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- NotePlayer
- Standard description
- Copyright 1992 Bryan Ford
- Version 1.10
- Distribution
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This package is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
- expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranty
- of fitness for a particular purpose. All risks associated with the use of
- this package are assumed by you.
- This package is freely redistributable as long as none of its contents
- are modified, added, or removed. You may not charge more for distributing
- it than a small fee to cover the disk copying expenses. It may not be used
- in or distributed with any commercial program without my written
- permission. (If you want to use anything in a commercial program, just ask
- me - I probably won't charge anything; I mainly just want to know who is
- using it for what.) The distribution must contain the following files:
- NotePlayer.doc This document
- note.i Include file used to accessing a NotePlayer
- notesys.asm System-friendly audio.device NotePlayer
- notehard.asm Simple hardware-banging NotePlayer
- note.lib Link library containing assembled versions of
- notesys.asm and notehard.asm
- Introduction
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This document describes the NotePlayer standard. The NotePlayer
- standard is an application interface specification designed to be
- compatible across all 680x0-based computers. Its purpose is to allow
- hardware-independent music players to be written which can be used in a
- variety of environments, operating systems, and even on completely
- different computers. It also makes it easier to simply write music players
- for the Amiga.
- Note that while this document defines note players rather than music
- players, one of the goals is NOT to make NotePlayers interchangeable with
- each other. (This would be pretty much impossible.) The goal is to make
- the interface to a note player standardized, so music players can be
- made interchangeable.
- A NotePlayer module is a module written to this standard, which
- provides facilities to music players for playing notes. These calls, along
- with some timing facilities provided in some other way (such as through the
- GMOD standard), provide everything a music player needs to play music. The
- interface is very powerful, but at the same time very easy to use for a
- music player.
- Two example NotePlayer modules for the Amiga have been provided already
- (described lager). For an example of a music player that uses the
- NotePlayer standard, see the file "ptsplay.asm" in the MultiPlayer 1.30 (or
- later) distribution. This is a standard Protracker player modified to use
- a NotePlayer instead of banging on the hardware directly. (As a result,
- MultiPlayer's Protracker player is one of the friendliest around.)
- Client interface
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The only part of a NotePlayer module visible to the music player is a
- short jump table. A particular NotePlayer module is referred to by a
- pointer to its jump table. For example, in a portable GMOD module, a
- pointer to the NotePlayer's jump table is given to the module. The module
- then performs all of its low-level note playing through entrypoints in this
- jump table.
- NotePlayer entrypoints are intended to be called from assembly
- language. Calling them from C or another high-level language may require
- some kind of stub routines written in assembly language. (But who wants to
- write music players in C, anyway?)
- The parameters to each of the functions in the jump table entries
- listed below are passed in registers, as indicated on the second line of
- each entry description. The suffix '.b', '.w', and '.l' indicates which
- part of that register the NotePlayer looks at. For '.b' and '.w', the
- NotePlayer ignores the top part of the register - it does not have to
- contain zero.
- The NotePlayer routines have pretty much standard calling conventions.
- They may destroy registers D0-D1/A0-A1, but will save all other registers.
- Return codes are returned in D0 where appropriate.
- The entries in the jump table are each four bytes long. The number of
- entries in the jump table depends on the version number of the NotePlayer.
- The version number of a particular NotePlayer corresponds to the version
- number of the NotePlayer.doc (this document) according to which the
- NotePlayer was written. The first eight entrypoints are present in all
- NotePlayers. The currently defined entrypoints are:
- NotePlayer+$00: info = NoteInfo()
- D0.l
- Returns a pointer to an information structure in D0. The structure's
- size depends on the version number in the structure. The part of the
- structure defined in this version of the standard is:
- info+$00 (byte) Version number of NotePlayer standard used
- info+$01 (byte) Revision number of this particular NotePlayer
- info+$02 (byte) General-purpose flags:
- bit 0: All sound samples must be in MEMF_CHIP
- bit 1: Amiga "period" extension supported (described later)
- info+$03 (byte) Maximum number of channels this NotePlayer supports
- info+$04 (long) Pointer to name of this particular NotePlayer module
- NotePlayer+$04: errmsg = NoteInit(channels,stereoarray)
- D0.l D0.b A0.l
- Gets the NotePlayer ready to play notes. This must be called before
- any other entrypoints are called. (Exceptions: NoteInfo and NoteFinish
- may be called before NoteInit.)
