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- uucico(8) uucico(8)
- ¢1mNAME¢22m
- uucico - UUCP file transfer daemon
- ¢1mSYNOPSIS¢22m
- ¢1muucico¢22m [ options ]
- The ¢4muucico¢24m daemon processes file transfer requests queued
- by ¢4muucp¢24m (1) and ¢4muux¢24m (1). It is typically started periodi¡
- cally using entries in the ¢4mcrontab¢24m table(s).
- When invoked with the ¢1m-r1¢22m option or the ¢1m-s¢22m or ¢1m-S¢22m option,
- the daemon will place a call to a remote system, running
- in master mode.
- When ¢4muucico¢24m terminates, it invokes the ¢4muuxqt¢24m (8) daemon,
- unless the ¢1m-q¢22m option is given; ¢4muuxqt¢24m (8) executes any work
- orders created by ¢4muux¢24m (1) on a remote system, and any work
- orders created locally which have received remote files
- for which they were waiting.
- If a call fails, ¢4muucico¢24m returns ¢1m5¢22m on BUSY or NO DIALTONE,
- ¢1m10¢22m on NO CARRIER and ¢1m20¢22m on any other error (like problems
- during processing of the chat script).
- If ¢4muucico¢24m receives any break signal (^C, ^D, ^E or ^F), it
- will cleanly abort any current conversation with a remote
- system and exit.
- ¢1mLOCKING¢22m
- ¢4mUucico¢24m locks the serial port in the same manner Getty
- does, but doing the equivalent of the ¢4mlockserial¢24m command
- before openning it. Thus, uucico's will never bump into
- each other on the port. Any terminal program you run
- should lock the serial port as well. This is done by run¡
- ning the terminal program via ¢4mlockserial¢24m with the appro¡
- priate arguments, see the manual pages for ¢4mgetty¢24m and ¢4mlock¡¢24m
- ¢4mserial¢24m for more information (nowadays, a lot of terminal
- programs support the ¢1mOwnDevUnit.library¢22m, if yours does,
- you don't need to use ¢4mlockserial¢24m).
- You can control ¢4muucico¢24m's run¡time behaviour with several
- variables (specify them in AmigaUUCP's config file or the
- local environment).
- ¢1mCopyNotify¢22m 31
- let's you have ¢4muucico¢24m send you mail on sev¡
- eral events. The value is bit¡mapped with
- this Bitmask:
- 1 ¡ notify of send failures that will not be
- wUUCP 0.0.28 1
- uucico(8) uucico(8)
- retried (ie denied)
- 2 ¡ notify of send failures that will be
- retried (ie protocol errors)
- 4 ¡ notify of successfull outgoing file copy
- (uucp'd copies only)
- 8 ¡ notify of incoming file (uucp'd file copies
- only)
- 16 ¡ notify of incoming failure of anykind
- Thus, to get an email notification of any
- failures, use 16 or 19, for report on
- incoming and outgoing uucp'd files 12, set
- to 31 for all features.
- Mail is sent to ¢1mNotifyUser¢22m (see below), if
- unset ¢1mpostmaster¢22m.
- ¢1mNotifyUser¢22m uucp
- sets the user to be bothered with mails
- created due to the ¢1mCopyNotify¢22m entry (see
- above) to ¢1muucp¢22m. Default (if unset) is ¢1mpost¡¢22m
- ¢1mmaster¢22m.
- ¢1mUuxqtInterval¢22m 4
- causes a start of ¢4muuxqt¢24m in the background
- after every 4th incoming file with a name
- starting with ¢1mX.¢22m*.
- ¢1mUuxqtOnlyOnce¢22m Y
- forces old behaviour, i. e. start ¢4muuxqt¢24m
- only exactly once, just before exiting. My
- be needed in some strange setups where
- scripts or something similar are used as
- ¢4muuxqt¢24m. Default is to start it at least
- after each role change slave¡>master.
