home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * Handle v9t9 modules.
- *
- * The module concept is used here to separate the guts of the emulator
- * from the particularities of the host executing environment. Without
- * modules, the emulator is a silent, invisible, noniteractive state machine.
- * Modules define the interface between the 99/4A state machine and the
- * display, sound, keyboard, and I/O devices of the host.
- *
- */
- #include <assert.h>
- #include "v9t9_common.h"
- #include "command.h"
- #include "v9t9_module.h"
- /* These are lists of modules of the given type. Except (currently) for
- vmCPU and vmVideo, any of the types may have more than one active
- module at one time. For instance, there can be two separate sound
- devices [maybe one for MIDI output of the sound generator, and another
- for digitized data output]. */
- vmModule *vmCPU, *vmVideo, *vmKeyboard, *vmSound, *vmDSR;
- /* Currently active main module */
- vmModule *vmCPUMain, *vmVideoMain, *vmKeyboardMain, *vmSoundMain,
- *vmDSRMain;
- static char *vmErrors[] = {
- "no error",
- "not available",
- "configuration error",
- "module disabled",
- "internal error"
- };
- static char *vmTypeNames[] = {
- "CPU",
- "video",
- "sound",
- "keyboard",
- "DSR"
- };
- #define MAX_MODULES 64
- static vmModule *modules[MAX_MODULES];
- static int nmodules;
- static int
- AddModule(vmModule * module)
- {
- if (nmodules >= MAX_MODULES) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "AddModule: too many modules defined");
- return 0;
- }
- if (module->name == NULL) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "AddModule: module has no name\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (module->version != VM_CURRENT_VERSION) {
- logger(_LL | 0,
- "AddModule: module '%s' has wrong module version (%d != %d)\n\n",
- module->name, module->version, VM_CURRENT_VERSION);
- return 0;
- }
- if (module->m.generic == NULL) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "AddModule: module '%s' has no specific module pointer\n",
- module->name);
- return 0;
- }
- switch (module->type) {
- case vmTypeCPU:
- if (module->m.cpu->version != VMCPU_CURRENT_VERSION) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "AddModule: CPU module '%s' has wrong version (%d)\n",
- module->name, module->m.cpu->version);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!module->m.cpu->execute || !module->m.cpu->stop) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "AddModule: CPU module '%s' has NULL callback(s)\n",
- module->name);
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case vmTypeVideo:
- if (module->m.video->version != VMVIDEO_CURRENT_VERSION) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "AddModule: video module '%s' has wrong version (%d)\n",
- module->name, module->m.video->version);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!module->m.video->updatelist || !module->m.video->resize ||
- !module->m.video->setfgbg || !module->m.video->setblank ||
- !module->m.video->resetfromblank) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "AddModule: Video module '%s' has NULL callback(s)\n",
- module->name);
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case vmTypeSound:
- if (module->m.sound->version != VMSOUND_CURRENT_VERSION) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "AddModule: sound module '%s' has wrong version (%d)\n",
- module->name, module->m.sound->version);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!(module->flags & vmFlagsExclusive) &&
- (module->m.sound->update == NULL &&
- module->m.sound->flush == NULL &&
- module->m.sound->play == NULL &&
- module->m.sound->read == NULL)) {
- logger(_LL | 0,
- "AddModule: '%s' is an invalid sound module (has no callbacks "
- "and is not exclusive), ignoring\n", module->name);
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case vmTypeKeyboard:
- if (module->m.kbd->version != VMKEYBOARD_CURRENT_VERSION) {
- logger(_LL | 0,
- "AddModule: keyboard module '%s' has wrong version (%d)\n",
- module->name, module->m.kbd->version);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!module->m.kbd->scan || !module->m.kbd->getspecialkeys) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "AddModule: Keyboard module '%s' has NULL callback(s)\n",
- module->name);
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case vmTypeDSR:
- if (module->m.dsr->version != VMDSR_CURRENT_VERSION) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "AddModule: DSR module '%s' has wrong version (%d)\n",
