Reconnects:
  446. Label18_h=
  447. Label19_c=Server disconnects:
  448. Label19_h=
  449. Label20_c=Hung sessions:
  450. Label20_h=
  451. Label21_c=Network errors:
  452. Label21_h=
  453. Edit11_h=Specifies the total number of kilobytes received by the workstation
  454. Edit12_h=Specifies the total number of server message blocks (SMBs) received by the workstation
  455. Edit13_h=Specifies the total number of kilobytes transmitted by the workstation
  456. Edit14_h=Specifies the total number of SMBs transmitted by the workstation
  457. Edit15_h=Specifies the total number of workstation sessions that were established
  458. Edit16_h=Specifies the number of times the workstation attempted to create a session but failed
  459. Edit17_h=Specifies the total number of connections that have failed
  460. Edit18_h=Specifies the number of times the workstation was disconnected by a network server
  461. Edit19_h=Specifies the total number of sessions that have expired on the workstation
  462. Edit20_h=Specifies the total number of network errors received by the workstation
  463. TabSheet1_c=Active connections
  464. TreeView1_h=Active connectons tree. Right click for more options.
  465. Button6_c=O
  466. Button6_h=Go to normal mode
  467. Button5_c=X
  468. Button5_h=Hide NetWatcher
  469. TabSheet2_c=History
  470. Splitter1_h=
  471. TreeView2_h=
  472. Panel1_h=
  473. TabSheet3_c=Options
  474. Label1_c=Refresh period,msec:
  475. Label1_h=
  476. Label2_c=Log file:
  477. Label2_h=
  478. Label5_c=Max clients in log:
  479. Label5_h=
  480. Label6_c=Kickall hotkey:
  481. Label6_h=
  482. Label7_c=Popup hotkey:
  483. Label7_h=
  484. Edit1_h=Path to log file.
  485. CSpinEdit1_h=Kick user when it is in idle state more than ... seconds
  486. CheckBox10_c=Kick when idle,sec:
  487. CheckBox10_h=Kick user when it is in idle state more than ... seconds
  488. CSpinEdit2_h=
  489. CheckBox12_c=Don't log empty sessions
  490. CheckBox12_h=Do not log connections without open files
  491. CSpinEdit3_h=Max clients number in log
  492. CheckBox13_c=Rename logfile when full
  493. CheckBox13_h=Save log to new file when full or truncate existing
  494. CheckBox14_c=Popup in compact mode
  495. CheckBox14_h=
  496. HotKey1_h=Hotkey to popup netwatcher window
  497. HotKey2_h=Hotkey to kick all currently connected users
  498. CheckBox17_c=Max connections:
  499. CheckBox17_h=Allow maximum connections number at a time. All ather will be automatically kicked.
  500. CSpinEdit4_h=
  501. TreeView4_h=
  502. CheckBox1_c=Kick all except keep list
  503. CheckBox1_h=
  504. TabSheet4_c=Statistics
  505. GroupBox4_h=
  506. GroupBox5_h=
  507. TabSheet5_c=Shares
  508. TreeView3_h=Right click for more options.
  509. Kickuser1_s=Ctrl+K
  510. Kickall1_s=Ctrl+A
  511. N1_s=
  512. Sendmessage1_s=Ctrl+M
  513. Addtoblacklist1_s=Ctrl+B
  514. Addtowhitelist1_s=Ctrl+W
  515. Addtopopuplist1_s=Ctrl+P
  516. N2_s=
  517. Expandall1_s=Ctrl+=
  518. Collapseall1_s=Ctrl+-
  519. N3_s=
  520. EnableNetWatcher1_s=Ctrl+E
  521. Showshares1_s=Ctrl+S
  522. Addtokicklist1_s=Ctrl+B
  523. Addtokeeplist1_s=Ctrl+W
  524. Addtopopuplist2_s=Ctrl+A
  525. N6_s=
  526. Clearhistory1_s=
  527. Enableshare1_s=Ctrl+T
  528. Enableall1_s=Shift+Ctrl+E
  529. Disableall1_s=Shift+Ctrl+D
  530. Deleteshare1_s=Del
  531. N4_s=
  532. Addusersharetokicklist1_s=Ctrl+B
  533. Addtokeeplist2_s=Ctrl+W
  534. Addtopopuplist3_s=Ctrl+P
  535. N7_s=
  536. Kick1_s=Ctrl+K
  537. Properties1_s=Alt+Enter
  538. Add3_s=Ins
  539. Addshare1_s=Shift+Ins
  540. Delete3_s=Del
  541. N5_s=
  542. Enable1_s=
  543. Clear3_s=
  544. [IP Logger]
