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- /* mac_napp.h -- general mac application library header
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1990, 1991 by Christopher J. Newman
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name of Christopher J. Newman not be used in
- * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without
- * specific, written prior permission. Christopher J. Newman makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It
- * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- *
- * Author: Christopher J. Newman
- * Message: This is a nifty program.
- *
- * - Trouble opening window in init proc of other window
- */
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #define QD(x) (x)
- #ifndef NULL
- #define NULL 0
- #endif
- #else
- #define QD(x) (qd.x)
- #include <MacTypes.h>
- #include <Quickdraw.h>
- #include <Events.h>
- #include <Controls.h>
- #include <Windows.h>
- #include <MemoryMgr.h>
- #include <Menus.h>
- #include <OSUtils.h>
- #include <TextEdit.h>
- #include <Dialogs.h>
- #endif
- /* implicit void * types.
- */
- typedef void **HANDLE;
- typedef void *PTR;
- /* dual pascal/C strings
- */
- typedef unsigned char PCstr;
- #define C(str) ((char*)(str) + 1)
- #define P(str) ((unsigned char*)(str))
- /* SBYTE is supplied for non-char signed bytes.
- */
- typedef unsigned short WORD;
- typedef unsigned long DWORD;
- typedef unsigned char BYTE;
- typedef char SBYTE;
- /* useful macros:
- */
- #define ABS(x) ( (x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x) )
- #define SGN(x) ( (x) < 0 ? -1 : 1 )
- #ifndef MIN
- #define MIN(m,n) ( (n) < (m) ? (n) : (m) )
- #define MAX(m,n) ( (n) > (m) ? (n) : (m) )
- #endif
- #define HIBYTE(x) ( (BYTE) ((x) >> 8) )
- #define LOBYTE(x) ( (BYTE) (x) )
- #define HIWORD(x) ( (WORD) ( (x) >> 16) )
- #define LOWORD(x) ( (WORD) (x) )
- /* all window/menu procedures return short integers (see defines below)
- */
- typedef short (*na_menup)(struct na_win *, WORD, WORD);
- typedef short (*na_mousep)(struct na_win *, Point, short, short);
- typedef short (*na_ctrlp)(struct na_win *, Point, short, short, ControlHandle);
- typedef short (*na_activep)(struct na_win *, Boolean);
- typedef short (*na_closep)(struct na_win *);
- typedef short (*na_updatep)(struct na_win *, Boolean);
- typedef short (*na_keyp)(struct na_win *, long, short);
- typedef short (*na_cursorp)(struct na_win *, Point);
- typedef short (*na_miscp)(struct na_win *, EventRecord *);
- typedef short (*na_idlep)(struct na_win *);
- typedef short (*na_taskp)(struct na_win *);
- typedef short (*na_resizep)(struct na_win *, Point, Rect *);
- typedef short (*na_openp)(short, AppFile *, FSSpec *);
- typedef short (*na_initp)(struct na_win *, long *);
- typedef struct na_win {
- long flags; /* flags indicating various window settings (see below) */
- short delay; /* delay between main loop cycles (in ticks) */
- short mousepix; /* number of pixels mouse can move until drag starts */
- short minw, minh; /* minimum width and height for the window */
- short maxw, maxh; /* maximum width and height for the window */
- short type; /* current window type (negatives reserved) */
- BYTE locks; /* locks on this window structure */
- BYTE priority; /* priority if there is a taskp */
- RgnHandle cursorRgn; /* cursor region */
- RgnHandle uncrsrRgn; /* region cursor isn't in */
- WindowPtr pwin; /* window pointer */
- struct na_win **next; /* handle to next window in linked list */
- struct na_win **task; /* handle to next task in a linked list of active tasks */
- struct na_win **child; /* handle to child window list (NULL = no child) */
- struct na_win **parent; /* handle to parent window (NULL = toplevel) */
- na_menup menup; /* menu proc */
- na_mousep mousep; /* mouse proc */
- na_ctrlp ctrlp; /* dialog item/control proc */
- na_activep activep; /* activate proc */
- na_closep closep; /* close proc */
- na_updatep updatep; /* update proc */
- na_keyp keyp; /* key proc */
- na_cursorp cursorp; /* cursor setting proc */
- na_miscp miscp; /* miscellaneous event proc (disk/net/app/driver) */
- na_idlep idlep; /* idle proc */
- na_taskp taskp; /* task proc */
- na_resizep resizep; /* resize proc */
- long resid; /* storage for window resource id or user data. */
- char *data; /* data pointer for user */
- } na_win;
- typedef struct nate_win {
- na_win winp;
- TEHandle hTE; /* textedit handle for auto-textedit routines */
- ControlHandle hctrl; /* horizontal scroll bar for textedit */
- ControlHandle vctrl; /* vertical scroll bar for textedit */
- long docwidth; /* width of the document */
- short lheight; /* line height of text */
- } nate_win;
- /* procedures types:
- *
- * // called for menu events when window is frontmost
- * // supercedes global menu function unless NA_NOTPROCESSED is returned.