- The client passes the number of (monophonic) channels it will need in
- D0, and an array describing the preferred stereo orientation of each
- channel in A0. The client can ask for between 1 and 128 channels, but if
- it asks for more channels than the NotePlayer supports, NoteInit will fail
- and the client will not be able to use this NotePlayer to play its music.
- The stereoarray, if supplied, must contain as many bytes as the number
- of channels requested. The first byte describes channel 0, the second byte
- channel 1, and so on. Each byte contains a signed value from -127 to 127
- (-128 is reserved and should not be used) describing "where" this channel
- is supposed to play. A value of -127 indicates far left; 127 indicates far
- right; 0 indicates center (no stereo). Other values in this range may be
- used as a balance control, indicating the position on a gradient between
- left and right, although most NotePlayers will simply look at whether the
- byte is negative, positive, or zero. (Future hot-shot NotePlayers running
- on advanced sound hardware can use two hardware channels per client-visible
- channel to achieve smooth stereo panning; a future version of this standard
- will provide for this situation when it arises.) If the client passes NULL
- for the stereoarray, an array full of zeros is assumed.
- NoteInit returns zero if the NotePlayer was successfully initialized;
- it returns a pointer to a null-terminated error message if initialization
- failed for some reason or another. If the call is successful, the client
- may commence playing notes with the NotePlayer, and must call NoteFinish
- when it is done. If the call fails, the client must not call any other
- NotePlayer entrypoints except the first three, and it does not need to
- (though it may) call NoteFinish.
- NotePlayer+$08: NoteFinish()
- This call stops all currently playing notes and performs whatever
- internal cleanup is necessary when note playing is finished. If the
- NoteInit call succeeded, the client must call this entrypoint when it is
- finished with the NotePlayer.
- NotePlyaer+$0c: NoteStart(chan,oneshotdata,oneshotlen,repdata,replen,freq,vol)
- D2.b A0.l D0.l A1.l D1.l D3.w D4.w
- This entrypoint is the workhorse of the NotePlayer system: it plays
- notes. Any note previously playing in the channel is stopped, and a new
- note is started.
- The channel number must be between 0 and n-1, where n is the number of
- channels requested in (and granted by) the NoteInit call. If bit 7 in the
- channel number is set, the NotePlayer takes the logical NOT of the
- parameter as the real channel number, and modifies the behavior of the call
- slightly. In this case, instead of stopping any currently playing note and
- starting the new note immediately, the change is made after the currently
- playing note finishes its current cycle: when it is about to start the
- repeat part, either directly after the one-shot part finishes, or when the
- current repeat cycle is finished. The new note will effectively be
- "joined" to the old note, making it possible to implement "release" phases
- of notes, among other things.
- If oneshotlen is nonzero, then it contains the number of 8-bit samples
- in the one-shot part of the note, and oneshotdata points to the sample
- data. If oneshotlen is zero, the note has no one-shot part, and the repeat
- part (if it exists) is started immediately.
- The replen and repdata parameters work exactly like the one-shot
- parameters. If repdata is zero, the note has no repeat part, and the
- channel will become silent as soon as the one-shot part is finished.
- If both oneshotlen and replen are zero, then any currently playing note
- is stopped without starting a new note. This is equivalent in effect to
- the NoteStop entrypoint.
- The freq parameter contains the sampling frequency at which to play the
- note, in Hz. The vol parameter contains the volume at which to play the
- note, ranging from $000 (silent) to $100 (maximum).
- If flag bit 1 in the Info structure returned by NoteInfo is set, then a
- special extension to the frequency specification is supported, to allow
- Amiga-based "tracker" players to be more easily accomodated. If the client
- calls NoteStart with D3.w (freq) set to zero, then the frequency is defined
- by an Amiga period value in the high word of D3. To calculate frequency
- from period, or vice versa, simply divide the known value into 3579545.
