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- /* macnapp.c -- macintosh nifty application library
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1990-1993 by Christopher J. Newman
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name of Christopher J. Newman not be used in
- * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without
- * specific, written prior permission. Christopher J. Newman makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It
- * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- *
- * Author: Christopher J. Newman
- * Message: This is a nifty program.
- *
- * BUGS:
- * - should check 32bit mode works.
- */
- #ifndef THINK_C
- #include <Resources.h>
- #include <Dialogs.h>
- #include <Desk.h>
- #include <SegLoad.h>
- #include <OSEvents.h>
- #include <DiskInit.h>
- #include <Traps.h>
- #include <ToolUtils.h>
- #endif
- #include <AppleEvents.h>
- #include "macnapp.h"
- /* export globals */
- na_win **NAhead = (na_win**) NULL; /* head of the window tree */
- na_win **NAtask = (na_win**) NULL; /* head of the task list */
- na_win **NActask = (na_win**) NULL; /* next task to be called */
- na_win *NAwin = (na_win*) NULL; /* the current window */
- na_menup NAmenup = (na_menup) NULL; /* application menu procedure */
- short NAnewitem = 0; /* the new item number */
- short NAcloseitem = 0; /* the close item number */
- short NAappleitems = 0; /* number of apple menu items */
- Boolean NAhasedit = false; /* true if application supports edit menu */
- long NAdelay = 30; /* delay (1/60th of a second) between null events */
- SysEnvRec NAsysenv; /* set up by Initialize */
- Boolean NAinBack = false; /* true when app is in the background */
- short NAlastmouse = NA_RELEASE; /* the last mouse event type */
- long NAmousetime = 0; /* the time of the last mouse up */
- Point NAmousept; /* the point (local) of last mouse down */
- THz NAappzone; /* the application heap zone */
- RgnHandle NAfullRgn; /* a region containing everything */
- RgnHandle NAnullRgn; /* a region containing nothing */
- Cursor NAibeam; /* the Ibeam cursor */
- long NAgestaltBits; /* flags for gestalt options */
- /* private globals */
- static Point mselpoint; /* the menu selection point */
- static short aestatus; /* if set, close everything */
- /* constants for DoDraw procedure */
- #define DO_UPDATE 0x0
- #define DO_RESIZE 0x1
- #define DO_ACTIVATE 0x2
- #define DO_DEACTIVATE 0x4
- /* private routines */
- static na_win **GetWinH(WindowPtr);
- static void DoDraw(na_win*, short);
- static short DoActivate(WindowPtr, na_win*, Boolean, Point p);
- static short DoMenu(na_win*, BYTE);
- static void AdjustCursor(na_win*, Point, Boolean);
- static short aboutmouse(na_win*, Point, short, short);
- /* get the handle to a window
- */
- static na_win **GetWinH(window)
- WindowPtr window;
- {
- na_win **winh;
- /* make positively sure that we have a valid handle */
- if (window != (WindowPtr) NULL && !NAisDAWindow(window)) {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (PtrZone((Ptr) window) == NAappzone && MemError() == noErr) {
- #endif
- if ((winh = (na_win **) GetWRefCon(window)) != (na_win**) NULL) {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (HandleZone((Handle) winh) == NAappzone && MemError() == noErr) {
- if ((*winh)->pwin == window) {
- #endif
- return (winh);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- } else {
- NAdebug("Corrupted window structure found.\015");
- NAdebug("handle: %lx, pwin: %lx, window: %lx\015",
- (long) winh, (long) (*winh)->pwin, (long) window);
- Debugger();
- }
- } else {
- NAdebug("Corrupted Handle Zone Found.\015");
- NAdebug("handle: %lx, error: %ld\015", (long) winh,
- (long) MemError());
- Debugger();
- }
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- } else {
- NAdebug("Corrupted Window Pointer Found.\n");
- NAdebug("Pointer: %lx, error: %ld\n", (long) window, (long) MemError());
- Debugger();
- }
- #endif
- }
- return ((na_win**) NULL);
- }
- /* handle drawing controls & growbox for update/activate events
- */
- #ifdef __STDC__
- static void DoDraw(na_win *winp, short how)
- #else
- static void DoDraw(winp, how)
- na_win *winp;
- short how;
- #endif
- {
- WindowPtr window = winp->pwin;
- long flags = winp->flags;
- /* hilite or draw controls as appropriate */
- if (flags & NA_HASCONTROLS) {
- if (how & (DO_ACTIVATE | DO_DEACTIVATE)) {
- if (flags & NA_HILITECTRLS) {
- ControlHandle ctrl;
- for (ctrl = ((WindowPeek) window)->controlList; ctrl;
- ctrl = (*ctrl)->nextControl) {
- HiliteControl(ctrl, (how & DO_ACTIVATE) ? 0 : 255);
- }
- }
- } else {