- * // if menuid is 0, the procedure should enable/disable menus appropriately
- * // if menuid is 1, the procedure should disable enabled menus appropriately
- * short menu(winp, menuid, itemno)
- * WORD menuid; // resource id of the menu
- * WORD itemno; // item number of the menu item
- *
- * // called for mouse down/up/move events in the window
- * short mouse(winp, p, type, mods)
- * Point p; // location of mouse action
- * short type; // type of mouse action (see below)
- * short mods; // modifier keys
- *
- * // called for dialog events in dialog windows
- * // control events in windows with controls
- * // In a dialog window with no key procedure, ESC, command-., return, enter are
- * // mapped to iCancel and iOk.
- * short control(winp, p, itemHit, mods, ctrlh)
- * Point p; // point in window local coords
- * short itemHit; // the item/part code clicked
- * short mods; // modifier keys
- * ControlHandle ctrlh; // handle to the control
- *
- * // called when window is activated or deactivated
- * // close return values may be ignored on a deactivate
- * short activate(winp, on)
- * Boolean on; // true = activate, false = deactivate
- *
- * // called when a window close request has been made (close box/close menu item)
- * // called when any window function returns NA_REQCLOSE or NA_REQCLOSEALL
- * // respond with either NA_CLOSED or NA_NOTPROCESSED
- * short close(winp)
- *
- * // called on update events
- * short update(winp, newsize)
- * Boolean newsize; // true if r is a new window size
- *
- * // called on key/autokey events (menu keys are parsed out first)
- * short key(winp, c, mods)
- * long c; // ASCII value of the key (unless NA_RAWKEY option set)
- * short mods; // modifier keys
- *
- * // called when cursor moves into or out of a window
- * // use winp->flags & NA_CURSORON
- * // close request return values are ignored.
- * // return NA_PROCESSED only when the cursorRgn is changed
- * short cursor(winp, p)
- * Point p; // point where the cursor is
- *
- * // This is called for miscellaneous events (disk/network/driver/app1-3)
- * short miscp(winp, pevent)
- * EventRecord *pevent; // the event
- *
- * // called every time through the event loop when window active
- * short idle(winp)
- *
- * // called cyclicly with other tasks with each pass through event loop
- * // only used when task is installed
- * // the task procedure can only close it's own window.
- * short task(winp)
- *
- * // function called to resize the window
- * // (parameters similar to GrowWindow function)
- * short resize(winp, where, rct)
- * Point where;
- * Rect *rct;
- *
- * // function passed to NAinit:
- * // should return 0 if OK, and -1 to stop opening files
- * short open(message, afile, fspec)
- * short message; // either appOpen or appPrint (in SegLoad.h)
- * AppFile *afile; // file to open/print (if NULL, use fspec)
- * FSSpec *fspec; // file to open/print (if NULL, use afile)
- *
- * // function passed to NAwindow:
- * // returns standard window status
- * short init(winp, datap)
- * na_win *winp; // pointer to new window structure
- * long *datap; // pointer to data passed through NAwindow
- */
- /* niftyapp globals */
- extern na_win **NAhead; /* handle to the head of the window tree */
- extern na_win **NAtask; /* handle to the head of the window task list */
- extern na_win **NActask; /* handle to the current task */
- extern na_win *NAwin; /* pointer to current window (NULL = no current window) */
- extern na_menup NAmenup; /* pointer to default menu procedure */
- extern short NAnewitem; /* item number of the new item on the file menu (0 = not avail) */
- extern short NAcloseitem; /* item number of the close item on the file menu (0 = not avail) */
- extern short NAappleitems; /* the number of items at the top of the apple menu */
- extern Boolean NAhasedit; /* true if application has an edit menu */
- extern long NAdelay; /* the wait next event delay */