- ¢1mUse7CharNames¢22m Y
- makes uucico (and related programs) use
- only the first 7 chars of any system's name
- for finding it's directory in ¢4muuspool:¢24m;
- ¢1mmust¢22m be set if the ¢4msendmail¢24m/¢4mrmail¢24m of wUUCP
- is used in conjunction with subdirectories
- in ¢4muuspool:¢24m.
- ¢1mUUlogs¢22m xferstat
- controls which logfiles should be main¡
- tained; currently defined are ¢1mxferstat¢22m (for
- the Software Brewery's xferstat file) and
- ¢1mtimelog¢22m (old style DUUCP timelog). If
- absent, ¢1mNO¢22m logs are maintained. ¢1mNOTE¢22m that
- the values ARE case sensitive (i. e.
- ¢1mTimeLog¢22m is NOT recognised).
- ¢1mRequiredSpoolSpace¢22m 300000
- specifies the amout of space uucico should
- wUUCP 0.0.28 2
- uucico(8) uucico(8)
- leave free on the local target filesystem.
- If unset or set to 0, the default 300000 is
- used. Note that this options behaviour is
- related to the command line option ¢1m¡Taylor¢22m
- for Taylor UUCP size negotiation: if Taylor
- size negotiation is used, the check for
- free space is performed before the transfer
- is initated, based on the filesize the
- remote tells us. If free space minus file¡
- size is less than ¢1mRequiredSpoolSpace¢22m set¡
- ting, the transfer is rejected (remote usu¡
- ally just keeps it queued for transfer on
- the next occasion).
- If that feature is not used, the check is
- also performed before transfer but only
- based on the actual free space on the tar¡
- get volume; if it's less than ¢1mRequired¡¢22m
- ¢1mSpoolSpace¢22m, the send request is denied
- (remote may abort the connection in this
- case ¡¡ some uucicos seem not to understand
- or be able to handle the SN6 code correctly
- =:¡<). But if your setting of ¢1mRequired¡¢22m
- ¢1mSpoolSpace¢22m is too low, you may still fill
- up your volume entirely: if you suddenly
- get a file of 2 MB with the default setting
- and only 400 BK left, the transfer will
- fail. The only resolution is to get the
- remote site to install an uucico that
- understands (Taylor) size negotiation, e.
- g. Taylor UUCP, and use that nifty feature.
- ¢1mGENERAL¢22m ¢1mOPTIONS¢22m
- Options marked with ╣ are supplied automatically on Getty
- initiated connections.
- ¡¢1mD¢22m dev ╣
- Use device ¢4mdev¢24m; default is ¢1mserial.device¢22m
- (space is required)
- ¡¢1mU¢22m unit ╣
- Use device's unit ¢4munit¢24m, default is ¢1m0¢22m (space
- is optional).
- ¡¢1mACU¢22m acu
- Call only entries with matching ¢4mACU¢24m; this
- may be used to differentiate between dif¡
- ferent devices ... Let's say you have the
- following ¢1mL.sys¢22m entries:
- imart Any isdn 64000 ATD555¡47120 ogin: bla word: fasel
- imart Any isdn 64000 ATD555¡47121 ogin: bla word: fasel
- imart Any ser2 57600 ATD555¡0815 ogin: bla word: fasel
- imart Any ser 38400 ATD555¡4711 ogin: bla word: fasel
- wUUCP 0.0.28 3
- uucico(8) uucico(8)
- If you ommit the ¢4m¡ACU¢24m switch, ¢4muucico¢24m would
- dial all entries with given ¢4mdevice¢24m and ¢4munit¢24m
- settings; usually this would result in much
- nonsense, as you may use e. g. the
- ¢1misdn.device¢22m to call non¡ISDN ports, but you
- can't connect to the analouge modem there.
- Vice versa, calling an ISDN port from an
- analouge modem doesn't work.
