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- --
- -- The Pure Prolog inference engine (using explicit prooftrees)
- -- Mark P. Jones November 1990, modified for Gofer 20th July 1991
- --
- -- uses Gofer version 2.20
- --
- version = "tree based"
- --- Calculation of solutions:
- -- Each node in a prooftree corresponds to:
- -- either: a solution to the current goal, represented by Done s, where s
- -- is the required substitution
- -- or: a choice between a number of subtrees ts, each corresponding to a
- -- proof of a subgoal of the current goal, represented by Choice ts.
- -- The proof tree corresponding to an unsolvable goal is Choice []
- data Prooftree = Done Subst | Choice [Prooftree]
- -- prooftree uses the rules of Prolog to construct a suitable proof tree for
- -- a specified goal
- prooftree :: Database -> Int -> Subst -> [Term] -> Prooftree
- prooftree db = pt
- where pt :: Int -> Subst -> [Term] -> Prooftree
- pt n s [] = Done s
- pt n s (g:gs) = Choice [ pt (n+1) (u@@s) (map (apply u) (tp++gs))
- | (tm:-tp)<-renClauses db n g, u<-unify g tm ]
- -- search performs a depth-first search of a proof tree, producing the list
- -- of solution substitutions as they are encountered.
- search :: Prooftree -> [Subst]
- search (Done s) = [s]
- search (Choice pts) = [ s | pt <- pts, s <- search pt ]
- prove :: Database -> [Term] -> [Subst]
- prove db = search . prooftree db 1 nullSubst
- --- End of PureEngine.hs