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- ********************************************************************************
- * oo oo *
- * \( )/ Bullfrog Demo \( )/ *
- * ^ ^^ ^ Month 1 ^ ^^ ^ *
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- So you want to be a games programmer. Well then read on, and you should get a
- few helpful hints. Included on the disk is a simple shell for writing programs
- in assembler. It sets you up with all you need to swap screens, draw sprites,
- and so on...
- With this shell you don't have to wade through loads of reference manuals to
- find out how to set up screens, or display sprites, its been done for you. Over
- the course of several months we will be putting together a very simple game, but
- there are several things you will need:-
- * Enthusiasm. Yep I know, sounds obvious but you will always be just a
- standard programmer unless you really want to do it.
- * It would be nice if you read a 68000 assembler book.
- * Do you know what binary / hexidecimal are, no then thry and find out, get
- one of those boring reference manauls out the libarary.
- Ok, thats the boring introduction done, lets have a look at the disk. If you
- first assemble Demo.s and then run Demo. All that should happen is that we
- display a sprite on the screen. To exit from the program press the Q Key.
- Great. There you go. What? You want more?
- Then lets try and move the sprite. Have a look in draw.s in the routine
- _draw_all
- you will see we have
- moveq.w #0,d0
- moveq.w #0,d1
- moveq #0,d2
- now if we change these to
- move.w man_x,d0
- move.w man_y,d1
- move.w man_frame,d2
- Right, now the impatient ones of you will have assembled that. No change, of
- course not, but if you go into move.s and remove the indicated ;'s our sprite
- should start to move to the right and return to the start when he reaches the
- end of the screen. The way these instructions work is as follows. First we
- increment the value of the man x co-ordinate by 1 every turn. The value is then
- compared with 304 and if it is greater than this the position is reset to 0
- otherwise we jump over the reset command. The value is then stored back into
- man_x ready for the next draw.
- You can change the value in the add command to increase the speed of movement.
- A small challenge for you, see if you can write the code to move the man down
- the screen. The code will be basically the same as the move x stuff, but
- remember the screen size is 320 by 200 pixels, and that the label lessthanx
- has already been used, so use something different. A note on labels, try
- and keep them meaningful, 6 labels with the name .here is not very helpful.
- We should have, by now, got the man moving down and across the screen, but thats
- the problem he is not moving. Lets put a bit of animation into the man.
- To do this we took the same routine as was used in the movement and changed a
- few things. Be careful, we only have 4 frames of animation so dont set the
- compare to high.
- Compile this and have a look. He is changing frames just a little bit fast,
- too fast in fact so we need to slow him down. To do this change the line
- cmp #4,d0
- to cmp #4*4,d0
- thats not quite all, we need to scale the number back down. To do this
- after the line
- move.w man_frame,d2
- in draw.s, place the following piece of code:-
- asr.w #2,d2
- Assemble this, and the man should be walking a bit slower.
- move.w 1,2
- The move command is one of the most heavily used commands for simplicity we
- are using move.w the w means word sized data. It is the equivelent of the
- basic LET statement. It loads 1 into 2.
- add.w 1,2
- The add command does just that adds the value of 1 to 2.
- sub.w 1,2
- The sub command is similar to the add but does subtracts instead.
- cmp.w 1,2
- The compare command compares the value of 1 with the value of 2. When used
- in conjunction with a branch you get the equivelent of the basic IF statement
- Branches
- The branch checks on the flags set by the compare statement. There are 15
- different versions of this command:-
- bra Branch always. Same as GOTO
- bcc Branch if carry clear
- bcs Branch if carry set
- beq Branch if equal
- bge Branch if greater than or equal to
- bhi Branch if higher
- ble Branch if less than or equal to
- bls Branch if low or same
- blt Branch if less than
- bmi Branch if minus
- bne Branch if not equal to
- bpl Branch if plus
- bvc Branch if overflow clear
- bvs Branch if overflow set
- Dont worry if you dont understand what all of these do, we want be using all of
- them. I hope. Anyway, when the condition is true the branch is taken, if not
- them we move onto the next instruction.
- Labels
- You will notice that some of the labels have a '.' in front of them, these are
- called local labels. Now that means that you can use words like .finished more
- than once, though not inside the same routine. Routines are defined by labels
- which have not got a period '.' in front of them and are finished with an RTS
- command.
- jsr
- Jump to subroutine. This command is basically the same as the GOSUB command.
- rts
- This is basically the same as the RETURN command.
- asr.w 1,2
- The asr command means Arithmetic Shift Right and works by moving a binary
- number to the right the define number of times.
- eg. on a asr.w #1,10
- we get an answer of 5. This is because 10 in binary looks like this:-
- 1010 = 10
- and when we move it to the right by one it becomes:-
- 0101 = 5