- DrawControls(window);
- }
- }
- /* draw the grow box properly -- mask out scroll bar outlines */
- if (flags & NA_GROWBOX) {
- Rect tmpRect;
- RgnHandle tmpRgn = window->clipRgn;
- tmpRect.left = (tmpRect.right = window->portRect.right) - 15;
- tmpRect.top = (tmpRect.bottom = window->portRect.bottom) - 15;
- RectRgn(window->clipRgn = NewRgn(), &tmpRect);
- DrawGrowIcon(window);
- DisposeRgn(window->clipRgn);
- window->clipRgn = tmpRgn;
- }
- /* draw the default button on a dialog */
- if (flags & NA_DEFBUTTON) NAdefaultButton(window);
- /* calculate the un-cursor region if the window size changed */
- if (how & DO_RESIZE) NAcalcCursor(winp);
- }
- /* handle activate event (either activate or MultiFinder suspend/resume)
- */
- #ifdef __STDC__
- static short DoActivate(WindowPtr window, na_win *winp, Boolean activate, Point p)
- #else
- static short DoActivate(window, winp, activate, p)
- WindowPtr window;
- na_win *winp;
- Boolean activate;
- Point p;
- #endif
- {
- na_win **winh;
- short status = NA_NOTPROCESSED;
- /* unlock current front window */
- if (winp != (na_win*) NULL) {
- NAunlockWindow(winp);
- NAwin = (na_win*) NULL;
- }
- /* check if there is a new window, and lock it */
- if (window == (WindowPtr) NULL) return (NA_PROCESSED);
- /* for app windows, update the cursor, call the activate proc, and DoDraw */
- if ((NAwin = winp = NAlockWindow(winh = GetWinH(window))) != (na_win*) NULL) {
- GrafPtr tmpPort;
- GetPort(&tmpPort);
- SetPort(window);
- if (winp->cursorRgn != (RgnHandle) NULL && ((activate && !NAinBack)
- || winp->flags & NA_CURSORON)) {
- LocalToGlobal(&p);
- AdjustCursor(winp, p, activate);
- }
- if (winp->activep == (na_activep) NULL
- || (status = (*winp->activep)(winp, activate)) == NA_NOTPROCESSED) {
- DoDraw(winp, activate ? DO_ACTIVATE : DO_DEACTIVATE);
- }
- if (!activate || winp->pwin != FrontWindow()) {
- SetPort(tmpPort);
- NAunlockWindowh(winh, winp);
- NAwin = (na_win*) NULL;
- }
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /* handle menu selection -- either menu click or menu shortcut
- */
- #ifdef __STDC__
- static short DoMenu(na_win *winp, BYTE key)
- #else
- static short DoMenu(winp, key)
- na_win *winp;
- BYTE key;
- #endif
- {
- WindowPtr window = FrontWindow();
- short status = NA_NOTPROCESSED;
- WORD menuid, itemno;
- /* enable/disable edit menu as appropriate */
- if (NAhasedit) {
- MenuHandle mnu = GetMHandle(mEdit);
- if (NAisDAWindow(window)) {
- EnableItem(mnu, iUndo);
- for (itemno = iCut; itemno <= iClear; itemno++) {
- EnableItem(mnu, itemno);
- }
- } else {
- DisableItem(mnu, iUndo);
- for (itemno = iCut; itemno <= iClear; itemno++) {
- DisableItem(mnu, itemno);
- }
- }
- }
- /* enable/disable the close menu as appropriate */
- if (NAcloseitem) {
- MenuHandle mnu = GetMHandle(mFile);
- if (window != (WindowPtr) NULL && (winp == (na_win*) NULL
- || winp->pwin != window || winp->flags & NA_CLOSEBOX)) {
- EnableItem(mnu, NAcloseitem);
- } else {
- DisableItem(mnu, NAcloseitem);
- }
- }
- /* call menu proc to enable/disable items as appropriate */
- if (winp != (na_win*) NULL && winp->menup != (na_menup) NULL) {
- status = (*winp->menup)(winp, (WORD) 0, (WORD) key);
- }
- if (status == NA_NOTPROCESSED && NAmenup != (na_menup) NULL) {
- status = (*NAmenup)(winp, (WORD) 0, (WORD) key);
- }
- if (status != NA_NOTPROCESSED) return (status);
- /* get menu selection */
- {
- long menusel = (key == 0) ? MenuSelect(mselpoint) : MenuKey(key);
- itemno = LOWORD(menusel);
- if ((menuid = HIWORD(menusel)) == 0) menuid = 1;
- }
- /* check for DA menu items */
- switch (menuid) {
- case mApple: /* check for a desk accessary selection */
- if (itemno > NAappleitems) {
- PCstr mItem[256];
- GetItem(GetMHandle(menuid), itemno, mItem);
- OpenDeskAcc(mItem);
- menuid = 1;
- }
- break;
- case mFile: /* check for the close menu item for DAs */
- if (itemno == NAcloseitem && NAisDAWindow(window)) {
- CloseDeskAcc(((WindowPeek) window)->windowKind);
- menuid = 1;
- }
- break;
- case mEdit: /* check for the edit menu for DAs */
- if (NAhasedit && itemno <= iClear && SystemEdit(itemno - iUndo)) {
- menuid = 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* call menu proc to handle/disable items */
- if (winp != (na_win*) NULL && winp->menup != (na_menup) NULL) {
- status = (*winp->menup)(winp, menuid, itemno);
- }
- if (status != NA_PROCESSED && NAmenup != (na_menup) NULL) {
- status = (*NAmenup)(winp, menuid, itemno);
- }
- /* if close item wasn't processed, process it */
- if (status == NA_NOTPROCESSED && menuid == mFile && itemno == NAcloseitem) {
- status = NA_REQCLOSE;
- }
- /* turn off the menu */
