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- * notehard.asm - NotePlayer that directly uses the Amiga audio hardware
- * Copyright 1992 Bryan Ford
- * See distribution terms in NotePlayer.doc
- * $Id: notehard.asm,v 1.1 92/05/15 15:08:26 BAF Exp $
- include "exec/types.i"
- include "hardware/custom.i"
- include "hardware/dmabits.i"
- include "bry/macros.i"
- VERSION equ 1 ; Version of Player.doc this NotePlayer is written for
- REVISION equ 0
- CLOCK equ 3579545
- CUSTOM equ $dff000
- code text
- *** NoteHard - Jump table providing the hardware NotePlayer interface
- xdef NoteHard,_NoteHard
- NoteHard
- _NoteHard
- jmp noteinfo(pc)
- jmp noteinit(pc)
- jmp notefinish(pc)
- jmp notestart(pc)
- jmp notestop(pc)
- jmp notefreqvol(pc)
- jmp notefreq(pc)
- jmp notevol(pc)
- *** NoteHardDMACall - Pointer to routine client needs to call after about 7 scanlines, or NULL
- xdef NoteHardDMACall,_NoteHardDMACall
- NoteHardDMACall
- _NoteHardDMACall
- ds.l 1
- *** noteinfo - Return information about this note player
- noteinfo
- lea \noteinfo(pc),a0
- move.l a0,d0
- rts
- \noteinfo
- dc.b VERSION
- dc.b 4
- dc.l \noteplayername
- \noteinfoend
- \noteplayername dc.b "Amiga hardware NotePlayer",0
- even
- *** noteinit - Initialize the note player
- * d0.b = Number of channels needed (1-128) (ignored)
- * a0 = Stereo orientation (ignored)
- * Returns: d0 = Zero if successful, pointer to error message on failure
- noteinit
- moveq #0,d0
- ; fall through...
- *** notefinish - Shut down the note player
- notefinish
- lea CUSTOM,a0
- move.w #DMAF_AUDIO,dmacon(a0)
- clr.w aud0+ac_dat(a0)
- clr.w aud1+ac_dat(a0)
- clr.w aud2+ac_dat(a0)
- clr.w aud3+ac_dat(a0)
- rts
- *** findchan - Find hardware channel address
- * d2.b = Channel number
- * Returns:
- * a1 = Channel address
- * a0/d0 = Saved
- findchan
- moveq #0,d1
- move.b d2,d1
- lsl.w #4,d1
- lea CUSTOM+aud0,a1
- adda.w d1,a1
- rts
- *** notestop - Stop any currently playing note in a channel
- * May be called from interrupt code level 4 or lower
- * d2.b = Channel number
- notestop
- moveq #0,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- ; fall through...
- *** notestart - Start playing a note immediately
- * May be called from interrupt code level 4 or lower
- * d2.b = Channel number
- * a0 = One-shot sample data
- * d0.l = One-shot sample length (0 if no one-shot part)
- * a1 = Repeat sample data
- * d1.l = Repeat sample length (0 if no repeat part)
- * d3.w = Sample frequency (if 0, then high word contains period)
- * d4.w = Volume at which to play sample (0-$100)
- notestart
- move.l a1,-(sp)
- move.w d1,-(sp)
- or.w d0,d1 ; See if we're just turning the note off
- bz \noteoff
- bsr findchan
- bsr calcper
- bsr calcvol
- lsr.w #1,d0 ; Stuff the one-shot pointers
- bnz \hasoneshot
- moveq #2,d0
- sub.l a0,a0
- \hasoneshot
- move.l a0,ac_ptr(a1)
