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- #include "o5c.h"
- #include <math.h>
- #define PI 3.1415927
- #define MOD_NUM 10000
- #define get_y(val) (val % MOD_NUM)
- #define get_x(val) ((int) (val / MOD_NUM))
- int p1_offset, p2_offset, p3_offset;
- StrID tee_str_id, fork_str_id, arrow_str_id;
- BOOLEAN first = TRUE;
- void
- init()
- {
- StringEntry str_entry;
- p1_offset = dollar_litbind("p1");
- p2_offset = dollar_litbind("p2");
- p3_offset = dollar_litbind("p3");
- str_entry = AddString("tee",attr_values);
- tee_str_id = str_entry->str_id;
- str_entry = AddString("fork",attr_values);
- fork_str_id = str_entry->str_id;
- str_entry = AddString("arrow",attr_values);
- arrow_str_id = str_entry->str_id;
- first = FALSE;
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * This function is passed two points and calculates the angle between the
- * line defined by these points and the x-axis.
- **********************************************************************/
- float
- get_angle(p1,p2)
- int p1,p2;
- {
- int delta_x, delta_y;
- /* Calculate (x2 - x1) and (y2 - y1). The points are passed in the
- * form x1y1 and x2y2. get_x() and get_y() are passed these points
- * and return the x and y values respectively. For example,
- * get_x(1020) returns 10. */
- delta_x = get_x(p2) - get_x(p1);
- delta_y = get_y(p2) - get_y(p1);
- if (delta_x == 0) {
- if (delta_y > 0)
- return(PI/2);
- else if (delta_y < 0)
- return(-PI/2);
- }
- else if (delta_y == 0) {
- if (delta_x > 0)
- return(0.0);
- else if (delta_x < 0)
- return(PI);
- }
- else
- return((float) atan( ((float) delta_y) / ((float) delta_x)));
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * This procedure is passed the basepoint of the intersection of two lines
- * as well as the other two endpoints of the lines and calculates the
- * angle inscribed by these three points.
- **********************************************************************/
- float
- inscribed_angle(basepoint,p1,p2)
- int basepoint, p1, p2;
- {
- float angle1, angle2, temp;
- /* Get the angle between line #1 and the origin and the angle
- * between line #2 and the origin, and then subtract these values. */
- angle1 = get_angle(basepoint,p1);
- angle2 = get_angle(basepoint,p2);
- temp = angle1 - angle2;
- if (temp < 0.0)
- temp = -temp;
- /* We always want the smaller of the two angles inscribed, so if the
- * answer is greater than 180 degrees, calculate the smaller angle and
- * return it. */
- if (temp > PI)
- temp = 2*PI - temp;
- if (temp < 0.0)
- return(-temp);
- return(temp);
- }
- void
- make_3_junction(argc)
- int argc;
- {
- int basepoint,p1,p2,p3;
- int shaft,barb1,barb2;
- float angle12, angle13, angle23;
- float sum, sum1213, sum1223, sum1323;
- float delta;
- if (first)
- init();
- basepoint = args[0].data.ival;
- p1 = args[1].data.ival;
- p2 = args[2].data.ival;
- p3 = args[3].data.ival;
- angle12 = inscribed_angle(basepoint,p1,p2);
- angle13 = inscribed_angle(basepoint,p1,p3);
- angle23 = inscribed_angle(basepoint,p2,p3);
- sum1213 = angle12 + angle13;
- sum1223 = angle12 + angle23;
- sum1323 = angle13 + angle23;
- if (sum1213 < sum1223) {
- if (sum1213 < sum1323) {
- sum = sum1213;
- shaft = p1; barb1 = p2; barb2 = p3;
- }
- else {
- sum = sum1323;
- shaft = p3; barb1 = p1; barb2 = p2;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (sum1223 < sum1323) {
- sum = sum1223;
- shaft = p2; barb1 = p1; barb2 = p3;
- }
- else {
- sum = sum1323;
- shaft = p3; barb1 = p1; barb2 = p2;
- }
- }
- delta = sum - PI;
- if (delta < 0.0)
- delta = -delta;
- if (delta < 0.001)
- dollar_str_val(tee_str_id);
- else if (sum > PI)
- dollar_str_val(fork_str_id);
- else
- dollar_str_val(arrow_str_id);
- dollar_tab1(p1_offset);
- dollar_int_val(barb1);
- dollar_tab1(p2_offset);
- dollar_int_val(shaft);
- dollar_tab1(p3_offset);
- dollar_int_val(barb2);
- }