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- /*
- SetCPU V1.60
- by Dave Haynie, April 13, 1990
- Released to the Public Domain
- This program is a CPU identification and MMU support tool for the
- Amiga operating system. It will identify various CPU system
- elements, and allow decisions to be made based on those elements
- in script files. It will also use the MMU on systems so equipped
- to translate system ROM, or alternate system ROMs, into system
- memory, with preference given to any 32 bit memory it might be
- able to detect.
- While this program does attempt to support the 68040, it hasn't
- been tested on a 68040 yet. It doesn't attempt to support any
- of the MMU setups on a 68040 system just yet.
- */
- #define MAIN_MODULE
- #include "setcpu.h"
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* Global options */
- BOOL tags[CHECKS], /* Check system tags */
- verbose = FALSE, /* Display lots of info? */
- helpmode = FALSE, /* Do we just want help? */
- handler = TRUE, /* Install trap handler? */
- allochead = FALSE, /* Allocate from head of memory */
- keepexec = FALSE, /* Preserve ExecBase on KICKROM? */
- stack = TRUE, /* Try a stack translation? */
- aliens = FALSE; /* MMU setup from space? */
- short fastrom = 0, /* Set up the FASTROM? */
- wrapbits = 8, /* How does the MMU wrap addresses? */
- forcewrap = -1, /* Forced addressing size */
- quitcode = 0; /* Termination code */
- char *romfile = NULL; /* Where to look for a kick image */
- ULONG bootdelay = 0x00400000, /* Basic reboot-loop delay */
- cpu, /* CPU type */
- fpu, /* FPU type */
- mmu, /* MMU type */
- oldCACR, /* CACR when we start. */
- newCACR; /* New CACR value. */
- /* Do we want autoconfig? I think a default level 2 makes more sense. */
- short configlevel = 2;
- BOOL configset = FALSE;
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* This is the termination routine, which also displays numbered errors. */
- void quit(err)
- int err;
- {
- if (err >= 10) printf("Error: ");
- switch(err) {
- case 1:
- printf("Usage: SetCPU [INST|DATA] [[NO]CACHE|[NO]BURST] [CONFIG n] [BITS n] [TRAP n]\n");
- printf(" [KICKROM path|dfN: [DELAY n] [KEEPEXEC]] [CARDROM path] [VERBOSE]\n");
- printf(" [[NO]FASTROM [path] [KEYPATCH n] [HEAD] [NOSTACK]] [ROMBOOT]\n");
- printf(" [CHECK 680x0|68851|6888x|MMU|FPU|MMUON|MMUROM|MMUALIEN]\n");
- break;
- case 11: printf("Invalid numeric parameter value\n"); break;
- case 12: printf("Illegal Command Line Option\n"); break;
- case 13: printf("KICKROM translation can't be removed\n");break;
- case 14: printf("Can't get memory for FASTROM\n"); break;
- case 15: printf("Can't locate specified file\n"); break;
- case 16: printf("Invalid device specified\n"); break;
- case 17: printf("KEYPATCH requires FASTROM\n"); break;
- case 18: printf("Can't get memory for KICKROM\n"); break;
- case 19: printf("Option requires a file name argument\n");break;
- case 20: printf("System is already FASTKICKed\n"); break;
- case 21: printf("File/ROM version mismatch, use KICKROM\n"); break;
- case 22: printf("KICKROM file format invalid\n"); break;
- case 23: printf("KICKROM file too short\n"); break;
- case 24: printf("KICKROM file not found\n"); break;
- case 25: printf("ROMBOOT can't be used with other options\n"); break;
- case 26: printf("68040 MMU setups not supported\n"); break;
- case 27: printf("Alien MMU setup prevents FASTROM\n"); break;
- default: break;
- }
- if (ExpansionBase) CloseLibrary(ExpansionBase);
