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- * MultiPlayer
- * Copyright (C) 1992 Bryan Ford
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * I (the author of MultiPlayer) can be contacted on the Internet at
- * "bryan.ford@m.cc.utah.edu". See "Player.doc" for other addresses.
- *
- * $Id: flash.asm,v 4.2 92/06/21 11:14:12 BAF Exp Locker: BAF $
- *
- include "exec/types.i"
- include "exec/nodes.i"
- include "exec/tasks.i"
- include "exec/semaphores.i"
- include "exec/libraries.i"
- include "exec/funcdef.i"
- include "exec/exec_lib.i"
- include "graphics/gfx.i"
- include "graphics/rastport.i"
- include "graphics/gfx_lib.i"
- include "dos/dos.i"
- include "bry/macros.i"
- include "player.i"
- xdef _flashyupdate
- xdef _flashytask,_flashysem
- xdef _spectrum,_flashactive,scopechandata,_scopeinterval,_flashytaskptr
- xdef notetab,scrollmod,scrolllines,scrollline
- xref _LinkerDB,_SysBase,_GfxBase
- xref _spectrumrastport,_spectrumboxleft,_spectrumboxtop
- xref _scoperastport,_scopeboxlleft,_scopeboxrleft,_scopeboxtop
- xref _qscoperastport,_qscopeboxlx,_qscopeboxrx,_qscopeboxty,_qscopeboxby
- xref _noterastport,_noteboxleft,_noteboxtop
- xref _flashactive,_spectrum
- code text
- *** _flashyupdate - Code executed in Flashy task
- _flashyupdate
- lea _LinkerDB,a4
- \loop
- ml _SysBase(a4),a6
- ml #SIGBREAKF_CTRL_F,d0 ; Wait for an update signal
- jl Wait
- lea _flashysem,a0 ; Don't want to get killed while we're drawing
- jl ObtainSemaphore
- ml _GfxBase(a4),a6
- mq #0,d7
- tst.l _spectrumrastport
- bz.b \nospectrum
- bsr dospectrum
- \nospectrum
- tst.l _scoperastport ; See if stereo scope is active
- bz \noscope
- cq d2
- lea scopechandata(a4),a0 ; Left scope
- lea scopechandata+scd_SIZEOF*3(a4),a1
- mw _scopeboxlleft,d2
- bsr doscope
- mw _scopeboxrleft,d2 ; Right scope
- lea scopechandata+scd_SIZEOF*1(a4),a0
- lea scopechandata+scd_SIZEOF*2(a4),a1
- bsr doscope
- \noscope
- tst.l _qscoperastport ; See if quadrascope is active
- bz \noqscope
- cq d2
- cq d3
- mw _qscopeboxlx,d2 ; Channel 0 scope (top-left)
- mw _qscopeboxty,d3
- lea scopechandata(a4),a0
- bsr doqscope
- mw _qscopeboxrx,d2 ; Channel 1 scope (top-right)
- mw _qscopeboxty,d3
- lea scopechandata+scd_SIZEOF*1(a4),a0
- bsr doqscope
- mw _qscopeboxrx,d2 ; Channel 2 scope (bottom-right)
- mw _qscopeboxby,d3
- lea scopechandata+scd_SIZEOF*2(a4),a0
- bsr doqscope
- mw _qscopeboxlx,d2 ; Channel 3 scope (bottom-left)
- mw _qscopeboxby,d3
- lea scopechandata+scd_SIZEOF*3(a4),a0
- bsr doqscope
- \noqscope
- tst.l _noterastport ; Draw the note scroller
- bz.b \nonote
- bsr donote
- \nonote
- and.b d7,_flashactive(a4)
- lea _flashysem,a0 ; Don't want to get killed while we're drawing
- ml _SysBase(a4),a6
- jl ReleaseSemaphore
- bra \loop ; Infinite loop
- *** dospectrum - Draw the spectrum display
- dospectrum
- lea specplane0,a0
- lea specplane1,a1
- mq #0,d2
- mq #$7f,d3
- mq #$fffffffe,d4
- \plotspecline
- lea _spectrum(a4),a2
- mq #SPECTRUMRES-1,d1
- \plotspecbyte
- cmp.b (a2)+,d0
- blo.b \plotspecbar
- mb d2,(a0)+
- mb d2,(a1)+
- dbra d1,\plotspecbyte
- dbra d0,\plotspecline
- bra.b \plotspecout
- \plotspecbar
- mb d3,(a0)+
- mb d4,(a1)+
- dbra d1,\plotspecbyte
- dbra d0,\plotspecline
- \plotspecout
- lea spectrumbitmap,a0 ; Copy the new display
- cq d0
- cq d1
- ml _spectrumrastport,a1
- mb #3,rp_Mask(a1)
- cq d2
- mw _spectrumboxleft,d2
- cq d3
- mw _spectrumboxtop,d3
- addq.w #1,d4
- mw #$0c0,d6
- jl BltBitMapRastPort
- mq #0,d1
- lea _spectrum(a4),a0
- mq #SPECTRUMRES-1,d0
- \decspec
- tst.b (a0)+
- bz.b \decspecz
- mq #-1,d7
- subq.b #3,-1(a0)
- bpl.b \decspecz
- clr.b -1(a0)
- \decspecz
- dbra d0,\decspec
- rts
- *** doscope - Draw one display in the stereo scope
- doscope
- cq d0
- tst.w scd_len(a0) ; First channel in use?
