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- Self-Contained Module Format
- Description of Standard
- Copyright 1992 Bryan Ford
- Version 1.01
- Introduction
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The GMOD format is a format which can interface any music module with
- embedded player code with any program that wants to play the music. (It is
- NOT a specification for a general music file format.) It has many powerful
- features, but is designed to be as simple as you want it to be. The 'least
- common denominator' support is very small, so the module can be small and
- quick. In many cases, all that is needed to write a GMOD module is to tack
- on a short constant header before a normal module.
- GMODs can also be very useful to game/demo programmers that want to
- include music in their programs. If modules are saved as GMODs, then the
- programmer can simply code for the GMOD format, and the person writing the
- music can use whatever music composer program is convenient. The
- programmer simply makes a few calls to the GMOD module, and it plays
- itself, without the programmer having to worry about finding the correct
- replayer code and such.
- GMOD modules come in two main types: Amiga-specific and "portable".
- Amiga-specific modules are modules that bang on the Amiga custom chip
- hardware directly, as described later, to play music. These modules can be
- portable across Amiga music players, games, demos, etc. Portable modules
- do not access any hardware directly; instead, they use the NotePlayer
- standard to play notes, and use the facilities provided by the GMOD format
- for timing. Portable modules can potentially be played on ANY 680x0-based
- system: Amiga, Atari ST, Mac, NeXT, etc. The type of module is defined by
- what is at the module+$20 entrypoint, described later.
- If GMOD catches on, we may start to see music maker programs that write
- full-featured GMOD modules that are not only playable with most any simple
- player program, but also support many specialized features such as external
- control (volume, speed, fast-forward, rewind, etc.), real-time sound
- effects added to the music (for games or other sound effects), and whatever
- else you can imagine.
- This document is intended especially for distribution with my music
- player MultiPlayer (which of course supports this format). Wherever
- MultiPlayer goes, this document goes. However, since the GMOD format isn't
- really tied to MultiPlayer, MultiPlayer doesn't have to go wherever this
- document goes. You may also distribute this document apart from
- MultiPlayer, put it on public bulletin board systems, or even include it
- along with commercial programs if you are so inclined, as long as it
- remains unchanged. (If you have suggestions or ideas, I'll be glad to try
- and incorporate them - I just don't want multiple standards documents
- floating around.)
- At the end of this document are described two other module formats,
- XMOD and AMOD, which are very simple module formats that I used before the
- GMOD format was developed. GMOD replaces both previous formats, so please
- don't write programs that create XMOD or AMOD modules. Although
- MultiPlayer can still play them (and probably always will be able to), and
- you may still create them if you want something extremely simple and quick,
- for general purpose use you should always use GMODs.
- In this document, when I refer to the 'player', I am referring to the
- program that uses the module (the caller), such as MultiPlayer, not the
- actual player code in the module itself. As such, 'player' used in this
- context can also mean a game or demo that uses a GMOD module. I refer to
- the module, both the music-playing code and any private song data, as just
- the 'module'.
- Format Specification
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Now for the actual definition. A GMOD file always begins with four
- specific longwords, then a jump table with an arbitrary length, then the
- rest of the file can be anything you want. The format follows:
- module+$00 'GMOD' ($474D4F44)
- module+$04 4-byte ID of program that created this module
- module+$08 Memory address where this module MUST be loaded, 0 if relocatable
- module+$0c Offset of end of jump table (=numentries*4+$10)
- module+$10 Start of jump table (arbitrary length)
- The first longword in the file is simply used to identify GMOD modules.
- The ID of the creator (module+$04) is used to identify the program that
- created this module. It can be ignored by any program that simply wants to
- play the module. A music composer program might check this longword when
- trying to re-load a module to make sure the module is the correct type.
- When selecting an ID for your program to use, think of it as an IFF chunk
- ID: Try to select something that is somewhat readable ASCII, but is
- unlikely to collide with some other program. (For example, don't use
- 'SONG' or 'TRAK' or something simple like that.)