- if (cpu >= 68020L) SetCACR(((err>10)?oldCACR:newCACR) | CACR_FIXED);
- exit((err>10)?10:err);
- }
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* A bit of magic for the smart reset code. */
- #define COLDREBOOTVECT -726L
- /* This routine installs the given valid rom image as a fast ROM. It will
- install any I/O translations that are appropriate, and also apply the
- system patch list to the ROM image, before engaging the MMU. */
- static BOOL CreateFastROM(tag,wrapbits)
- struct systag *tag;
- short wrapbits;
- {
- ULONG *VBR = GetVBR();
- struct ExecBase *eb = *((struct ExecBase **)4L);
- if (!tag) return FALSE;
- tag->wrapup = (wrapbits < tag->wrapdown) ? wrapbits : tag->wrapdown;
- /* Here I'll add in subtables for any I/O devices that we've been told
- about, that I can locate. */
- MakeExpTable(tag);
- /* Here I apply the patches to this ROM. */
- AddPatch((UWORD *)tag->romhi,SystemPatch,tag);
- tag->patchlist = lastpatch;
- /* How 'bout that exception handler. I get the Vector Base Register,
- save the old vector, allocate space for the new one if needed, copy it
- from my SetCPU code, and assign it. The tag keeps track of all of this
- so that I can easily remove the whole thing if FASTROM is turned off. */
- if (handler) {
- tag->OldBerr = (char *)VBR[2];
- tag->BerrSize = BerrCodeSize;
- tag->BerrHandler = (char *)AllocMem(tag->BerrSize,MEMF_PUBLIC);
- MemCopy(BerrCode,tag->BerrHandler,tag->BerrSize);
- VBR[2] = (ULONG)tag->BerrHandler;
- }
- /* Should we have a smart reset bit? */
- if (eb->LibNode.lib_Version >= 36) {
- tag->ResetCode = (char *)AllocMem(tag->ResetSize = ResetCodeSize,0L);
- MemCopy((char *)ResetCode,tag->ResetCode,tag->ResetSize);
- tag->OldReset = SetFunction(eb,COLDREBOOTVECT,tag->ResetCode);
- }
- /* Bang the MMU my way */
- SetMMURegs(tag);
- Disable();
- SetMMUTag(tag);
- /* How about that system stack. This is done here, since the MMU is already
- on, and I need to do supervisor-mode stuff to turn it on, but no to set
- up the fast stack. */
- if (stack) MakeFastStack(tag);
- Enable();
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* This routine creates a kickable ROM, based on the image in the systag.
- If the Kick ROM can't be allocated, the routine returns FALSE, otherwise,
- TRUE. */
- static BOOL CreateKickROM(temptag,wrapbits)
- struct systag *temptag;
- short wrapbits;
- {
- struct systag *tag;
- ULONG *VBR = GetVBR();
- if (!temptag || LoadErr) return FALSE;
- /* We disable so that nothing else is running; the RAMBoot() routine
- counts on the instruction cache, so we might as well turn that on
- now as well. */
- Forbid();
- Disable();
- /* Now I need a new tag, based on safe memory. Note that calling the safe
- allocator will very likely crash the system if we're not disabled. */
- if (!(tag = AllocSAFEImage(temptag))) {
- Enable();
- return FALSE;
- }
- tag->wrapup = (wrapbits < tag->wrapdown) ? wrapbits : tag->wrapdown;
- if (configlevel == 1 || configlevel == 0) {
- tag->maintable[0xe80000L/ROMROUND] = PD_ADDR(0x800000)|PD_DT_PAGE;
- tag->config = FALSE;
- }
- /* How 'bout that exception handler. I get the Vector Base Register,
- save the old vector, allocate space for the new one if needed, copy it
- from my SetCPU code, and assign it. The tag keeps track of all of this
- so that I can easily remove the whole thing if FASTROM is turned off. */
- if (handler) {
- tag->BerrSize = BerrCodeSize;
- MemCopy(BerrCode,tag->BerrHandler,tag->BerrSize);