- module->name, module->m.dsr->version);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!module->m.dsr->getcrubase || !module->m.dsr->filehandler) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "AddModule: DSR module '%s' has NULL callback(s)\n",
- module->name);
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- logger(_LL | 0, "AddModule: module '%s' has unknown type (%d)\n",
- module->name, module->type);
- return 0;
- }
- if (module->detect == NULL ||
- module->init == NULL ||
- module->term == NULL ||
- module->enable == NULL ||
- module->disable == NULL ||
- module->restart == NULL || module->restop == NULL) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "AddModule: callback(s) missing in '%s'\n", module->name);
- return 0;
- }
- modules[nmodules++] = module;
- return 1;
- }
- /*********************************/
- int
- vmModulesInit(void)
- {
- nmodules = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- int
- vmModulesTerm(void)
- {
- vmTermModules();
- nmodules = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- int
- vmRegisterModules(vmModule ** module)
- {
- vmModule **mptr;
- for (mptr = module; *mptr; mptr++)
- if (!AddModule(*mptr))
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- /*********************************/
- vmResult
- vmDetectModule(vmModule * module)
- {
- vmResult res;
- assert(module != NULL);
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmDetectModule: '%s'\n", module->name);
- res = module->detect();
- if (res != vmOk) {
- // not _LL since a detection needn't succeed
- logger(_L | 0, "vmDetectModule: '%s': %s\n", module->name, vmErrors[res]);
- module->runtimeflags |= vmRTUnavailable;
- }
- return res;
- }
- vmResult
- vmInitModule(vmModule * module)
- {
- vmResult res;
- assert(module != NULL);
- if (module->runtimeflags & vmRTUnavailable)
- return vmOk;
- if (module->runtimeflags & vmRTUndoInit)
- return vmOk;
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmInitModule: '%s'\n", module->name);
- res = module->init();
- if (res != vmOk) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "vmInitModule: '%s': %s\n", module->name, vmErrors[res]);
- module->runtimeflags |= vmRTUnavailable;
- } else {
- module->runtimeflags |= vmRTUndoInit;
- }
- return res;
- }
- vmResult
- vmTermModule(vmModule * module)
- {
- vmResult res;
- assert(module != NULL);
- if (!(module->flags & vmRTUndoInit))
- return vmOk;
- module->runtimeflags &= ~vmRTUndoInit;
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmTermModule: '%s'\n", module->name);
- res = module->term();
- if (res != vmOk)
- logger(_LL | 0, "vmTermModule: '%s': %s\n", module->name, vmErrors[res]);
- return res;
- }
- vmResult
- vmEnableModule(vmModule * module)
- {
- vmResult res;
- assert(module != NULL);
- if (module->runtimeflags & vmRTUnavailable)
- return vmOk;
- if ((module->flags & vmFlagsOneShotEnable) &&
- (module->runtimeflags & vmRTEnabledOnce)) return vmOk;
- if (module->runtimeflags & vmRTUndoEnable)
- return vmOk;
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmEnableModule: '%s'\n", module->name);
- res = module->enable();
- if (res != vmOk)
- logger(_LL | 0, "vmEnableModule: '%s': %s\n", module->name, vmErrors[res]);
- else {
- module->runtimeflags |= vmRTEnabledOnce;
- module->runtimeflags |= vmRTUndoEnable;
- }
- return res;
- }
- vmResult
- vmDisableModule(vmModule * module)
- {
- vmResult res;
- assert(module != NULL);
- if (!(module->runtimeflags & vmRTUndoEnable))
- return vmOk;
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmDisableModule: '%s'\n", module->name);
- module->runtimeflags &= ~vmRTUndoEnable;
- res = module->disable();
- if (res != vmOk)
- logger(_LL | 0, "vmDisableModule: '%s': %s\n",
- module->name, vmErrors[res]);
- return res;
- }
- vmResult
- vmRestartModule(vmModule * module)
- {
- vmResult res;
- assert(module != NULL);
- if (!(module->runtimeflags & vmRTInUse))
- return vmOk;
- if (!(module->runtimeflags & vmRTEnabledOnce))
- return vmOk;
- if (module->runtimeflags & vmRTUndoRestart)
- return vmOk;
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmRestartModule: '%s'\n", module->name);
- res = module->restart();
- if (res != vmOk)
- logger(_LL | 0, "vmRestartModule: '%s': %s\n",
- module->name, vmErrors[res]);
- else
- module->runtimeflags |= vmRTUndoRestart;
- return res;
- }
- vmResult
- vmRestopModule(vmModule * module)
- {
- vmResult res;
- assert(module != NULL);
- if (!(module->runtimeflags & vmRTInUse))
- return vmOk;
- if (!(module->runtimeflags & vmRTEnabledOnce))
- return vmOk;
- if (!(module->runtimeflags & vmRTUndoRestart))