- The load address is the absolute location in memory where the module
- must be loaded. Although hopefully programmers will have enough sense not
- to create non-relocatable modules in the future, the feature is there for
- current module types that use absolute addresses in the code and/or data.
- In the MultiPlayer implementation using this feature is not dangerous to
- the system and will never cause innocent memory to be stomped on, but it
- may cause the module to be unable to load even when there's plenty of
- memory. If the required memory area is already occupied (even if it's just
- a few bytes somewhere in the required range), MultiPlayer will refuse to
- load the module. Therefore, this feature should never be used except when
- absolutely necessary, since these modules may not be able to load even when
- there is plenty memory available. MultiPlayer properly allocates the
- needed memory with AllocAbs, rather than just overwriting memory as many
- European demos do, so multitasking will never cause the module to get
- overwritten. I wish this feature wasn't necessary, but sometimes we just
- have to clean up other people's messes, don't we?
- The offset of the end of the jump table is the offset (from the start
- of the module) pointing to just past the last valid jump table entry. It
- can be calculated using the equation (numvecs*4)+16, where numvecs is the
- number of vectors in the jump table. Any vectors beyond this offset are
- assumed by the player (caller) to be 'do-nothing' routines - i.e. just an
- RTS.
- The actual jump table entries are usually branches or PC-relative jump
- instructions, but can be any code that fits in four bytes. In particular,
- if a function simply wants to return a constant value (such as
- GetNumSongs), a MOVEQ and an RTS could fit right into the jump table. The
- player must not try to interpret the jump table entries (and by no means
- modify it!). The one exception to this rule is that the player may look
- into the jump table to see if the first word of the entrypoint is $4E75
- (RTS), in which case the player knows that the entry is not used. This
- way, the player can avoid bogging down the system with unused interrupts
- and such.
- The calling conventions are always standard Amiga conventions: The
- routines must save registers D2-D7 and A2-A6, and must return with an RTS.
- Parameters are passed in various registers and returned in D0, the same way
- as standard Amiga libraries.
- Note that, since any of the entries may be omitted, special care must
- be taken by the caller when calling the module. First, before calling a
- particular entrypoint, the offset must be tested against the MaxVecOfs in
- the module. If the offset is greater than OR EQUAL to MaxVecOfs, the
- routine does not exist, and behaves the same way as if the entrypoint was a
- do-nothing entrypoint (first word is RTS). Second, when the caller is
- expecting a return code of some kind in D0, before calling the module it
- must initialize D0 to some default value, or an invalid value it can
- recognize, in case the routine is a do-nothing or nonexistent entrypoint.
- For example, before calling the GetNumSongs function, D0 should be
- initialized to 1. If GetNumSongs doesn't exist or does nothing, the
- default value of one song will be assumed.
- I will not specify whether or not operating system routines (such as
- Exec's memory allocation routines) may be called from within the module.
- For a general-purpose player program like MultiPlayer, this should be
- allowed. However, I expect that the majority of music modules for a long
- time to come will stay away from the operating system in order to support
- games and demos and other programs that take over the machine. If the
- operating system is to be used normally, it is always the caller's
- (player's) responsibility to allocate the audio.device's channels and make
- sure the module fits into the multitasking system. All the module needs to
- do is stick to the standard audio hardware registers (and audio DMA
- control) and keep its nose out of forbidden areas. Modules should generally
- not need to muck around in interrupts, since the format defines some very
- general-purpose interrupt routines, but I won't forbid it either. If a module
- wants to do its own interrupt processing, then all the module's interrupt
- entrypoints (VBlank50, VBlank60, and TimerTick) should be do-nothing, and
- the module should properly allocate the interrupts using system calls.
- The currently defined jump table entries are described below:
- module+$10 InitMusic
- Called to initialize the module. This is generally the first routine
- called by a player program after loading the module. It should be called
- only once, and the module may be started and stopped as many times as
- needed after a single call to InitMusic. D0 must be set to NULL before
- calling the routine, and the initialization routine should return NULL in
- D0 if the initialization succeeded, or a pointer to a string (in D0)
- describing the error if the initialization failed. No other routines in
- the module may be called before initialization. InitMusic should not mess
- with the audio hardware or start playing music, as the audio channels may
- not be allocated by this time. This entrypoint would generally be used to
- perform any relocation or other one-time initialization of the module, or
- for allocating memory or other resources through the operating system if
- necessary.
