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- ; V9t9: the TI Emulator! v6.0 Source
- ; Copyright (c) 1996 by Edward Swartz
- ;
- ; Peripheral device access.
- ;
- ;
- ;==========================================================================
- ; Device init.
- ;
- ; Execute each DSR's initialization routine.
- ;==========================================================================
- haa byte >aa
- byte 0
- dinit li 0,>3fff
- mov 0,@vdplimit ; set up 16k VDP RAM
- lwpi >83e0 ; be standard
- li 13,>9800
- li 14,>100
- li 15,>8c02
- li 12,>0f00 ; start below first DSR
- di00 sbz 0
- ab @h01,12 ; point to next DSR
- ci 12,>2000
- jhe diout ; done
- sbo 0 ; turn on ROM
- cb @>4000,@haa ; legal rom?
- jne di00 ; nope
- mov @>4004,1 ; get init ptr
- jeq di00 ; none
- di01 mov @2(1),11 ; get addr for init
- mov 12,@>83d0
- bl *11 ; call powerup routine
- mov *1,1 ; get next powerup
- jne di01 ; if it exists
- jmp di00
- diout lwpi mainws ; restore WP
- rt
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Disk init.
- ;
- ; We want to limit to two buffers, since bitmap mode would otherwise
- ; overwrite it.
- ;
- ; With this setup we will ONLY use the emulated disk DSR for stuff.
- ; So, we'll simply write the new info for the real DSR, if installed,
- ; and probe the emulated disk DSR.
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- noemuerr db "No emulated disk DSR found!",>ff
- db "Please install the emulated disk DSR",>ff
- db "by adding 'EmuDisk' to the DSRCombo",>ff
- db "variable in FORTH.CNF.",>ff,>ff
- db "(See DISKS.TXT for info.)",>ff,>ff
- db "Press Ctrl+Break to halt."
- db 0
- forthdskdef db "FORTHDSK "
- even
- diskinit dect SP
- mov 11,*SP
- li 0,>3fff
- mov 0,@vdplimit ; setup
- li 12,>1000 ; DSR base for emulated DSR
- sbo 0 ; turn on
- cb @haa,@>4000 ; installed?
- jeq dskiokay
- li 2,noemuerr ; print error message
- b @dieerr
- dskiokay:
- sbz 0
- li 0,forthdskdef
- li 1,forthdsk
- li 2,10
- dskifn movb +*0,+*1
- dec 2
- jgt dskifn
- mov +*SP,11
- rt