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- /*
- **
- ** Test of rexxarplib requesters
- **
- */
- /*
- * First the file requester
- */
- say getfile(50,50)
- say getfile(50,50,,,"Hello folks")
- say getfile(100,50,"ram:",,"hello there")
- say getfile(100,50,"ram:",test,"Pattern Gadget (2.0)",,"PATGAD")
- say getfile(100,50,"ram:",,"ARP requester",,"DOARP")
- say getfile(100,0,"ram:",,"Save Requester (2.0)",,"PATGAD+SAVE",,400,200,"*.txt")
- say getfile(100,50,"ram:",,"Multiple Select(2.0)",,"PATGAD+MULTISELECT",mystem)
- say mystem.0
- do i = 1 to mystem.0
- say mystem.i
- end
- /*
- * Now the boolean/string requester
- */
- say request(25,25," A Boolean requester ",,"Yes","No")
- say request(100,50,,,,)
- say request(100,50,"This is a test", ,,)
- say request(100,50,"This is a test\and this is another line")
- say request(100,50,"Here is a string gadget","String gadget")
- say request(100,50,"Here is a full requester\line 2\line 3","String","Okay","Cancel")
- say request(100,50,"Only String + Cancel is here","String",,"Don't you dare!")
- say request(100,50,"Only Okay is here",,"Okay")
- say request(100,50,"Only Cancel is here",,,"Cancel")
- longstring = ""
- longstring = longstring||"request\"
- longstring = longstring||"=======\\"
- longstring = longstring||" Calling sequence:\\"
- longstring = longstring||" result = request(x, y, prompts, string, okaytext, canceltext)\"
- longstring = longstring||" x = x coordinate of top-left corner of requester.\"
- longstring = longstring||" y = y coordinate of top-left corner of requester.\"
- longstring = longstring||" prompts = A string which will be displayed above any gadgets.\"
- longstring = longstring||" Any embedded 'BS' characters will be treated as a line\"
- longstring = longstring||" break. Up to 9 breaks are supported (10 lines).\"
- longstring = longstring||" string = The default string to be displayed in a string gadget.\"
- longstring = longstring||" If omitted, no string gadget will be provided.\"
- longstring = longstring||" okaytext = The text to be used for an Okay gadget."
- say request(0,0,longstring,"This is the longest requester...","Okay","Quit")
- longstring = ""
- longstring = longstring||" If omitted, no string gadget will be provided.\"
- longstring = longstring||" okaytext = The text to be used for an Okay gadget.\"
- longstring = longstring||" If omitted, no okay gadget will be provided.\"
- longstring = longstring||" canceltext = The text to be used for a Cancel gadget.\"
- longstring = longstring||" If omitted, no cancel gadget will be provided."
- say request(0,0,longstring,"This is a shorter requester...","Okay","Quit")
- /*
- * The font requester
- */
- myfont.Name = 'topaz.font'
- myfont.YSize = 8
- myfont.Style = 0
- myfont.Flags = 0
- myfont.FrontPen = 1
- myfont.BackPen = 0
- font = GetFont(400,60,myfont.Name,myfont.YSize,'Test fonts',, ,
- 'STYLE+FRONTPEN+BACKPEN+DRAWMODE',myfont,,,myfont.Style, ,
- myfont.Flags, myfont.FrontPen, myfont.BackPen)
- if font ~= "" then do
- say "Name " myfont.Name
- say "YSize " myfont.YSize
- say "Style " myfont.Style
- say "Flags " myfont.Flags
- say "Frontpen " myfont.FrontPen
- say "Backpen " myfont.BackPen
- say "DrawMode " myfont.DrawMode
- end