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- -- This file contains the example program from section 7.7 of the Haskell
- -- report (version 1.1) for a program using synchronisation.
- main :: Dialogue
- main = readChan stdin abort (\userInput -> readNums (lines userInput))
- readNums :: [String] -> Dialogue
- readNums inputLines = readInt "Enter first number: " inputLines
- (\num1 inputLines1 ->
- readInt "Enter second number: " inputLines1
- (\num2 _ -> reportResult num1 num2))
- reportResult :: Int -> Int -> Dialogue
- reportResult num1 num2
- = appendChan stdout ("Their sum is: "++ show (num1 + num2)) abort done
- -- readInt prints a prompt and then reads a line of input. If the
- -- line contains an integer, the value of the integer is passed to the
- -- success continuation. If a line cannot be parsed as an integer,
- -- an error message is printed and the user is asked to try again.
- -- If EOF is detected, the program is aborted.
- readInt :: String -> [String] -> (Int -> [String] -> Dialogue) -> Dialogue
- readInt prompt inputLines succ
- = appendChan stdout prompt abort
- (case inputLines of
- (l1 : rest) -> case (intRead l1) of
- [(n,"")] -> succ n rest
- _ -> appendChan stdout
- "Error - retype the number\n" abort
- (readInt prompt rest succ)
- _ -> appendChan stdout "Early EOF" abort done)
- -- Since the Gofer standard prelude does not include the reads function in
- -- the Text class, we have explicitly specified intRead in the definition
- -- above (rather than "reads" as used in the Haskell report).
- -- A straightforward (if rather crude) definition of this function follows:
- intRead :: String -> [(Int,String)]
- intRead "" = []
- intRead s = loop 0 s
- where loop n [] = [(n,"")]
- loop n s@(d:ds)
- | isDigit d = loop (10*n+(ord d - ord '0')) ds
- | otherwise = [(n,s)]