- module+$14 StartMusic
- Called to start playing the music. If the module contains several
- songs, then D0 will hold the song number (0..n-1) to start playing,
- otherwise D0 will be 0. StartMusic always starts a given song at the
- beginning. To pause and restart in the middle of a song, use PauseMusic
- and RestartMusic.
- Any given module is always guaranteed to have a song number 0. Before
- calling StartMusic with a song number greater than zero, it must call
- GetNumSongs to make sure that song actually exists. There is not
- necessarily any protection in the module against playing songs that do not
- exist.
- The StartMusic entrypoint may be called again after StopMusic to
- restart the music after it was stopped. This allows the module to be
- 're-used' without reloading. Also, it allows switching songs in the module
- if the module contains more than one song. However, StartMusic should
- never be called after another StartMusic, without a StopMusic in between.
- module+$18 StopMusic
- Called to stop playing the music. Often all this does is turn off
- audio DMA and return. StopMusic may be called any number of times, with or
- without a corresponding StartMusic call.
- Note that no interrupt entrypoints in the module are called by the
- player anytime except when the music is actually playing, i.e. after
- StartMusic and before StopMusic. Therefore, the player program should
- enable audio interrupts AFTER StartMusic, and disable interrupts BEFORE
- StopMusic.
- module+$1c EndMusic
- Called to shut down the module and prepare to be unloaded. The caller
- MUST call this entry before unloading the module, even if the call to
- InitMusic failed. If the music was playing, StopMusic must be called
- before calling EndMusic. This may be called more than once successively,
- but no other routines in the module may be called after EndMusic has been
- called. A module may not be re-used after EndMusic. EndMusic should not
- mess with audio hardware or DMA registers - that is done in StopMusic.
- This entrypoint is provided mainly to free any allocated memory or do other
- operating-system related cleanup. As such, for most current modules this
- entrypoint would do nothing.
- module+$20 NotePlayer
- If this entrypoint is implemented, then this module can be portable: it
- does not have to access the Amiga audio hardware directly. If the client
- supports portable modules, BEFORE it calls InitMusic, it must call this
- entrypoint with a pointer to a NotePlayer jump table in A0 and 0 in D0.
- (NotePlayers are described in the separate "NotePlayer.doc".) If the
- module supports portable mode, it must save the NotePlayer pointer and
- return nonzero in D0. Later, the module will use the provided NotePlayer
- routines to play its music instead of going to the hardware directly.
- A GMOD may be made capable of playing either with or without an
- externally specified NotePlayer. In this case, it generally keeps an
- internal "backup" NotePlayer (such as the "notehard.asm" supplied with the
- NotePlayer standard) which it defaults to if it is not given a NotePlayer
- by the client.
- It is the responsibility of the module to initialize and shut down the
- NotePlayer. The module must call the NotePlayer's NoteInit entrypoint
- during its InitMusic call, and it must call the NotePlayer's NoteFinish
- entrypoint from its EndMusic routine.
- module+$24 ContinueMusic
- After the player has called StopMusic (but before it calls EndMusic),
- it can call ContinueMusic to try and continue the music at the position
- where it was stopped. The player calls this function with D0=0, and if
- the module is able to restart the music, it should return D0=1; otherwise
- it should leave D0 at 0. The player must ONLY start sending interrupts
- again if the module returned nonzero in D0 - otherwise, the module
- doesn't support this feature and turning interrupts on at this point
- might cause trouble. The player can always call StartMusic again to
- restart the module at the beginning.