  545. Form_c=IP logger
  546. Label42_c=Per-host connects limit:
  547. Scriptloadinterval1_c=Script load interval
  548. Maximumscriptscount1_c=Maximum scripts count
  549. Close1_c=Close
  550. Changedescription1_c=Change description
  551. Changescript1_c=Change script
  552. Editscript1_c=Edit script
  553. ReloadfromCPORTSLST1_c=Reload from CPORTS.LST
  554. Insertnew1_c=Insert new
  555. Deleteselected1=Delete selected
  556. CheckBox7_c=Enable scripts
  557. PageControl1_h=
  558. StatusBar1_h=
  559. TabSheet1_c=Protocols statistics
  560. GroupBox1_h=
  561. GroupBox2_h=
  562. GroupBox3_h=
  563. GroupBox4_c=Alerts
  564. TabSheet2_c=Options
  565. GroupBox4_h=
  566. GroupBox5_h=Enter here TCP(checked) and UDP(unchecked) ports to be filtered. Right click for more options.
  567. CheckBox4_c=Refresh period, msec:
  568. CheckBox4_h=Autorefresh statistics and connections list every... msec. This mode shuld be enabled to enable Alerts and Logging
  569. CSpinEdit2_h=SYN flood alert threashold [SYNs per second]
  570. CSpinEdit3_h=ICMP flood alert threashold [ICMPs per second]
  571. CSpinEdit4_h=UDP flood alert threashold [UDPs per second]
  572. Label35_c=SYN threashold
  573. Label36_c=ICMP threashold
  574. Label37_c=UDP threashold
  575. CSpinEdit6_h=
  576. GroupBox8_h=
  577. TabSheet3_c=Port listener
  578. Splitter2_h=
  579. GroupBox6_h=
  580. GroupBox7_h=
  581. TabSheet4_c=Connections
  582. Splitter1_h=
  583. ListView1_h=
  584. Memo1_h=
  585. GroupBox1_c=UDP
  586. Label2_c=In datagrams:
  587. Label2_h=
  588. Label3_c=Out datagrams:
  589. Label3_h=
  590. Label4_c=In errors:
  591. Label4_h=
  592. Label5_c=Out errors:
  593. Label5_h=
  594. Edit1_h=
  595. Edit2_h=
  596. Edit3_h=
  597. Edit4_h=
  598. GroupBox2_c=TCP
  599. Label7_c=Min time-out:
  600. Label7_h=
  601. Label8_c=Max time-out:
  602. Label8_h=
  603. Label9_c=Max connections:
  604. Label9_h=
  605. Label10_c=Active opens:
  606. Label10_h=
  607. Label11_c=Passive opens:
  608. Label11_h=
  609. Label12_c=Failed attempts:
  610. Label12_h=
  611. Label13_c=Established cons rst:
  612. Label13_h=
  613. Label14_c=Established cons:
  614. Label14_h=
  615. Label15_c=Segments received:
  616. Label15_h=
  617. Label16_c=Segments sent:
  618. Label16_h=
  619. Label17_c=Segments re-sent
  620. Label17_h=
  621. Label18_c=Incoming errors:
  622. Label18_h=
  623. Label19_c=Outgoing resets:
  624. Label19_h=
  625. Label20_c=Cumulative connections:
  626. Label20_h=
  627. Edit6_h=
  628. Edit7_h=
  629. Edit8_h=
  630. Edit9_h=
  631. Edit10_h=
  632. Edit11_h=
  633. Edit12_h=
  634. Edit13_h=
  635. Edit14_h=
  636. Edit15_h=
  637. Edit16_h=
  638. Edit17_h=
  639. Edit18_h=
  640. Edit19_h=
  641. GroupBox3_c=ICMP
  642. Label21_c=Messages:
  643. Label21_h=
  644. Label22_c=Errors:
  645. Label22_h=
  646. Label23_c=DestUnreachable:
  647. Label23_h=
  648. Label24_c=TTL exceeded:
  649. Label24_h=
  650. Label25_c=Parameter problem:
  651. Label25_h=
  652. Label26_c=Source quench:
  653. Label26_h=
  654. Label27_c=Redirection:
  655. Label27_h=
  656. Label28_c=Echo requests:
  657. Label28_h=
  658. Label29_c=Echo replies:
  659. Label29_h=
  660. Label30_c=Time-stamp requests:
  661. Label30_h=
  662. Label31_c=Time-stamp replies:
  663. Label31_h=
  664. Label32_c=Address mask rqsts:
  665. Label32_h=
  666. Label33_c=Address mask rpls:
  667. Label33_h=
  668. Label6_c=IN
  669. Label6_h=
  670. Label34_c=OUT
  671. Label34_h=
  672. Edit20_h=
  673. Edit21_h=
  674. Edit22_h=
  675. Edit23_h=
  676. Edit24_h=
  677. Edit25_h=
  678. Edit26_h=
  679. Edit27_h=
  680. Edit28_h=
  681. Edit29_h=
  682. Edit30_h=
  683. Edit31_h=
  684. Edit32_h=
  685. Edit33_h=
  686. Edit34_h=
  687. Edit35_h=
  688. Edit36_h=
  689. Edit37_h=
  690. Edit38_h=
  691. Edit39_h=
  692. Edit40_h=
  693. Edit41_h=
  694. Edit42_h=
  695. Edit43_h=
  696. Edit44_h=
  697. Edit45_h=
  698. GroupBox5_c=
  699. Label1_c=Log:
  700. Label1_h=
  701. CheckBox1_c=Connections logging
  702. CheckBox1_h=
  703. Edit46_h=Path to log file
  704. BitBtn2_h=Open log file
  705. ListView3_h=Enter here IP addresses to be filtered. Right click for more options.
  706. ListView4_h=
  707. CheckBox2_c=Log TCP
  708. CheckBox2_h=
  709. CheckBox6_c=Log UDP
  710. CheckBox6_h=
  711. GroupBox9_h=
  712. GroupBox10_h=
  713. GroupBox6_c=Portset
  714. Image1_h=
  715. ListView2_h=
  716. GroupBox7_c=Log
  717. Memo2_h=
  718. GroupBox8_c=Port listener settings
  719. Label39_c=Scan chaser ports count:
  720. Label39_h=
  722. Label38_c=Min CPU usage
  723. Label38_h=
  724. Label40_c=Max clients in queue:
  725. Label40_h=
  727. Label41_c=Max efficiency
  728. Label41_h=
  729. Label43_c=Log:
  730. Label43_h=
  731. Button1_c=Edit portlist
  732. Button1_h=
  733. Button2_c=Reload portlist
  734. Button2_h=
  735. CheckBox3_c=Enable portlistener
  736. CheckBox3_h=
  737. CheckBox5_c=Enable scan chaser
  738. CheckBox5_h=
  739. CSpinEdit1_h=
  740. CSpinEdit5_h=
  741. Edit48_h=
  742. Edit47_h=
  743. BitBtn3_h=
  744. GroupBox9_c=Address filter
  745. RadioButton1_c=Exclude
  746. RadioButton1_h=
  747. RadioButton2_c=Include
  748. RadioButton2_h=
  749. GroupBox10_c=Port filter
  750. RadioButton3_c=Exclude
  751. RadioButton3_h=
  752. RadioButton4_c=Include
  753. RadioButton4_h=
  754. Add1_c=Add
  755. Edi1_c=Edit
  756. Delete1_c=Delete
  757. Clear1_c=Clear
  758. Add2_c=Add
  759. Edit49_c=Edit
  760. Delete2_c=Delete
  761. Clear2_c=Clear
  762. Add1_s=Ins
  763. Edi1_s=F2
  764. Delete1_s=Del
  765. Clear1_s=
  766. Add2_s=Ins
  767. Edit49_s=F2
  768. Delete2_s=Del
  769. Clear2_s=
  770. Close1_s=Del
  771. Changedescription1_s=Shift+D
  772. Changescript1_s=Shift+S
  773. N1_s=
  774. Editscript1_s=Shift+E
  775. N2_s=
  776. ReloadfromCPORTSLST1_s=
  777. Insertnew1_s=Ins
  778. Deleteselected1_s=Del
  779. [Route map]
  780. Form_c=Route map
  781. StatusBar1_h=
  782. TreeView1_h=
  783. Openhost1_c=Open host
  784. Recheck1_c=Recheck
  785. Retrace1_c=Retrace
  786. Edit1_c=Edit
  787. Deletefrommap1_c=Delete from map
  788. Deletefromlist1_c=Delete from list
  789. Properties1_c=Properties
  790. Openhost1_s=Enter
  791. Recheck1_s=Space
  792. Retrace1_s=Shift+Space
  793. N1_s=
  794. Edit1_s=Shift+E
  795. Deletefrommap1_s=Del
  796. Deletefromlist1_s=Shift+Del
  797. Clearroutemap1_s=
  798. N2_s=
  799. Properties1_s=Alt+Enter
  802. [HostList]
  803. Linkselectedtothis1_c=Link selected to this
  804. Unlinkfromthis1_c=Unlink from this
  805. Undo1_c=Undo moving
  806. Undo1_s=Ctrl+Z
  807. Openselected1_c=Open selected
  808. Browseselected1_c=Browse selected
  809. Openwith1_c=Open with:
  810. Shares1_c=Resources
  811. Recheckselected1_c=Recheck selected