- HiliteMenu(0);
- return (status);
- }
- /* set the cursor icon appropriately
- */
- #ifdef __STDC__
- static void AdjustCursor(na_win *winp, Point gmouse, Boolean active)
- #else
- static void AdjustCursor(winp, gmouse, active)
- na_win *winp;
- Point gmouse;
- Boolean active;
- #endif
- {
- short status = NA_NOTPROCESSED;
- /* don't change the cursor when in wrong window */
- if (active && FrontWindow() != winp->pwin) return;
- /* if the cursor is on */
- if (winp->flags & NA_CURSORON) {
- /* and the point moves outside the cursor region or window is deactivated
- * turn cursor off */
- if (!active || PtInRgn(gmouse, winp->uncrsrRgn)) {
- winp->flags &= ~NA_CURSORON;
- if (winp->cursorp == (na_cursorp*) NULL) {
- SetCursor(&QD(arrow));
- } else {
- }
- }
- /* if the cursor is off and the point moves into the window, turn cursor on */
- } else if (PtInRgn(gmouse, winp->cursorRgn)) {
- winp->flags |= NA_CURSORON;
- if (winp->cursorp == (na_cursorp) NULL) {
- SetCursor(&NAibeam);
- } else {
- GlobalToLocal(&gmouse);
- status = (*winp->cursorp)(winp, gmouse);
- }
- }
- /* if cursor event was processed, reset the un-cursor region */
- if (status == NA_PROCESSED) NAcalcCursor(winp);
- }
- /* export routines */
- /* save the current window position in a resource file
- */
- void NAsaveWin(winp)
- na_win *winp;
- {
- Rect *rptr;
- WindowPtr window = winp->pwin;
- Handle wind = GetResource('WIND', winp->resid);
- HLock(wind);
- rptr = (Rect *) *wind;
- rptr->right = (rptr->left = -window->portBits.bounds.left)
- + window->portRect.right;
- rptr->bottom = (rptr->top = -window->portBits.bounds.top)
- + window->portRect.bottom;
- ChangedResource(wind);
- HUnlock(wind);
- }
- /* calculate the cursor regions for Multi-Finder
- */
- void NAcalcCursor(winp)
- na_win *winp;
- {
- if (winp->cursorRgn != (RgnHandle) NULL) {
- if (winp->uncrsrRgn == (RgnHandle) NULL) winp->uncrsrRgn = NewRgn();
- DiffRgn(NAfullRgn, winp->cursorRgn, winp->uncrsrRgn);
- }
- }
- /* lock a window context
- */
- na_win *NAlockWindow(winh)
- na_win **winh;
- {
- if (winh == (na_win**) NULL) return ((na_win*) NULL);
- if (!(*winh)->locks++) {
- MoveHHi((Handle) winh);
- HLock((Handle) winh);
- }
- return (*winh);
- }
- /* request or force a window to close
- */
- #ifdef __STDC__
- short NAcloseWindow(na_win *winp, short status)
- #else
- short NAcloseWindow(winp, status)
- na_win *winp;
- short status;
- #endif
- {
- na_win **winh, ***whp;
- short childstatus;
- na_closep closeproc = (na_closep) NULL;
- if (winp == (na_win*) NULL) return (NA_NOTPROCESSED);
- switch (status) {
- /* check if window ready to close */
- status = NA_CLOSED;
- if ((closeproc = winp->closep) != (na_closep) NULL) {
- status = (*closeproc)(winp);
- closeproc = winp->closep == closeproc ? (na_closep) NULL : closeproc;
- }
- if (status > NA_CLOSED) break;
- case NA_CLOSED:
- /* close children */
- childstatus = NAcloseWindows(winp->child, NA_REQCLOSEALL);
- /* clear current window */
- if (winp == NAwin) NAwin = (na_win*) NULL;
- /* reset the cursor */
- if (winp->flags & NA_CURSORON) SetCursor(&QD(arrow));
- /* dispose of any cursor regions */
- if (winp->cursorRgn != (RgnHandle) NULL) DisposeRgn(winp->cursorRgn);
- if (winp->uncrsrRgn != (RgnHandle) NULL) DisposeRgn(winp->uncrsrRgn);
- /* close the window */
- if (winp->pwin != (WindowPtr) NULL) {
- if (winp->flags & NA_DIALOGWINDOW) {
- DisposDialog((DialogPtr) winp->pwin);
- } else {
- DisposeWindow(winp->pwin);
- }
- }
- /* remove from window list */
- winh = (na_win**) RecoverHandle((Ptr) winp);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (MemError() != noErr || *winh != winp) {
- NAdebug("Handle error: pointer: %x, handle: %x, error: %d, zone: %x\015",
- (long) winp, (long) winh, (long) MemError(),
- (long) GetZone());
- Debugger();
- }
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- whp = &NAhead;
- if (winp->parent != (na_win**) NULL) whp = &(*winp->parent)->child;
- while (*whp != (na_win**) NULL) {
- if (*whp == winh) {
- *whp = winp->next;
- } else {
- whp = &(**whp)->next;
- }
- }
- /* relink children in list */
- if (childstatus > NA_ALLCLOSED) {
- *whp = winp->child;
- do {
- (**whp)->parent = winp->parent;
- whp = &(**whp)->next;
- } while (*whp != (na_win**) NULL);
- *whp = winp->next;
- }
- /* remove from task list */
- whp = &NAtask;
- while (*whp != (na_win**) NULL && *whp != winh) {
- whp = &(**whp)->task;
- }
- *whp = winp->task;
- NActask = (na_win**) NULL;
- /* after-close function */
- if (closeproc != (na_closep) NULL) (*closeproc)(winp);
- /* destroy window structure */
- DisposHandle((Handle) winh);
