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- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Mini Prolog Version 1.5g Mark P. Jones 23rd July 1991
- A simple Prolog interpreter, for Gofer 2.20
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- This document gives a brief introduction to Mini Prolog Version 1.5g, a simple
- Prolog interpreter that can be used with Gofer 2.20. The original version of
- this program was written nearly two years ago as an Orwell program, running on
- the interpreter used here in Oxford for teaching functional programming. More
- recently I rewrote the interpreter for the Haskell B. compiler produced by the
- people at Chalmers in Sweden, and took the opportunity to experiment with some
- of the new features of Haskell, including type classes and I/O. Only a few
- small changes to the Haskell B version have been necessary to make Mini Prolog
- run under my own Haskell-like interpreter, Gofer, with most of these being
- required to take account of changes in the definition of Haskell from version
- 1.0 to the latest version 1.1, due at the end of the month.
- This document isn't going to explain a lot about how Prolog programs are
- written and work. But there are plenty of other references for that. Please
- feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions. I'd very much like
- to receive any comments.
- mpj@prg.oxford.ac.uk
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- The Mini Prolog interpreter takes the form of a small collection of Gofer
- scripts. The most important part of any implementation of Prolog is the
- inference engine which controls the search for goals to user supplied
- queries. Mini Prolog comes with a choice of two different inference engines,
- the `pure' engine uses lazy evaluation to construct and traverse potentially
- infinite proof trees. The `stack' engine uses an explicit stack (implemented
- using a list) to provide a more concrete description of backtracking. The
- stack engine also implements the Prolog cut `!' predicate, used in the
- examples below. Assuming that you've got everything set up properly to use
- the Gofer interpreter, and that all of the Mini Prolog script files are in the
- current working directory, you should start Gofer with the command `gofer':
- machine% gofer
- Gofer Version 2.20
- Reading script file "/users/mpj/research/Gofer/prelude":
- Parsing...................................................................
- Dependency analysis.......................................................
- Type checking.............................................................
- Compiling.................................................................
- Gofer session for:
- /users/mpj/research/Gofer/prelude
- Type :? for help
- and then specify the appropriate set of script to be loaded:
- ? :l Parse Interact PrologData Subst PureEngine Main
- for the `pure' version of the inference engine, or:
- ? :l Parse Interact PrologData Subst StackEngine Main
- for the stack version, which is the one needed for the rest of this document.
- Once the script files have been loaded, start the Mini prolog interpreter by
- typing the expression `main' and pressing return.
- ? main
- Mini Prolog Version 1.5g (stack based)
- Reading stdlib........done
- >
- The `>' prompt indicates that the interpreter is running and waiting for user
- input.
- Before the `>' prompt appears, Mini Prolog reads a set of standard predicate
- definitions from the file `stdlib' in the current directory. You are free to
- modify this file to suit your own needs. The only predicate that is built in
- to Mini Prolog is the cut, written `!' whose use is demonstrated below. There
- are no other extralogical predicates, no input/output predicates and no
- arithmetic as found in full implementations of Prolog. Some of these features
- could be added to the interpreter without too much difficulty, others would
- require rather more work.
- At any time, you can ask the interpreter to display the list of rules that are
- being held in the database by typing "??" and pressing the return key. Try
- this after you've started the interpreter and you'll get a list of the
- predicates defined in the file `stdlib'. For example:
- > ??
- append(nil,X,X).
- append(cons(X,Y),Z,cons(X,W)):-append(Y,Z,W).
- equals(X,X).
- not(X):-X,!,false.
- not(X).
- or(X,Y):-X.
- or(X,Y):-Y.
- true.
- >
- The Mini Prolog interpreter does not support the standard Prolog syntax for
- lists. Instead, you have to write the list [1,2,3] as
- "cons(1,cons(2,cons(3,nil)))". One of the first things I tried was appending
- two simple lists:
- > ?- append(cons(1,nil),cons(2,nil),X)
- X = cons(1,cons(2,nil)) ;
- no.
- >
- Given a query, Mini Prolog attempts to find values for each of the variables
- (beginning with a capital letter) in the query. Here Mini Prolog has found
- that X = cons(1,cons(2,nil)) is a solution to the query. When I press the
- semicolon key, ";", it tries to find another solution, but fails and displays
- the message "no.".
- What amazed me when I first started experimenting with Prolog was that I could
- actually ask Mini Prolog to work through the problem in reverse, asking which
- lists could be appended to get the list cons(1,cons(2,nil)):
- > ?- append(X,Y,cons(1,cons(2,nil)))
- X = nil
- Y = cons(1,cons(2,nil)) ;
- X = cons(1,nil)
- Y = cons(2,nil) ;
- X = cons(1,cons(2,nil))
- Y = nil ;
- no.