  812. Retraceselected1_c=Retrace selected
  813. Addhost1_c=Add host
  814. Editselected1_c=Edit selected
  815. Deleteselected1_c=Delete selected
  816. Startline1_c=Start line
  817. Editline1_c=Edit lines
  818. Addlinenode1_c=Add line node
  819. Linedirection1_c=Line direction
  820. Deleteline1_c=Delete lines/nodes
  821. Deleteline1_s=Ctrl+Del
  822. Hostlist1_c=Current sublist
  823. Sendmessage1_c=Send message
  824. Properties1_c=Properties
  825. Hostname1_c=Hostname
  826. IPaddress1_c=IP address
  827. Connection1_c=Connection
  828. Lastopen1_c=Last open
  829. Lastchange1_c=Last change
  830. List1_c=List
  831. Details1_c=Details
  832. Visualmap1_c=Visual map
  833. Visualplan1_c=Visual plan
  834. Rechecklist1_c=Recheck list
  835. Retracelist1_c=Retrace list
  836. Arrangeby1_c=Arrange by
  837. ShowMiniMap1_c=Show Mini-Map
  838. ShowMiniMap1_s=Ctrl+Alt+M
  839. Viewas1_c=View as
  840. Saveas1_c=Save as
  841. Addfrom1_c=Add from
  842. Clearlist1_c=Delete sublist
  843. Settings1_c=Settings
  844. Openselected1_s=Shift+O
  845. Browseselected1_s=Shift+B
  846. Openwith1_s=Shift+W
  847. Shares1_s=
  848. Recheckselected1_s=Space
  849. Retraceselected1_s=Shift+Space
  850. Recheckarea1_c=Recheck area
  851. Recheckarea1_s=
  852. Texttoclipboard1_c=Text to clipboard
  853. N1_s=
  854. Addhost1_s=Ins
  855. Editselected1_s=Shift+E
  856. Deleteselected1_s=Del
  857. Startline1_s=F4
  858. Editline1_s=
  859. Deleteline1_s=
  860. Addworkarea1_c=Add new area
  861. Addworkarea1_s=
  862. Editworkarea1_s=
  863. Deleteworkarea1_c=Delete area
  864. Editworkarea1_c=Edit area
  865. Deleteworkarea1_s=
  866. Hostlist1_s=
  867. N2_s=
  868. Sendmessage1_s=Shift+M
  869. Properties1_s=Alt+Enter
  870. Hostname1_s=
  871. IPaddress1_s=
  872. Connection1_s=
  873. Lastopen1_s=
  874. Lastchange1_s=
  875. List1_s=
  876. Details1_s=
  877. Visualplan1_s=
  878. Visualmap1_s=
  879. Rechecklist1_s=Shift+F5
  880. Retracelist1_s=
  881. N3_s=
  882. Arrangeby1_s=
  883. Viewas1_s=
  884. N4_s=
  885. Export1_c=Export map
  886. Export1_s=Alt+F2
  887. Saveas1_s=
  888. Addfrom1_s=
  889. Clearlist1_s=
  890. Settings1_s=
  892. [List settings]
  893. TabSheet1_c=List settings
  894. TabSheet2_c=List columns
  895. TabSheet3_c=Line settings
  896. Label10_c=Map width in pixels:
  897. Label11_c=Map height in pixels:
  898. Label3_c=Horizontal grid size:
  899. Label4_c=Vertical grid size:
  900. CheckBox1_c=Autoexport map on recheck
  901. CheckBox1_h=Autoexport map as .jpg file in \EXPORT directory after every recheck if Visual map or plan view mode selected
  902. CheckBox2_c=Show texture in list and detailed modes
  903. CheckBox2_h=
  904. CheckBox3_c=Show grid in Detailed view mode
  905. CheckBox3_h=
  906. CheckBox4_c=Disable coloring in detailed and list modes
  907. CheckBox4_h=
  908. CheckBox5_c=Pseudo 3D
  909. CheckBox6_c=Directed
  910. SpeedButton2_c=Online color
  911. SpeedButton3_c=Offline color
  912. SpeedButton4_c=Opened color
  913. SpeedButton5_c=Alert color
  914. SpeedButton6_c=Default background color
  917. Form_c=Hostlist settings
  918. SpeedButton1_h=
  919. Label1_c=Line width:
  920. Label1_h=
  921. Label2_c=Line type:
  922. Label2_h=
  923. Label5_c=Line speed:
  924. Label5_h=
  925. Label6_c=Line length:
  926. Label6_h=
  927. Label7_c=Line note:
  928. Label7_h=
  929. Label8_c=Hostlist name:
  930. Label8_h=
  931. Label9_c=Hostlist theme:
  932. Label9_h=
  933. CSpinEdit1_h=
  934. GroupBox1_h=
  935. Edit1_h=
  936. Button1_c=Ok
  937. Button1_h=
  938. Button2_c=Cancel
  939. Button2_h=
  940. GroupBox2_h=
  941. Edit2_h=
  942. Edit3_h=
  943. Edit4_h=
  944. GroupBox3_h=
  945. ComboBox1_h=
  946. ComboBox2_h=
  947. [Traceroute]
  948. Form_c=TraceRoute
  949. Label1_c=Host:
  950. Label1_h=
  951. Label2_c=Timeout:
  952. Label2_h=
  953. Label3_c=Max tries:
  954. Label3_h=
  955. Edit1_h=Enter here hostname or IP address
  956. CSpinEdit1_h=Max timeout when pinging, msec
  957. CheckBox1_c=Resolve hostnames
  958. CheckBox1_h=Try to resolve route hostnames and all its IP addresses
  959. Button1_c=Go
  960. Button1_h=Start tracing route
  961. Button2_c=Hide
  962. Button2_h=Hide trace route window
  963. ListView1_h=
  964. StatusBar1_h=
  965. CSpinEdit2_h=Max tries to send ping packet with one TTL
  966. CheckBox2_c=Force max tries
  967. CheckBox2_h=Force send MAX TRIES number of ICMP requests for every TTL and calculate average timeout
  968. Addselectedtohostlist1_s=Ctrl+A
  969. Addalltohostlist1_s=Shift+Ctrl+=
  970. N2_s=
  971. Copyline1_s=Ctrl+C
  972. Copyall1_s=Shift+Ctrl+C
  973. N1_s=
  974. Savetotextfile1_s=Ctrl+S
  975. [NetMessenger]
  976. Form_c=NetMessenger
  977. Label1_c=From:
  978. Label1_h=
  979. Label2_c=To:
  980. Label2_h=
  981. Label4_c=Text:
  982. Label4_h=
  983. Edit1_h=
  984. Edit2_h=
  985. Memo1_h=
  986. Button1_c=Send
  987. Button1_h=
  988. CheckBox1_c=Repeatly sending
  989. CheckBox1_h=
  990. CheckBox2_c=Enable Messenger service
  991. CheckBox2_h=Enable incoming messages monitoring using Messenger service
  992. CheckBox3_c=Send via mailslots
  993. CheckBox3_h=
  994. CheckBox4_c=Use NetView monitoring
  995. CheckBox4_h=Enable incoming messages monitoring using NetView
  996. CheckBox5_c=Show popups
  997. CheckBox5_h=
  998. CheckBox6_c=Enable flood filtering
  999. CheckBox6_h=
  1000. SpeedButton1_c=Log file:
  1001. SpeedButton1_h=Click here to see log file
  1004. Button2_c=Hide
  1005. Button2_h=
  1006. StatusBar1_h=
  1007. [Network scaner]
  1008. Form_c=Network scaner
  1009. Label6_c=UDP scan passes
  1010. CheckBox4_c=Resolve hostnames
  1011. CheckBox4_h=Disabling this optionsprovides some perfomance boost, but hostnames will be unknown
  1012. CheckBox5_c=De-duplicate names
  1013. CheckBox5_h=Automatically sets hosts name to IP if confilcting hostname found in hostlist when adding
  1014. Addselectedtohostlist1_c=Add selected to hostlist
  1015. Addall1_c=Add all
  1016. Storevars1_c=Store variables 'sc_port' and 'sc_resp'
  1017. Terminal1_c=Connect in Terminal
  1018. Copyselected1_c=Copy selected
  1019. Copyall1_c=Copy all
  1020. Savetofile1_c=Save to file
  1021. Deleteselected1_c=Delete selected
  1022. Deleteall1_c=Clear list
  1023. Label2_c=Script queue:
  1024. GroupBox3_h=
  1025. GroupBox2_h=
  1026. GroupBox1_h=
  1027. Button2_c=Start
  1028. Button2_h=
  1029. Button3_c=Stop
  1030. Button3_h=
  1031. Panel1_h=
  1032. StatusBar1_h=
  1033. ProgressBar1_h=
  1034. GroupBox1_c=IP addresses to scan
  1035. Label1_c=IP ranges:
  1036. Label1_h=
  1037. Edit1_h=Starting IP of IP diapazone
  1038. CheckBox1_c=Main hostlist
  1039. CheckBox1_h=Scan hosts from main hostlist. All hosts will be scanned if no Online and Selected checkboxes are checked