- VBR[2] = (ULONG)tag->BerrHandler;
- }
- SetMMURegs(tag);
- RAMBoot(tag,(LONG)keepexec,bootdelay);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* This routine removes the Fast ROM, and re-claims the memory previously
- allocated. We've already checked to make sure that the MMU was
- switched on. */
- static void DeleteFastROM(tag)
- struct systag *tag;
- {
- struct MemChunk *mem, *del;
- struct ExecBase *eb = *((struct ExecBase **)4L);
- /* First off, turn off the MMU and caches. This lets us muck with the table
- and reclaim memory without any trouble. */
- if (tag->romtype != ROM_FAST) quit(13);
- if (tag->sysstack) FreeFastStack(tag);
- SetTC(0L);
- /* First I free any subtable stuff that was allocated. */
- FreeExpROM(tag->devs);
- /* Now I delete the patches for any patch lists I've got. They only get
- deleted if they've been applied. */
- mem = tag->patchlist;
- while (mem) {
- del = mem;
- mem = mem->mc_Next;
- FreeMem(del,del->mc_Bytes);
- }
- /* Remove the bus error handler, if there is one. */
- if (tag->BerrHandler) {
- VBR = GetVBR();
- VBR[2] = (ULONG)tag->OldBerr;
- if (tag->OldBerr) FreeMem(tag->BerrHandler,tag->BerrSize);
- }
- /* Did we have a smart reset bit? */
- if (tag->ResetCode && tag->OldReset) {
- SetFunction(eb,COLDREBOOTVECT,tag->OldReset);
- FreeMem(tag->ResetCode,tag->ResetSize);
- }
- /* Now I just free up table and ROM image memory, and I'm done! I can free
- the table I built for any subtable here, and then the main table and
- image. */
- FreeMMUTable(tag);
- if (tag->tagsize <= 66L || !tag->romlo)
- FreeMem(tag->romhi,SMALLROMSIZE);
- else if (tag->romlo)
- FreeMem(tag->romlo,tag->romsize);
- FreeMem(tag,tag->tagsize);
- }
- /* This routine displays the ROM image information. */
- static void PrintFastROM() {
- struct systag *tag;
- struct ExpROMData *dev;
- struct ExecBase *eb = *((struct ExecBase **)4L);
- if (!(tag = GetSysTag())) return;
- printf("TABLE : (PADDR: $%8lx) (SIZE: %ld) (WRAP: %d)\n",
- tag->maintable,tag->tablesize/4,tag->wrapup);
- if (tag->romlo)
- printf("KERNEL: (PADLO: $%8lx) (PADHI: $%8lx) (VADDR: $%8lx) (SIZE: %ldK)\n",
- tag->romlo,tag->romhi,tag->romloc,tag->romsize/1024);
- else
- printf("KERNEL: (PADDR: $%8lx) (VADDR: $%8lx) (SIZE: %ldK)\n",
- tag->romhi,tag->romloc,tag->romsize/1024);
- if (tag->sysstack)
- printf("SSTACK: (PADDR: $%8lx) (VADDR: $%8lx) (SIZE: %ldK)\n",
- tag->sysstack,eb->SysStkLower,((ULONG)eb->SysStkUpper - (ULONG)eb->SysStkLower + 1)/1024);
- if (tag->ResetCode)
- printf("REBOOT: (NVECT: $%8lx) (OVECT: $%8lx) (SIZE: $%lx)\n",
- tag->ResetCode,tag->OldReset,tag->ResetSize);
- /* Now we'll explain any device stuff that's here. */
- for (dev = tag->devs; dev; dev = dev->next) {
- printf("DEVICE: %sE\n",dev->name);
- printf(" (PADDR: $%8lx) (TABLE: $%8lx) (SIZE: %ldK)\n",
- dev->imagebase, dev->tablebase, dev->ROMsize/1024);
- }
- }
- /* Basic "Do I do configuration" logic */
- void SetupConfig(tag)
- struct systag *tag;
- {
- if (configlevel > 0) {
- tag->maintable[0xe80000L/ROMROUND] = PD_ADDR(0xe80000L)|PD_DT_PAGE;
- if (configlevel > 1) SafeConfigDevs();
- }
- }
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* This function scopes out the two key expansion devices, Bridge Card or
- known-to-be-32-bit memory. */
- void SnoopDevs() {
- struct ConfigDev *cd;
- if ((cd = FindConfigDev(NULL,0x201L,0x01L)) || (cd = FindConfigDev(NULL,0x201L,0x02L))) {
- Bridge.Addr = (ULONG)cd->cd_BoardAddr;
