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- AmericaÆs Army Glossary:
- This section will cover the common abbreviations and terms
- used by the US Army. This will also cover abbreviations
- and terms commonly used in the game forums, in-game chat,
- and in the IRC chat rooms.
- AA:O - AmericaÆs Army: Operations
- AFK - Away From Keyboard
- AK - ôAvtomat Kalashnikovaö, a Soviet-designed
- assault rifle. (AK47, AKS74U)
- AK47 - The original "AK" or "Kalashnikov" has been the
- OPFOR's weapon of choice dating back to 1947.
- What it lacks in muzzle velocity and accuracy,
- it gains in high volumes of fire
- AKSU74 - The AKS-74U is similar to the Ak-74, but with
- a shorter barrel and folding stock
- AR - Automatic Rifleman or Rifle (M249)
- ASE - All-Seeing Eye (server browser)
- Bandwith - The maximum amount of electronic throughput
- on a connect at the slowest point (usually
- expressed in Kbps or Mbps - higher is better
- and 1 Mbps = 1000Kbps
- bbl - Be back later
- bpc - Bottom PC on Insurgent Camp
- brb - Be right back
- Bunny Hopping - Tactic of jumping while moving to avoid
- getting hit
- Camper - A player who sits in one location for a period of
- time. Generally, defensive camping is considered
- good form, while camping while on assault is
- considered bad form.
- CO - Commander
- Cook - The burn time from a grenade fuse before throwing.
- cp - Central Peak on Mountain Pass, and Radio Tower
- Also the Main Control Panel on Pipeline.
- cqc or cqb - Close Quarters Combat or Close Quarters
- Battle
- DoD - Department of Defense
- Dragunov SVD - The OPFOR counterpart to the M82A1, a
- Russian made advanced marksman rifle
- EPW - Enemy Prisoner of War
- FAQ - Frequenty Asked Questions
- FARP - Fueling and Rearming Point
- ff - Friendly fire
- Flank - Left, right or the rear of a position
- FLS - Field Landing Strip
- FM - Field Manual
- FOV - Field Of View
- fps - Frames Per Second
- Frag - Fragmentation Grenade
- FTL - Fire Team Leader
- FTX - Field Training Exercise
- g1 - Good One
- g2g - Got to Go
- gg - Good Game
- gj - Good Job
- GP30 - The OPFOR equivalent to the M203, the GP-30 is a
- muzzle-loaded, single-shot grenade launcher that
- can be mounted underneath any AK-series assault
- rifle
- gt - Good Try
- HE - High Explosive
- HONOR - Total experience points the player has earned
- Hooah - US Army slang term used by soldiers that
- generally means something ôgoodö. Often used
- in a celebratory manner to show excitement
- HQ - Headquarters
- HUD - Heads-Up Display
- IF - Indigenous Forces who assist US Special Forces units
- IP - Internet Protocol; generally refers to the servers
- address
- IRC - Internet Chat Relay (a chat room interface)
- ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network, a type
- of internet connection.
- Jumper - A player who has fallen and dies by
- 'leaving a crater'
- lpc - Lower PC on Insurgent Camp
- LAN - Local Area Network
- LOF - Line of Fire
- LOL - Laughing Out Loud
- LOS - Line of Sight
- M16/M16A2 - The M16A2 is the standard issue rifle for the
- United States Army
- M4A1 - The M4A1 is a shortened variant of the M16A2 rifle,
- yet it packs the same firepower
- M4 - The Rangers use this modified version of the M4A1.
- Special Forces also used a modifiable version of
- this weapon (see SOPMOD)
- M203 - Mounted under the M16A2 or M4A1, the single-shot
- M203 fires 40mm grenades with a devastating
- blast radius
- M249 - The M249 squad automatic weapon is a support
- weapon (see SAW or AR)
- M24 - The M24 is the standard issue advanced marksman
- rifle for the U.S. Army
- M82 - The Barrett M82A1 is a magazine-fed, semiautomatic
- advanced marksman rifle
- M9 - The M9 Pistol is the handgun carried by advanced
- marksman as a 'last-resort' close quarters combat
- weapon
- Main - Main valve on Pipeline
- METTT - Essential planning factors: Mission, Enemy
- Terrain, Troops and Time
- mg - Machine Gun
- MILES - Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System -
- a system of lasers used to simulate combat.
- MOS - Military Occupational Specialty
- Mosin Nagant - The OPFOR bolt-action advanced marksman
- rifle is reliable and comparable to
- the M24 SWS
- Nade - Grenade
- NCO - Noncommissioned Officer (Corporal, Sergeant,
- Staff Sergeant, etc)
- Newbie - Generally this is a new player
- nj - Nice Job
- n00b - Derogatory slang for a player who does something
- stupid, often repeatedly, and who may be a
- new player
- np - No Problem
- ns - Nice Shot
- nt - Nice Try
- NVG - Night Vision Goggles
- OPFOR - Opposing Forces, ie: the enemy
- Ping - The time it takes for data from your computer
- to go to and from a server in milliseconds.
- (lower is better)
- PLF - Parachute Landing Fall
- PLT - Platoon
- Pri/Prime - Primary valve on Pipeline
- Rambo - Person who runs by himself to attack the OPFOR,
- often derogatory, also known as ôlone wolfö
- RL - Real Life
- ROE - Rules of Engagement, also slang for the negative
- points accrued for friendly fire
- RPK - A variant of the AKM assault rifle, the APK light
- machine is comaparable to the M249 SAWm the RPK
- has a smaller magazine, shorter effective range,
- and less recoil
- RPG - Rocket Propelled Grenade
- SAW - Squad Automatic Weapon (M249)
- Sec - Secondary valve on Pipeline
- SF - US Special Forces
- SITREP - Situation Report
- Smoke - Smoke Grenade
- SOP - Standard Operating Procedures
- Sound Off - Say something so other teammates know you
- are alive.
- SOPMOD - Special Operations Peculiar Modification. The
- M4A1 Carbine used by all Special Forces units.
- SPR - Special Forces advanced marksman rifle
- SQD - Squad (8-12 soldiers)
- sry - Sorry
- SSG - Staff Sergeant
- SVD - "Snayperskaya Vintovka Dragunov"; Russian-
- made advanced marksman rifle.
- tpc or upc - Top computer or Upper Computer respectively on
- Insurgent Camp
- thx - Thanks
- TK or TKer - Team Killer, a person who kills their teammates
- TM - Technical Manual
- ty - Thank You
- Vintorez - OPFOR Elite Troops advanced marksman rifle