- >
- Note that the interpreter pauses after displaying each solution and waits for
- a key to be pressed. Pressing `;' tells Mini Prolog to continue looking for
- another solution, displaying `no' if no more solutions can be found. Pressing
- any other key stops the execution of the query. If there are no variables in
- the original query, then the interpreter simply outputs `yes' if the query can
- be proved and otherwise prints `no':
- > ?- append(cons(1,nil),cons(2,nil),cons(1,cons(2,nil)))
- yes.
- > ?- append(cons(1,nil),cons(2,nil),cons(1,cons(3,nil)))
- no.
- >
- Unfortunately, typing a control C to interrupt a query with an infinite loop
- will exit the Prolog interpreter completely -- sorry, but I don't know a way
- around this at the moment.
- You don't have to stick with the standard predicates that are already included
- in Mini Prolog. Additional rules can be typed in at the ">" prompt. Here are
- a couple of examples based around the idea of family trees:
- > parent(Child,Parent):-father(Child,Parent).
- > parent(Child,Parent):-mother(Child,Parent).
- > grandparent(GChild,Gparent):-parent(GChild,Parent),parent(Parent,Gparent).
- >
- Note that Mini Prolog expects a maximum of one rule per line, and will not
- allow predicate definitions to be spread out over a number of lines.
- All you have to do now is enter some details about your family and then you
- can ask who your grandparents are ... let's take a typical family:
- > father(charles,princePhilip).
- > mother(charles,theQueen).
- > father(anne,princePhilip).
- > mother(anne,theQueen).
- > father(andrew,princePhilip).
- > mother(andrew,theQueen).
- > father(edward,princePhilip).
- > mother(edward,theQueen).
- > mother(theQueen,theQueenMother).
- > father(william,charles).
- > mother(william,diana).
- > father(harry,charles).
- > mother(harry,diana).
- >
- And now we can ask some questions; like who are the Queen mother's
- grandchildren ?
- > ?- grandparent(X,theQueenMother)
- X = charles ;
- X = anne ;
- X = andrew ;
- X = edward ;
- no.
- >
- or, who are Harry's grandparents ?
- > ?- grandparent(harry,Who)
- Who = princePhilip ;
- Who = theQueen ;
- no.
- >
- Note that Mini Prolog can only use the facts it has been given. Tell it a
- little more about Diana's parents and you'll find it knows more about Harry's
- grandparents.
- Now suppose we define a sibling relation:
- > sibling(One,Tother) :- parent(One,X),parent(Tother,X).
- >
- Fine. It all looks quite correct. But when you try to find Harry's siblings,
- you get:
- > ?- sibling(harry,Who)
- Who = william ;
- Who = harry ;
- Who = william ;
- Who = harry ;
- no.
- >
- Each of William and Harry appears twice in the above. Once by putting
- X=charles and once using X=diana in the definition of sibling above. We can
- use the cut predicate to make sure that we look for at most one parent:
- > newsib(One,Tother) :- parent(One,X),!,parent(Tother,X).
- >
- > ?- newsib(harry,Who)
- Who = william ;
- Who = harry ;
- no.
- >
- Thats better, but we don't really want to list Harry as his own sibling, so
- we'll add a further restriction:
- > newsib1(O,T):-parent(O,X),!,parent(T,X),not(equals(O,T)).
- >
- > ?- newsib1(harry,Who)
- Who = william ;
- no.
- >
- Thats just about perfect. You might like to play with some other examples,
- enlarge the family tree, work out suitable predicates for other relations (who
- are Harry's aunts ?) etc. Initially, the answers that Mini Prolog gives will
- all be pretty obvious to you. Try getting involved in a larger family tree
- and more complicated relations and you'll find it's not so easy.
- I could go on with more examples, but I guess you've got the picture by now
- ... at least I hope so ! I suppose I should just tell you how to get out of
- Mini Prolog (ok. ^C works but its not exactly elegant). Just type "bye" (or
- "quit") and you're out. Be warned though: when you leave Mini Prolog, it will
- not retain any new rules that you've entered, so you'll have to find some
- other way to save them (I usually type "??" to list the rules that I've
- entered and use the mouse to paste them into an editor in another window, but
- that obviously requires you to be using a workstation at the time).
- > bye
- Thank you and goodbye
- (12749 reductions, 1256 cells)
- ?
- entered and use the mouse to paste them into an editor in another window, but
- The `?' prompt tells you that you are now back in Gofer, and you can restart
- Mini Prolog as before, carry on with some other work in Gofer, or use the :q
- command to exit Gofer and return to the operating system.
- I hope you have fun with Mini Prolog; please tell me if you have any comments
- you'd like to make.
- ______________________________________________________________________________