- module+$28 VBlank50
- module+$2c VBlank60
- The player program must call whichever of these vectors are supplied,
- at the appropriate frequency. The VBlank50 routine will be called 50 times
- per second, the VBlank60 routine will be called 60 times per second. The
- module may use either one of these routines (not both). If the player
- calls these routines from a vertical blank interrupt (as is usually the
- case, but not necessarily), it is its responsibility to adjust the
- frequency appropriately. Note that a more general timing system is also
- available, described below.
- module+$30 Channel0
- module+$34 Channel1
- module+$38 Channel2
- module+$3c Channel3
- These four entrypoints, if supplied, are called by the player whenever
- the corresponding audio channels are reloaded. They correspond to Exec's
- AUD0-AUD3 interrupts (levels 7-10), CPU level 4.
- module+$40 GetNumSongs
- Some music modules have more than one song in the same module. This is
- useful when you want several separate musical scores that all use the same
- set of instruments, for memory efficiency. If this entrypoint is supplied,
- the player program may call this routine to find out how many different
- songs are contained in this module. The routine must be called with D0 = 1
- (the default number of songs), and the module should return the actual
- number of songs in D0. Once the player knows how many songs are in the
- module, it may select the song to play in the call to StartMusic.
- module+$44 GetSongName
- If a module contains several songs, GetSongName provides a method for
- the player to find the name of each song. This may be simply displayed to
- the user while the song is playing, or a list of songs may be built for the
- user to select from by name. This routine is called with D0 holding NULL
- and D1 holding the song number (which must be in the proper range). If the
- module supplies this routine, it must return a pointer to the song name in
- D0. Otherwise, D0 will remain NULL and the song will remain nameless.
- module+$48 GetSongAuthor
- This routine works the same way as GetSongName, except the name of the
- song's author is returned. If all the songs in the module are by the same
- person (or if the module contains only one song), D1 can be ignored.
- module+$4c GetFrequency
- module+$50 TimerTick
- These routines can be used by modules for more general-purpose timing,
- or for odd timing values not based on the vertical blank interrupt. If the
- module uses this method of timing, both of these functions must be
- implemented, and neither VBlank50 or VBlank60 may be. The GetFrequency
- function must simply return the number of ticks per second the module
- requires in d0. The TimerTick function will then be called (probably from
- an interrupt) at the specified frequency while the module is playing, just
- like the VBlank functions.
- module+$54 GetMakerName
- This entrypoint must be called with D0=0, and if it is implemented,
- must return the name of the program that was used to create this module.
- Although music maker programs should use the ID field at offset 4 to
- recognize specific module types, this string can be used by player programs
- and such to identify the module's origin for the user.
- module+$58 Hook
- This function is called by the player with D0=0, D1=hook flags, and A0
- pointing to a standard Hook structure as defined in the 2.0 header files.
- (This does not mean that modules or players that use this feature must run
- on 2.0 - this structure is just used for convenience.) The hook flags work
- very much like Intuition's IDCMP flags and tell the module what kinds of
- events the player wants to hear about. If the module supports this call,
- it must save the pointer to the Hook (it will remain valid until after
- EndMusic is called) and return in D0 the hook flags indicate what hooks the
- module supports.
- During playing, the module will call the player's Hook for the events
- that the player specified (in D1 in the Hook call) AND the module supports
- (returned in D0 from the Hook call). Standard Hook calling conventions
- must be used: A0 points to the Hook structure that the player originally
- passed to the module, and A1 points to an appropriate 'message' or parameter
- packet (see below). The 'object' passed in A2 is currently unused, but may
- be used in future message types.
- The message that the module passes to the player's Hook function depends
- on the type of event. The first longword of the message always contains
- a single Hook Flags bit set, indicating the type of event (just like IDCMP
- messages). Note that the message is NOT a standard Exec message. After
- the first longword, more data can be passed depending on the event.
- The player may call the module's Hook entrypoint more than once.
- However, the Hook pointer passed to the module must ALWAYS be the same!
- Therefore, re-calling this entrypoint can only be used to change the
- 'active' event bits (ala ModifyIDCMP()), not to change the Hook pointer
- itself.