- extern SysEnvRec NAsysenv; /* mac system environment */
- extern Boolean NAinBack; /* true if application is backgrounded */
- extern long NAmousetime; /* time of last mouse up event */
- extern short NAlastmouse; /* kind of last mouse event */
- extern Cursor NAibeam; /* the ibeam cursor */
- extern long NAgestaltBits; /* 0 = gestalt not on system */
- /* globals for your convenience */
- extern RgnHandle NAfullRgn, NAnullRgn;
- /* niftyapp definitions */
- /* default resource id for niftyapp windows */
- #define NA_CLIPWINDOW 1000
- #define NA_DEBUGWINDOW 1001
- /* default resource id for menu bar */
- #define NA_MBAR 128
- /* default item numbers for OK & cancel */
- #define iOk 1
- #define iCancel 2
- /* default resource ids for APPLE, FILE, and EDIT menus */
- #define mApple 128
- #define mFile 129
- #define mEdit 130
- /* default item numbers for edit menu */
- #define iUndo 1
- #define iCut 3
- #define iCopy 4
- #define iPaste 5
- #define iClear 6
- #define iSelAll 8
- #define iClipboard 9
- /* new window positions */
- #define NA_HFULLSCN 0x0000
- #define NA_HQUARTERSCN 0x0001
- #define NA_HHALFSCN 0x0002
- #define NA_H3QUARTERSCN 0x0003
- #define NA_VFULLSCN 0x0000
- #define NA_VQUARTERSCN 0x0004
- #define NA_VHALFSCN 0x0008
- #define NA_V3QUARTERSCN 0x000C
- #define NA_CENTERSCN 0x0000
- #define NA_TOPSCN 0x0010
- #define NA_BOTTOMSCN 0x0020
- #define NA_LEFTSCN 0x0040
- #define NA_RIGHTSCN 0x0080
- #define NA_STACK 0x0100
- #define NA_TITLEOFFSET 0x0200
- /* new window flags */
- #define NA_PLAINWIN 0x00000000L /* plain window -- no title, simple border */
- #define NA_COLORWINDOW 0x00000001L /* allow color in the window */
- #define NA_DIALOGWINDOW 0x00000002L /* open as a dialog */
- #define NA_TITLEBAR 0x00000004L /* have title bar */
- #define NA_GROWBOX 0x00000008L /* have a grow box (enables automatic drawing) */
- #define NA_ZOOMBOX 0x00000010L /* have a zoom box */
- #define NA_CLOSEBOX 0x00000020L /* have a close box (enables close menu item) */
- #define NA_SHADOWBORDER 0x00000040L /* have a shadow border (for dialogs) */
- #define NA_DOUBLEBORDER 0x00000080L /* have a double (dialog) border */
- #define NA_ROUNDBORDER 0x000000c0L /* have rounded corners and black title bar */
- #define NA_CHILDWINDOW 0x00000100L /* open as a child window of current window */
- #define NA_NOTVISIBLE 0x00000200L /* do not make window visible on open */
- #define NA_BEHIND 0x00000400L /* open window behind current window */
- #define NA_HASCONTROLS 0x00000800L /* process/draw/kill controls automatically */
- #define NA_HASTASK 0x00001000L /* install window in background task list */
- #define NA_USERESOURCE 0x00002000L /* use res parameter as WIND/DLOG/wctb/dctb resource */
- #define NA_CURSORON 0x00004000L /* true if application has set the cursor */
- #define NA_MODAL 0x00008000L /* set if window/dialog will be modal */
- #define NA_DIALOGUPDATE 0x00010000L /* UpdtDialog will be called */
- #define NA_DEFBUTTON 0x00020000L /* show default button after init proc */
- #define NA_COPYDATA 0x00040000L /* data will by copied by NAwindow */
- #define NA_SMARTSIZE 0x00080000L /* window resizes & placements are saved in WIND res */
- #define NA_RECENTER 0x00100000L /* don't force size, just recenter window */
- #define NA_FORCESIZE 0x00200000L /* when a resource is used, re-size the window anyway */
- #define NA_RAWKEY 0x00400000L /* if set, key event fields aren't stripped */
- #define NA_HILITECTRLS 0x00800000L /* if set, hilite controls on activate/deactive */
- #define NATE_FLAGS 0x0f000000L /* flags reserved for NATE */
- #define NA_USER_FLAG1 0x10000000L /* flags reserved for users */
- #define NA_USER_FLAG2 0x20000000L
- #define NA_USER_FLAG3 0x40000000L
- #define NA_USER_FLAG4 0x80000000L
- /* niftyapp window types */
- #define NA_CLIPTYPE -1
- #define NA_DEBUGTYPE -2
- /* mouse click types */
- #define NA_DOWN1 0
- #define NA_UP1 1