- NotePlayer+$10: NoteStop(chan)
- D2.b
- Stops any note currently playing in the specified channel, either
- immediately (if D2.b contains a normal channel number from 0-127), or after
- the current cycle of the currently playing note is finished (if D2.b
- contains a NOTed channel number). This call is equivalent to calling
- NoteStart with zero in both oneshotlen and replen.
- NotePlayer+$14: NoteFreqVol(chan,freq,vol)
- D2.b D3.w D4.w
- Changes the frequency and volume of the currently playing note, either
- immediately (if D2.b contains a normal channel number from 0-127), or after
- the current cycle is finished (if D2.b contains a NOTed channel number).
- This entrypoint is used to implement slides and fades and such. The freq
- and vol parameters work exactly as they do in the NoteStart entrypoint.
- NotePlayer+$18: NoteFreq(chan,freq)
- D2.b D3.w
- Changes the frequency of the currently playing note, without changing the
- volume. Otherwise works exactly the same way as NoteFreqVol.
- NotePlayer+$1c: NoteVol(chan,vol)
- D2.b D4.w
- Changes the volume of the currently playing note, without changing the
- frequency. Otherwise works exactly the same way as NoteFreqVol.
- Amiga system-friendly NotePlayer (notesys.asm)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The file "notesys.asm" contains a sample NotePlayer module for the
- Amiga which uses the audio.device to play notes. To use it, simply link
- "note.lib" with your program. The symbol "NoteSys" then points to the
- NotePlayer jump table. (The symbol "_NoteSys" also points to the jump
- table, for high-level language users.)
- Since this NotePlayer uses the audio.device for everything it does, it
- may be somewhat slower than a player that accesses the hardware directly.
- However, as the programmers at Commodore have pointed out many times, using
- the audio.device means there is no need for ugly DMA-delay loops and such,
- which often compensates for the slightly lower efficiency of the
- audio.device. Moreover, this NotePlayer can give up audio channels as
- needed, and it automatically re-allocates them when they again become
- available, thus allowing beeps and such to be heard through the music.
- This NotePlayer includes a master volume/balance control which is
- completely independent of the main NotePlayer interface. (In other words,
- the music player can't use it - instead, the main program that's
- responsible for putting the NotePlayer and the music player together uses
- it.) To set the master volume, call the NoteSysMasterVol function:
- NoteSysMasterVol(volume)
- D0.w
- This function is available in both assembly ("NoteSysMasterVol") and C
- ("_NoteSysMasterVol" for stack args, "@NoteSysMasterVol" for register
- args). The volume parameter must be between 0 and $100 (256). If any
- music is currently playing, the volume changes immediately. The master
- volume cannot be changed in any way through calls to the entrypoints in the
- normal (music player-visible) jump table.
- If you want separate control of the volume of the left and right
- channels (i.e. for a balance control), use the NoteSysMasterVolBal
- function:
- NoteSysMasterVolBal(leftvolume,rightvolume)
- D0.w D1.w
- This function is also available in assembly and C forms.
- "notesys.asm" can be assembled with A68k version 2.71.
- You can specify the priority level for audio channel allocation with
- the NoteSysAudioPri function:
- NoteSysAudioPri(newpri)
- D0.b
- This priority will be applied to all future audio channel allocations.
- Amiga hardware-banging NotePlayer (notehard.asm)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- For situations where the audio.device isn't available, is too slow, or
- simply isn't in style, "notehard.asm" can be used instead for 4-channel
- playing. This module is much smaller and (if you arrange it so DMA delay
- loops aren't needed) faster, although not exactly system-friendly.
- The NotePlayer jump table in "notehard.asm" works exactly the same way
- as in "notesys.asm", except it's externally defined as "NoteHard" (and
- "_NoteHard") instead of "NoteSys".
- For simplicity, the NoteInit call in this NotePlayer does no error
- checking. In particular, it doesn't check the number of channels requested
- by the music player. If the music player requests more than four channels,
- NoteInit will succeed, but the first time the music player tries to use
- channel number 4 or higher, Bad Things will happen.