  1040. CheckBox3_c=Online
  1041. CheckBox3_h=Scan online hosts
  1042. CheckBox2_c=Selected
  1043. CheckBox2_h=
  1044. GroupBox2_c=Scan settings
  1045. Label4_c=...
  1046. Label4_h=
  1047. Bevel1_h=
  1048. CSpinEdit3_h=
  1049. CSpinEdit4_h=
  1050. RadioButton1_c=DNS
  1051. RadioButton1_h=Scan IP's using DNS querying
  1052. RadioButton2_c=PING
  1053. RadioButton2_h=Pinging all IP's
  1054. RadioButton5_c=ARP
  1055. RadioButton5_h=Send ARP resolution request to every IP (works only inside of segment)
  1056. RadioButton3_c=TCP range:
  1057. RadioButton3_h=Scaning selected TCP ports on IP's
  1058. RadioButton6_c=UDP range:
  1059. RadioButton6_h=Scaning selected UDP ports on IP's
  1060. BitBtn1_h=
  1061. RadioButton4_c=TCP portlist:
  1062. RadioButton4_h=
  1063. RadioButton7_c=UDP portlist:
  1064. RadioButton7_h=
  1065. Edit5_h=
  1066. GroupBox3_c=Asynchronous mode settings
  1067. Label3_c=Parallel requests:
  1068. Label3_h=
  1069. Label5_c=Timeout, msec:
  1070. Label5_h=
  1071. CSpinEdit1_h=Maximum number of port connects, ping echo requests or DNS requests at one time
  1072. CSpinEdit2_h=Time to wait after max requests number complete
  1073. Addselectedtohostlist1_c=Add selected to hostlist
  1074. Addall1_c=Add all
  1075. Deleteselected1_c=Delete selected entry
  1076. Deleteall1_c=Clear
  1077. Addselectedtohostlist1_s=Ctrl+=
  1078. Addall1_s=Shift+Ctrl+=
  1079. Terminal1_s=Ctrl+T
  1080. N1_s=
  1081. Copyselected1_s=Ctrl+C
  1082. Copyall1_s=Shift+Ctrl+C
  1083. N3_s=
  1084. Savetofile1_s=Ctrl+S
  1085. N2_s=
  1086. Deleteselected1_s=Del
  1087. Deleteall1_s=
  1088. [Terminal]
  1089. Form_c=Terminal
  1090. SpeedButton1_c=Script:
  1091. Label1_c=Port:
  1092. Label1_h=
  1093. Label2_c=Remote IP:
  1094. Label2_h=
  1095. Label3_c=Interval:
  1096. Label3_h=
  1097. Label5_c=Max length:
  1098. Label5_h=
  1099. Label4_c=Min:
  1100. Label4_h=
  1101. Label6_c=Max:
  1102. Label6_h=
  1103. Label7_c=Local IP:
  1104. Label7_h=
  1105. Edit1_h=Remote IP address to connect
  1106. CSpinEdit1_h=Remote port to connect
  1107. Edit2_h=Text to send after send prefix. If IRC compatibility all spaces will exchanged by false spaces(use prefix window to send with normal spaces. Press ENTER to send
  1108. CheckBox1_c=+CRLF
  1109. CheckBox1_h=Send after text CRLF(#13#10)characters
  1110. Button1_c=Connect
  1111. Button1_h=
  1112. CSpinEdit2_h=Repeat interval
  1113. Button2_c=Repeat current
  1114. Button2_h=
  1115. Button3_c=Repeat random
  1116. Button3_h=
  1117. Button4_c=Cancel repeat
  1118. Button4_h=
  1119. CheckBox2_c=Log
  1120. CheckBox2_h=Enagle log.
  1121. StatusBar1_h=
  1122. CSpinEdit3_h=Min value for random bytes
  1123. CSpinEdit4_h=Max value for random bytes
  1124. CSpinEdit5_h=Max length for random string
  1125. Button5_c=Send file
  1126. Button5_h=
  1127. Button6_c=Listen
  1128. Button6_h=
  1129. ComboBox1_h=Local IP using when estabilishing connection to remote host.
  1130. CheckBox3_c=Reconnect
  1131. CheckBox3_h=Automatically reconnect on disconnect in client mode
  1132. Edit3_h=Send prefix. Dont cleared on sending.
  1133. RichEdit1_h=
  1134. CheckBox4_c=Chat mode
  1135. CheckBox4_h=All messages when running server mode (LISTEN) distributes to all clients
  1136. [Searcher]
