#21,29# "Sisteminizde Bulunan Grafik Kart² Desteklenmemektedir!\\TVTool Yal²zca nVidia ╟ipseti Tabanl² Grafik Kartlar²n² Desteklemektedir."
#21,31# "TVTool Kart²n²zda Bir TV ╟ipi Tespit Edemedi, therefore most functions are disabled. Please have a look in the FAQ to solve this problem!\\(Not: Dahili TV Kodτ÷zⁿcⁿleri NV17/18 Henⁿz TVTool Taraf²ndan Desteklenmiyor.)"
#21,32# "TVTool Kart²n²zda Bir TV ╟ipi Tespit Edemedi!\\You have more than one graphics adapters in your system. Please make sure that the card containing the TV-out is the primary graphics card. PC'nizin Bios'unu Seτilmi■ Olabilir."
#21,34# "TVTool NT Servisleri Ba■lat²lamad². TVTool'un ▌lk Yⁿklemesi ▌τin Administrator Haklar²na Sahip Olmal²s²n²z!"
#21,37# "The shareware version of TVTool has a time limit of 15 minutes each session. Bu Program² Denedi≡iniz ▌τin Te■ekkⁿr Ederiz.\\Lⁿtfen Daha Fazla Bilgi ▌τin www.tvtool.com Adresini Kontrol Edin."
#21,48# "The combination ALT-F6 is not available under this operating system. Please chose another hotkey!"
#21,49# "There seems to be a problem with your user data. Please contact userdata@tvtool.de.\\The fastest way to get help is to use the 'Request support' button!"
#21,50# "TVTool has detected a graphics card change since last session.\\Picture parameters are set to their default values!"
#21,51# "This is the first time you run this version of TVTool.\\The hotkey definitions and picture parameters are set to default."
#21,52# "The PC will be shut down in 1 minute. All open applications are concluded.\\To stop the timer please press the Cancel button."
#21,54# "Geτi■ Ba■ar²lamad².\\Lⁿtfen Ba■ka Bir TV ╟÷zⁿnⁿrlⁿk Biτimini deneyin."
#21,55# "De≡i■ikli TVTool'un Sonraki Ba■lat²lmas²na Aktif Olacakt²r!"
#21,68# "Bu Mod ╓zel Tertibat Gerektirir.\\Aτmak ▌stedi≡inize Eminmisiniz?"
#21,70# "The registry entries could not be restored. Please try again after reboot."
#21,71# "The current resolution is smaller than the reference resolution. Therefore some icons might be placed incorrectly!\\Do you really want to restore the icons?"
#21,72# "Do you really want to save the icon positions and overwrite current setting?"
#21,76# "TVTool is minimized into a trayicon in the taskbar now. To make it visible again just click on the trayicon.\\A right click on the trayicon opens a menu with more options."
#21,78# "The player presets 1-3 will be restored to Mediaplayer2, ZoomPlayer and BSPlayer.\\Do you really want to do that?"
#21,80# "Some items like the tab names will change language after next start of TVTool only."
#21,81# "Bu ▌letiyi Tekrar G÷sterme."
#21,82# "Some right mouse button operations might not work properly when this option is turned on. If you experience problems in any application turn it off again please."
#21,83# "The command line can consist of several commands which are interpreted by the media player. As a placeholder for the filename of the movie file please use the symbol %.\\Some players like BSPlayer require the movie filename in quotation marks. In this case it had to look like ''%''"
#21,84# "TVTool was unable to initialize this resolution.\\Probably the graphic card driver is too old. Please upgrade to Detonator driver version 43.45 or later!"
#21,85# "Required functions of the graphics card driver were not found on this system! Please upgrade to nVidia Detonator version 43.45 or later.\\TVTool will report an error message each time when the missing function is called."
#21,86# "Bu Ayarlar² Korumak ▌stiyormusunuz?"
#21,87# "Most properties on this tab are disabled for MV TV encoder.\\Please use the MV properties button on the first tab to adjust the MV encoder!"
#21,88# "This action cannot be performed, because a required function was not found in the graphics driver on this system!\\Please update to Detonator 43.45 or later!"
#21,89# "If the Windows session is quit while TV mode is enabled the PC will startup in TV mode next time!\\Do you really want to quit Windows now?"
#21,90# "Bu Seτenek Yaln²zca Windows Yeniden Ba■lat²ld²ktan Sonra Aktif Olacakt²r!"
#21,91# "When this option is enabled a new entry 'TVTool - Play on TV' is added to the context menu of movie files. Just do a right click on any AVI or MPEG file and it will be opened automatically on the TV screen in the player defined below."