- You can use the ¢4m¡ACU¢24m switch to filter ¢1mL.sys¢22m
- entries, i. e. ¢1muucico¢22m ¢1m¡simart¢22m ¢1m¡7¢22m ¢1m¡ACU¢22m ¢1misdn¢22m
- ¢1m¡D¢22m ¢1misdn.device¢22m ¢1m¡U¢22m ¢1m0¢22m ¢1m¡P7¢22m would force ¢4muucico¢24m
- only to dial the first two entries (the
- ones with an ACU of ¢1misdn¢22m) and skip the
- remaing two.
- Refer to ¢4mL.ports.doc¢24m for further informa¡
- tion ...
- ¡¢1mx¢22mn
- Set log level for us and for remote system
- to ¢4mn¢24m.
- ¡¢1mX¢22mn
- Set log level but do not tell remote system
- about it.
- ¡¢1mxx¢22m
- Debug handshake to stdout (but not once
- connection is established). Useful for
- debugging L.Sys send¡expect stuff.
- ¡¢1mh0¢22m
- Ignore Carrier Detect.
- ¡¢1mb¢22m
- Run ¢4mbatchnews¢24m before anything else.
- ¡¢1mq¢22m
- Don't run ¢4muuxqt¢24m.
- ¡¢1m7¢22m
- Set ¢1m7WIRE¢22m mode for serial connections (i.
- e. hardware handshaking).
- ¡¢1mForceOurGSettings¢22m
- Instead of accepting the window and packet¡
- sizes the remote side wishes us to use,
- grant only the maximum of our and their
- settings (¡P5 here and ¡P7 there would lead
- to ¡P5 in direction to remote).
- ¢1mWarning:¢22m ¢1musing¢22m ¢1mthis¢22m ¢1moption¢22m ¢1mwith¢22m ¢1ma¢22m ¢1mremote¢22m
- ¢1muucico¢22m ¢1mnot¢22m ¢1mfully¢22m ¢1mimplementing¢22m ¢1mthe¢22m ¢1mg¢22m ¢1mproto¡¢22m
- ¢1mcol¢22m ¢1m(e.¢22m ¢1mg.¢22m ¢1mHDB)¢22m ¢1mwill¢22m ¢1minhibit¢22m ¢1many¢22m ¢1mfile¢22m
- ¢1mtransfer.¢22m ¢1mUse¢22m ¢1mthis¢22m ¢1moption¢22m ¢1mwith¢22m ¢1mcare!¢22m
- wUUCP 0.0.28 4
- uucico(8) uucico(8)
- ¡¢1mproto¢22m n
- Set `protocol hack' flag to ¢4mn¢24m (0..9); not
- well documented anywhere (including the
- sources), better leave it alone ...
- ¡¢1mp¢22mprotos
- Set list of protocols, defaults to ¢4mGqg¢24m.
- ¢4muucico¢24m will choose the first common both in
- orginate and answer mode.
- ¡¢1mpri¢22m[¢1mn¢22m]
- ¢4muucico¢24m ups its priority by 1 (or, if ¢1mn¢22m was
- given, sets it to ¢1mn¢22m) during transfer, then
- downs it by 1 (relative to uucico's initial
- priority) to run ¢4muuxqt¢24m (i.e. initial prior¡
- ity+1 (or ¢1mn¢22m) during transer, initial prior¡
- ity¡1 for ¢4muuxqt¢24m).
- ¡¢1md0¢22m
- IGNORE DTR switch forces ¢4muucico¢24m to use the
- +++ sequence to disconnect instead of drop¡
- ping DTR. This is a workaround for a possi¡
- ble bug in the serial device for those who
- experience crashes when ¢4muucico¢24m tries to
- disconnect.
- ¡¢1mn¢22mwindows
- Set protocol window size. If ¢4mwindows¢24m is
- not specified, a window size of 1 is
- forced. The default (¡n option not speci¡
- fied) it a window size of 7.