  1137. TabSheet4_c=List
  1138. TabSheet5_c=Tree
  1139. Collapseall1_c=Collapse all
  1140. Expandall1_c=Expand all
  1141. Label6_c=Max directory tree depth:
  1142. CheckBox12_c=Force random auto-authorization
  1143. SpeedButton1_c=Use script
  1144. Button7_c=Load selected preset
  1145. Button6_c=Delete selected preset
  1146. Button5_c=Save current options as:
  1147. CheckBox6_c=Enable list-update mode
  1148. CheckBox7_c=Show files as new for:
  1149. CheckBox8_c=Delete files if not refreshed for:
  1150. Label2_c=hours
  1151. Label9_c=hours
  1152. CheckBox9_c=Copy to destionation path
  1153. CheckBox10_c=Start program:
  1154. CheckBox11_c=Delete if not found on searched
  1155. CheckBox11_h=Check after search completed if there are any files that where deleted on searched hosts
  1156. TabSheet3_c=Options presets
  1158. CheckBox3_c=Autosearch on
  1159. Edit4_h=Enter here times to start searcher automatically. For example "10:40;15:10;08:30"
  1160. Form_c=Search for files in network
  1161. ListView1_h=List of found files. Rick click for more options.
  1162. StatusBar1_h=
  1163. ListView2_h=List of hosts where to search. Right click for more options.
  1164. PageControl1_h=
  1165. Button2_c=Start
  1166. Button2_h=Start or stop searching
  1167. Button4_c=Pause
  1168. Button4_h=Pause searching
  1169. TabSheet1_c=Options
  1170. Label7_c=Time limit (sec):
  1171. Label7_h=
  1172. Label5_c=Threads priority:
  1173. Label5_h=
  1174. Label8_c=Threads count:
  1175. Label8_h=
  1176. CheckBox4_c=Save filelist on finish
  1177. CheckBox4_h=Save filelist on finish searching
  1178. TrackBar1_h=Search thread priority/ Setting too low value can cause search process to slow down or crash< setting too high value can slow down your system
  1179. CheckBox5_c=Cycled searching
  1180. CheckBox5_h=Search cycled untill all hosts Searched="yes"
  1181. CSpinEdit1_h=Time limit for one host
  1182. GroupBox1_h=
  1183. CheckBox2_c=Recheck hosts
  1184. CheckBox2_h=Recheck host using port #139 before connecting
  1185. GroupBox2_h=
  1186. CSpinEdit4_h=
  1187. TabSheet2_c=Filter
  1188. Label1_c=Search for:
  1189. Label1_h=
  1190. Label3_c=Filesize MIN:
  1191. Label3_h=
  1192. Label4_c=MAX:
  1193. Label4_h=
  1194. ComboBox1_h=What to search(directories or files or both)
  1195. CSpinEdit2_h=Minimum size of files(0 means no minimum).
  1196. CSpinEdit3_h=Maximum size of files(0 means no maximum).
  1197. ComboBox2_h=Units in wich size of files given and in wich it will be in filelist
  1198. ListView3_h=File search masks.
  1199. ListView4_h=File will added to filelist only if its path\name include....
  1200. ListView5_h=Skip if its path\name include....
  1201. ListView6_h=File will added to filelist only if its sharename include....
  1202. Edit8_h=
  1203. Edit9_h=
  1204. Edit10_h=
  1205. Edit11_h=
  1206. Button8_c=Add
  1207. Button8_h=
  1208. Button9_c=Del
  1209. Button9_h=
  1210. Button10_c=Add
  1211. Button10_h=
  1212. Button11_c=Del
  1213. Button11_h=
  1214. Button12_c=Add
  1215. Button12_h=
  1216. Button13_c=Del
  1217. Button13_h=
  1218. Button14_c=Add
  1219. Button14_h=
  1220. Button15_c=Del
  1221. Button15_h=
  1222. GroupBox1_c=On find file
  1223. RadioButton1_c=Report only
  1224. RadioButton1_h=Create filelist only
  1225. RadioButton2_c=Download to destination directory
  1226. RadioButton2_h=Auto download found files
  1227. RadioButton3_c=Start custom program
  1228. RadioButton3_h=Start specified program for found files
  1229. Edit1_h=Command line to start program. (!list - filelist, !dest - destination dir, !src - source file)
  1230. CheckBox1_c=No filelist mode
  1231. CheckBox1_h=Disable filelist keeped by NetSearcher for memory economic. All search results passed to script.
  1232. Edit3_h=Destination dir for download
  1233. GroupBox2_c=Options presets
  1234. ListView7_h=
  1235. Button7_c=Load selected
  1236. Button7_h=
  1237. Button6_c=Delete selected
  1238. Button6_h=
  1239. Button5_c=Save as:
  1240. Button5_h=
  1241. Edit2_h=Name of preset to create
  1242. Openselected1_c=Open selected
  1243. Importfrommainhostlist1_c=Import all from main hostlist
  1244. Importonlinefrommainlist1_c=Import online from main list
  1245. Importselectedfrommainlist1_c=Import selected from main list
  1246. Insertnew1_c=Insert new
  1247. Editselected1_c=Edit selected
  1248. Deleteselected1_c=Delete selected
  1249. MarkselectedSeachedno1_c=Mark selected SEARCHED
  1250. Clearlist1_c=Clear list
  1251. Goto1_c=Go to...
  1252. Savetofile1_c=Save list to file
  1253. Deleteselected2_c=Delete selected
  1254. Clearlist2_c=Clear list
  1255. Openselected1_s=
  1256. Importfrommainhostlist1_s=Shift+Ctrl+=
  1257. Importonlinefrommainlist1_s=Ctrl+=
  1258. Insertnew1_s=Ins
  1259. Editselected1_s=F2
  1260. Deleteselected1_s=Del
  1261. MarkselectedSeachedno1_s=
  1262. Clearlist1_s=
  1263. Goto1_s=Enter
  1264. Savetofile1_s=Ctrl+S
  1265. Deleteselected2_s=Del
  1266. Clearlist2_s=
  1267. [Save filelist]
  1268. GroupBox1_c=HTML templates
  1269. Button5_c=Reset to default template
  1270. CheckBox11_c=Sort hosttable by Hostname
  1271. CheckBox12_c=Sort hosttable by Searched
  1272. CheckBox9_c=Enable PING buttons (HTML)
  1273. CheckBox10_c=Enable KILLCOPY buttons (HTML)
  1274. Form_c=Save filelist
  1275. Label1_c=Encoding:
  1276. Label1_h=
  1277. Label2_c=Type:
  1278. Label2_h=
  1279. Label3_c=File:
  1280. Label3_h=
  1281. Label4_c=1st column width:
  1282. Label4_h=
  1283. Label5_c=2d column width:
  1284. Label5_h=
  1285. Label6_c=3d column width:
  1286. Label6_h=
  1287. ComboBox1_h=
  1288. ComboBox2_h=
  1289. Edit1_h=
  1290. Button1_c=...
  1291. Button1_h=
  1292. CheckBox1_c=Enable references to path (HTML)
  1293. CheckBox1_h=
  1294. CheckBox2_c=Enable references to file (HTML)
  1295. CheckBox2_h=
  1296. CheckBox3_c=Include filesize column
  1297. CheckBox3_h=
  1298. CheckBox4_c=Add hostlist in beginning
  1299. CheckBox4_h=
  1300. CheckBox5_c=Sort by path
  1301. CheckBox5_h=
  1302. CheckBox6_c=Sort by name
  1303. CheckBox6_h=
  1304. CheckBox7_c=Sort by size
  1305. CheckBox7_h=
  1306. CSpinEdit1_h=Column width in characters(if text) or pixels(in html)
  1307. CSpinEdit2_h=Column width in characters(if text) or pixels(in html)
  1308. CSpinEdit3_h=Column width in characters(if text) or pixels(in html)
  1309. Button2_c=Save
  1310. Button2_h=
  1311. Button3_c=Hide
  1312. Button3_h=
  1313. ProgressBar1_h=
  1314. CheckBox8_c=Autoadjust columns width
  1315. CheckBox8_h=
  1316. [Traffic redirector]
  1317. Form_c=Port mapper
  1318. GroupBox1_h=
  1319. GroupBox2_h=
  1320. Button1_c=Start
  1321. Button1_h=
  1322. GroupBox5_h=
  1323. GroupBox3_h=
  1324. GroupBox1_c=Incoming sessions settings
  1325. Label1_c=Local IP:
  1326. Label1_h=
  1327. Label2_c=Local port #:
  1328. Label2_h=
  1329. Label6_c=Cons per client:
  1330. Label6_h=
  1331. ComboBox1_h=
  1332. CSpinEdit1_h=
  1333. ListView1_h=
  1334. CSpinEdit2_h=
  1335. GroupBox2_c=Outgoing sessions settings
  1336. Label4_c=Address:
  1337. Label4_h=
  1338. Label5_c=Remote port #:
  1339. Label5_h=
  1340. Edit1_h=
  1341. CSpinEdit3_h=
  1342. GroupBox3_c=Statistics and control
  1343. ListView2_h=
  1344. Button3_c=Disconnect
  1345. Button3_h=
  1346. GroupBox5_c=Logging
  1347. Label3_c=Level:
  1348. Label3_h=
  1349. Memo1_h=
  1350. ComboBox2_h=
  1351. Add1_c=Add
  1352. Edi1_c=Edit
  1353. Delete1_c=Delete
  1354. Add1_s=Ins
  1355. Edi1_s=F2
  1356. Delete1_s=Del
  1357. [Share scaner]
