<!ENTITY found.components.label "The following components and plugins are available to install:">
<!ENTITY found.components.info "Installing these components may improve your browsing experience.">
<!ENTITY found.addons.label "The following updates are available to Extensions and Themes that you already have installed">
<!ENTITY found.languages.label "The following language packs are available: ">
<!ENTITY installing.title "Installing Updates">
<!ENTITY installing.intro.label "Now downloading and installing updates...">
<!ENTITY installing.disclaimer.label "XXXben - this will not work until we have a scriptable API to XPInstall.">
<!ENTITY noupdates.title "No Updates Found">
<!ENTITY noupdates.intro.user.label "&brandShortName; was not able to find any available updates.">
<!ENTITY noupdates.intro.mismatch.label "&brandShortName; was not able to find any available updates -
compatible versions may not be available at this time.">
<!ENTITY noupdates.intro2.mismatch.label "&brandShortName; will check periodically and inform you when
compatible versions become available.">
<!ENTITY noupdates.intro3.mismatch.label "&brandShortName; can check periodically and inform you when
compatible versions become available.">
<!ENTITY noupdates.enableChecking.label "Allow &brandShortName; to check for updates.">
<!ENTITY finished.title "Update Complete">
<!ENTITY finished.updated.label "&brandShortName; has installed the available updates. You will have to restart &brandShortName; for some updates to take effect.">
<!ENTITY finished.remaining.label "Some incompatible components could not be updated, perhaps
because compatible versions are not available at this time.
&brandShortName; will check periodically and inform you
when updated versions become available.">
<!ENTITY finished.remaining2.label "Some incompatible components could not be updated, perhaps
because compatible versions are not available at this time.
&brandShortName; can check periodically and inform you
when updated versions become available.">
<!ENTITY finished.error.label "&brandShortName; did not succeed in downloading and
installing some updates.">
<!ENTITY finished.enableChecking.label "Allow &brandShortName; to check for updates.">
<!ENTITY finished.mismatch.label "Click Finish to continue starting &brandShortName;.">
<!ENTITY optional.title "Optional Components">
<!ENTITY optional.intro.label "Choose additional components you want to install, then click Install Now.">
<!ENTITY errors.title "Problems During Update">
<!ENTITY errors.intro.label "&brandShortName; encountered problems when updating your
software, and as a result not all components could be updated.">
<!ENTITY errors.details.label "Details">
<!ENTITY errors.details.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY updateCheckError.description "&brandShortName; encountered problems when trying to find
updates for some items.">
<!ENTITY updateCheckError.label "Details">
<!ENTITY updateCheckError.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY resolveMaxVersion.title "Checking for Compatible Extensions and Themes...">
<!ENTITY resolveMaxVersion.intro1.label "&brandShortName; is checking for compatibility updates to your Extensions and Themes...">
<!ENTITY restart.title "Upgrade Complete">
<!ENTITY restart.updated.label "&brandShortName; successfully downloaded and installed updates. You will have to restart &brandShortName; to complete the update.">
<!ENTITY resetHomepage.label "Use &brandShortName; Start as my Home Page">