- Note that the module's entrypoints are not necessarily reentrant, so
- the player's Hook function must NEVER call any of the module's entrypoints,
- or make any calls that might indirectly cause one of the entrypoints to be
- called.
- Currently the following event types are defined:
- If supported and requested, the module calls the Hook function as
- soon as the music is about to wrap around and repeat itself. If the
- player's intent is to stop the module when it repeats, it must set a flag
- or signal a parent Task - it must not directly call the module's StopMusic
- entrypoints (see above). The message passed to the player's Hook must, of
- course, have the first longword set to GMODHF_REPEAT (1<<0), but other than
- that the message is unused.
- If supported and requested, the module calls the player's Hook whenever
- the music's sequence number changes. This event type is specifically
- designed for music formats with Soundtracker-like sequences: if the music
- format doesn't use such sequences, then this event type should be left
- unimplemented by the module. The sequence number starts at 0 and goes to a
- maximum of length-1 (length is the number of sequences in the module). The
- message passed to the player's Hook must have GMODHF_SEQUENCE (1<<1) in the
- first longword, the new sequence number in the second longword (offset 4),
- and the total number of sequences in the third longword (offset 8). The
- module should also call this Hook once during the PlayMusic call, or very
- soon afterwards, so the player knows immediately how long the module is.
- module+$5c Jump
- Instructs the module to jump to a particular position within the
- current song. This is extremely module-dependent. The player passes D0=0
- and the position to jump to (a longword) in D1. For Soundtracker-like
- modules, this position is probably the sequence number. For other modules,
- it may be a time value or whatever. If the module successfully jumps to
- the requested position (it should do range checking and such first), it
- returns D0=1, otherwise it leaves or sets D0=0. This entrypoint exists to
- allow users and programmers to do nifty tricks with specific modules - the
- player can't and shouldn't interpret or use this entrypoint by itself.
- module+$60 SetVolume
- Gives the module a new master volume. If the module supports this
- feature, the master volume set by this entrypoint must be independent of
- all internal volume effects and such. In other words, all internal volume
- controls must be relative to this volume. The new master volume should be
- made effective immediately - not on the next note or internal volume change.
- This entrypoint is passed two volume parameters: the left-side volume
- in D0, and the right-side volume in D1. Each parameter ranges from $0
- (minimum) to $100 (maximum). To get a custom-chip-style volume (0-64),
- just shift this value right two bits. To scale an internal volume, just
- multiply the two volumes and shift right 8 bits.
- module+$64 GetScroll
- This entrypoint exists for the single purpose of allowing music
- composers to include all their useless ramblings in their modules for
- everyone else to wade through. It must be called with D0=0, and if it
- exists, it will return in D0 a pointer to one (probably LONG)
- null-terminated string, which is the entire scroll text. The only control
- codes it may contain are newlines (ASCII 10). This makes it easy to create
- a scroll text simply from a text file. The player displaying the scroll
- text will probably just ignore these control codes. (Of course, the player
- wouldn't have to implement a "traditional" scroller - it can display the
- text however it wants.)
- I have many other possible entrypoints and hooks in mind, but haven't
- gotten them standardized yet (much less implemented in MultiPlayer), so
- I'll leave them out for now. If there's something you want, drop me a line
- and I'll go ahead and add it to the specification, whether or not
- MultiPlayer can support it. (It probably can.) The important thing is to
- keep the interface powerful, easy to use, and standardized.
- To use GMOD modules in your own programs, such as games or demos, all
- you have to do is call the appropriate entrypoints at the appropriate
- times. If your program will only be using one module, or a limited number
- of modules all made with the same program, you can make assumptions about
- the module, i.e., which interrupt timing routine to call, etc. A minimum
- implementation might be as simple as two calls: one to the initialization
- code, and one during each VBlank interrupt. (Many modules do nothing more
- than turn audio DMA off in their exit code.) Of course, if you want to be
- compatible with more modules, you'll have to put in a little more effort.
- If you are the author of a music-composer program, I hope you will
- seriously consider supporting GMOD modules. As I said at the top of this
- document, I'll do everything I can to make life easy for you. A minimal
- implementation can be done very quickly and with very little overhead.