- Sometimes it is necessary to reduce the
- window size to 3 or 4 when connecting to
- heavily loaded UNIX systems.
- ¡¢1mt¢22mtimeout
- Set GIO protocol timeout before packet
- retry. Default is 5. In many cases this
- can cause long no¡activity delays due to
- small glitches when, in fact, the receiving
- host is not loaded down. Setting the time¡
- out to 1 generally fixes this.
- ¡¢1mT¢22mtimeout
- Set timeout for send¡expect strings,
- default is 15 seconds.
- ¡¢1mP¢22msegsize
- Set segment size, in powers of two where a
- segment size of 2 == 64 bytes. The maximum
- segment size is 8 (4096 bytes).
- This option should be used only by ¢1mexperi¡¢22m
- ¢1menced¢22m ¢1musers¢22m. Larger is not necessarily bet¡
- ter since all packets are usually fixed
- wUUCP 0.0.28 5
- uucico(8) uucico(8)
- length (that is, unless ¢1m¡packets¢22m is used).
- ¡¢1mN¢22mhostname
- Sets the ¢4mhostname¢24m for this invocation;
- overrules the config variable ¢4mNodeName¢24m.
- ¡¢1mG¢22mg
- Set the grade to ¢4mg¢24m; our ¢4muucico¢24m will only
- transmit jobs with a grade character lower
- (based on ASCII order) or equal to ¢4mg¢24m; the
- remote ¢4muucico¢24m may or may not support this.
- Newsbatches usually (should) have a grade
- of ''e'', thus specifying ''¡Gd'' makes our
- ¢4muucico¢24m transmit only jobs with grade char¡
- acters '' '' to ''d''. The grade character
- is the one following the, possibly abbrevi¡
- ated, system name in command files (e. g.
- in ''C.hactarB0815'' is ''B'' the grade).
- Refer to the ¢4muux¢24m man page for further
- information.
- ¡¢1mTaylor¢22m
- Enable Taylor style size negotiation; com¡
- pare to config variable ¢1mRequiredSpoolSpace¢22m
- and the ¢4muucp¡internals¢24m FAQ posting in
- news.answers. In short: on every file
- request the filesizes are transmitted,
- enabling the other side to perform some
- checks (e. g. `will it fit on our filesys¡
- tem?') before transfer.
- ¡¢1mnodelay¢22m
- Disable a .06 second delay in xgetc() which
- was introduced to reduce system load on
- machines with 030 or 040 CPUs. Since this
- may cause problems with other devices (e.
- g. an ISDN device I'm testing these days),
- I made this switchable.
- ¡¢1mpackets¢22m
- Enables packet size optimization as defined
- in the uucp¡g¡protocol.
- ¢1mNOTE:¢22m several systems do not implement that
- protocol completely, thus they get confused
- by smaller packets as announced. (The
- `¡packets' switch makes uucico send only a
- 128 bytes packet if it has to send 100
- bytes (too big for an 64 byte packet but
- fits in 128 bytes) instead of the former
- 1024 bytes (if ¡P6 was used.)) Use with
- care!
- ¢1mGETTY¢22m ¢1mINITIATED¢22m ¢1mOPTIONS¢22m
- ¡¢1mGetty¢22m ╣
- wUUCP 0.0.28 6
- uucico(8) uucico(8)
- Tells ¢4muucico¢24m that it was started from a
- ¢4mgetty¢24m.
- ¢1mMANUAL¢22m ¢1mPOLL¢22m ¢1mOPTIONS¢22m
- ¡¢1ms¢22msystem
- Poll (call¡up) the specified system.
- ¡¢1mS¢22msystem
- Same as ¡s but ignore time restrictions.
- ¡¢1mr1¢22m
- Call all systems we have pending work for.
- ¡¢1mr1¢22m ¡¢1ms¢22msystem
- Call this specific system if we have pend¡
- ing work.