  1358. Form_c=Resources scaner
  1359. Label1_c=Threads:
  1360. Label2_c=Filters:
  1361. Label3_c=Auto scan on:
  1362. Edit3_h=Enter here times to start scan automatically. For example "10:40;15:10;08:30"
  1363. Edit2_h=Specify wildcards to scan. For example film;avi;media will search all sharenames, contains such words
  1364. CSpinEdit1_h=Specify here parallel scan threads count
  1365. CheckBox6_c=FTP/NETBIOS autodetection
  1366. CheckBox4_c=Additional info
  1367. CheckBox4_h=Slow. Check access rights on netbios and ftp resources and html titles on http servers
  1368. Button2_c=Load from cache
  1369. Button3_c=Clear results
  1370. Checkall1_c=Check all
  1371. Checkall1_s=Ctrl+=
  1372. Uncheckall1_c=Uncheck all
  1373. Uncheckall1_s=Ctrl+-
  1374. Togglecheck1_c=Toggle check
  1375. Togglecheck1_s=Space
  1376. Collapseall1_c=Collapse all
  1377. Expandall1_c=Expand all
  1378. Update1_c=Update
  1379. CheckBox3_c=Selected hosts
  1380. CheckBox3_h=Scan only selected in hostlist hosts
  1381. ListView4_h=
  1382. ListView1_h=Sharelist. Right click for more options.
  1383. Button1_c=Rescan
  1384. Button1_h=Click here for start rescan or cancel scanning.
  1385. CheckBox1_c=Recheck
  1386. CheckBox1_h=Recheck hosts before scan
  1387. StatusBar1_h=
  1388. ProgressBar1_h=
  1389. CheckBox2_c=Save to file
  1390. CheckBox2_h=Save to text file on finish
  1391. Open1_c=Open
  1392. Connectnetworkdrive1_c=Connect network drive
  1393. SavetoSHARELISTTXT1_c=Save to text file
  1394. Clear3_c=Clear
  1395. Add1_c=Add
  1396. Edit1_c=Edit
  1397. Delete1_c=Delete
  1398. Clear1_c=Clear
  1399. Open1_s=Enter
  1400. Connectnetworkdrive1_s=Shift+Enter
  1401. SavetoSHARELISTTXT1_s=
  1402. Clear3_s=
  1403. Add1_s=Ins
  1404. Edit1_s=F2
  1405. Delete1_s=Del
  1406. Clear1_s=
  1407. [Preferences]
  1408. Form_c=Preferences
  1409. TabSheet1_c=General
  1410. TabSheet2_c=Hostlists
  1411. TabSheet3_c=Opening
  1412. TabSheet4_c=Share images
  1413. TabSheet5_c=Scripts
  1414. TabSheet6_c=Service
  1415. TabSheet7_c=Recheck
  1416. Label11_c=NetView API mode for nonprivileged applications:
  1417. Label13_c=Look for new hosts in workgroups:
  1418. Label14_c=Visual map host image max size (width x height):
  1419. Label16_c=Highlight opened in this session hosts for:
  1420. Label17_c=minutes
  1421. Label18_c=FTP operations timeout, seconds:
  1422. Label19_c=Maximum simultaneously opened sockets:
  1423. Label20_c=IP-to-hostname scan and conflicts resolve method:
  1424. ComboBox4_h=Method using which IP addresses will be rosolved to hostnames during DNS scan process or when resolving conflicts of IP
  1426. Edit8_h=Specify here in what workgroups or domains NetView will search hosts while refreshing hostlist. Divide domains by character <;>. Empty string means your primary workgroup.
  1427. CheckBox51_c=Force host's recheck by IP packet,     initiate delay:
  1428. CheckBox51_h=Enable initiating host's recheck by IP packet receive from offline after last global recheck host
  1429. CheckBox52_c=Low priority while starting for smooth startup
  1430. CheckBox52_h=
  1431. CheckBox53_c=Don't backup hostlist file on startup (faster startup, less safety)
  1432. CheckBox53_h=Disable hostlist file backup on startup. Enable this option for faster startup if hostlist information is not important
  1433. CheckBox54_c=Close on load hostlists that were closed before saving
  1434. CheckBox55_c=Detect and show HTTP servers in Resources submenu and in Resources scaner
  1435. CheckBox56_c=Try firstly FTP passive mode connection
  1436. CheckBox57_c=Optimize Windows TCP/IP stack for working with NetView (reboot needed)
  1437. CheckBox57_h=Change TcpTimedWaitDelay and MaxUserPort values in registry key System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters to optimize Windows to work with many TCP connections
  1438. Label12_c=ms
  1439. Label12_h=
  1440. Label7_c=Random auto-authorization username:
  1441. CheckBox50_c=Alternative visual map middle-scroll
  1442. CheckBox48_c=Show NetView's notificaion area icon in user mode
  1443. CheckBox15_c=Allow users access Preferences window
  1444. CheckBox18_c=Allow users access Plug-ins configuration window
  1445. CheckBox36_c=Allow users access plug-ins menus
  1446. CheckBox37_c=Allow users edit hosts and hostlists
  1447. CheckBox47_c=Authentificate users on remote hosts using hostlist-stored credentials
  1448. CheckBox38_c=Allow users to access NetSearcher
  1449. CheckBox39_c=Allow users to access Terminal
  1450. CheckBox40_c=Allow users to access Port mapper
  1451. CheckBox41_c=Allow users to access NetWatcher
  1452. CheckBox42_c=Allow users to access Network scaner
  1453. CheckBox43_c=Allow users to access IP logger
  1454. CheckBox44_c=Allow users to access Share saner
  1455. CheckBox45_c=Allow users to access NetMessenger
  1456. CheckBox46_c=Allow users to access TraceRoute
  1457. CheckBox49_c=Allow users to access Scrips editor
  1458. CheckBox19_c=RAW sockets for port scans.       SYNs count for every request:
  1459. CSpinEdit6_h=Specify here how many SYNs packets should be sent for every request
  1460. CheckBox19_h=Faster and more economical, but possible only on Windows 2000 and above in administrator mode
  1461. CheckBox35_c=Show windows switch bar
  1462. CheckBox35_h=Show windows switch bar if opened more than one window
  1463. CheckBox33_c=Check by timer only alertable hosts (save network bandwidth)
  1464. CheckBox31_c=Don't show hidden resources
  1465. CheckBox31_h=Disable NetView's ability to browse hidden shared resources
  1466. Label9_c=Default hostlist (for newly added hosts):
  1467. GroupBox8_h=
  1468. GroupBox2_h=
  1469. Button3_c=Ok
  1470. Button3_h=Apply changes(no save)
  1471. GroupBox7_h=
  1472. Button5_c=Cancel
  1473. Button5_h=Cancel all changes
  1474. Button4_c=Save/Ok
  1475. Button4_h=Save and apply changes
  1476. CheckBox32_c=Use simple menus without office XP style
  1477. CheckBox32_h=
  1478. CheckBox34_c=Minimize NetView by pressing ESC button
  1479. CheckBox34_h=
  1480. GroupBox3_h=
  1481. GroupBox1_h=
  1482. GroupBox4_h=
  1483. GroupBox1_c=Hostlists file options
  1484. Edit1_h=Path to .nvh file in which all information will be stored by default and wich will be automatically loaded on startup