- This NotePlayer imposes a few restrictions, for the sake of simplicity.
- First, the sync-cycle feature (activated by NOTing the channel number) is
- not supported. Do not hook a music player that uses it to this NotePlayer,
- or your results will be Not Good.
- Second, this NotePlayer doesn't handle samples more than 64K in size.
- Third, it assumes that the first four bytes in chip memory (at absolute
- address 0) contain zero. This is normally the case anyway, and it is easy
- to enforce in a game or demo that takes over the machine either temporarily
- or permanently.
- Finally, unlike "notesys.asm" (and any other full-featured NotePlayer,
- "notehard.asm" does no mapping of channels; it does not attempt to match
- hardware channels with client channels according to the stereo preferences
- specified in the NoteInit call. The client's channel 0 goes to hardware
- channel 0, etc.
- This NotePlayer does not need any of the audio interrupts, and you
- should have them all turned off (or redirected to a harmless routine) when
- you use it.
- The DMA delay, of course, is the bane of all Amiga players.
- "notehard.asm" requires that the client (not the music player, but the
- program that hooks the music player and the NotePlayer together) handle DMA
- waiting, for maximum flexibility. After the music player finishes all its
- activity for a certain cycle (probably including calls to NoteStart) and
- returns to the client, the client must check the longword named
- "NoteHardDMACall" (or "_NoteHardDMACall"), which is defined in
- "notehard.asm". If this longword is nonzero, it is a pointer to a routine
- which must be called after waiting an appropriate amount of time (usually
- about 7 scanlines). The routine obeys standard Amiga calling conventions:
- it can munch d0-d1/a0-a1, but saves all other registers. After the routine
- returns, the client must again check "NoteHardDMACall" and if it's still
- nonzero, wait again and call the new address, and so on until it returns
- zero.
- As an example, if you can't implement full interrupt-driven DMA
- waiting, this scrap of code could do the trick:
- bsr musciplayer
- 1$ move.l NoteHardDMACall,d0
- bz 9$
- move.l d0,a0
- moveq #7-1,d1
- 2$ move.b $dff006,d0
- 3$ cmp.b $dff006,d0
- beq.s 3$
- dbra d1,2$
- jsr (a0)
- bra 1$
- 9$
- Of course, playing music will hog a lot less CPU time if you use a CIA
- timer interrupt for this purpose.
- As a final reminder, this NotePlayer never accesses the operating
- system or anything. The only things it accesses (outside of some internal
- variables) are the DMACON register and the audio registers ($dff0a0 to
- $dff0d8).
- If you (heaven forbid!) want to use this routine while the OS is
- around, you'd better open the audio.device yourself and lock all the
- channels so things don't go haywire if someone else tries to access the
- audio hardware at the same.
- "notehard.asm" can be assembled with A68k version 2.71.
- Future plans
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- In the future I hope to write more NotePlayers to be distributed in
- this package. Among them:
- * A better hardware NotePlayer that supports sound effects and such.
- * An 8-channel NotePlayer.
- * NotePlayers for the new sound boards for the Amiga.
- It would also be nice to see NotePlayers written for other 680x0-based
- computers besides the Amiga. This could be very handy for games and other
- programs which are often written for several computers at once.
- Version History
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1.10 (R3, 14-Sep-92)
- Added NoteSysAudioPri function to notesys.asm, to allow the client
- to specify the audio channel allocation priority.
- 1.01 (R2, 25-May-92)
- Removed 'ptplay.asm' from the NotePlayer distribution, since it
- can now be gotten in its "native" environment with MultiPlayer.
- 1.00 (R1, 5-May-92)
- First release.
- Contact Address
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- I tend to move around a great deal, so mail sent directly to me
- sometimes has a hard time catching up. If you want mail to reach me (it
- may take a while, but it WILL reach me), send it to this address:
- Bryan Ford
- 8749 Alta Hills Circle
- Sandy, UT 84093
- I can be reached more quickly (for the time being anyway) on the phone
- or through one of the electronic mail addresses below:
- (801) 944-1990
- baford@peruvian.utah.edu