home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;11-Jan-88 12-29-03-EST,11896;000000000001
- ;Return-Path- <Milind.Tambe@b.gp.cs.cmu.edu>
- ;Received- from B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU by CS.COLUMBIA.EDU with TCP; Mon 11 Jan 88 12-28-50-EST
- ;Date- Mon, 11 Jan 88 12-24-05 EST
- ;From- Milind.Tambe@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU
- ;Subject- The Tourney program
- ;
- ;Here is second OPS5 program
- (literalize player
- number
- nights-scheduled)
- (literalize foursome
- night
- group
- north
- south
- east
- west)
- (literalize context
- name)
- (literalize scheduling
- night)
- (literalize already-played
- player1
- player2)
- (literalize candidate
- group
- chosen
- south
- east
- west)
- (literalize start
- state
- )
- (p startup
- (start ^state 1)
- -->
- (make player ^number 1 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 2 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 3 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 4 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 5 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 6 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 7 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 8 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 9 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 10 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 11 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 12 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 13 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 14 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 15 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make player ^number 16 ^nights-scheduled 0)
- (make foursome ^night 1 ^group a ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 1 ^group b ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 1 ^group c ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 1 ^group d ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 2 ^group a ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 2 ^group b ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 2 ^group c ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 2 ^group d ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 3 ^group a ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 3 ^group b ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 3 ^group c ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 3 ^group d ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 4 ^group a ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 4 ^group b ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 4 ^group c ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 4 ^group d ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 5 ^group a ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 5 ^group b ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 5 ^group c ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make foursome ^night 5 ^group d ^north nil ^south nil ^east nil ^west nil)
- (make context ^name north)
- (make scheduling ^night 1)
- (write (tabto 32) |Tournament Schedule| (crlf) (crlf)
- (tabto 15) |N S E W|
- (tabto 42) |N S E W|
- (tabto 68) |N S E W| (crlf)
- (tabto 15) |= = = =|
- (tabto 42) |= = = =|
- (tabto 68) |= = = =| (crlf)))
- (p north-pick-one-1
- (context ^name north)
- (scheduling ^night <n>)
- { <THE-FOURSOME> (foursome ^night <n> ^north nil) }
- { <THE-PLAYER> (player ^number <p> ^nights-scheduled < <n>) }
- (foursome ^night <n> ^north { <p1> <> nil })
- (foursome ^night <n> ^north { <p2> <> <p1> <> nil })
- (foursome ^night <n> ^north { <p3> <> <p2> <> <p1> <> nil })
- (already-played ^player1 <p> ^player2 <p1>)
- (already-played ^player1 <p> ^player2 <p2>)
- (already-played ^player1 <p> ^player2 <p3>)
- -->
- (modify <THE-PLAYER> ^nights-scheduled <n>)
- (modify <THE-FOURSOME> ^north <p>) )