- Modules with built-in players are becoming more and more popular, and I
- believe a standard, extensible caller interface could benefit both
- musicians and programmers.
- The XMOD format (obsolete)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Besides the standard module formats that MultiPlayer understands, there
- is also a new format you can use to turn just about anything into a
- multitasking module. Basically, you go into the program you want to rip
- the music out of with some kind of debugger (I use S.I.M.), find the player
- and module (with luck, they'll be right next to each other; otherwise you
- have to shuffle things around a little), and add an XMOD header at the
- beginning so that MultiPlayer (or another player that supports XMOD format)
- knows what to do with it.
- The XMOD format is very simple:
- module+$00 'XMOD'
- module+$04 InitEntry
- module+$08 PlayEntry
- module+$0c StopEntry
- When MultiPlayer loads a module and finds an 'XMOD' in the beginning of
- it, it first calls module+$04 to let the player initialize itself and the
- module, then it calls module+$08 50 times per second (the normal vertical
- blanking interrupt speed on PAL systems), and finally calls module+$0c when
- the user stops the module. The player must be PC-relative, or it must do
- its own relocation in the initialization code. The entire file is always
- loaded into chip memory in one continuous block.
- All three entrypoints must use standard Amiga calling conventions and
- save registers D2-D7/A2-A6. This includes the PlayEntry - it may not
- modify A5/A6 even though it's normally called from an interrupt routine.
- They may use D0-D1/A0-A1 without restoring them. No parameters are passed
- to any of the entries, and no return codes are checked for. All three
- routines must return with an RTS, not with an RTE.
- If you need to debug an XMOD module (i.e. if it doesn't work the first
- time), you can just set the first instruction at module+$04 to 'illegal'
- ($4AFC), activate a good debugger, and load the module from MultiPlayer.
- As soon as the player calls the module's init routine, it should kick into
- the debugger.
- The AMOD format (obsolete)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The AMOD format is another special-purpose format MultiPlayer
- understands. It is almost identical to the XMOD format, except in one
- respect: AMOD modules always get loaded at a specific address. For those
- few oddball music composer/player programs that like to write modules with
- lots of absolute addresses in them, this format may be the only good way to
- make the modules multitask.
- The AMOD format is a simple extension to the XMOD format:
- address+$00 'AMOD'
- address+$04 InitEntry
- address+$08 PlayEntry
- address+$0c StopEntry
- address+$10 Load address
- When MultiPlayer encounters an AMOD module, it allocates memory for the
- module starting at the load address specified in the module. The load
- address points to the location where the 'AMOD' identifier should go. The
- module's code does not have to be PC-relative, since the load address is
- known. Other than that, an AMOD module is loaded and executed the same way
- as an XMOD module.
- If the required memory area is already occupied (even if it's just a
- few bytes somewhere in the required range), the module will not load.
- Therefore, the AMOD format should never be used except when absolutely
- necessary, since these modules may not be able to load even when there is
- enough memory available. The memory does get allocated (the space is not
- just stomped on as with most European demos), so it will not cause the
- machine to crash; it just might not load sometimes when it should be able
- to. I wish this module type wasn't necessary, but sometimes we just have
- to clean up somebody else's messes, don't we?
- Version History
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1.01 (R2, 25-May-92)
- Minor touchups, mainly in the Introduction. Nothing really new.
- 1.00 (R1, a long time ago)
- The dawn of history. (There were previous releases, but I wasn't
- too organized with them...)
- Contact Address
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- I tend to move around a great deal, so mail sent directly to me
- sometimes has a hard time catching up. If you want mail to reach me (it
- may take a while, but it WILL reach me), send it to this address:
- Bryan Ford
- 8749 Alta Hills Circle
- Sandy, UT 84093
- I can be reached more quickly (for the time being anyway) on the phone
- or through one of the electronic mail addresses below:
- (801) 585-4619
- bryan.ford@m.cc.utah.edu
- baf0863@cc.utah.edu
- baf0863@utahcca.bitnet