- Bridge.Size = (ULONG)cd->cd_BoardSize;
- }
- if ((cd = FindConfigDev(NULL,0x202L,0x50L)) || (cd = FindConfigDev(NULL,0x202L,0x51L))) {
- A26x0.Addr = (ULONG)cd->cd_BoardAddr;
- A26x0.Size = (ULONG)cd->cd_BoardSize;
- }
- }
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* Codes for the FASTROM action. */
- #define FR_NO_ACTION 0
- #define FR_DELETE 1
- /* Command line tokens */
- static char *CLITokens[] =
- { "68000","68010","68020","68030","68040","68851","68881","68882","FPU",
- #define CT_CHECK CHECKS+0
- #define CT_NOFROM CHECKS+2
- #define CT_KEYPAT CHECKS+4
- #define CT_TRAP CHECKS+5
- #define CT_DATA CHECKS+6
- #define CT_INST CHECKS+7
- #define CT_CACHE CHECKS+8
- #define CT_BURST CHECKS+10
- #define CT_NOBURST CHECKS+11
- #define CT_VERBOSE CHECKS+12
- #define CT_KICKROM CHECKS+13
- #define CT_CARDROM CHECKS+14
- #define CT_CONFIG CHECKS+15
- #define CT_HEAD CHECKS+16
- #define CT_DELAY CHECKS+17
- #define CT_KEEPEX CHECKS+18
- #define CT_ROMBOOT CHECKS+19
- #define CT_NOSTACK CHECKS+20
- #define CT_BITS CHECKS+21
- #define CT_HELP CHECKS+22
- /* This function fetches a bounded numeric value, or takes the error trap
- for numeric arguments if things aren't right. */
- short getnumber(arg,low,high)
- char *arg;
- short low, high;
- {
- short num;
- if (!arg || !isdigit(*arg) || (num = atoi(arg)) < low || num > high)
- quit(11);
- return num;
- }
- /* This is basically the DiskSalv command-line parser re-written for the
- SetCPU command set. */
- static USHORT ParseCommandLine(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- short i,j, trapmode = 0, bitcnt;
- struct patch *p;
- BPTR lock;
- char *file;
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- for (j = 0; CLITokens[j] && !striequ(argv[i],CLITokens[j]); ++j);
- if (j < CHECKS) {
- if (quitcode != WARNING) return 12;
- tags[j] = TRUE;
- } else switch (j) {
- case CT_CHECK : quitcode = WARNING; break;
- case CT_NOFROM : fastrom = FR_DELETE; break;
- case CT_DATA : mode = CACR_DATA; break;
- case CT_INST : mode = CACR_INST; break;
- case CT_CACHE : newCACR |= mode << CACR_ENABLE; break;
- case CT_NOCACHE: newCACR &= ~(mode << CACR_ENABLE); break;
- case CT_BURST : newCACR |= mode << CACR_BURST; break;
- case CT_NOBURST: newCACR &= ~(mode << CACR_BURST); break;
- case CT_VERBOSE: verbose = TRUE; break;
- case CT_HEAD : allochead = TRUE; break;
- case CT_KEEPEX : keepexec = FALSE; break;
- case CT_HELP : helpmode = TRUE; break;
- case CT_NOSTACK: stack = FALSE; break;
- case CT_ROMBOOT:
- if (argc != 2)
- quit(25);
- else
- CleanBoot();
- case CT_TRAP :
- if (argv[i+1] && isdigit(argv[i+1][0]))
- trapmode = getnumber(argv[++i],0,2);
- if (trapmode == 0) wrapbits = 0;
- handler = (trapmode == 2);
- break;
- case CT_BITS :
- if (argv[i+1] && isdigit(argv[i+1][0]))
- bitcnt = getnumber(argv[++i],24,32);
- forcewrap = 32-bitcnt;
- break;
- case CT_CONFIG :
- configset = TRUE;
- configlevel = getnumber(argv[++i],0,2);
- break;
- case CT_DELAY:
- bootdelay = 0x60000L*(ULONG)getnumber(argv[++i],0,100);
- break;
- case CT_KEYPAT :
- SetKeyDelay(100L * (ULONG)getnumber(argv[++i],1,100));
- for (p = SystemPatch; p; p = p->next)
- if (p->list[KEYPATCH].Type == PT_KEYBOARD) {
- p->list[KEYPATCH].Length = KeyCodeSize;
- p->list[KEYPATCH].Code = (UWORD *)KeyCode;
- p->list[KEYPATCH].Type = PT_JSR;
- }
- break;
- case CT_NOPATCH:
- for (p = SystemPatch; p; p = p->next) {
- j = 0;
- while (p->list[j].Type != PT_END) {
- if (j != KEYPATCH && p->list[j].Type < PT_END)