- (p north-pick-one-2
- (context ^name north)
- (scheduling ^night <n>)
- { <THE-FOURSOME> (foursome ^night <n> ^north nil) }
- { <THE-PLAYER> (player ^number <p> ^nights-scheduled < <n>) }
- (foursome ^night <n> ^north { <p1> <> nil })
- (foursome ^night <n> ^north { <p2> <> <p1> <> nil })
- (already-played ^player1 <p> ^player2 <p1>)
- (already-played ^player1 <p> ^player2 <p2>)
- -->
- (modify <THE-PLAYER> ^nights-scheduled <n>)
- (modify <THE-FOURSOME> ^north <p>) )
- (p north-pick-one-3
- (context ^name north)
- (scheduling ^night <n>)
- { <THE-FOURSOME> (foursome ^night <n> ^north nil) }
- { <THE-PLAYER> (player ^number <p> ^nights-scheduled < <n>) }
- (foursome ^night <n> ^north { <p1> <> nil })
- (already-played ^player1 <p> ^player2 <p1>)
- -->
- (modify <THE-PLAYER> ^nights-scheduled <n>)
- (modify <THE-FOURSOME> ^north <p>) )
- (p north-pick-one-4
- (context ^name north)
- (scheduling ^night <n>)
- { <THE-FOURSOME> (foursome ^night <n> ^north nil) }
- { <THE-PLAYER> (player ^number <p> ^nights-scheduled < <n>) }
- -->
- (modify <THE-PLAYER> ^nights-scheduled <n>)
- (modify <THE-FOURSOME> ^north <p>) )
- (p north-done
- { <THE-CONTEXT> (context ^name north) }
- -->
- (modify <THE-CONTEXT> ^name make-candidates))
- (p make-candidates-make-candidate
- (context ^name make-candidates)
- (scheduling ^night { <n> < 3 })
- (foursome ^night <n> ^group <g> ^north <yankee>)
- (player ^number <redneck> ^nights-scheduled < <n>)
- (player ^number { <oriental> < <redneck> } ^nights-scheduled < <n>)
- (player ^number { <cowboy> < <oriental> } ^nights-scheduled < <n>)
- - (already-played ^player1 <yankee> ^player2 <redneck>)
- - (already-played ^player1 <yankee> ^player2 <oriental>)
- - (already-played ^player1 <yankee> ^player2 <cowboy>)
- - (already-played ^player1 <redneck> ^player2 <oriental>)
- - (already-played ^player1 <redneck> ^player2 <cowboy>)
- - (already-played ^player1 <oriental> ^player2 <cowboy>)
- - (candidate ^group <g> ^chosen no ^south <redneck> ^east <oriental>)
- - (candidate ^group <g> ^chosen no ^south <redneck> ^west <cowboy>)
- - (candidate ^group <g> ^chosen no ^east <oriental> ^west <cowboy>)
- -->
- (make candidate ^group <g> ^chosen no
- ^south <redneck> ^east <oriental> ^west <cowboy>))
- (p make-candidates-make-candidate-late
- (context ^name make-candidates)
- (scheduling ^night { <n> > 2 })
- (foursome ^night <n> ^group <g> ^north <yankee>)
- (player ^number <redneck> ^nights-scheduled < <n>)
- (player ^number { <oriental> < <redneck> } ^nights-scheduled < <n>)
- (player ^number { <cowboy> < <oriental> } ^nights-scheduled < <n>)
- - (already-played ^player1 <yankee> ^player2 <redneck>)
- - (already-played ^player1 <yankee> ^player2 <oriental>)
- - (already-played ^player1 <yankee> ^player2 <cowboy>)
- - (already-played ^player1 <redneck> ^player2 <oriental>)
- - (already-played ^player1 <redneck> ^player2 <cowboy>)
- - (already-played ^player1 <oriental> ^player2 <cowboy>)
- -->
- (make candidate ^group <g> ^chosen no
- ^south <redneck> ^east <oriental> ^west <cowboy>))
- (p make-candidates-done
- { <THE-CONTEXT> (context ^name make-candidates) }
- -->
- (modify <THE-CONTEXT> ^name make-choice))
- (p make-choice-doit
- { <THE-CONTEXT> (context ^name make-choice) }
- { <WINNER-A> (candidate ^group a ^chosen no
- ^south <sa>
- ^east <ea>
- ^west <wa>) }
- { <WINNER-B> (candidate ^group b ^chosen no
- ^south { <sb> <> <sa> <> <ea> <> <wa> }
- ^east { <eb> <> <sa> <> <ea> <> <wa> }
- ^west { <wb> <> <sa> <> <ea> <> <wa> }) }
- { <WINNER-C> (candidate ^group c ^chosen no
- ^south { <sc> <> <sa> <> <ea> <> <wa> <> <sb> <> <eb> <> <wb> }
- ^east { <ec> <> <sa> <> <ea> <> <wa> <> <sb> <> <eb> <> <wb> }
- ^west { <wc> <> <sa> <> <ea> <> <wa> <> <sb> <> <eb> <> <wb> }) }
- { <WINNER-D> (candidate ^group d ^chosen no
- ^south { <sd>
- <> <sa> <> <ea> <> <wa>
- <> <sb> <> <eb> <> <wb>
- <> <sc> <> <ec> <> <wc> }
- ^east { <ed>
- <> <sa> <> <ea> <> <wa>