- return vmOk;
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmRestopModule: '%s'\n", module->name);
- res = module->restop();
- if (res != vmOk)
- logger(_LL | 0, "vmRestopModule: '%s': %s\n", module->name, vmErrors[res]);
- else
- module->runtimeflags &= ~vmRTUndoRestart;
- return res;
- }
- /********************/
- static int
- CollectModules(vmModule ** list, vmType type, bool required)
- {
- int found = 0;
- int x;
- *list = NULL;
- for (x = 0; x < nmodules; x++)
- if (modules[x]->type == type && vmDetectModule(modules[x]) == vmOk) {
- *list = modules[x];
- list = &(*list)->next;
- found++;
- }
- *list = NULL; /* terminate list */
- if (!found && required)
- logger(_L | LOG_FATAL, "CollectModules: Could not find a %s module\n",
- vmTypeNames[type]);
- return found;
- }
- /* Detect all applicable modules */
- int
- vmDetectModules(void)
- {
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmDetectModules");
- /* CPU modules */
- if (!CollectModules(&vmCPU, vmTypeCPU, true))
- return 0;
- /* Video modules */
- if (!CollectModules(&vmVideo, vmTypeVideo, true))
- return 0;
- /* Sound modules */
- if (!CollectModules(&vmSound, vmTypeSound, true))
- return 0;
- /* Keyboard modules */
- if (!CollectModules(&vmKeyboard, vmTypeKeyboard, true))
- return 0;
- /* DSR modules */
- CollectModules(&vmDSR, vmTypeDSR, false);
- return 1;
- }
- /* Select startup (or re-startup) modules.
- -- We are allowed to use more than one module of one type
- at once if none has the vmFlagsExclusive flag set.
- -- For sound modules, we also make the restriction that
- we only use as many modules as will satisfy both callbacks;
- if the first module selected defines one, that one will
- be ignored even if defined in a second selected one.
- -- For simplicity, we assume that the list of modules
- is ordered by priority and stop with the first workable
- combination.
- */
- static void
- SelectModules(vmModule * list, vmModule ** main, vmType type,
- bool startup, bool exclusive)
- {
- vmModule *ptr, *prev;
- int chained = 0; /* already using a module? */
- int termed = 0; /* not looking for new modules */
- for (ptr = list, prev = NULL; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) {
- /* clear flag */
- ptr->runtimeflags &= ~vmRTInUse;
- if (termed) {
- continue;
- }
- if (ptr->runtimeflags & vmRTUnavailable) {
- logger(_L | L_1, "SelectModules: '%s' is unavailable, skipping\n",
- ptr->name);
- continue;
- }
- if (ptr->runtimeflags & vmRTUnselected) {
- logger(_L | L_1, "SelectModules: '%s' is unselected, skipping\n",
- ptr->name);
- continue;
- }
- if (ptr->flags & vmFlagsExclusive) {
- if (chained) {
- /* already using non-exclusive one */
- logger(_L | L_1,
- "SelectModules: not using '%s' since non-exclusive module already in use\n",
- ptr->name);
- continue;
- }
- /* else, select this one,
- and one-by-one ignore each of the rest */
- } else
- /* sound has special semantics */
- if (type == vmTypeSound && prev != NULL) {
- /* if we're here, then the 'prev' module defines
- one callback; only select a module that defines
- the other one */
- if ((prev->m.sound->update == NULL &&
- ptr->m.sound->update == NULL)
- ||
- ((prev->m.sound->play == NULL) &&
- (ptr->m.sound->play == NULL))
- ||
- ((prev->m.sound->read == NULL) &&
- (ptr->m.sound->read == NULL))) {
- /* neither defines the missing callback */
- logger(_L | L_1,
- "SelectModules: not using '%s' since it doesn't satisfy missing "
- "callbacks from module '%s'\n", ptr->name, prev->name);
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* just use it */
- logger(_L|L_0, "SelectModules: using '%s'\n", ptr->name);
- if (!chained && main)
- *main = ptr;
- ptr->runtimeflags |= vmRTInUse;
- if (!startup) vmEnableModule(ptr);
- chained++;
- prev = ptr;
- /* did we get the only one we could use? */
- if (exclusive) {
- logger(_L | L_1,
- "SelectModules: terminating search, only one %s module may be active\n",
- vmTypeNames[type]);
- termed = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (type == vmTypeSound &&
- ptr->m.sound->update != NULL && ptr->m.sound->play != NULL &&
- ptr->m.sound->read != NULL) {
- logger(_L | L_1, "SelectModule: terminating search since '%s' defines "
- "all sound callbacks\n", ptr->name);
- termed = 1;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (!chained && prev != NULL)
- logger(_L | LOG_FATAL,
- "SelectModules: did not find a single usable %s module?\n",
- vmTypeNames[type]);
- }
- /* The user has opted to select a custom
- list of modules. Validate each combination.
