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FORTH Source | 2006-10-19 | 3.9 KB | 209 lines |
- \ Dictionary words... these cover memory spaces, threading and compiler issues
- \ related to structure of the dictionary.
- \
- $1F constant dict-name-mask
- $40 constant dict-name-immed
- $80 constant dict-name-smudge
- \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\
- \ too damn slow and memory hogging
- 0 [if]
- \ Wordlist stuff.
- \
- \ We will keep the link field and name field in the
- \ data/code space as in Forth-83, but will supplement
- \ this with a hash table.
- \
- \ The hash table is indexed by a key derived from the
- \ name of the word, and divided into N buckets of M-1
- \ entries each. The M-1 entry is 0 for the end of the
- \ bucket chain or points to a new chain. The ROM
- \ dictionary must know the starting point for the RAM
- \ hash buckets so there may be a unified searching
- \ algorithm.
- \
- \ When defining new words, we will overwrite existing
- \ entries pointing to the same name.
- 1 include commonhash.fs
- \ set up main wordlist
- [[ FORTH-wordlis @ ]] constant FORTH-WORDLIST
- [then]
- \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\
- \ Custom dictionary stuff
- : nfa>xt
- 1 traverse
- ;
- : xt>nfa
- -1 traverse
- ;
- : nfa>imm? ( nfa -- t/f )
- c@ dict-name-immed and 0<>
- ;
- : lfa>nfa
- 2+
- ;
- : id. ( nfa -- )
- count $1f and type
- ;
- $1F constant width \ max length of a name
- \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
- \ dictionary words
- User DP
- [THEN]
- : '
- \ Skip leading space delimiters. Parse name delimited by a space. Find name and return xt, the execution token for name. An
- \ ambiguous condition exists if name is not found.
- \
- \ Similarly, the use of ' and ['] with compiling words is unclear if the precise compilation behavior of those words is not
- \ specified, so ANS Forth does not permit a Standard Program to use ' or ['] with compiling words.
- bl word find
- 0= if count type ." not found" 0 then \ !!!
- ;
- [THEN]
- : ,
- \ Reserve one cell of data space and store x in the cell. If the data-space pointer is aligned when , begins execution, it
- \ will remain aligned when , finishes execution. An ambiguous condition exists if the data-space pointer is not aligned
- \ prior to execution of ,.
- here ! #cell dp +!
- ;
- [THEN]
- : >BODY
- \ ( xt -- a-addr )
- \ a-addr is the data-field address corresponding to xt. An ambiguous condition exists if xt is not for a word defined via
- 3 cells +
- ;
- [THEN]
- here aligned dp !
- ;
- [THEN]
- : ALIGNED ( addr -- addr )
- #cell 1- swap over + swap and
- ;
- [THEN]
- here + dp !
- ;
- [THEN]
- : C,
- here c! 0 char+ dp +!
- ;
- [THEN]
- : FIND \ ( c-addr -- c-addr 0 | xt 1 | xt -1 )
- \ Find the definition named in the counted string at c-addr. If the definition is not found after searching all the word
- \ lists in the search order, return c-addr and zero. If the definition is found, return xt. If the definition is immediate,
- \ also return one (1); otherwise also return minus-one (-1). For a given string, the values returned by FIND while compiling
- \ may differ from those returned while not compiling.
- [ 1 [if] ]
- latest \ !!! need real wordlist
- (find) \ ( c-addr 0 | nfa 1 )
- [ [else] ]
- \ Use hash table
- forth-wordlist \ !!! need latest wordlist
- hash>find
- \ over .
- [ [then] ]
- if
- dup nfa>xt
- swap c@
- dict-name-immed and if 1 else -1 then
- else
- 0
- then
- ;
- [THEN]
- : wordtofind s" _2*" ;
- test" find hex 21 wordtofind pad swap cmove pad 2 over c! find 2dup . . if execute 42 = else 0 then decimal "
- : HERE
- dp @
- ;
- [THEN]
- [IFUNDEF] [']
- : [']
- ' ' compile,
- ; immediate
- [THEN]
- latest lfa>nfa dup c@ dict-name-immed or swap c!
- ;
- [THEN]
- 0 here -
- ;
- [THEN]
- latest \ !!! need real wordlist
- begin
- dup lfa>nfa id. space
- @ dup
- 0= (pause?) or
- until
- drop
- ;
- [THEN]
- has? profiling [if]
- : prof
- latest \ !!! need real wordlist
- begin
- @ dup
- while
- dup lfa>nfa
- dup nfa>xt #cell - @ @ 5 .r space
- id. cr
- repeat
- drop
- ;
- [then]