ONSWeaponDisplayText[5]="Replace this with Grenade Launcher"
ONSWeaponDescText[0]="Choose if the AVRiL will be added to the game"
ONSWeaponDescText[1]="Replace this weapon with the AVRiL"
ONSWeaponDescText[2]="Choose if the Mine Layer will be added to the game"
ONSWeaponDescText[3]="Replace this weapon with the Mine Layer"
ONSWeaponDescText[4]="Choose if the Grenade Launcher will be added to the game"
ONSWeaponDescText[5]="Replace this weapon with the Grenade Launcher"
FriendlyName="Onslaught Weapons"
Description="Add the Onslaught weapons to other gametypes."
FriendlyName="Stunt Vehicles"
Description="Players can make the wheeled vehicles jump. Hold down the crouch key to charge up and then release to jump. They can also control wheeled vehicles in mid-air."
Description="The AVRiL, or Anti-Vehicle Rocket Launcher, shoots homing missiles that pack quite a punch."
ItemName="Anti-vehicle Rockets"
PickupMessage="You picked up some anti-vehicle rockets"
Description="The MGG Grenade Launcher fires magnetic sticky grenades, which will attach to enemy players and vehicles."
ItemName="Grenade Launcher"
PickupMessage="You got the Grenade Launcher."
VehiclePositionString="in a Manta"
VehiclePositionString="in a Goliath"
SaveSetupString="Successfully saved Link Setup."
LoadSetupString="Successfully loaded Link Setup."
SaveFailedString="You can't overwrite official Link Setups!"
LoadFailedString="Failed to load Link Setup because no setup of that name exists."
DeleteSetupString="Successfully deleted Link Setup."
DeleteOfficialFailedString="You can't delete official Link Setups!"
DeleteNothingString="Failed to delete Link Setup because no setup of that name exists."
NoPathToPowerCoreString="Cannot save Link Setup: There must be a complete path between the PowerCores."
LoadFailedNoPathToCoreString="Failed to load Link Setup because it does not have a complete path between the PowerCores."
ItemName="Parasite Mines"
PickupMessage="You picked up some parasite mines"
Description="The Spider Mine Layer is used for deploying spider mines, autonomous mobile mines that are highly effective against both foot soldiers and vehicles."
ItemName="Mine Layer"
PickupMessage="You got the Mine Layer."
ONSPropsDisplayText[0]="Core Drain in Overtime"
ONSPropsDisplayText[1]="Random Link Setup After Reset"
ONSPropsDisplayText[2]="Teams Swap Sides After Reset"
ONSPropDescText[0]="In overtime, PowerCores lose a maximum of this much health every second."
ONSPropDescText[1]="After a reset, a new link setup will be chosen at random."
ONSPropDescText[2]="After a reset, teams will switch sides so they are defending the PowerCore they were previously attacking."
ONSHints=("If you receive a missile lock warning, try to get out of sight quickly!","The Raptor's missiles will automatically lock onto Mantas and other Raptors.","In the Raptor press %JUMP% to fly higher and %DUCK% to fly lower.","The Manta can rapidly descend to smash your enemies by pressing %DUCK% or %ALTFIRE%.","Press %JUMP% to perform a 180 spin out in the Hellbender or Scorpion.","The Manta is the only vehicle that has the ability to jump.","When deployed, the Leviathan is highly vulnerable to air attacks.","You can heal a friendly vehicle with the link gun alt-fire.","You can heal a friendly PowerNode with the link gun alt-fire.","It is impossible to heal the final PowerCore, so defend it at all costs!","Press %TOGGLERADARMAP% to toggle the radar map on and off.","You can be hurt or killed by vehicles exploding near you.","Enemy Spider Mines can be destroyed, but some weapons are better against them than others.","Pressing %USE% on a PowerNode allows you to teleport to any PowerNode your team controls.","You won't be able to spawn at a PowerNode that is under attack, even if your team controls it.","If you die, any Spider Mines or Grenades you fired will explode.","Press %VOICETALK% to voice chat with your team.","%BASEPATH 0% will show the way to the nearest PowerNode or PowerCore the Red Team can attack, while %BASEPATH 1% will do the same for the Blue Team.","Press %TOGGLEBEHINDVIEW% to switch between 1st and 3rd person mode in vehicles.","AVRiL rockets will home into an occupied enemy vehicle as long as you keep your crosshair on it.","When you find a target with the AVRiL, press alt-fire to zoom and lock your view to that target.","The green light on top of the weaponlockers indicates that additional ammo is available at that locker.","Attack PowerNodes that have the enemy team color sky beams above them.","You cannot attack the PowerCore or PowerNodes if there is an energy shield present. Remove the shield by controlling a node that is linked to it.","The Grenade Launcher shoots sticky grenades that attach themselves to vehicles and players. You must detonate them yourself with the alternate fire (press %ALTFIRE%)","The bomber that the Target Painter calls in can be shot down by enemy fire.","In Onslaught, your team earns 2 points for winning before overtime and 1 point for a win during overtime.")
Description="Your team must take control over PowerNodes in a 'connect the dots' fashion to establish a direct line to the enemy PowerCore. Once you establish a link to the next PowerNode, you can destroy it if controlled by the enemy. Control the PowerNode for your team by touching it to start the build process (Use the linkgun alt-fire to speed things up). Once your team has a link to the enemy PowerCore, attack and destroy it."
RedTeamDominatesString="Red Team Achieves Victory!"
BlueTeamDominatesString="Blue Team Achieves Victory!"
RedTeamPowerCoreString="Red Team PowerNode Constructed!"
BlueTeamPowerCoreString="Blue Team PowerNode Constructed!"
VehicleLockedString="Vehicle is Locked!"
InvincibleCoreString="You Are Unable To Damage Unlinked PowerNodes!"
UnattainableNodeString="You Are Unable To Obtain Unlinked PowerNodes!"
RedPowerCoreAttackedString="Red Team PowerCore is under Attack!"
BluePowerCoreAttackedString="Blue Team PowerCore is under Attack!"
RedPowerNodeAttackedString="Red Team PowerNode is under Attack!"
BluePowerNodeAttackedString="Blue Team PowerNode is under Attack!"
InWayOfVehicleSpawnString="You are in the way of a vehicle spawning!"