- If the combination fails, simply call SelectModules()
- again to return to the default state.
- Valid list: -- no two are vmTypeExclusive
- -- none has vmRTUnselected set
- -- for sound, no conflicting callbacks
- AND, an empty list is valid if "incremental" is set.
- */
- static int
- ValidateModules(vmModule * list, vmType type, bool required,
- bool exclusive, bool incremental)
- {
- vmModule *ptr, *prev;
- int chained = 0; /* already using a module? */
- ptr = list;
- prev = NULL;
- while (ptr) {
- if (!(ptr->runtimeflags & (vmRTUnselected | vmRTUnavailable))) {
- /* did we get the only one we could use? */
- if (chained && exclusive) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "ValidateModules: '%s' must not be selected since "
- "only one %s module may be active at once\n", ptr->name,
- vmTypeNames[type]);
- return 0;
- }
- if (ptr->flags & vmFlagsExclusive) {
- if (chained) {
- /* already using non-exclusive one, fail */
- logger(_LL | 0,
- "ValidateModules: '%s' must not be selected since "
- "other non-exclusive modules are already selected\n",
- ptr->name);
- return 0;
- }
- } else
- /* sound has special semantics */
- if (type == vmTypeSound && prev != NULL) {
- if (((prev->m.sound->update != NULL) &&
- (ptr->m.sound->update != NULL))
- ||
- ((prev->m.sound->play != NULL) &&
- (ptr->m.sound->play != NULL))
- ||
- ((prev->m.sound->read != NULL) &&
- (ptr->m.sound->read != NULL))) {
- /* both have the same callback defined */
- logger(_LL | 0,
- "ValidateModules: '%s' must not be selected since module "
- "'%s' defines the same callbacks\n", ptr->name,
- prev->name);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- // success, so far
- // // allow selection of disabled module
- // ptr->runtimeflags &= ~vmRTUnselected;
- chained++;
- prev = ptr;
- }
- ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- if (!chained && !incremental && required) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "ValidateModules: no %s modules are selected; "
- "at least one is required\n", vmTypeNames[type]);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static vmResult
- IterModuleList(vmModule * ptr, vmResult(*vmFunc) (vmModule *))
- {
- vmResult res = vmOk, ret = vmOk;
- while (ptr) {
- if (!(ptr->runtimeflags & (vmRTUnavailable | vmRTUnselected))) {
- if ((res = vmFunc(ptr)) != vmOk)
- {
- if (res == vmNotAvailable)
- ptr->runtimeflags |= vmRTUnavailable;
- else
- ret = res;
- }
- }
- ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- static vmResult
- IterModuleLists(vmModule ** list[], vmResult(*vmFunc) (vmModule *))
- {
- vmResult res = vmOk, ret = vmOk;
- int step;
- step = 0;
- while (list && list[step]) {
- vmModule *ptr = *(list[step]);
- if ((res = IterModuleList(ptr, vmFunc)) != vmOk)
- ret = res;
- step++;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- int
- vmValidateModuleSelection(bool startup, bool incremental)
- {
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmValidateModuleSelection\n");
- /* CPU modules */
- SelectModules(vmCPU, &vmCPUMain, vmTypeCPU, startup, true /*exclusive*/);
- /* Video modules */
- SelectModules(vmVideo, &vmVideoMain, vmTypeVideo, startup, false /*exclusive*/);
- /* Sound modules */
- IterModuleList(vmSound, vmRestopModule);