- move.w d0,ac_len(a1)
- moveq #0,d0 ; Turn DMA for this channel off
- bset d2,d0
- move.w d0,CUSTOM+dmacon
- move.w (sp)+,d1 ; Find repeat part (a1/d1.w)
- move.l (sp)+,a1
- lsr.w #1,d1
- bnz \hasrepeat
- moveq #2,d1
- sub.l a1,a1
- \hasrepeat
- lea \dmaflags(pc),a0 ; Save the information we'll need later
- or.w d0,(a0)
- move.b d2,d0
- add.w d0,d0
- move.w d1,\repeatlen-\dmaflags(a0,d0.w)
- add.w d0,d0
- move.l a1,\repeatptr-\dmaflags(a0,d0.w)
- lea \dma1(pc),a0 ; Client will call us back after about 7 scanlines
- move.l a0,NoteHardDMACall ; -\dmaflags(a0) FIXME
- rts
- \dma1
- move.w #DMAF_SETCLR,d0 ; Turn DMA on
- or.w \dmaflags(pc),d0
- move.w d0,CUSTOM+dmacon
- lea \dma2(pc),a0 ; Wait another 7 scanlines or so
- move.l a0,NoteHardDMACall
- rts
- \dma2
- lea CUSTOM,a0 ; Set the repeat pointers
- move.w \dmaflags(pc),d0
- lsr.w #1,d0
- bcc \dmano0
- move.l \repeatptr+4*0(pc),aud0+ac_ptr(a0)
- move.w \repeatlen+2*0(pc),aud0+ac_len(a0)
- \dmano0
- lsr.w #1,d0
- bcc \dmano1
- move.l \repeatptr+4*1(pc),aud1+ac_ptr(a0)
- move.w \repeatlen+2*1(pc),aud1+ac_len(a0)
- \dmano1
- lsr.w #1,d0
- bcc \dmano2
- move.l \repeatptr+4*2(pc),aud2+ac_ptr(a0)
- move.w \repeatlen+2*2(pc),aud2+ac_len(a0)
- \dmano2
- lsr.w #1,d0
- bcc \dmano3
- move.l \repeatptr+4*3(pc),aud3+ac_ptr(a0)
- move.w \repeatlen+2*3(pc),aud3+ac_len(a0)
- \dmano3
- clr.l NoteHardDMACall
- clr.w \dmaflags
- rts
- \dmaflags ds.w 1
- \repeatlen ds.w 4
- \repeatptr ds.l 4
- \noteoff
- addq #6,sp
- moveq #0,d0 ; Turn DMA for this channel off
- bset d2,d0
- move.w d0,CUSTOM+dmacon
- rts
- *** calcper - Calculate period and insert it in an IOAudio
- * a1 = Hardware channel
- * d3.l = Frequency/period value
- * a0/a1/d0 = Saved
- calcper
- tst.w d3
- bnz \freq
- swap d3
- move.w d3,ac_per(a1)
- swap d3
- rts
- \freq
- move.l #CLOCK,d1
- divu.w d3,d1
- move.w d1,ac_per(a1)
- rts
- *** calcvol - Calculate volume and insert it in an IOAudio
- * a1 = Hardware channel
- * d4.w = Volume (0-$100)
- * a0/a1/d0 = Saved
- calcvol
- move.w d4,d1
- lsr.w #2,d1
- move.w d1,ac_vol(a1)
- rts
- *** notefreqvol - Change the frequency and volume of the currently playing note
- * May be called from interrupt code level 4 or lower
- * d2.b = Channel number
- * d3.w = New sample frequency (if 0, then high word contains period)
- * d4.w = New volume (0-$100)
- notefreqvol
- bsr findchan
- bsr calcper
- bra calcvol
- *** notefreq - Change the frequency of the currently playing note
- * May be called from interrupt code level 4 or lower
- * d2.b = Channel number
- * d3.w = New sample frequency (if 0, then high word contains period)
- notefreq
- bsr findchan
- bra calcper
- *** notevol - Change the volume of the currently playing note
- * May be called from interrupt code level 4 or lower
- * d2.b = Channel number
- * d4.w = New volume (0-$100)
- notevol
- bsr findchan
- bra calcvol
- end