- if (status < NA_CLOSED) {
- if ((status = NAcloseWindows(NAhead, status)) > NA_CLOSED) {
- status = NA_CLOSED;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- return (status);
- }
- #ifdef __STDC__
- short NAcloseWindows(na_win **winh, short status)
- #else
- short NAcloseWindows(winh, status)
- na_win **winh;
- short status;
- #endif
- {
- na_win *winp, **lasth;
- short substatus;
- while ((winp = NAlockWindow(winh)) != (na_win*) NULL) {
- lasth = winh;
- winh = winp->next;
- substatus = NAcloseWindow(winp, status + 2);
- if (substatus > NA_CLOSED) {
- NAunlockWindowh(lasth, winp);
- }
- if (substatus < NA_CLOSED) return (substatus);
- }
- return (NA_ALLCLOSED);
- }
- /* remove the window on a mouse-up event
- */
- #ifdef __STDC__
- static short aboutmouse(na_win *winp, Point mousep, short type, short mods)
- #else
- static short aboutmouse(winp, mousep, type, mods)
- na_win *winp;
- Point mousep;
- short type, mods;
- #endif
- #ifdef applec
- #pragma unused (winp, mousep, mods)
- #endif
- {
- return (type & 1 ? NA_REQCLOSE : NA_PROCESSED);
- }
- /* a standard about box init procedure
- */
- short NAabout(winp, dptr)
- na_win *winp;
- long *dptr;
- #ifdef applec
- #pragma unused (dptr)
- #endif
- {
- short item;
- ShowWindow(winp->pwin);
- winp->mousep = aboutmouse;
- return (NA_PROCESSED);
- }
- /* flash a button in a dialog box for equivalent keypresses
- */
- #ifdef __STDC__
- void NAflashButton(DialogPtr dialog, short item)
- #else
- void NAflashButton(dialog, item)
- DialogPtr dialog;
- short item;
- #endif
- {
- long scratch;
- short type;
- Handle ctrl;
- Rect box;
- GetDItem(dialog, item, &type, &ctrl, &box);
- if (type == ctrlItem + btnCtrl) {
- HiliteControl((ControlHandle) ctrl, 1);
- Delay(5, &scratch);
- HiliteControl((ControlHandle) ctrl, 0);
- }
- }
- /* draw the default button
- */
- void NAdefaultButton(dialog)
- DialogPtr dialog;
- {
- Rect tmpRect;
- NAgetDRect(dialog, iOk, &tmpRect);
- {
- PenState pnState;
- GetPenState(&pnState);
- PenNormal();
- PenSize(3, 3);
- InsetRect(&tmpRect, -4, -4);
- FrameRoundRect(&tmpRect, 16, 16);
- SetPenState(&pnState);
- }
- }
- /* send an event message to all windows
- */
- short NAallWindows(winh, pevent)
- na_win **winh;
- EventRecord *pevent;
- {
- na_win *winp, **oldwinh;
- short status = NA_NOTPROCESSED;
- while ((winp = NAlockWindow(winh)) != (na_win*) NULL) {
- oldwinh = winh;
- winh = winp->next;
- if (winp->miscp != (na_miscp) NULL) {
- GrafPtr tempPort;
- GetPort(&tempPort);
- SetPort(winp->pwin);
- status = (*winp->miscp)(winp, pevent);
- SetPort(tempPort);
- }
- if ((status == NA_CLOSED || status == NA_REQCLOSE)
- && NAcloseWindow(winp, status) == NA_CLOSED) {
- continue;
- }
- NAunlockWindowh(oldwinh, winp);
- if (status == NA_ALLCLOSED || status == NA_REQCLOSEALL) {
- if (NAcloseWindows(NAhead, status) == NA_ALLCLOSED) {
- return (NA_ALLCLOSED);
- }
- /* make sure our handle is still valid */
- if (GetHandleSize((Handle) oldwinh) == 0) continue;
- }
- if ((*oldwinh)->child != (na_win**) NULL &&
- NAallWindows((*oldwinh)->child, pevent) == NA_ALLCLOSED) {
- return (NA_ALLCLOSED);
- }
- }
- return (NA_PROCESSED);
- }
- /* apple event handler
- */
- pascal OSErr NArequiredAE(AppleEvent *, AppleEvent *, long);
- pascal OSErr NArequiredAE(event, reply, ref)
- AppleEvent *event, *reply;
- long ref;
- {
- na_openp openp = (na_openp) ref;
- OSErr err;
- DescType actualType, eventID;
- Size actualSize;
- AEDescList doclist;
- long count, i;
- short gotdoc;
- FSSpec fspec;
- AEKeyword keywd;
- err = AEGetAttributePtr(event, keyEventIDAttr, typeType, &actualType,
- (Ptr) &eventID, sizeof (eventID), &actualSize);
- if (err == noErr) {
- gotdoc = 0;
- if (eventID == kAEOpenDocuments || eventID == kAEPrintDocuments) {
- err = AEGetParamDesc(event, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &doclist);
- if (err == noErr) gotdoc = 1;
- }
- if (err == noErr) {
- err = AEGetAttributePtr(event, keyMissedKeywordAttr, typeWildCard,
- &actualType, NULL, 0, &actualSize);
- if (err == errAEDescNotFound) {
- err = noErr;
- } else if (err == noErr) {
- err = errAEEventNotHandled;
- }
- }
- if (err == noErr) switch (eventID) {
- case kAEOpenApplication:
- if (NAmenup && NAnewitem) {
- aestatus = (*NAmenup)(NULL, mFile, NAnewitem);
- }
- break;
- case kAEOpenDocuments:
- case kAEPrintDocuments:
- err = AECountItems(&doclist, &count);
- if (err != noErr) break;
- for (i = 1; i <= count; ++i) {
- err = AEGetNthPtr(&doclist, i, typeFSS, &keywd, &actualType,
- (Ptr) &fspec, sizeof (fspec), &actualSize);
- if (err != noErr) break;
- if (!openp || (*openp)(eventID == kAEOpenDocuments