- p->list[j++].Type = PT_IGNORE;
- else
- ++j;
- }
- }
- break;
- case CT_FASTROM:
- fastrom = FR_MKFAST;
- if (i+1 < argc && (lock = Lock(argv[i+1],ACCESS_READ))) {
- UnLock(lock);
- romfile = argv[++i];
- }
- break;
- case CT_KICKROM:
- fastrom = FR_MKKICK;
- if (!(romfile = argv[++i])) return 19;
- break;
- case CT_CARDROM:
- if (!(file = argv[++i])) return 19;
- if (!ReadExpDevs(file)) return 15;
- break;
- default: return 12;
- }
- }
- if (f_KEYPAT && !f_FASTROM) return 17;
- return 0;
- }
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* This routine prints FPU codes and sets things accordingly. */
- void PrintFPU()
- {
- if (fpu == 68881L) {
- printf("68881 ");
- if (tags[CK68881]) quitcode = 0;
- } else if (fpu == 68882L) {
- printf("68882 ");
- if (tags[CK68882]) quitcode = 0;
- }
- if (fpu && tags[CKFPU]) quitcode = 0;
- }
- /* This program displays the system CPU setup and sets any appropriate check
- flags. */
- void PrintSystem() {
- ULONG mmuon,dmask = CACR_DATA,imask = CACR_INST,shft = CACR_ENABLE;
- struct systag *tag;
- printf("SYSTEM: ");
- /* If they're not on a 68020/68030, we can't set anything. For
- compatibility across systems, I don't consider a cache setting
- request an error, just ignore it. */
- if (cpu <= 68010L) {
- if (cpu == 68010L) {
- printf("68010 ");
- if (tags[CK68010]) quitcode = 0;
- } else {
- printf("68000 ");
- if (tags[CK68000]) quitcode = 0;
- }
- PrintFPU();
- printf("\n");
- return;
- }
- /* The 32 bit system might have ROMs and things... */
- if (cpu == 68040L) {
- dmask = CACR_DATA40;
- shft = CACR_ENABLE40;
- printf("68040 ");
- if (tags[CK68040]) quitcode = 0;
- } else if (cpu == 68030L) {
- printf("68030 ");
- if (tags[CK68030]) quitcode = 0;
- } else {
- printf("68020 ");
- if (tags[CK68020]) quitcode = 0;
- }
- PrintFPU();
- if (mmu == 68851L) {
- printf("68851 ");
- if (tags[CK68851]) quitcode = 0;
- }
- if (mmu && mmu != BOGUSMMU && mmu != 68040) {
- mmuon = (GetTC() & TC_ENB);
- if (tags[CKMMU]) quitcode = 0;
- if (tags[CKMMUON] && mmuon) quitcode = 0;
- if (tag = GetSysTag()) {
- if (tags[CKMMUROM]) quitcode = 0;
- switch (tag->romtype) {
- case ROM_FAST:
- printf("FASTROM "); break;
- case ROM_KICK:
- printf("SLOWKICK "); break;
- case ROM_FKICK:
- printf("FASTKICK "); break;
- default:
- printf("NEWKICK? "); break;
- }
- } else if (mmuon) {
- if (tags[CKMMUALIEN]) quitcode = 0;
- printf("ALIENMMU ");
- }
- } else if (mmu == BOGUSMMU)
- printf("(FPU LOGIC ERROR) ");
- /* We always print the results, even if nothing has changed. */
- newCACR = GetCACR();
- printf("(INST: ");
- if (!(newCACR & (imask << shft))) printf("NO");
- printf("CACHE");
- if (cpu >= 68030L) {
- if (cpu == 68030) {
- printf(" ");
- if (!(newCACR & (CACR_INST << CACR_BURST))) printf("NO");
- printf("BURST");
- }
- printf(") (DATA: ");
- if (!(newCACR & (dmask << shft))) printf("NO");
- printf("CACHE");
- if (cpu == 68030) {
- printf(" ");
- if (!(newCACR & (CACR_DATA << CACR_BURST))) printf("NO");
- printf("BURST");
- }
- }
- printf(")\n");
- }
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* This function returns TRUE is the tag ROM passed is the same version
- as the actual ROM in use, FALSE otherwise. */
- BOOL CheckVersion(tag)
- struct systag *tag;
- {
- UWORD *tagver,*kickver = (UWORD *)(0x100000C - (*(ULONG *)0xFFFFEC));
- ULONG *rom = (ULONG *)((ULONG)tag->romhi);
- tagver = (UWORD *)(((ULONG)rom + SMALLROMSIZE + 0x0C) - rom[0xfffb]);