- bz.b \noch0
- mw scd_pos(a0),d0 ; Find first channel's data
- ml scd_sample(a0),a0
- add.l d0,a0
- mq #-1,d7 ; Flag that there's something to display
- bra.b \hasch0
- \noch0
- lea zeros,a0
- \hasch0
- tst.w scd_len(a1) ; Second channel in use?
- bz.b \noch1
- mw scd_pos(a1),d0
- ml scd_sample(a1),a1
- add.l d0,a1
- mq #-1,d7 ; Flag that there's something to display
- bra.b \hasch1
- \noch1
- lea zeros,a1
- \hasch1
- \startscan
- lea scopeplane,a3 ; Clear the bitplane first
- cq d1
- \clear
- ml d1,(a3)+
- ml d1,(a3)+
- ml d1,(a3)+
- ml d1,(a3)+
- dbra d0,\clear
- mq #SCOPEWIDTH/8-1,d0 ; Plot the scope
- mw #$fff8,d5
- \scopebyte
- mq #8-1,d1
- \scopebit
- mb (a0)+,d3
- ext.w d3
- mb (a1)+,d4
- ext.w d4
- add.w d4,d3
- asr.w #1,d3
- and.w d5,d3
- bset.b d1,0(a2,d3.w)
- dbra d1,\scopebit
- addq.w #1,a2
- dbra d0,\scopebyte
- lea scopebitmap,a0 ; Copy the new scope display
- cq d0
- cq d1
- ml _scoperastport,a1
- mb #1,rp_Mask(a1)
- cq d3
- mw _scopeboxtop,d3
- mw #$0c0,d6
- jl BltBitMapRastPort
- rts
- *** doqscope - Draw one display in the quadrascope
- doqscope
- cq d0
- tst.w scd_len(a0) ; First channel in use?
- bz.b \noch0
- mw scd_pos(a0),d0 ; Find first channel's data
- ml scd_sample(a0),a0
- add.l d0,a0
- mq #-1,d7 ; Flag that there's something to display
- bra.b \hasch0
- \noch0
- lea zeros,a0
- \hasch0
- \startscan
- lea scopeplane,a3 ; Clear the bitplane first
- cq d1
- \clear
- ml d1,(a3)+
- ml d1,(a3)+
- ml d1,(a3)+
- ml d1,(a3)+
- dbra d0,\clear
- mq #SCOPEWIDTH/8-1,d0 ; Plot the scope
- mw #$fff8,d5
- \scopebyte
- mq #8-1,d1
- \scopebit
- mb (a0)+,d4
- ext.w d4
- and.w d5,d4
- bset.b d1,0(a2,d4.w)
- dbra d1,\scopebit
- addq.w #1,a2
- dbra d0,\scopebyte
- lea scopebitmap,a0 ; Copy the new scope display
- cq d0
- cq d1
- ml _qscoperastport,a1
- mb #1,rp_Mask(a1)
- mw #$0c0,d6
- jmp _LVOBltBitMapRastPort(a6)
- *** donote - Draw the note scroller
- dolong macro
- tst.w (a0)+
- sne.b d0
- mw (a0)+,d7
- and.w d6,d7
- sne.b d7
- and.b d5,d7
- mb d7,(a1)+
- mb d0,(a1)+
- mb d0,(a1)+
- mb d7,(a1)+
- endm
- donote
- ml notetab(a4),a0
- lea noteplane,a1
- mw scrollline(a4),d0
- mw scrolllines(a4),d1
- cmp.w d1,d0
- blo.b \lineok
- cq d0
- \lineok
- cmp.w oldscrollline(a4),d0
- beq.b \sameline
- mw d0,oldscrollline(a4)
- mq #16,d4
- mw #NOTEHEIGHT/2-1,d2
- sub.w #NOTEHEIGHT/4,d0
- bmi.b \topblank
- beq.b \topexact
- \topchopped ; Top part of note table is chopped off
- mw scrollmod(a4),d3
- add.w d4,d3
- \topchoploop