- ? appOpen : appPrint, 0, &fspec) < 0) {
- err = errAEEventNotHandled;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case kAEQuitApplication:
- aestatus = NA_ALLCLOSED;
- if (NAhead != NULL) {
- aestatus = NAcloseWindows(NAhead, NA_REQCLOSEALL);
- if (aestatus != NA_ALLCLOSED) err = userCanceledErr;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (gotdoc) {
- AEDisposeDesc(&doclist);
- }
- }
- return (err);
- }
- /* call the main loop procedure
- */
- void NAmainloop()
- {
- na_win *winp;
- Boolean gotEvent;
- Boolean dialogAction;
- EventRecord event;
- Point mouse;
- short status;
- short itemHit;
- DialogPtr dialog;
- UnloadSeg((Ptr) NAinit); /* unload the initialize routine */
- /* check for a window in front */
- {
- WindowPtr window;
- if ((winp = NAwin) == (na_win*) NULL
- && (window = FrontWindow()) != (WindowPtr) NULL
- && (NAwin = winp = NAlockWindow(GetWinH(window))) != (na_win *) NULL) {
- SetPort(window);
- }
- }
- /* get an event */
- {
- RgnHandle rgn = NAfullRgn;
- short delay = NAdelay;
- /* if there is an app window in front, use app delay & cursor region */
- if (winp != (na_win*) NULL) {
- delay = winp->delay;
- if (winp->cursorRgn != (RgnHandle) NULL && !NAinBack) {
- rgn = winp->cursorRgn;
- if (!(winp->flags & NA_CURSORON)) rgn = winp->uncrsrRgn;
- }
- if (winp->mousepix && !(NAlastmouse & 1)) {
- rgn = NAnullRgn;
- delay = 0;
- }
- }
- gotEvent = WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &event, delay, rgn);
- }
- /* get mouse position */
- mouse = event.where;
- GlobalToLocal(&mouse);
- /* check for dialog events */
- dialogAction = FrontWindow() != (WindowPtr) NULL ? IsDialogEvent(&event) : false;
- if (dialogAction && event.what != keyDown && event.what != autoKey
- && event.what != updateEvt) {
- ControlHandle ctrl;
- if (DialogSelect(&event, &dialog, &itemHit) && winp != (na_win*) NULL) {
- if (winp->ctrlp != (na_ctrlp) NULL) {
- NAgetDHandle(dialog, itemHit, &ctrl);
- status = (*winp->ctrlp)(winp, mouse, itemHit, event.modifiers, ctrl);
- gotEvent = false;
- }
- }
- }
- /* handle the event */
- if (gotEvent) switch (event.what) {
- case mouseUp:
- /* deal with mouse up events to keep track of double/triple clicks */
- if (NAlastmouse & 1) break;
- ++NAlastmouse;
- NAmousetime = TickCount();
- if (winp == (na_win*) NULL) break;
- if (winp->mousep != (na_mousep) NULL) {
- status = (*winp->mousep)(winp, mouse, NAlastmouse, event.modifiers);
- }
- break;
- case mouseDown:
- if (winp != (na_win*) NULL && winp->flags & NA_MODAL
- && !PtInRect(mouse, &winp->pwin->portRect)) {
- SysBeep(10);
- break;
- }
- {
- short part;
- WindowPtr window;
- /* deal with mouse down events */
- switch (part = FindWindow(event.where, &window)) {
- case inMenuBar:
- /* call an appropriate menu bar handler */
- mselpoint = event.where;
- status = DoMenu(winp, 0);
- break;
- case inSysWindow:
- /* System Click in DA */
- SystemClick(&event, window);
- break;
- case inContent:
- /* click a window to front if not in front */
- if (window != FrontWindow()) {
- SelectWindow(window);
- if (winp != (na_win*) NULL) NAunlockWindow(winp);
- NAwin = (na_win*) NULL;
- NAlastmouse = NA_RELEASE;
- break;
- }
- /* don't bother processing further if no mouse proc */
- if (winp == (na_win*) NULL) break;
- /* check for control events */
- if (winp->ctrlp != (na_ctrlp) NULL && winp->flags & NA_HASCONTROLS) {
- ControlHandle hctl;
- short item;
- if ((item = FindControl(mouse, window, &hctl)) != 0
- && (status = (*winp->ctrlp)(winp, mouse, item,
- event.modifiers, hctl)) != NA_NOTPROCESSED) {
- break;
- }
- }
- /* deal with double clicks */
- if ((NAlastmouse & 1) && NAlastmouse < NA_RELEASE
- && event.when - NAmousetime <= GetDblTime()) {
- if (++NAlastmouse > NA_DOWNN) NAlastmouse = NA_DOWNN;
- } else {
- NAlastmouse = NA_DOWN1;
- }
- NAmousept = mouse;
- /* call the mouse handler */
- goto DOMOUSEP;
- case inDrag:
- /* drag the window */
- {
- Rect tmpRect, bRect;
- na_win **wh, *wp;
- {
- int four = 4;
- tmpRect = QD(screenBits.bounds);
- InsetRect(&tmpRect, four, four);
- }
- bRect = window->portBits.bounds;
- DragWindow(window, event.where, &tmpRect);
- if ((bRect.left != window->portBits.bounds.left
- || bRect.top != window->portBits.bounds.top) &&
- (wp = NAlockWindow(wh = GetWinH(window))) != NULL) {
- if (wp->flags & NA_SMARTSIZE) NAsaveWin(wp);
- if (wp->cursorRgn != (RgnHandle) NULL) {
- OffsetRgn(wp->cursorRgn,
- bRect.left - window->portBits.bounds.left,
- bRect.top - window->portBits.bounds.top);
- NAcalcCursor(wp);
- }
- NAunlockWindowh(wh, wp);
- }
- }
- break;
- case inGoAway:
- /* deal with the close window box */
