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- /*
- SetCPU V1.60
- by Dave Haynie, April 13, 1990
- Released to the Public Domain
- */
- #define PROGRAM_VERSION 160
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/io.h>
- #include <devices/trackdisk.h>
- #include <libraries/expansionbase.h>
- #include <libraries/configregs.h>
- #include <libraries/configvars.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxmacros.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- #include <libraries/dosextens.h>
- #include <libraries/filehandler.h>
- #include <functions.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* Define all bit components used for manipulation of the Cache Control
- Register. */
- #define CACR_INST ((ULONG)(1L<<0))
- #define CACR_DATA ((ULONG)(1L<<8))
- #define CACR_WALLOC 5
- #define CACR_BURST 4
- #define CACR_CLEAR 3
- #define CACR_ENTRY 2
- #define CACR_FREEZE 1
- #define CACR_ENABLE 0
- #define CACR_ENABLE40 15
- #define CACR_DATA40 16
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* Define important bits used in various MMU registers. */
- /* Here are the CRP definitions. The CRP register is 64 bits long, but
- only the first 32 bits are control bits, the next 32 bits provide the
- base address of the table. */
- #define CRP_UPPER (1L<<31) /* Upper/lower limit mode */
- #define CRP_LIMIT(x) ((ULONG)((x)&0x7fff)<<16)/* Upper/lower limit value */
- #define CRP_SG (1L<<9) /* Indicates shared space */
- #define CRP_DT_INVALID 0x00 /* Invalid root descriptor */
- #define CRP_DT_PAGE 0x01 /* Fixed offset, auto-genned */
- #define CRP_DT_V4BYTE 0x02 /* Short root descriptor */
- #define CRP_DT_V8BYTE 0x03 /* Long root descriptor */
- /* Here are the TC definitions. The TC register is 32 bits long. */
- #define TC_ENB (1L<<31) /* Enable the MMU */
- #define TC_SRE (1L<<25) /* For separate Supervisor */
- #define TC_FCL (1L<<24) /* Use function codes? */
- #define TC_PS(x) ((ULONG)((x)&0x0f)<<20) /* Page size */
- #define TC_IS(x) ((ULONG)((x)&0x0f)<<16) /* Logical shift */
- #define TC_TIA(x) ((ULONG)((x)&0x0f)<<12) /* Table indices */
- #define TC_TIB(x) ((ULONG)((x)&0x0f)<<8)
- #define TC_TIC(x) ((ULONG)((x)&0x0f)<<4)
- #define TC_TID(x) ((ULONG)((x)&0x0f)<<0)
- /* Here are the page descriptor definitions, for short desctriptors only,
- since that's all I'm using at this point. */
- #define PD_ADDR(x) ((ULONG)(x)&~0x0fL) /* Translated Address */
- #define IV_ADDR(x) ((ULONG)(x)&~0x03L) /* Invalid unused field */
- #define PD_WP (1L<<2) /* Write protect it! */
- #define PD_CI (1L<<6) /* Cache inhibit */
- #define PD_DT_TYPE 0x03 /* Page descriptor type */
- #define PD_DT_INVALID 0x00 /* Invalid root descriptor */
- #define PD_DT_PAGE 0x01 /* Fixed offset, auto-genned */
- #define PD_DT_V4BYTE 0x02 /* Short root descriptor */
- #define PD_DT_V8BYTE 0x03 /* Long root descriptor */
- /* This is needed for identification of bogus systems that test positive
- for MMUs. */
- #define BOGUSMMU 0xffffffffL
- /* Here's the MMU support stuff. */
- #define ROMROUND 0x00020000L /* ROM/Main level at 128K grain */
- #define SMALLROMSIZE 0x00040000L
- #define BIGROMSIZE 0x00080000L
- #define DEVROUND 0x00004000L /* Device level at 16K grain */
- #define STKROUND 0x00000400L /* Stack level at 1K grain */
- #define TABROUND 0x00000400L /* Table alignment matches page size */
- #define PAGESIZE 0x00020000L
- #define MAINTABSIZE (128L * sizeof(ULONG))
- #define SUBTABSIZE (8L * sizeof(ULONG))
- #define STKTABSIZE (16L * sizeof(ULONG))
- /* Magic ROM numbers */
- #define MAGIC_256 0x11114ef9
- #define MAGIC_512 0x11144ef9
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* Some external system declarations. */
- extern BPTR Lock(), Open();
- /* Checking logic */
- #define CK68000 0
- #define CK68010 1
- #define CK68020 2
- #define CK68030 3
- #define CK68040 4
- #define CK68851 5
- #define CK68881 6
- #define CK68882 7
- #define CKFPU 8
- #define CKMMU 9
- #define CKMMUON 10
- #define CKMMUROM 11
- #define CKMMUALIEN 12
- #define CHECKS 13
- #define WARNING 5
- #define READOK 0L
- #define SizeOf(x) ((ULONG)sizeof(x))
- #define min(a,b) ((a<b)?a:b)
- #define max(a,b) ((a>b)?a:b)
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* From the CONTROL.A module */
- extern void SetCACR(),
- GetCRP(),
- SetCRP(),
- SetTC();
- extern ULONG GetCACR(),
- *GetVBR(),
- GetTC();
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* From the IDENTS.A module */
- extern ULONG GetCPUType(),
- GetMMUType(),
- GetFPUType();
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* From the OTHER.A module */
- extern void SetMMUTag(),
- FlushATC(),
- SetKeyDelay();
- extern ULONG KeyCode,
- KeyCodeSize,
- BerrCode,
- BerrCodeSize;
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* From the REBOOT.A module. */
- extern void ROMBoot(),
- CleanBoot();
- extern ULONG BootCode,
- BootCodeSize,
- ResetCode,
- ResetCodeSize;
