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- -- Some examples of functional programming for Gofer
- -- Factorials:
- fact n = product [1..n] -- a simple definition
- fac n = if n==0 then 1 else n * fac (n-1) -- a recursive definition
- fac' 0 = 1 -- using two equations
- fac' n = n * fac (n-1)
- facts = scanl (*) 1 [1..] -- the infinite list of factorials
- facts' = 1 : zipWith (*) facts' [1..] -- another way of doing it
- facFix = fixedPt f -- using a fixed point combinator
- where f g 0 = 1 -- overlapping patterns
- f g n = n * g (n-1)
- fixedPt f = g where g = f g -- fixed point combinator
- facCase = \n -> case n of
- 0 -> 1
- (m+1) -> (m+1) * facCase m
- -- Fibonacci numbers:
- fib 0 = 0 -- using pattern matching:
- fib 1 = 1 -- base cases...
- fib (n+2) = fib n + fib (n+1) -- recursive case
- fastFib n = fibs !! n -- using an infinite stream
- where fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
- cnkfib 1 = 1 -- using cnk patterns, in a form
- cnkfib 2 = 1 -- suggested by Tony Davie
- cnkfib (2*n) = (cnkfib(n+1))^^2 - (cnkfib(n-1))^^2
- cnkfib (2*n+1) = (cnkfib(n+1))^^2 + (cnkfib n )^^2
- x^^0 = 1 -- A fast implementation of
- x^^(2*n) = xn*xn where xn = x^^n -- exponentiation
- x^^(2*n+1) = x * x^^(2*n)
- -- Perfect numbers:
- factors n = [ i | i<-[1..n-1], n `mod` i == 0 ]
- perfect n = sum (factors n) == n
- firstperfect = head perfects
- perfects = filter perfect [1..]
- -- Prime numbers:
- primes = map head (iterate sieve [2..])
- sieve (p:xs) = [ x | x<-xs, x `rem` p /= 0 ]
- -- Pythagorean triads:
- triads n = [ (x,y,z) | ns=[1..n], x<-ns, y<-ns, z<-ns, x*x+y*y==z*z ]
- -- The Hamming problem:
- hamming :: [Int]
- hamming = 1 : (map (2*) hamming || map (3*) hamming || map (5*) hamming)
- where (x:xs) || (y:ys) | x==y = x : (xs || ys)
- | x<y = x : (xs || (y:ys))
- | y<x = y : (ys || (x:xs))
- -- Digits of e:
- eFactBase :: [Int]
- eFactBase = map head (iterate scale (2:repeat 1))
- scale = renorm . map (10*) . tail
- renorm ds = foldr step [0] (zip ds [2..])
- step (d,n) bs | (d `mod` n + 9) < n = (d/n) : b : tail bs
- | otherwise = c : b : tail bs
- where b' = head bs
- b = (d+b') `mod` n
- c = (d+b') `div` n
- -- Pascal's triangle
- pascal = iterate (\row -> zipWith (+) ([0]++row) (row++[0])) [1]
- showPascal = (layn . map show . take 14) pascal