- #define NA_DOWN2 2
- #define NA_UP2 3
- #define NA_DOWNN 4
- #define NA_UPN 5
- #define NA_DRAG 6
- #define NA_RELEASE 7
- /* return values for window/menu procedures */
- #define NA_ALLCLOSED -4 /* all windows are to be destroyed & exit app immediately */
- #define NA_REQCLOSEALL -3 /* request to close all windows & exit app */
- #define NA_CLOSED -2 /* current window is ready to close (used by closep/taskp) */
- #define NA_REQCLOSE -1 /* request to close current window */
- #define NA_NOTPROCESSED 0 /* use any default handler available */
- #define NA_PROCESSED 1 /* do nothing more */
- #define NA_DPROCESSED 2 /* don't do key -> button translation on a dialog */
- /* Gestalt bits */
- #define NA_HASGESTALT 0x00000001L /* Gestalt available */
- #define NA_HASAEVENTS 0x00000002L /* Apple events supported */
- /* niftyapp macros */
- #define NAunlockWindow(winp) {if (!--(winp)->locks) HUnlock((Handle) GetWRefCon((winp)->pwin));}
- #define NAunlockWindowh(winh, winp) {if (!--(winp)->locks) HUnlock((Handle) winh);}
- #define NAisDAWindow(pWnd) (( (WindowPeek) pWnd)->windowKind < 0)
- #define NAenableMItem(menu, item) EnableItem(GetMHandle(menu), item)
- #define NAdisableMItem(menu, item) DisableItem(GetMHandle(menu), item)
- #define NAcheckItem(menu, item, c) CheckItem(GetMHandle(menu), item, c)
- #define NAgetDHandle(dlg, it, hn) {short ty; Rect r; GetDItem(dlg, it, &ty, (Handle *) (hn), &r);}
- #define NAgetDRect(dlg, it, rct) {short ty; Handle hn; GetDItem(dlg, it, &ty, &hn, (rct));}
- #define NAsetInum(dlg, it, val) NAsetIText(dlg, it, longtoPCstr(val))
- #define NAalert(resid) Alert(resid, NAfilterProc)
- /* niftyapp procedures */
- /* initialize the Macintosh managers and niftyapp internal variables.
- * optionally set up a menu bar & menu procedure.
- * Returns 0 if OK, negative if an error occured, 1 if print files requested & app should quit
- * short minK; // minimum K needed to execute
- * short masters; // number of times to call MoreMasters()
- * na_proc *openp; // open file procedure -- called for each application in the startup list
- * na_proc *menup; // pointer to a menu procedure (NULL = no menu handling)
- * short numapple; // number of apple menu items
- * short newitem; // item number of new item
- * short closeitem; // item number of close item
- */
- short NAinit(short, short, na_openp, na_menup, short, short, short);
- /* call the main loop procedure
- */
- void NAmainloop(void);
- /* create a rectangle based on the screen size
- * short position; // see above
- */
- Rect *NAscreenrect(short);
- /* create a new window structure
- * returns window status result, up to the caller to pass on NA_ALLCLOSED
- * Rect *rpos; // placement rectangle
- * long flags; // flags determining type of window
- * char *title; // window title (C string may not be NULL unless NA_USERESOURCE)
- * short res; // resource number of WIND/DLOG/wctb/dctb/DITL
- * long *initdata; // window data (may be NULL)
- * long datasize; // bytes of window data
- * na_proc *initp; // procedure to initialize the window functions, etc.
- */
- short NAwindow(Rect *, long, char *, short, long *, long, na_initp);
- /* add a new task to the task list, given pointer to task procedure, and data size
- */
- void NAaddtask(na_taskp, long);
- /* standard init procedure for an about box -- stops all background tasks, however */
- short NAabout(na_win*, long*);
- /* standard button flash procedure used by shell for keypresses */
- void NAflashButton(DialogPtr, short);
- /* draw the default button */
- void NAdefaultButton(DialogPtr);
- /* re-calculate cursor region information (after changing winp->cursorRgn) */
- void NAcalcCursor(na_win*);
- /* this saves a window's dimensions into a 'WIND' resource with appropriate resid */
- void NAsaveWin(na_win*);
- /* This is available to access window structures other than the current window
- * best for looking at parent window or child window(s).
