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- /*
- * This is the public interface to a v9t9 module.
- *
- */
- #ifndef __v9t9_module_h__
- #define __v9t9_module_h__
- #include "centry.h"
- #include "16bit.h"
- /*
- History:
- 20000703: -- added vmSoundModule.flush() as a means to
- turn off sound without messing around with
- cached sound info.
- 20000625: -- removed vmVideoModule.update(). No reason to
- have this, since it's always a call into vdp.c.
- Also removed updatetextlist. Our bitmap has
- enough info to safely update 8x6 blocks
- by drawing 8x8 blocks instead.
- 20000409: -- changed keyboard getkeynames into getextendedkeys,
- keeping enums and names constant for keys and
- making modules only define which they support
- 19990725: -- bumped vmModule version to 3 and changed
- 'install' to 'enable' and added 'disable' and
- a tag field
- 19990601: -- bumped all version numbers to 2.
- -- removed vmContext parameter from all callbacks
- (the idea of a loadable plugin module is currently
- absurd)
- */
- /* These enums are accepted error returns from module functions. */
- typedef enum
- {
- vmOk = 0,
- vmNotAvailable,
- vmConfigError,
- vmDisabled,
- vmInternalError
- } vmResult;
- /* module types */
- typedef enum
- {
- vmTypeCPU,
- vmTypeVideo,
- vmTypeSound,
- vmTypeKeyboard,
- vmTypeDSR
- } vmType;
- /* module flags */
- typedef enum
- {
- vmFlagsNone = 0,
- vmFlagsExclusive = 1, /* module must be only one of its type;
- usually used when it consumes all the
- information; module may be used exclusively
- nonetheless, due to emulator restrictions */
- vmFlagsOneShotEnable = 2, /* module can only be enabled once */
- vmFlagsOneShotDisable = 4, /* module can only be disabled once */
- vmFlagsUnused
- } vmFlags;
- /* runtime flags */
- enum
- {
- /* these flags correspond to the vmFlags for switching to a module */
- vmRTEnabledOnce = 0x1, /* we installed the module (once) */
- vmRTDisabledOnce = 0x2, /* we installed the module (once) */
- /* these flags correspond to the startup/shutdown process */
- vmRTUndoInit = 0x10, /* we inited the module (and must term) */
- vmRTUndoEnable = 0x20, /* we enabled the module (and must disable) */
- vmRTUndoRestart = 0x40, /* we restarted the module (and must restop) */
- vmRTInUse = 0x100, /* currently using this module */
- vmRTUnselected = 0x200, /* intentionally unselected this one */
- vmRTUnavailable = 0x400, /* ->detect() failed */
- vmRTUserModified = 0x800, /* status modified by user (i.e., save it) */
- vmRTUnused
- };
- /************************/
- /* This struct is passed from a module to v9t9 and
- serves to define its capabilities and callbacks. */
- typedef struct
- {
- int version;
- } vmGenericModule;
- /**********************************************/
- typedef struct
- {
- u16 pc, wp, st;
- } cpuContext;
- enum
- {
- em_KeepGoing = 0, // nothing big
- em_Interrupted = 1, // return to system
- em_TooFast = 2, // idle
- em_Quitting = 3, // normal termination
- em_Dying = 4 // fatal termination
- };
- /* A CPU module, currently, means nothing special */
- typedef struct
- {
- int version;
- /* execute until interrupted, return an em_XXXX value */
- int (*execute)(void);
- /* interrupt execution (results in vmCPUModule->execute() returning) */
- void (*stop)(void);
- } vmCPUModule; /* vmTypeCPU */
- /**********************************************/
- typedef enum
- {
- vms_Tv0 = 0x01,
- vms_Tv1 = 0x02,
- vms_Tv2 = 0x04,
- vms_Tn = 0x08,
- vms_Vv0 = 0x10,
- vms_Vv1 = 0x20,
- vms_Vv2 = 0x40,
- vms_Vn = 0x80,
- } vmsUpdateMask;
- typedef enum
- {
- vms_Speech = 0x01, // speech synthesizer
- vms_AGw = 0x02 // audio gate
- } vmsPlayMask;
- typedef enum
- {
- vms_AGr = 0x02 // audio gate [cassette]
- } vmsReadMask;
- /* A sound module expresses the current state of sound, including
- the three-voice-plus-noise sound chip, and all digital sounds
- produced from other sources (speech, cassette, etc).