- if (TrackGoAway(window, event.where)) status = NA_REQCLOSE;
- break;
- case inGrow:
- /* grow the window */
- {
- Rect tmpRect;
- long growInfo;
- /* assume there is a valid app window in front */
- /* calculate min & max grow dimensions */
- tmpRect = QD(screenBits.bounds);
- tmpRect.bottom -= tmpRect.top;
- tmpRect.right -= tmpRect.left;
- tmpRect.top = winp->minh;
- tmpRect.left = winp->minw;
- if (winp->maxh) tmpRect.bottom = winp->maxh;
- if (winp->maxw) tmpRect.right = winp->maxw;
- /* check for resize proc */
- if (winp->resizep != (na_resizep) NULL) {
- status = (*winp->resizep)(winp, event.where, &tmpRect);
- if (status == NA_PROCESSED) break;
- }
- /* grow, resize, and update the window */
- if ((growInfo = GrowWindow(window, event.where, &tmpRect))) {
- SizeWindow(window, LOWORD(growInfo), HIWORD(growInfo),
- false);
- }
- }
- break;
- case inZoomIn:
- case inZoomOut:
- /* assume there is a valid app window in front */
- /* track, zoom, and update the window */
- if (TrackBox(window, event.where, part)) {
- SetPort(window);
- EraseRect(&window->portRect);
- ZoomWindow(window, part, true);
- if (winp != (na_win*) NULL) {
- if (winp->flags & NA_SMARTSIZE) NAsaveWin(winp);
- if (winp->updatep == (na_updatep) NULL ||
- (status = (*winp->updatep)(winp, (Boolean) true))
- DoDraw(winp, DO_RESIZE);
- }
- }
- ValidRect(&window->portRect);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case keyDown:
- case autoKey:
- /* deal with keyboard events */
- {
- long key = event.message & charCodeMask;
- /* translate command-foo to an appropriate menu operation */
- if (!(winp->flags & NA_MODAL)) {
- if ((event.modifiers & cmdKey) && event.what == keyDown &&
- (status = DoMenu(winp, key)) != NA_NOTPROCESSED) {
- break;
- }
- }
- /* require an app window for further processing */
- if (winp == (na_win*) NULL) break;
- /* call the window's key handling procedure */
- if (winp->keyp != (na_keyp) NULL) {
- status = (*winp->keyp)(winp, winp->flags & NA_RAWKEY ? event.message : key,
- event.modifiers);
- }
- /* if it's an unprocessed event in a dialog window */
- if ((status == NA_NOTPROCESSED || status == NA_DPROCESSED)
- && (winp->flags & NA_DIALOGWINDOW)) {
- ControlHandle ctrl;
- /* check for return/ESC/command-. */
- itemHit = 0;
- if (status == NA_NOTPROCESSED) switch (key) {
- case '\r':
- case '\n':
- NAgetDHandle((DialogPtr)winp->pwin, iOk, &ctrl);
- if (ctrl && !(*ctrl)->contrlHilite) {
- itemHit = iOk;
- }
- break;
- case '.':
- if (!(event.modifiers & cmdKey)) break;
- case '\033':
- itemHit = iCancel;
- break;
- }
- /* if it's a special key, flash it's item */
- dialog = winp->pwin;
- if (itemHit) {
- NAflashButton(dialog, itemHit);
- } else if ((event.modifiers & cmdKey)
- || !DialogSelect(&event, &dialog, &itemHit)) {
- break;
- }
- /* if there's a control procedure, call it, otherwise ignore */
- if (winp->ctrlp != (na_ctrlp) NULL) goto DOCONTROLP;
- }
- }
- break;
- case activateEvt:
- /* deal with activate windows based on activeFlag */
- status = DoActivate((WindowPtr) event.message, winp,
- event.modifiers & activeFlag, mouse);
- break;
- case updateEvt:
- /* deal with update events with proper port setting, etc. */
- {
- na_win *wp;
- WindowPtr window;
- na_win **winh;
- GrafPtr tempPort;
- window = (WindowPtr) event.message;
- BeginUpdate(window);
- if ((wp = NAlockWindow(winh = GetWinH(window))) != (na_win*) NULL) {
- GetPort(&tempPort);
- SetPort(window);
- if (wp->flags & NA_DIALOGUPDATE) {
- UpdtDialog(window, window->visRgn);
- status = NA_PROCESSED;
- }
- if (wp->updatep == (na_updatep) NULL
- || (status = (*wp->updatep)(wp, (Boolean) false))
- DoDraw(wp, DO_UPDATE);
- }
- if (status == NA_NOTPROCESSED && dialogAction) {
- (void) DialogSelect(&event, &dialog, &itemHit);
- }
- SetPort(tempPort);
- NAunlockWindowh(winh, wp);
- }
- EndUpdate(window);
- }
- break;
- case diskEvt:
- /* let the user format bad disks */
- if (HIWORD(event.message) != noErr) {
- Point ptemp;
- SetPt(&ptemp, 0x0070, 0x0050);
- (void) DIBadMount(ptemp, event.message);
- } else {
- status = NAallWindows(NAhead, &event);
- }
- break;
- case networkEvt:
- case driverEvt:
- case app1Evt:
- case app2Evt:
- case app3Evt:
- /* send event to all windows */
- status = NAallWindows(NAhead, &event);
- break;
- case osEvt:
- switch ((event.message >> 24) & 0xff) {
- case suspendResumeMessage:
- status = DoActivate(FrontWindow(), winp,
- !(NAinBack = !(event.message & resumeFlag)), mouse);
- break;
- case mouseMovedMessage:
- /* only interesting if a window is in front */
- if (NAinBack || winp == (na_win*) NULL) break;
- {
- short mousepix = winp->mousepix;