  1485. CheckBox27_c=Re-read hostlist file on every refresh (not recommended)
  1486. CheckBox27_h=Re-read hostlist on every refresh. Not recommended - can cause program to be unstable.
  1487. CheckBox28_c=Autosort hostlists after every global recheck if view mode is not Visual Map
  1488. CheckBox28_h=
  1489. CheckBox5_c=Autosave hostlist after every global recheck and before exit
  1490. CheckBox5_h=Note that autosave not work if you exit NetView while global recheck is in progress
  1491. Button1_c=Path:
  1492. Button1_h=
  1493. BitBtn1_h=
  1494. GroupBox2_c=Checking
  1495. Label2_c=seconds
  1496. Label2_h=
  1497. Label4_c=Timeout, ms:
  1498. Label4_h=
  1499. Label5_c=Timeout, ms:
  1500. Label5_h=
  1501. Label1_c=Requests interleave:
  1502. Label1_h=
  1503. Label6_c=Automatically clear following DNS suffixies:
  1504. Label3_c=Startup (by autostart) delay, seconds:
  1505. Label8_c=ms
  1506. Label8_h=
  1507. CSpinEdit5_h=System starup NetView load delay. Can solve some troubles with delayed services startup.
  1508. Edit2_h=Clear DNS suffixes in main hostlist. For example: KILLER.PHYS.ORG will be appeared only as KILLER if phys.org specified. You can add some suffixies divided by ;.
  1509. CheckBox29_c=Using scan ports:
  1510. CheckBox29_h=Recheck host by connecting on specified port
  1511. CheckBox30_c=Using ping    tries:
  1512. CheckBox30_h=Recheck host by pinging it
  1513. CSpinEdit1_h=Default port to use when recheck. See commprts.txt and cports.lst for most commonly used ports and services.
  1514. CSpinEdit2_h=
  1515. CheckBox2_c=Automatically initiate global recheck every:
  1516. CheckBox2_h=
  1517. CheckBox1_c=Refresh hostlists automatically before start global recheck (slow)
  1518. CheckBox1_h=
  1519. CSpinEdit3_h=Max timeout for ping recheck, msec
  1520. CSpinEdit4_h=Max timeout in msec when rechecking using port connection or resource connection
  1521. CheckBox13_c=Disable searching for new hosts on startup (faster startup)
  1522. CheckBox13_h=You can temporary toggle this mode by pressing SHIFT when starting NetView.
  1523. CheckBox12_c=Look for hosts only in specified workgroups:
  1524. CheckBox12_h=Use alternative method to enum network hosts that allows enumaration of specified workgroups/domains and also in this mode infromation about computer's OS is stored to metavariable "os"
  1525. CSpinEdit8_h=Maximum tries to send echo requests before assuming that host is offline
  1526. CheckBox20_c=Try ARP request if ping recheck failed
  1527. CheckBox20_h=This option can show firwalled hosts in your segment that don't reply on ICMP echo request (ping)
  1528. CheckBox26_c=Minimize NetView on pressing close button
  1529. CheckBox26_h=Minimize NetView window on click on close button instead of closing. You will be able to close NetView using menu command
  1530. CSpinEdit7_h=Time delay between parallel requests to work with some firewalls with enabled SYN or ICMP flood protection. Can be used also to avoid network overload on recheck.
  1531. GroupBox3_c=Opening window options
  1532. CheckBox3_c=Try to open host if last recheck detected that its state is offline
  1533. CheckBox3_h=
  1534. CheckBox4_c=Force recheck host on opening to check its state
  1535. CheckBox4_h=
  1536. RadioButton3_c=Open window in normal state
  1537. RadioButton3_h=
  1538. RadioButton4_c=Open window in maximized state
  1539. RadioButton4_h=
  1540. RadioButton5_c=Open window in minimized state
  1541. RadioButton5_h=
  1542. GroupBox5_h=
  1543. GroupBox6_h=
  1544. GroupBox4_c=General
  1545. CheckBox6_c=Autosave all settings on program exit
  1546. CheckBox6_h=
  1547. CheckBox7_c=Minimize NetView's window to notification (tray) area
  1548. CheckBox7_h=
  1549. CheckBox9_c=Minimize NetView automatically on startup by autostart
  1550. CheckBox9_h=
  1551. CheckBox10_c=Autostart NetView automatically with Windows shell's startup
  1552. CheckBox10_h=Autostart netview on windows startup using registry
  1553. GroupBox5_c=Open using
  1554. RadioButton6_c=Open by IP address (for example: \\
  1555. RadioButton6_h=Open using IP address that in some cases can be faster than hostname.
  1556. RadioButton7_c=Open by hostname (for example: \\coolcomp)
  1557. RadioButton7_h=Open using hostname. Max compatibility.
  1558. GroupBox6_c=Open in
  1559. RadioButton8_c=Open host in single shell window
  1560. RadioButton8_h=
  1561. RadioButton9_c=Open host as node in directory tree in Windows Explorer
  1562. RadioButton9_h=
  1563. RadioButton11_c=
  1564. RadioButton11_h=Open host using following program
  1565. Edit3_h=Program with wich hosts will be opened. You can use for example Windows Commander
  1566. Button12_c=Custom program:
  1567. Button12_h=Click here to find program
  1568. GroupBox7_c=General
  1569. Button7_c=Edit default settings for newly added hosts
  1570. Button7_h=
  1571. Button8_c=Change
  1572. Button8_h=
  1573. Button11_c=Change
  1574. Button11_h=
  1575. Label10_c=Program interface localizaion language file:
  1576. Label10_h=
  1577. CheckBox8_c=Show ToolBar
  1578. CheckBox8_h=
  1579. CheckBox14_c=Single mouse click by left button opens host as double-click
  1580. CheckBox17_c=Show host's notes (if any) as captions in visual map/plan view modes
  1581. CheckBox17_h=Show custom comments (if any) for hosts as captions in Visual map or plan view modes
  1582. CheckBox11_c=Don't show message boxes on errors and warnings
  1583. CheckBox11_h=Do not show most of message boxes during work. Usefull when monitoring network without user.
  1584. CheckBox21_c=Raise alert if any host changed state to online
  1585. CheckBox21_h=
  1586. CheckBox22_c=Raise alert if any host changed state to offline
  1587. CheckBox22_h=
  1588. CheckBox23_c=Resolve hosts's IPs before every recheck (slow, for networks with DHCP)
  1589. CheckBox23_h=Decreases recheck speed but neccesary on DHCP networks.
  1590. CheckBox16_c=Automatically delete lists containing no hosts
  1591. CheckBox16_h=
  1592. ;CheckBox24_c=Advanced search (just type text in any hostlist window to find host)
  1593. ;CheckBox24_h=
  1594. CheckBox25_c=Allow several copies of NetView running simultaneously
  1595. CheckBox25_h=
  1596. ComboBox1_h=
  1597. GroupBox8_c=
  1598. Edit4_h=Hostlist to which all newly found hosts will be automatically added
  1599. BitBtn2_h=
  1600. [Edit entry]
  1601. CheckBox14_c=Visible in visual map only
  1602. CheckBox10_c=Use ping        tries:
  1603. CheckBox11_c=Use TCP port:
  1604. CheckBox12_c=Enable NETBIOS
  1605. CheckBox12_h=Enable NETBIOS calls to host when scanning for shared resources or when searching by NetSearcher
  1606. CheckBox13_c=FTP active mode
  1607. CheckBox13_h=Enable tries FTP calls in active mode to host when scanning for shared resources or when searching by NetSearcher
  1608. CheckBox15_c=FTP passive mode
  1609. CheckBox15_h=Enable tries FTP calls in passive mode to host when scanning for shared resources or when searching by NetSearcher
  1610. CheckBox8_c=Dynamic IP
  1611. CheckBox8_h=Resolve host's IP on every recheck
  1612. CheckBox9_c=Static entry
  1613. CheckBox9_h=Disable automatic changes host's IP and hostname after re-resolve
  1614. Label7_c=Write here hostnames or IP addresses of hosts to be linked to this host. If all hosts linked to this host are offline then this host switched to offline too. If at least one linked host is online this host will be set as online. Note that recheck should be disabled to enable state changes by linkage.