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* From the EXPDEV.C module. */
- /* This structure is device information used by the memory mapping routine. */
- struct ExpROMData {
- struct ExpROMData *next;
- ULONG ROMbase;
- ULONG ROMsize;
- ULONG imagebase;
- ULONG tablebase;
- char *name;
- };
- extern LONG ReadExpDevs();
- extern struct ExpROMData *GetExpROM();
- extern void FreeExpROM(),
- SafeConfigDevs();
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* From the MISC.C module. */
- /* Patch types */
- #define PT_STRING 1
- #define PT_JSR 2
- #define PT_END 3
- #define PT_IGNORE 4
- #define PT_KEYBOARD 5
- /* This is a item */
- struct pitem {
- UWORD Type; /* The type of patch to apply */
- UWORD Pad; /* Nothing here yet... */
- ULONG Offset; /* The offset at which to apply the patch */
- ULONG Length; /* The length of the patch item */
- UWORD *Code; /* The actual patch item */
- };
- /* This is the patch structure. */
- struct patch {
- struct patch *next; /* Next patchlist */
- struct pitem *list; /* First item in this patchlist */
- UWORD Version; /* Which ROM version */
- UWORD Revision; /* and revision */
- };
- /* These are the some patch system variables. */
- #define KEYPATCH 0
- extern struct patch SystemPatch[];
- extern struct MemChunk *lastpatch;
- /* The actual functions. */
- extern LONG striequ(),
- strniequ();
- extern void MotorOff();
- extern BYTE ReadBuf();
- extern LONG CheckTDDev();
- extern LONG AddPatch();
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* From the MMU.C module. */
- extern void Phantom(),
- SetMMURegs(),
- FillBasicTable(),
- FreeMMUTable(),
- MakeExpTable(),
- MakeFastStack(),
- FreeFastStack();
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* From the MEMORY.C module. */
- /* This section describes the system tag structure, where I stick all the
- information that I like to keep around. */
- #define ROM_NOP 0x0000 /* No ROM operation called for */
- #define ROM_FAST 0x0002 /* Normally installed FASTROM image */
- #define ROM_KICK 0x0003 /* Installed as a KICK image */
- #define ROM_FKICK 0x0004 /* A KICK image made into a FAST image */
- /* This was originally the patchtag structure, which looked like a patch. I
- decided that was real kludgy. I hook the systag onto an invalid page
- descriptor which I locate in the physical ROM image, a place that should
- always be safe to have an invalid tag structure. Don't change this without
- checking in the "030Stuff.a" file -- some of these structure members are
- used by the reboot code. */
- struct systag {
- ULONG tagsize; /* Size of this tag */
- ULONG progver; /* The program version */
- ULONG *maintable; /* The main ROM table */
- ULONG *romhi; /* The main ROM image */
- UWORD romtype; /* Type of MMU ROM */
- UWORD patches; /* The number of other patches applied */
- struct MemChunk *patchlist; /* List of installed patches */
- struct ExpROMData *devs; /* Translated device ROMs */
- ULONG TC; /* Precomputed TC used for KICK. */
- ULONG CRP[2]; /* Precomputed CRP used for KICK. */
- UWORD config; /* Configuration status. */
- ULONG BerrSize; /* Size of bus error handler. */
- char *OldBerr; /* The old BERR routine. */
- char *BerrHandler; /* My BERR routine. */
- short wrapup; /* Upper address wrap bound. */
- short wrapdown; /* Lower address wrap bound. */
- ULONG tablesize; /* Main table size. */
- char *ResetCode; /* Actual reset routine */
- ULONG romsize; /* Size of ROM image */
- ULONG romloc; /* Where does the fool thing go? */
- ULONG romstart; /* And where do we start it up? */
- ULONG *romlo; /* Secondary ROM image, if needed */
- char *sysstack; /* Physical system stack image */
- ULONG sysstksize; /* System Stack allocated size. */
- ULONG ResetSize; /* Size of the reset code. */
- char *OldReset; /* Old Reset Code */
- };
- /* The actual functions */
- extern void MemCopy(),
- SetMMURegs(),
- *AllocAligned(),
- SnoopSpecial(),
- FillBasicTable(),
- FreeSAFEImage();
- ULONG * SizeROM();
- extern struct systag *AllocROMImage(),
- *AllocDISKImage(),
- *AllocSAFEImage(),
- *GetSysTag();
- extern LONG SmartlyGetRange();
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* From the DISKIO.C module. */
- extern struct systag *AllocKSImage(),
- *AllocFILEImage(),
- *AllocDISKImage();
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* From the COOLHAND.C module. */
- struct Window *CoolHand();
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* Intermodule globals */
- struct CfgBlock {
- ULONG Addr, Size;
- };
- #ifdef MAIN_MODULE
- struct ExpansionBase *ExpansionBase = NULL; /* The expansion library */
- unsigned short LoadErr = 16;
- struct CfgBlock Bridge = { 0L, 0L }, A26x0 = { 0L, 0L };
- #else
- extern struct ExpansionBase *ExpansionBase;
- extern unsigned short LoadErr, forcewrap;
- extern struct CfgBlock Bridge, A26x0;
- extern BOOL allochead,aliens;
- extern ULONG cpu;
- #endif