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- ********************************************************************************
- * oo oo *
- * \( )/ Bullfrog Demo \( )/ *
- * ^ ^^ ^ Month 2 ^ ^^ ^ *
- * All code and text by Scott Johnston *
- ********************************************************************************
- Welcome back. If you managed to follow last months article then well done. If
- not go back and do so. This month we will tie the movement of our sprite into
- the joystick. If you run demo then you will find that the man now runs left
- and right with momentum. The exit key has changed to Q because when escape was
- pressed you got the repeat of your last input. The program work? Great.
- Your going make him run up and down the screen as well.
- If you look inside of move.s you will notice a couple of new things. At the top
- of the file is a small list of equates. These are used to control the graphics
- for our man and the speed at which he accelerates and moves. Try changing the
- two equates for the speeds. The man should move differently depending on the
- numbers you put in. If you change the animation equates the man could start
- doing strange things. Another example of equates can be found in draw.s on
- the two asr.w lines, with the word FOUR. Much easier to understand than placing
- a 2 on the line. Anyway back to move.s.
- After this we have the subroutine _move_all. Last month we placed all our code
- here, but this month we will place our code into new subroutines which _move_all
- calls.
- Our man now has 5 variables. These are as follows:-
- man_x where abouts he is horizontally on the screen.
- man_y where abouts he is vertically on the screen.
- man_vx the speed and direction in which he is travelling horizontally.
- man_vy the speed and direction in which he is travelling vertically.
- man_frame the current frame of animation that is displayed.
- Inside the first of our new routines _man_x is the code to read the joystick,
- and move the man left and right. Study this. Now if you copy this and place it
- into _man_y, change the variable names to their Y counterparts and the change
- the lines
- cmp.w #300*4,d1 to cmp.w #176*4,d1
- and move.w #300*4,d1 to move.w #176*4,d1
- and place an asr.w #FOUR,d1 into draw.s at line 14.
- We should, fingers crossed, have momentum on the Y axis. Try it. Did it work?
- If not go back and study the code some more. You probably made a small mistake
- some where along the line. Right, now change the names of the dotlabels, those
- that start with '.', to what they are actually doing. Good, now did you under-
- stand that code, if so that see if you can change it so that instead of the man
- stopping when he reaches the edge of the screen, he bounces off. Basically you
- change four commands from a move.w to a neg.w.
- If you did not understand it, never fear because I will now try and explain what
- it is doing.
- To start with we pick up the velocity of the man, and the direction in which
- the joystick is being moved. The joystick will be a 1 if the joystick is going
- right, 0 if it not moving and -1 if it is going left. We then multiply the
- joystick direction by the acceleration and add it to our current velocity. Now
- the velocity needs to be checked to make sure that we are not going faster than
- we want in either direction. I start off by checking in the right direction,
- and if it is scale it down to the maximum speed. Then check off the other side
- and again scale it down if we need to. Ok thats the velocity just about done.
- We now get our current x position and add the velocity to it. Check the new
- x position with the left hand side of the screen, and if we have gone off then
- move us back onto the screen and stop the velocity. Test the other side of the
- screen, and again stop the velocity and move us back on if we have gone off.
- The final piece of code we have in this routine is the slow down. This checks
- to see if we are moving the joystick, if we are then we dont want to slow the
- man down. After this we find out in which direction we are moving. If we are
- going left we want to increase our velocity to slow it down. Sounds strange but
- the maximum left speed is in fact -16, or whatever you change MAX_SPEED to. If
- we are going right we want to decrease our speed. The reason we subtract 2 then
- add a 1 to our velocity is so that we dont have to branch past the going left
- section.
- Follow that OK. Wade through the code in _man_anim and see if you can work out
- what is going on.
- You will have noticed that there are loads of other files which we never really
- touch. The only ones we have used so far are move.s demo.s and draw.s. If you
- have looked at demo.s then you will see that loads of things are included from
- here. Most of these files are for various set ups, ie read the joystick. Other
- are called from various places inside our code, for example the sprite draw
- section. One of the more important of these files is display.s.
- If you have a look inside of display then you will see the main loop of our
- program. It starts off by waiting for the vbi. The vbi, or vertical blank
- interrupt, happens every 50th of a second, and is the time in which the video
- beam is travelling from the bottom of the screen, back upto the top.
- We then clear the screen, this is so we dont have the previous screen display
- at the same time. Clearing the screen is not always the quickest way of
- doing things, for example you could remove the sprites, and then redraw them.
- Draw all calls the routines inside of draw.s, and this is where we draw every
- thing, the man the blocks the objects, everything.
- We then swap the screens. We are using a system called double buffering. This
- is where we see one thing on the screen, whilst we are drawing the next scene
- on another screen. The screens then swap places, and we draw the next scene
- (scene 3) on the first screen. Swap places again and so on. This prevents
- the graphics from flickering when they are drawen.
- We then go on to the movement routines, and here we move everything, advance
- the animation counters, detect for collision, can kill off the hero if we can.
- Check for a key press, if it hasnt been pressed, then loop around and do it all
- over again. Otherwise exit from here, turn everything back to normal, and
- terminate the program.
- Thats just about it for this month. Next month we will start to make our small
- program into a platform game. This includes the need for gravity. See if you
- can change the routine for man_y so that gravity plays a part. Good Luck.
- The Animation of the Man.
- We what the man to look like he is actually going the way he is facing. There
- are several ways in which we can do this. The way I have done this to pick up
- the current frame of our man. Then have a look at the mans velocity, if this
- is a zero that means our man is not moving, therefore we want to display the
- man facing towards the screen. If on the other hand the number was negative
- then the man is running to the left. We have four four frames of animation
- for our man in both directions, so we need to check that the current frame
- does not exceed the allowed frames, or that if it does we set it back to an
- allowed frame.
- New Commands
- Neg.w d0.
- This reverses all the bits in d0. This is very helpful when you wish to change
- the signs of numbers. For example 5 becomes -5, and -9 will become 9.