- ¡¢1mq¢22m
- Do not start ¢4muuxqt¢24m when finished.
- ¡¢1mo¢22m
- Tells ¢4muucico¢24m to not search for a CONNECT
- message when carrier is detected (hardwired
- configuration).
- ¢1mOBSOLETE¢22m ¢1mOPTIONS/WAIT¢22m ¢1mMODE¢22m ¢1mOPTIONS,¢22m ¢1mdo¢22m ¢1mnot¢22m ¢1muse¢22m ¢1mif¢22m ¢1myou¢22m ¢1mcan¢22m ¢1mhelp¢22m ¢1mit¢22m
- ¡¢1mw¢22m
- Tells ¢4muucico¢24m to wait for one or more con¡
- nections (depending on ¡e) AFTER having
- previously polled one or more systems (¢4m¡r¢24m,
- ¢4m¡s¢24m, ¢4m¡S¢24m).
- ¡¢1me¢22m
- Tells ¢4muucico¢24m to loop forever waiting for
- connections.
- ¢1mnooptions¢22m
- If ¢4muucico¢24m is run without either ¢4m¡Getty¢24m, ¢4m¡s¢24m,
- or ¢4m¡r¢24m, it will wait for a single connec¡
- tion.
- ¢1mEXAMPLE¢22m
- ; Place a line similar to this in your startup¡sequence!
- ; See GETTY manual
- run <nil: >nil: Getty ¡A ¡B19200 ¡Mm
- ¡¡¡¡¡
- ; Manually poll system 'foo'
- UUCico ¡sfoo
- ¡¡¡¡¡
- wUUCP 0.0.28 7
- uucico(8) uucico(8)
- 40 1 * * * uucp:c/uucico ¡r1
- ¢1mFILES¢22m
- The file names may be changed at compilation time or by
- the configuration file, so these are only approximations.
- UULIB:Config ¡ Amiga UUCP's main configuration file.
- UULIB:passwd ¡ Amiga UUCP's UUCP password file.
- UUSPOOL: ¡ UUCP spool directory.
- UUSPOOL:logfile ¡ UUCP log file.
- UUPUB: ¡ Default UUCP public directory.
- ¢1mSEE¢22m ¢1mALSO¢22m
- AmigaDOS' break, uucp(1), uux(1), uuxqt(8)
- Ian Lance Taylor <ian@airs.com> and Matthew Dillon <dil¡
- lon@apollo.west.oic.com> since I took main parts of their
- man pages for uucico (Taylor UUCP 1.03/AmigaUUCP 1.16) for
- creating this one.
- ¢1mAUTHOR¢22m
- Several ... Quoting from uucico.c:
- (C) Copyright 1987 by John Gilmore.
- Copying and use of this program are controlled by the
- terms of the Free Software Foundation's GNU Emacs General
- Public License.
- Derived from:
- i[$]uuslave.c 1.7 08/12/85 14:04:20
- which came from the ACGNJ BBS system at +1 201 753 9758.
- Original author unknown.
- Ported to Amiga by William Loftus
- Amiga Changes Copyright 1988 by William Loftus. All
- rights reserved.
- Additional Major Changes (c)Copyright 1989¡91 by Matthew
- Dillon, All rights reserved
- Additional Changes (alternate send¡expect) by Chris Hind
- Genly), (c)Copyright 1991 by Chris Hind Genly, All rights
- Reserved
- Added variable packetsize (¡Pn). <CB>
- JJB ¡ Xferstat support (patches posted to .patches).
- Additional changes by Steve Drew.
- Aditional changes, based on the `V1.16.23 sd.3' version,
- (c) 1993 by Kai 'wusel' Siering (<wusel@hactar.UUCP>,
- <wusel@hactar.hanse.de> or <wusel@hactar.adsp.sub.org>).
- wUUCP 0.0.28 8
- uucico(8) uucico(8)
- wUUCP 0.0.28 9