- */
- na_win *NAlockWindow(na_win**);
- /* This is available, but the user should only call it is severe cases */
- short NAcloseWindow(na_win*, short);
- /* this is for closing all windows, the user should only call it from main
- * usually NAhead is the first parameter.
- */
- short NAcloseWindows(na_win**, short);
- /* this is for sending an event directly to the misc procedure of all windows.
- * usually NAhead is the first parameter.
- */
- short NAallWindows(na_win**, EventRecord*);
- /* niftyappclip functions:
- * NAclipboardMenu: menuid, itemid, 'TEXT' or 'PICT'
- * NAclipboard: true = window on, false = window off, 'TEXT' or 'PICT'
- */
- void NAclipboardMenu(WORD, WORD, ResType);
- void NAclipboard(Boolean, ResType);
- /* niftyappdebug function:
- */
- void NAdebug(char *, ...);
- /* niftyappdialog functions:
- */
- /* select a radio button
- * returns number from 0 to firstitem - lastitem: the button that's been pressed
- * DialogPtr dialog; // the dialog window
- * short firstitem; // the itemno of first radio button
- * short lastitem; // the itemno of last radio button
- * short setting; // the radio button to set (itemno to lastitem)
- */
- short NAradioSet(DialogPtr, short, short, short);
- /* enable/disable,hilite,show/hide an item in a dialog window */
- void NAenableDItem(DialogPtr, short, Boolean);
- void NAhiliteDItem(DialogPtr, short, short);
- void NAvisibleDItem(DialogPtr, short, Boolean);
- /* set/get the item text in a dialog item */
- void NAsetIText(DialogPtr, short, PCstr*);
- void NAgetIText(DialogPtr, short, PCstr*);
- /* filter proc for modal dialogs which handles ESC and command-. */
- pascal Boolean NAfilterProc(DialogPtr, EventRecord *, short *);
- /* modal loop which uses NAfilterProc */
- short NAmodalLoop(na_win*);
- /* alert with automatic parameters from a STR# resource
- * pass 0 for unused strings. Returns item id of button hit.
- * NAalertParam(alert, strlist, str1, str2, str3, str4);
- */
- short NAalertParam(short, short, short, short, short, short);
- /* NATE (NiftyApp TextEdit) libraries
- */
- #define NATE_DEFAULT 0x00000000L
- #define NATE_READONLY 0x01000000L
- #define NATE_NOMOUSE 0x02000000L
- #define NATE_NOHSCROLL 0x04000000L
- #define NATE_NOVSCROLL 0x08000000L
- void NATEinit(na_win*, long, short, Ptr, long); /* winp, flags, horizwidth, data, len */
- short NATEinitp(na_win*, long*);
- short NATEmousep(na_win*, Point, short, short);
- short NATEidlep(na_win*);
- short NATEactivep(na_win*, Boolean);
- short NATEkeyp(na_win*, long, short);
- short NATEmenup(na_win*, WORD, WORD);
- short NATEupdatep(na_win*, Boolean);
- short NATEctrlp(na_win*, Point, short, short, ControlHandle);
- short NATEclosep(na_win*);
- void NATEsetscroll(na_win*, Boolean, Rect*, Rect*);
- void NATEappend(na_win*, char*, long);
- /* Niftyapp file library
- */
- #define NA_FNAMELEN 65
- short NAsaveData(PCstr*, PCstr*, OSType, OSType);
- /* PCstr fname[NA_FNAMELEN];
- * PCstr *prompt;
- * OSType creator, ftype;
- */
- /* PC, C string libraries:
- */
- #define SetClen(pcstr) (*((pcstr) + *(pcstr) + 1) = '\0')
- #define PCstrlen(pcstr) (*(pcstr))
- #define Pstrlen(pstr) (* (unsigned char *) (pstr))
- void PtoPCstrcpy(PCstr*, char*);
- void CtoPCstrcpy(PCstr*, char*);
- void PCtoPCstrcpy(PCstr*, PCstr*);
- void PtoPCstrncpy(PCstr*, char*, short);
- void CtoPCstrncpy(PCstr*, char*, short);
- void PtoPCstrcat(PCstr*, char*);
- void CtoPCstrcat(PCstr*, char*);
- PCstr *PtoPCstr(char*);
- PCstr *CtoPCstr(char*);
- void SetPlen(PCstr*);
- PCstr *longtoPCstr(long);