- return (BOOL) (kickver[0] == tagver[0] && kickver[1] == tagver[1]);
- }
- /* This function deals with the FASTROM/KICKROM patches and the like. */
- void DoROMStuff(tag)
- struct systag *tag;
- {
- struct systag *newtag;
- switch (fastrom) {
- case FR_MKFAST:
- if (tag) switch (tag->romtype) {
- case ROM_FAST:
- DeleteFastROM(tag);
- if (romfile) {
- if (!(newtag = AllocDISKImage(ROM_FAST,romfile)))
- if (LoadErr) quit(LoadErr); else quit(14);
- if (!CheckVersion(newtag)) {
- DeleteFastROM(newtag);
- quit(21);
- }
- } else
- newtag = AllocROMImage(ROM_FAST);
- if (!CreateFastROM(newtag,wrapbits)) quit(14);
- break;
- case ROM_KICK:
- SetupConfig(tag);
- if (!CreateFastROM(AllocROMImage(ROM_FKICK),wrapbits)) quit(14);
- FreeSAFEImage(tag);
- break;
- case ROM_FKICK:
- quit(20);
- } else {
- if (cpu == 68040) quit(26);
- if (aliens) quit(27);
- if (romfile) {
- if (!(newtag = AllocDISKImage(ROM_FAST,romfile)))
- if (LoadErr) quit(LoadErr); else quit(14);
- if (!CheckVersion(newtag)) {
- DeleteFastROM(newtag);
- quit(21);
- }
- } else
- newtag = AllocROMImage(ROM_FAST);
- if (!CreateFastROM(newtag,wrapbits)) quit(14);
- }
- break;
- case FR_MKKICK:
- if (tag) switch (tag->romtype) {
- case ROM_FAST:
- DeleteFastROM(tag);
- case ROM_FKICK:
- if (!CreateKickROM(AllocDISKImage(ROM_KICK,romfile),wrapbits))
- if (LoadErr) quit(LoadErr); else quit(18);
- case ROM_KICK:
- SetupConfig(tag);
- if (!CreateFastROM(AllocROMImage(ROM_FKICK),wrapbits)) quit(14);
- FreeSAFEImage(tag);
- break;
- } else {
- if (cpu == 68040) quit(26);
- if (!CreateKickROM(AllocDISKImage(ROM_KICK,romfile),wrapbits))
- if (LoadErr) quit(LoadErr); else quit(18);
- }
- break;
- case FR_DELETE:
- if (fastrom == FR_DELETE && tag) {
- if (tag->romtype != ROM_FAST) quit(13);
- DeleteFastROM(tag);
- }
- break;
- case FR_NO_ACTION:
- if (configset && tag) SetupConfig(tag);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* ====================================================================== */
- /* This be the main program. */
- int main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- struct systag *tag;
- USHORT i,err;
- /* First we parse the command line. The default cache operation acts
- on both data and instruction caches. The way all the cache control
- functions are defined, they're just NOPs on machines without the
- appropriate caches. */
- if ((cpu = GetCPUType()) >= 68020L) {
- newCACR = oldCACR = GetCACR();
- }
- for (i = 0; i < CHECKS; ++i) tags[i] = FALSE;
- if (argc > 1 && (err = ParseCommandLine(argc,argv))) quit(err);
- /* If they're just asking for help */
- if (verbose || helpmode)
- printf("\23333mSetCPU V%1.2f by Dave Haynie\2330m\n",
- ((float)PROGRAM_VERSION)/100.0);
- if (helpmode) quit(1);
- /* The FastROM routine uses the expansion library. It's possible to have
- an old version of the OS without this, so I'll be careful to avoid
- using any ExpansionBase function without checking for the base being
- valid. */
- if (ExpansionBase = (struct ExpansionBase *)OpenLibrary("expansion.library",0L))
- SnoopDevs();
- /* Let's find out what we have, and perform the ROM translation, if it's
- requested and hasn't been done already. */
- fpu = GetFPUType();
- if ((mmu = GetMMUType()) && mmu != BOGUSMMU) {
- tag = GetSysTag();
- aliens = (GetTC() & TC_ENB) && !tag;
- }
- if (mmu && mmu != BOGUSMMU) DoROMStuff(tag);
- PrintSystem();
- if (verbose && cpu >= 68020 && (GetTC() & TC_ENB)) PrintFastROM();
- quit(quitcode);
- }