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mismatchCheckNow=Check Now mismatchCheckNowAccesskey=C mismatchDontCheck=Don't Check mismatchDontCheckAccesskey=D installButtonText=Install Now installButtonTextAccesskey=I nextButtonText=Next > nextButtonTextAccesskey=N cancelButtonText=Cancel cancelButtonTextAccesskey=C app.update.url=http://update-spui.nscpcdn.com/update/update.rdf updatesAvailableTitle=New Updates Available updatesAvailableText=Click Here to View checkingPrefix=Checking for Updates to %S ... downloadingPrefix=Downloading: %S installingPrefix=Installing: %S closeButton=Close installErrorDescription=The following components could not be installed due to errors (the file could not be downloaded, was corrupt, or for some other reason). checkingErrorDescription=%S could not check for updates to the following components (either the update server(s) did not respond, or the update service(s) were not found). installErrorItemFormat=%S (%S) versionUpdateComplete=Version Compatibility Update Complete updatesAvailableTooltip-0=Update(s) Available updatesAvailableTooltip-1=Update(s) Available updatesAvailableTooltip-2=Critical Update(s) Available updatesCheckForUpdatesTooltip=Double-click here to check for updates installTextNoFurtherActions=Choose the ones you want to install and click Install Now to install them. installTextFurtherCations=Choose the ones you want to install and click Next to continue. appNameAndVersionFormat=%S %S updateTypePatches=Critical Updates (%S) updateTypeComponents=Optional Components (%S) updateTypeExtensions=Extensions and Themes (%S) updateTypeLangPacks=Language Packs (%S) foundAppLabel=%S %S is available. We strongly recommend that you install this upgrade as soon as possible. foundAppFeatures=%S %S features: foundAppInfoLink=More information about %S %S ... foundInstructions=Choose the ones you want to install and click Install Now to install them. foundInstructionsAppComps=Choose the ones you want to install and click Next to continue. appupdateperformedtitle=Restart Required appupdateperformedmessage=%S has been updated this session. Please restart %S before performing any more updates. updatesdisabledtitle=Update Disabled updatesdisabledmessage=Update has been disabled by your Administrator.