- /* deal with mouse dragging */
- if (mousepix && !(NAlastmouse & 1)) {
- if (NAlastmouse != NA_DRAG) {
- Rect tmpRect;
- InsetRect(&tmpRect, -mousepix, -mousepix);
- if (PtInRect(mouse, &tmpRect)) break;
- NAlastmouse = NA_DRAG;
- }
- goto DOMOUSEP;
- /* deal with cursor moving in/out of window */
- } else if (winp->cursorRgn != (RgnHandle) NULL) {
- AdjustCursor(winp, event.where, true);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case kHighLevelEvent:
- if (NAgestaltBits & NA_HASAEVENTS) {
- aestatus = status;
- (void) AEProcessAppleEvent(&event);
- status = aestatus;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* call the idle procedure of the front window */
- if ((winp = NAwin) != (na_win*) NULL && !NAinBack
- && status >= NA_NOTPROCESSED && winp->idlep != (na_idlep) NULL) {
- status = (*winp->idlep)(winp);
- }
- /* deal with window/app close requests and events */
- switch (status) {
- status = NAcloseWindows(NAhead, status);
- break;
- case NA_CLOSED:
- status = NAcloseWindow(winp, status);
- break;
- default:
- /* call the next task procedure */
- if (NAtask != (na_win**) NULL) {
- static BYTE prioritycnt;
- na_win *wp;
- GrafPtr tempPort;
- if (NActask == (na_win**) NULL) {
- NActask = NAtask;
- prioritycnt = (*NAtask)->priority;
- }
- if ((wp = NAlockWindow(NActask)) != (na_win*) NULL
- && wp->taskp != (na_taskp) NULL) {
- GetPort(&tempPort);
- if (wp->pwin != (WindowPtr) NULL) SetPort(wp->pwin);
- switch (status = (*wp->taskp)(wp)) {
- case NA_CLOSED:
- NAcloseWindow(wp, status);
- break;
- }
- SetPort(tempPort);
- }
- if (!prioritycnt-- && (NActask = wp->task) != (na_win**) NULL) {
- prioritycnt = (*NActask)->priority;
- }
- NAunlockWindowh(NActask, wp);
- }
- break;
- }
- if (status != NA_ALLCLOSED) goto MAINLOOP;
- while (NAtask != NULL) NAcloseWindow(NAlockWindow(NAtask), NA_REQCLOSE);
- DisposeRgn(NAfullRgn);
- DisposeRgn(NAnullRgn);
- }
- /* position a rectangle based on screen size
- */
- #ifdef __STDC__
- Rect *NAscreenrect(short position)
- #else
- Rect *NAscreenrect(position)
- short position;
- #endif
- {
- static short stacktimes = 0;
- static Rect sb;
- short topoffset, leftoffset;
- /* calculate the position to open the window */
- {
- int four = 4;
- sb = QD(screenBits.bounds);
- InsetRect(&sb, four, four);
- sb.top += MBarHeight;
- }
- if (position & NA_TITLEOFFSET) {
- sb.top += 18;
- }
- {
- short width, height;
- width = sb.right - sb.left;
- height = sb.bottom - sb.top;
- if (position & 0x03) {
- width = (width * (position & 0x03)) >> 2;
- }
- if (position & 0x0c) {
- height = (height * ((position & 0x0c) >> 2)) >> 2;
- }
- if (position & NA_TOPSCN) {
- sb.bottom = sb.top + height;
- } else if (position & NA_BOTTOMSCN) {
- sb.top = sb.bottom - height;
- } else {
- short bw = (sb.bottom - sb.top - height) >> 1;
- sb.top += bw;
- sb.bottom -= bw;
- }
- if (position & NA_LEFTSCN) {
- sb.right = sb.left + width;
- } else if (position & NA_RIGHTSCN) {
- sb.left = sb.right - width;
- } else {
- short bw = (sb.right - sb.left - width) >> 1;
- sb.left += bw;
- sb.right -= bw;
- }
- if (position & NA_STACK) {
- if (stacktimes >= 5) {
- stacktimes = 0;
- }
- topoffset = 22 * stacktimes;
- leftoffset = (4 - stacktimes) * 4;
- if (sb.top + topoffset < sb.bottom) sb.top += topoffset;
- if (sb.left + leftoffset < sb.right) sb.left += leftoffset;
- ++stacktimes;
- }
- }
- return (&sb);
- }
- /* create a new window/dialog/task structure
- */
- #ifdef __STDC__
- short NAwindow(Rect *rpos, long flags, char *title, short res, long *initdata,
- long datasize, na_initp initp)
- #else
- short NAwindow(rpos, flags, title, res, initdata, datasize, initp)
- Rect *rpos;
- long flags;
- char *title;
- short res;
- long *initdata;
- long datasize;
- na_initp initp;
- #endif
- {
- GrafPtr tmpPort;
- short procID;
- short status;
- Boolean goAwayFlag, visible;
- na_win **winh, *winp;
- WindowPtr behind, prev;
- PCstr wtitle[256];
- /* save previous window */
- prev = FrontWindow();
- /* set up flags for the NewWindow call */
- goAwayFlag = (flags & NA_CLOSEBOX);
- visible = (flags & NA_NOTVISIBLE) ? false : true;
- behind = (flags & NA_BEHIND && NAwin != (na_win*) NULL) ? NAwin->pwin : (WindowPtr) -1;
- /* decide on the correct procID */
- {
- short proc = rDocProc;
- proc = plainDBox;
- if (flags & NA_SHADOWBORDER) proc = altDBoxProc;
- if (flags & NA_DOUBLEBORDER) proc = dBoxProc;
- if (flags & NA_TITLEBAR) proc = documentProc;
- if (!(flags & NA_GROWBOX)
- && proc == documentProc) proc |= noGrowDocProc;
- if (flags & NA_ZOOMBOX) proc |= zoomDocProc;
- }
- procID = proc;
- }