  1615. Form_c=Creating hostlist entry
  1616. Button3_c=Ok
  1617. Button3_h=
  1618. Button4_c=Cancel
  1619. Button4_h=
  1620. PageControl1_h=
  1621. TabSheet1_c=General settings
  1622. TabSheet3_c=Linkages
  1623. Label1_c=Hostname:
  1624. Label1_h=
  1625. Label2_c=IP address:
  1626. Label2_h=
  1627. Label8_c=Hostlist:
  1628. Label8_h=
  1629. Label9_c=Custom description:
  1630. Label9_h=
  1631. Label10_c=Image online:
  1632. Label10_h=
  1633. Label11_c=offline:
  1634. Label11_h=
  1635. Edit1_h=Press Resolve hostname to get hostname by specified IP address
  1636. Edit2_h=Host IP address. Press Resolve IP to get IP address by hostname.
  1637. CheckBox1_c=Align to grid
  1638. CheckBox1_h=Align host image to grid in visual map view mode
  1639. CheckBox3_c=Link lines
  1640. CheckBox3_h=Link lines to host when dragging in visual map view mode. Can be temporary toggled by pressing SHIFT when dragging
  1641. CheckBox2_c=Recheck
  1642. CheckBox2_h=Enable host recheck. If disabled host is always online. This option always sets off when no host IP specified
  1643. CheckBox4_c=Alert on online
  1644. CheckBox4_h=Raise Alert when hosts goes online
  1645. Edit4_h=Image to display when host online in visual map view mode
  1646. Edit6_h=Image to display when host offline in visual map view mode
  1647. Edit5_h=Host's hostlist. Specify here new hostlist name to create it.
  1648. Edit3_h=Custom description to host
  1649. Button1_c=Resolve hostname
  1650. Button1_h=Get hostname by IP address. IP address must be specified
  1651. Button2_c=Resolve IP
  1652. Button2_h=Get IP address by hostname. Hostname must be specified
  1653. CheckBox5_c=Alert on offline
  1654. CheckBox5_h=Raise Alert when hosts goes offline
  1655. TabSheet2_c=Advanced settings
  1656. Label3_c=Skip
  1657. Label3_h=
  1658. Label4_c=global timer rechecks after every recheck
  1659. Label4_h=
  1660. Label5_c=Default user:
  1661. Label5_h=
  1662. Label6_c=Passwd:
  1663. Label6_h=
  1664. GroupBox1_h=
  1665. CheckBox6_c=Override global recheck settings
  1666. CheckBox6_h=
  1667. CSpinEdit4_h=Skip ... recheck before this host recheck. Can be used to set different recheck intervals for hosts.
  1668. CheckBox7_c=Open path:
  1669. CheckBox7_h=Open host on doubleclick by specified command line. Usefull when need to open host as http:// web page or as ftp server.
  1670. Edit7_h=Command to execute when user doubleclicks on host. %HOSTNAME% means hostname or host IP address depending on current settings.
  1671. Edit8_h=Default username used when failed to estabilish connection to host. This field is ignored in Win'9x
  1672. Edit9_h=Default password used when failed to estabilish connection to host
  1673. GroupBox1_c=
  1674. Label13_c=Timeout:
  1675. Label13_h=
  1676. CSpinEdit1_h=
  1677. CSpinEdit2_h=
  1678. CSpinEdit3_h=
  1679. RadioButton1_c=Ping            tries:
  1680. RadioButton1_h=
  1681. RadioButton2_c=Port to connect:
  1682. RadioButton2_h=
  1684. [Properties]
  1685. CheckBox1_c=Autorefresh
  1686. Button1_c=Close
  1688. [Plugins]
  1689. Config1_c=Configure
  1690. Loadonstartup1_c=Load on startup
  1691. Yes1_c=Yes
  1692. No1_c=No
  1693. Config1_s=
  1694. Createthread1_s=
  1695. Loadonstartup1_s=
  1696. N1_s=
  1697. httpkillprognarodrunvplugnshtm1_s=
  1698. Yes1_s=
  1699. No1_s=
  1701. [MiniMap]
  1702. ToolButton1_h=Show texture
  1703. ToolButton2_h=Show hosts
  1704. ToolButton3_h=Show lines
  1705. ToolButton4_h=Show areas
  1706. TrackBar1_h=Change transparency level (w2k and higher)
  1708. [ScriptEdit_Main]
  1709. MainFormCaption=NetView scripts editor
  1710. v1=Some errors or perfomance warnings found
  1711. v2=No syntax errors and perfomance warnings found
  1712. v3=Save to
  1713. v4=Reload from
  1714. v5=Creating new script
  1715. v6=Please enter name of file for editing or creating
  1716. v7=General
  1717. v8=Port Listener
  1718. v9=Network Scaner
  1719. v10=Terminal
  1720. v11=NetSearcher
  1721. v12=Currently edited text is not saved to file. Are you sure you want to exit?
  1722. v13=Currently edited text is not saved to file. Are you sure you want to load new script from file?
  1723. Action1_c=&Action
  1724. estforerrors1_c=Check for errors
  1725. Accept1_c=-
  1726. Saveto1_c=Save to
  1727. Cancel1_c=Reload from
  1728. Close1_c=Close
  1729. Edit1_c=&Edit
  1730. Undo1_c=Undo
  1731. Redo1_c=Redo
  1732. Find1_c=Find
  1733. Replace1_c=Replace
  1734. Script1_c=&Scripts files
  1735. Main1_c=General
  1736. Createnewscript1_c=Create new script
  1737. Listener1_c=Port Listener
  1738. Createnewscript2_c=Create new script
  1739. Scaner1_c=Network Scaner
  1740. Createnewscript3_c=Create new script
  1741. Terminal1_c=Terminal
  1742. Createnewscript5_c=Create new script
  1743. Searcher1_c=NetSearcher
  1744. Createnewscript4_c=Create new script
  1745. Hilighitg1_c=&Coloring
  1746. Defaultfont1_c=Default font
  1747. Defaultbackground1_c=Default background
  1748. Gutterfont1_c=Gutter font
  1749. Gutterbackground1_c=Gutter background
  1750. Charachters1_c=Characters
  1751. Strings1_c=Strings
  1752. Symbols1_c=Symbols
  1753. Comments1_c=Comments
  1754. Directives1_c=Directives
  1755. Keywords1_c=Keywords
  1756. Float1_c=Float
  1757. Hex1_c=Hex
  1758. Numbers1_c=Numbers