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- *** Header file used for creating and calling GMOD modules ***
- * Public domain by Bryan Ford
- ifnd BRY_GMOD_I
- BRY_GMOD_I set 1
- include "exec/types.i"
- endc
- *** This is the layout of the first part of every GMOD module.
- ; The first four longwords contain various important values.
- ULONG gmod_ID ; Must be 'GMOD'
- ULONG gmod_Maker ; ID of creator program (ASCII, like IFF ID's)
- ULONG gmod_LoadAddress ; Address at which to load module (0L = any)
- ULONG gmod_MaxVecOfs ; Offset of end of vector table (numvecs+4)*4
- ; From here on are the entrypoints
- ; (actual instructions, not just vector pointers)
- LONG gmod_InitMusic ; Initialize the module
- LONG gmod_StartMusic ; Start playing (d0.l = song number)
- LONG gmod_StopMusic ; Stop playing
- LONG gmod_EndMusic ; Shut down the module
- LONG gmod_NotePlayer ; Tell the module to use a NotePlayer (a0 = NotePlayer)
- LONG gmod_ContinueMusic ; Restart after pause
- LONG gmod_VBlank50 ; VBlank interrupt (50Hz)
- LONG gmod_VBlank60 ; VBlank interrupt (60Hz)
- LONG gmod_Audio0 ; Channel 0 audio interrupt
- LONG gmod_Audio1 ; Channel 1 audio interrupt
- LONG gmod_Audio2 ; Channel 2 audio interrupt
- LONG gmod_Audio3 ; Channel 3 audio interrupt
- LONG gmod_GetNumSongs ; Get number of songs (d0.l)
- LONG gmod_GetSongName ; Get description of a song (d1.l) into (d0.p)
- LONG gmod_GetSongAuthor ; Get the name of a song's author (d1.l) into (d0.p)
- LONG gmod_GetFrequency ; Get the timing frequency for the song (d0.l)
- LONG gmod_TimerTick ; Routine to call at specified frequency
- LONG gmod_GetMakerName ; Get name of creator program
- LONG gmod_Hook ; Specify a Hook to call on various events
- LONG gmod_Jump ; Jump somewhere else in song
- LONG gmod_SetVolume ; Set master volume ($0-$100)
- LONG gmod_GetScroll ; Get scroll text
- LABEL gmod_SIZEOF ; This will grow!
- ; Flags for the gmod_Hook call - similar to Intuition's IDCMP flags
- BITDEF GMODH,REPEAT,0 ; Call when music repeats
- BITDEF GMODH,SEQUENCE,1 ; Call when sequence changes
- *** Use these macros to help when playing GMOD modules.
- *** All of them assume that the pointer to the GMOD module is in a5.
- * Branch if a vector offset (gmod_xxx) is in range
- gmodbin macro ; DReg,label
- cmp.l gmod_MaxVecOfs(a5),\1
- bcs \2
- endm
- * Branch if a vector offset (gmod_xxx) is out of range
- gmodbout macro ; DReg,label
- cmp.l gmod_MaxVecOfs(a5),\1
- bcc \2
- endm
- * Call a GMOD vector WITHOUT checking - you must first make sure it's there!
- gmodcall macro ; DReg
- jsr 0(a5,\1)
- endm
- * Same as gmodcall, but with an immediate (as opposed to register) vector offset
- gmodcalli macro ; Offset
- jsr \1(a5)
- endm
- * This is what you'll usually use when calling GMOD entrypoints -
- * it first checks to make sure the entrypoint is available, THEN calls
- * it. The GMOD pointer must be in a5, and the vector offset must
- * be in some data register.
- gmodmaycall macro ; DReg
- cmp.l gmod_MaxVecOfs(a5),\1
- dc.w $6404 ; bra.s *+2
- gmodcall \1
- endm
- *** Use these macros if you are DEFINING a GMOD header. This makes it
- *** easier if you don't happen to know the lengths of the various instructions
- *** by memory.
- * Do-nothing entrypoint - stick this in entrypoints you don't need or can't support
- gmodnop macro ; Do-nothing entry in a GMOD header
- rts
- nop
- endm
- * Branch to some other location (makes the GMOD header act like a jump table)
- gmodbra macro ; <label> ; 4-byte branch.
- jmp \1(pc) ; (Some assemblers would optimize down a bra.w.)
- endm
- * The following macro is useful for a few entrypoints like GetNumSongs
- * where you just need to return a small constant value.
- gmodq macro ; const ; Return quick constant
- moveq #\1,d0
- rts
- endm
- endc