- add.w d3,a0
- subq.w #1,d1
- subq.w #1,d0
- bnz.b \topchoploop
- bra.b \topexact
- \sameline
- cq d2
- mw _noteboxleft,d2
- cq d3
- mw _noteboxtop,d3
- cq d4
- bra \drawcenter
- \topblank
- cq d3 ; Top part of box is blank
- \topblankloop
- ml d3,(a1)+
- ml d3,(a1)+
- ml d3,(a1)+
- ml d3,(a1)+
- add.w d4,a1
- subq.w #1,d2
- addq.w #1,d0
- bnz.b \topblankloop
- \topexact
- mq #$55,d5
- mw #$fff,d6
- \loop ; Copy the note table straight to the display
- subq.w #1,d1
- bmi.b \botblank
- dolong
- dolong
- dolong
- dolong
- add.w d4,a1
- add.w scrollmod(a4),a0
- dbra d2,\loop
- bra.b \blit
- \botblank ; Exhausted the note table, still more display
- cq d3
- \botblankloop
- ml d3,(a1)+
- ml d3,(a1)+
- ml d3,(a1)+
- ml d3,(a1)+
- add.w d4,a1
- dbra d2,\botblank
- \blit
- mq #-1,d7
- lea notebitmap,a0 ; Copy the new scope display
- cq d0
- cq d1
- ml _noterastport,a1
- mb #1,rp_Mask(a1)
- cq d2
- mw _noteboxleft,d2
- cq d3
- mw _noteboxtop,d3
- cq d4
- mw #NOTEWIDTH,d4
- mw #$0c0,d6
- jl BltBitMapRastPort
- \drawcenter
- ml _noterastport,a1 ; Draw the center line
- mb #2,rp_Mask(a1)
- ml d2,d0
- ml d3,d1
- add.w #NOTEHEIGHT/2-1,d1
- add.w #NOTEWIDTH-1,d2
- add.w #NOTEHEIGHT/2+1,d3
- jmp _LVORectFill(a6)
- data __MERGED
- _flashytask dc.l 0,0
- dc.b NT_TASK,-5
- dc.l flashyname
- dc.l 0
- dc.l stacklower
- dc.l stackupper
- dc.l 0,0
- dc.l _flashytask+TC_MEMENTRY+LH_TAIL
- dc.l 0
- dc.l _flashytask+TC_MEMENTRY+LH_HEAD
- spectrumbitmap dc.w SPECTRUMWIDTH/8
- dc.b 0
- dc.b 2
- dc.w 0
- dc.l specplane0,specplane1
- scopebitmap dc.w SCOPEWIDTH/8
- dc.b 0
- dc.b 1
- dc.w 0
- dc.l scopeplane
- notebitmap dc.w NOTEWIDTH/8
- dc.b 0
- dc.b 1
- dc.w 0
- dc.l noteplane
- flashyname dc.b "MultiPlayer Flashy Windows",0
- bss __MERGED
- _scopeinterval ds.l 1 ; Audio intervals per flash frame
- _flashytaskptr ds.l 1 ; Pointer to _flashytask if active
- scopechandata ds.b scd_SIZEOF*4 ; Scope channel data
- notetab ds.l 1 ; Stuff for note scroller
- scrollmod ds.w 1
- scrolllines ds.w 1
- scrollline ds.w 1
- oldscrollline ds.w 1
- _flashactive ds.b 1 ; Flashy window is clear and inactive
- ds.b 1 ; Padding on left
- even
- _spectrum ds.b SPECTRUMRES ; Spectrum of volumes
- ds.b 1 ; Padding on right
- cnop 0,4
- stacklower
- stackupper
- _flashysem ds.b SS_SIZE ; Semaphore for starting/stopping flashytask
- zeros ds.b SCOPEWIDTH
- bss chip,chip
- scopeplane ds.b SCOPEWIDTH/8*SCOPEHEIGHT
- noteplane ds.b NOTEWIDTH/8*NOTEHEIGHT
- end