- /* get the window title to a pacsal string */
- if (title) CtoPCstrcpy(wtitle, title);
- /* allocate memory and copy the user data */
- if (!datasize) datasize = sizeof (na_win);
- winh = (na_win**) NewHandleClear((Size) datasize);
- if (winh == (na_win**) NULL) return (NA_NOTPROCESSED);
- MoveHHi((Handle) winh);
- HLock((Handle) winh);
- winp = *winh;
- if (initdata != NULL && flags & NA_COPYDATA) {
- char *newdata;
- char *dcopy = (char *) initdata;
- datasize -= sizeof (na_win);
- for (newdata = (char*) winp + sizeof (na_win); datasize > 0; datasize--) {
- *newdata = *dcopy++;
- newdata++;
- }
- }
- /* initialize winp parameters */
- winp->locks = 1;
- winp->delay = NAdelay;
- winp->flags = flags;
- winp->minw = 128;
- winp->minh = 64;
- winp->resid = res;
- /* install in window tree */
- if (flags & NA_CHILDWINDOW && NAwin != (na_win*) NULL) {
- winp->parent = (na_win**) RecoverHandle((Ptr)NAwin);
- winp->next = NAwin->child;
- NAwin->child = winh;
- } else {
- winp->next = NAhead;
- NAhead = winh;
- }
- /* install in task list */
- if (flags & NA_HASTASK) {
- winp->task = NAtask;
- NAtask = winh;
- }
- {
- WindowPtr window;
- /* open the window appropriately */
- switch (flags & (NA_COLORWINDOW | NA_DIALOGWINDOW)) {
- if (flags & NA_USERESOURCE) {
- window = (WindowPtr) GetNewDialog(res, (Ptr) NULL, behind);
- } else {
- Handle items;
- items = GetResource('DITL', res);
- DetachResource(items);
- if (flags & NA_COLORWINDOW) {
- window = (WindowPtr) NewCDialog((Ptr) NULL, rpos, wtitle,
- visible, procID, behind, goAwayFlag, (long) winh, items);
- } else {
- window = (WindowPtr) NewDialog((Ptr) NULL, rpos, wtitle,
- visible, procID, behind, goAwayFlag, (long) winh, items);
- }
- }
- break;
- if (flags & NA_USERESOURCE) {
- window = (WindowPtr) GetNewCWindow(res, (Ptr) NULL, behind);
- } else {
- window = (WindowPtr) NewCWindow((Ptr) NULL, rpos, wtitle,
- visible, procID, behind, goAwayFlag, (long) winh);
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (flags & NA_USERESOURCE) {
- window = GetNewWindow(res, (Ptr) NULL, behind);
- } else {
- window = NewWindow((Ptr) NULL, rpos, wtitle, visible, procID,
- behind, goAwayFlag, (long) winh);
- }
- break;
- }
- if (title && (flags & NA_USERESOURCE)) SetWTitle(window, wtitle);
- winp->pwin = window;
- /* activate the window */
- GetPort(&tmpPort);
- SetPort(window);
- /* additional options for windows from resources */
- if (flags & NA_USERESOURCE) {
- SetWRefCon(window, (long) winh);
- /* force the size */
- if (flags & NA_FORCESIZE) {
- MoveWindow(window, rpos->left, rpos->top, false);
- SizeWindow(window, rpos->right - rpos->left, rpos->bottom - rpos->top, false);
- }
- }
- {
- Rect wsize, sb;
- /* get the screen bounds */
- {
- short four = 4;
- sb = QD(screenBits.bounds);
- InsetRect(&sb, four, four);
- }
- /* recenter a window -- great for dialog boxes */
- wsize = window->portRect;
- LocalToGlobal((Point *)&wsize.top);
- if (flags & NA_RECENTER) {
- LocalToGlobal((Point *)&wsize.bottom);
- wsize.top = sb.top + (((sb.bottom - sb.top) - (wsize.bottom - wsize.top)) >> 1);
- wsize.left = sb.left + (((sb.right - sb.left) - (wsize.right - wsize.left)) >> 1);
- MoveWindow(window, wsize.left, wsize.top, false);
- }
- /* make sure the window is on the screen */
- if (wsize.top > sb.bottom || wsize.left > sb.right) {
- short coord = 60;
- MoveWindow(window, coord, coord, false);
- }
- }
- /* call the init procedure */
- if ((status = (*initp)(winp, initdata)) >= NA_NOTPROCESSED) {
- /* draw the window immediately for better look & update has first newsize */
- if (winp->updatep == (na_updatep) NULL
- || (status = (*winp->updatep)(winp, (Boolean) true))
- DoDraw(winp, FrontWindow() != window ? DO_RESIZE | DO_DEACTIVATE :
- }
- if (flags & NA_DIALOGUPDATE) DrawDialog(window);
- ValidRect(&window->portRect);
- }
- /* deal with close requests/events result codes */
- switch (status) {
- status = NAcloseWindows(NAhead, status);
- break;
- case NA_CLOSED:
- status = NAcloseWindow(winp, status);
- break;
- default:
- NAunlockWindowh(winh, winp);
- break;
- }
- /* give a nice return value & clean up the port */
- if (status == NA_NOTPROCESSED) status = NA_PROCESSED;
- if (FrontWindow() != window || status != NA_PROCESSED) SetPort(tmpPort);
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /* add a new task to the task list, calling init procedure with data pointer
- */
- void NAaddtask(taskp, size)
- na_taskp taskp;
- long size;
- {
- na_win **task, *winp;
- if (!size) size = sizeof (na_win);
- task = (na_win **) NewHandleClear(size);
- (*task)->taskp = taskp;
- (*task)->task = NAtask;
- NAtask = task;
- }