- <> <sb> <> <eb> <> <wb>
- <> <sc> <> <ec> <> <wc> }
- ^west { <wd>
- <> <sa> <> <ea> <> <wa>
- <> <sb> <> <eb> <> <wb>
- <> <sc> <> <ec> <> <wc> }) }
- -->
- (modify <WINNER-A> ^chosen yes)
- (modify <WINNER-B> ^chosen yes)
- (modify <WINNER-C> ^chosen yes)
- (modify <WINNER-D> ^chosen yes)
- (modify <THE-CONTEXT> ^name remove-candidates))
- (p remove-candidates-bye
- (context ^name remove-candidates)
- { <THE-CANDIDATE> (candidate ^chosen no) }
- -->
- (remove <THE-CANDIDATE>))
- (p remove-candidates-done
- { <THE-CONTEXT> (context ^name remove-candidates) }
- -->
- (modify <THE-CONTEXT> ^name apply-choice))
- (p apply-choice-doit
- (context ^name apply-choice)
- (scheduling ^night <n>)
- { <THE-FOURSOME> (foursome ^night <n> ^group <g> ^north <yankee>) }
- { <THE-CHOICE> (candidate ^group <g> ^chosen yes
- ^south <redneck> ^east <oriental> ^west <cowboy>) }
- -->
- (modify <THE-FOURSOME> ^south <redneck> ^east <oriental> ^west <cowboy>)
- (remove <THE-CHOICE>)
- (make already-played ^player1 <yankee> ^player2 <redneck>)
- (make already-played ^player2 <yankee> ^player1 <redneck>)
- (make already-played ^player1 <yankee> ^player2 <oriental>)
- (make already-played ^player2 <yankee> ^player1 <oriental>)
- (make already-played ^player1 <yankee> ^player2 <cowboy>)
- (make already-played ^player2 <yankee> ^player1 <cowboy>)
- (make already-played ^player1 <redneck> ^player2 <oriental>)
- (make already-played ^player2 <redneck> ^player1 <oriental>)
- (make already-played ^player1 <redneck> ^player2 <cowboy>)
- (make already-played ^player2 <redneck> ^player1 <cowboy>)
- (make already-played ^player1 <oriental> ^player2 <cowboy>)
- (make already-played ^player2 <oriental> ^player1 <cowboy>))
- (p apply-choice-done
- { <THE-CONTEXT> (context ^name apply-choice) }
- -->
- (modify <THE-CONTEXT> ^name report))
- (p report-night-schedule
- { <THE-CONTEXT> (context ^name report) }
- (scheduling ^night <n>)
- (foursome ^night <n> ^group a ^north <an> ^south <as> ^east <ae> ^west <aw>)
- (foursome ^night <n> ^group b ^north <bn> ^south <bs> ^east <be> ^west <bw>)
- (foursome ^night <n> ^group c ^north <cn> ^south <cs> ^east <ce> ^west <cw>)
- (foursome ^night <n> ^group d ^north <dn> ^south <ds> ^east <de> ^west <dw>)
- -->
- (modify <THE-CONTEXT> ^name next-night)
- (bind <n2> (compute <n> + 5))
- (bind <n3> (compute <n> + 10))
- (write (crlf) (rjust 1) |#| (rjust 1) <n> (rjust 1) - (tabto 5)
- |Group A-| (rjust 3) <an> (rjust 3) <as> (rjust 3) <ae> (rjust 3) <aw>
- (tabto 27) (rjust 1) |#| (rjust 2) <n2> (rjust 1) - (tabto 32)
- |Group A-| (rjust 3) <an> (rjust 3) <ae> (rjust 3) <as> (rjust 3) <aw>
- (tabto 53) (rjust 1) |#| (rjust 2) <n3> (rjust 1)- (tabto 58)
- |Group A-| (rjust 3) <an> (rjust 3) <aw> (rjust 3) <ae> (rjust 3) <as>)
- (write (crlf)
- (tabto 5)
- |Group B-| (rjust 3) <bn> (rjust 3) <bs> (rjust 3) <be> (rjust 3) <bw>
- (tabto 32)
- |Group B-| (rjust 3) <bn> (rjust 3) <be> (rjust 3) <bs> (rjust 3) <bw>
- (tabto 58)
- |Group B-| (rjust 3) <bn> (rjust 3) <bw> (rjust 3) <be> (rjust 3) <bs>)
- (write (crlf)
- (tabto 5)
- |Group C-| (rjust 3) <cn> (rjust 3) <cs> (rjust 3) <ce> (rjust 3) <cw>
- (tabto 32)
- |Group C-| (rjust 3) <cn> (rjust 3) <ce> (rjust 3) <cs> (rjust 3) <cw>
- (tabto 58)
- |Group C-| (rjust 3) <cn> (rjust 3) <cw> (rjust 3) <ce> (rjust 3) <cs>)
- (write (crlf)
- (tabto 5)
- |Group D-| (rjust 3) <dn> (rjust 3) <ds> (rjust 3) <de> (rjust 3) <dw>
- (tabto 32)
- |Group D-| (rjust 3) <dn> (rjust 3) <de> (rjust 3) <ds> (rjust 3) <dw>
- (tabto 58)
- |Group D-| (rjust 3) <dn> (rjust 3) <dw> (rjust 3) <de> (rjust 3) <ds>
- (crlf)))
- (p next-night-more
- { <THE-CONTEXT> (context ^name next-night) }
- { <THE-NIGHT> (scheduling ^night { <n> < 5 }) }
- -->
- (modify <THE-CONTEXT> ^name north)
- (modify <THE-NIGHT> ^night (compute <n> + 1)))
- (p next-night-done
- (context ^name next-night)
- -->
- (write (tabto 32) |End of Scheduling| (crlf) (crlf)))