- Currently, the state of the sound chip is in the voices[]
- array (defined in sound.h). Read from that array to determine
- what the 'updated' bitmask is referring to.
- As for digital sounds, they are presented directly to the 'play'
- function. The mix_server.c file is intended to be a somewhat portable
- mixer for digital data. Feel free to use it.
- */
- typedef struct
- {
- int version;
- /* update sound according to bitmask */
- void (*update)(vmsUpdateMask updated);
- /* flush tone/noise sound */
- void (*flush)(void);
- /* schedule digital data for playing (immediately if possible,
- else after all other sound of this type);
- kind is *one* element of vmsPlayMask;
- data/size/hz describe the sample */
- void (*play)(vmsPlayMask kind, s8 *data, int size, int hz);
- /* read digital data from input; smooth input data if hardware
- is not capable of reading at a low 'hz' rate (for cassette). */
- void (*read)(vmsReadMask kind, u8 *data, int size, int hz);
- } vmSoundModule; /* vmTypeSound */
- /**********************************************/
- /*
- A video module is expected to work by copying from an offscreen
- bitmap of the 99/4A screen (maintained in vdp.c), the changed
- parts of which are announced through callbacks to updatelist.
- This routine is sent lists of updateblocks, which contain pointers
- to the upper-left corners of 8x8 blocks in the bitmap.
- UPDATE_ROW_STRIDE is the width of a row. The extent of the bitmap
- is greater than that of the 99/4A video screen for use in clipping
- sprites.
- Never touch the bitmap! It is expected to maintain history between
- updates.
- The bitmap is arranged using one byte per color, range 0 to 16. Bytes
- with values 1 through 15 correspond to ordinary TI colors. Entry 0 is
- used for "clear", the background. The video mode you use should allow
- palette flipping for best performance, since entry 0 represents a color
- that changes often (the setfgbg callback). Entry 16 is used for the
- foreground color in text mode.
- */
- struct updateblock;
- typedef struct
- {
- int version;
- /* update screen (or offscreen page) from blocks in list */
- vmResult (*updatelist)(struct updateblock *first, int num);
- /* resize the screen to this size in pixels
- (usually 256x192 or 240x192 for text mode) */
- vmResult (*resize)(u32 x, u32 y);
- /* update color 0 and color 16 (as appearing in the main
- bitmap) to these TI colors (which may be 0, interpret as black) */
- vmResult (*setfgbg)(u8 bg, u8 fg);
- /* blank the screen; background color is 'bg'
- (maybe set all palette entries to color bg) */
- vmResult (*setblank)(u8 bg);
- /* unblank the screen */
- vmResult (*resetfromblank)(void);
- } vmVideoModule; /* vmTypeVideo */
- /**********************************************/
- typedef enum {
- SK_FIRST = 128,
- SK_F1, SK_F2, SK_F3, SK_F4,
- SK_F5, SK_F6, SK_F7, SK_F8,
- SK_F9, SK_F10, SK_F11, SK_F12,
- } SpecialKey;
- typedef struct
- {
- int version;
- /* scan keyboard and update crukeyboardmap[] */
- vmResult (*scan)(void);
- /* return list of supported extended keys from
- the SK_xxx enum list; terminate with 0. */
- vmResult (*getspecialkeys)(SpecialKey **list);
- } vmKeyboardModule; /* vmTypeKeyboard */
- /**********************************************/
- /* DSR module.
