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- /*
- ** This implements a simple calculator in REXX with intuition interface.
- ** Intended to serve as an example for RexxArpLib 2.0 and later, NOT as
- ** an example of how to write a calculator...
- **
- ** By W.G.J. Langeveld, november 1988.
- */
- /*
- * Set up a host
- */
- runwsh "'x = CreateHost(REXXCALCHOST, REXXCALCPORT)'"
- /*
- * Wait until it is ready. It times out after a while, so do a few of them.
- * May not be necessary, try it on your system for best results.
- */
- /*
- * Open the window
- */
- call OpenWindow(REXXCALCHOST, 50, 50, 180, 130, idcmp, flags)
- /*
- * Add all the gadgets
- */
- do i = 7 to 9
- call AddGadget(REXXCALCHOST, 20+(i-7)*32, 50, i, i, i)
- end
- do i = 4 to 6
- call AddGadget(REXXCALCHOST, 20+(i-4)*32, 70, i, i, i)
- end
- do i = 1 to 3
- call AddGadget(REXXCALCHOST, 20+(i-1)*32, 90, i, i, i)
- end
- call AddGadget(REXXCALCHOST, 20, 110, 0, " 0 ", 0)
- call AddGadget(REXXCALCHOST, 84, 110, ".", ".", ".")
- call AddGadget(REXXCALCHOST, 120, 70, "X", "X", "*")
- call AddGadget(REXXCALCHOST, 152, 70, "/", "/", "/")
- call AddGadget(REXXCALCHOST, 120, 90, "+", "+", "+")
- call AddGadget(REXXCALCHOST, 152, 90, "-", "-", "-")
- call AddGadget(REXXCALCHOST, 120, 50, "C", " CLR ", "C")
- call AddGadget(REXXCALCHOST, 120, 110, "=", " = ", "=")
- /*
- * Draw the dialogue area
- */
- call SetAPen(REXXCALCHOST, 2)
- call RectFill(REXXCALCHOST, 10, 20, 170, 40)
- call SetAPen(REXXCALCHOST, 1)
- call RectFill(REXXCALCHOST, 15, 25, 165, 35)
- call SetReqColor(REXXCALCHOST, BACKPEN, 1)
- /*
- * Initialize some things first. Make sure we trap errors.
- */
- signal on syntax
- quitflag = 0
- register = 0
- number = 0
- newnum = 1
- call WindowText(REXXCALCHOST, "\ "||number)
- /*
- * This is the part that waits for messages.
- * Study carefully: you have to be sure to get ALL messages.
- */
- mp = openport(REXXCALCPORT)
- start:
- do forever
- if quitflag = 1 then leave
- t = waitpkt(REXXCALCPORT)
- do forever
- p = getpkt(REXXCALCPORT)
- if c2d(p) = 0 then leave
- arg = getarg(p)
- t = reply(p, 0)
- /*
- * Phew! Got a message. Handle it. All this is trivial...
- */
- if arg = CLOSEWINDOW then do
- call CloseWindow(REXXCALCHOST)
- quitflag = 1
- end
- else if index("1234567890.", arg) ~= 0 then do
- if newnum = 1 then do
- number = arg
- newnum = 0
- end
- else number = number||arg
- end
- else if arg = "C" then do
- register = 0
- number = 0
- newnum = 1
- end
- else if index("+-/*", arg) ~= 0 then do
- oper = arg
- register = number
- newnum = 1
- end
- else if arg = "=" then do
- interpret "register"||arg||register||oper||number
- number = register
- newnum = 1
- end
- else nop
- /*
- * Update the dialogue area
- */
- if quitflag ~= 1 then call WindowText(REXXCALCHOST, "\ "||number)
- end
- end
- exit
- /*
- * Error trapping:
- */
- syntax:
- call WindowText(REXXCALCHOST, "\ Error")
- newnum = 1
- signal on syntax
- signal start