- "install" routine should load ROM and set up CRU handlers.
- The >0 bit handler should call dsr_set_active(). */
- typedef struct
- {
- int version;
- /* Return CRU base module is currently active on.
- It will only be called if a program jumps into the DSR
- memory area (>4000...>5FFF) and the DSR is active.
- This allows one module to emulate a series of
- devices, if necessary. */
- vmResult (*getcrubase)(u32 *base);
- /* Handle file-level DSR callbacks;
- code is either a device number or a subroutine number,
- as enumerated in the DSR's device name list.
- This routine is only called if the DSR ROM for the
- active device uses the OP_DSR opcode (0xC00..0xC1F). */
- vmResult (*filehandler)(u32 code);
- } vmDSRModule; /* vmTypeDSR */
- /**********************************************/
- /* current version of module struct */
- typedef struct vmModule
- {
- /* ------ common to all modules ------ */
- int version;
- const char *name; /* screen name */
- const char *tag; /* tag for id */
- vmType type;
- vmFlags flags;
- /* detect whether module is usable; called before
- any configuration variables are known */
- vmResult (*detect)(void);
- /* [one-time] initialization; called before any
- configuration variables are known; insert your
- own variables here and initialize them */
- vmResult (*init)(void);
- /* [one-time] termination at program start */
- vmResult (*term)(void);
- /* multi-time installation; configuration
- variables are known; called when module is
- selected */
- vmResult (*enable)(void);
- /* multi-time uninstallation; called when module is
- unselected */
- vmResult (*disable)(void);
- /* multi-time restart; done in context switches
- into 9900 mode from non-9900 mode (or when
- pausing) */
- vmResult (*restart)(void);
- /* multi-time restop; done in context switches
- from non-9900 mode to 9900 mode. */
- vmResult (*restop)(void);
- union
- {
- vmGenericModule *generic;
- vmCPUModule *cpu;
- vmVideoModule *video;
- vmSoundModule *sound;
- vmKeyboardModule *kbd;
- vmDSRModule *dsr;
- } m;
- /* set to zero; used during runtime */
- u32 runtimeflags;
- struct vmModule *next; /* of this type */
- } vmModule;
- /***********************************/
- int vmModulesInit(void);
- int vmModulesTerm(void);
- void vmAddModuleCommands(void);
- int vmRegisterModules(vmModule **module);
- vmResult vmDetectModule(vmModule *module);
- vmResult vmEnableModule(vmModule *module);
- vmResult vmDisableModule(vmModule *module);
- vmResult vmInitModule(vmModule *module);
- vmResult vmTermModule(vmModule *module);
- vmResult vmInstallModule(vmModule *module);
- vmResult vmRestartModule(vmModule *module);
- vmResult vmRestopModule(vmModule *module);
- vmModule *vmLookupModule(char *tag);
- int vmDetectModules(void);
- int vmSelectStartupModules(void);
- int vmValidateModuleSelection(bool startup, bool incremental);
- int vmInitModules(void);
- int vmTermModules(void);
- int vmEnableModules(void);
- int vmDisableModules(void);
- int vmRestartModules(void);
- int vmRestopModules(void);
- int vmClearUserFlagsOnModules(void);
- extern vmModule *vmCPU, *vmVideo, *vmSound,
- *vmKeyboard, *vmDSR;
- extern vmModule *vmCPUMain, *vmVideoMain, *vmSoundMain,
- *vmKeyboardMain;
- extern int vmCPUCount, vmVideoCount, vmSoundCount,
- vmKeyboardCount, vmDSRCount;
- INLINE vmResult MODULE_ITERATE(vmModule *start, vmResult (*routine)(vmModule *))
- {
- vmModule *ptr = start;
- vmResult res, ret = vmOk;
- while (ptr) {
- res = routine(ptr);
- if (res != vmOk)
- ret = res;
- ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- #include "cexit.h"
- #endif