- SelectModules(vmSound, &vmSoundMain, vmTypeSound, startup, false /*exclusive*/);
- IterModuleList(vmSound, vmRestartModule);
- /* Keyboard modules */
- SelectModules(vmKeyboard, &vmKeyboardMain, vmTypeKeyboard, startup, false /*exclusive*/);
- /* DSR modules */
- SelectModules(vmDSR, NULL, vmTypeDSR, startup, false /*exclusive*/);
- /* Reset our features mask. */
- /* These are always available. */
- features |= FE_VIDEO | FE_KEYBOARD;
- /* These depend on the union of callbacks our sound modules define. */
- if (vmSound->m.sound->update != NULL ||
- (vmSound->next && vmSound->next->m.sound->update != NULL))
- features |= FE_SOUND;
- if (vmSound->m.sound->play != NULL ||
- (vmSound->next && vmSound->next->m.sound->play != NULL))
- features |= FE_SPEECH | FE_CSXWRITE;
- if (vmSound->m.sound->read != NULL ||
- (vmSound->next && vmSound->next->m.sound->read != NULL))
- features |= FE_CSXREAD;
- return 1;
- }
- int
- vmSelectStartupModules(void)
- {
- return vmValidateModuleSelection(true, false);
- }
- int
- vmInitModules(void)
- {
- static vmModule **initList[] = {
- &vmKeyboard, &vmSound, &vmVideo, &vmCPU, &vmDSR, NULL
- };
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmInitModules\n");
- return IterModuleLists(initList, vmInitModule) == vmOk;
- }
- int
- vmTermModules(void)
- {
- static vmModule **termList[] = {
- &vmDSR, &vmVideo, &vmCPU, &vmKeyboard, &vmSound, NULL
- };
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmTermModules\n");
- return IterModuleLists(termList, vmTermModule) == vmOk;
- }
- int
- vmEnableModules(void)
- {
- static vmModule **enableList[] = {
- &vmVideo, &vmKeyboard, &vmSound, &vmDSR, &vmCPU, NULL
- };
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmEnableModules\n");
- return IterModuleLists(enableList, vmEnableModule) == vmOk;
- }
- int
- vmDisableModules(void)
- {
- static vmModule **disableList[] = {
- &vmCPU, &vmDSR, &vmSound, &vmKeyboard, &vmVideo, NULL
- };
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmDisableModules\n");
- return IterModuleLists(disableList, vmDisableModule) == vmOk;
- }
- int
- vmRestartModules(void)
- {
- static vmModule **restartList[] = {
- &vmDSR, &vmCPU, NULL
- };
- int ret = 1;
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmRestartModules, features = %x\n", features);
- if (features & FE_VIDEO)
- ret &= (IterModuleList(vmVideo, vmRestartModule) == vmOk);
- if (features & FE_KEYBOARD)
- ret &= (IterModuleList(vmKeyboard, vmRestartModule) == vmOk);
- if (features & FE_SOUND)
- ret &= (IterModuleList(vmSound, vmRestartModule) == vmOk);
- return ret && IterModuleLists(restartList, vmRestartModule) == vmOk;
- }
- int
- vmRestopModules(void)
- {
- static vmModule **restopList[] = {
- &vmCPU, &vmDSR, NULL
- };
- int ret = 1;
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmRestopModules, features = %x\n", features);
- if (features & FE_SOUND)
- ret &= (IterModuleList(vmSound, vmRestopModule) == vmOk);
- if (features & FE_KEYBOARD)
- ret &= (IterModuleList(vmKeyboard, vmRestopModule) == vmOk);
- if (features & FE_VIDEO)
- ret &= (IterModuleList(vmVideo, vmRestopModule) == vmOk);
- return ret && IterModuleLists(restopList, vmRestopModule) == vmOk;
- }
- int
- vmClearUserFlagsOnModules(void)
- {
- static vmModule **allList[] = {
- &vmCPU, &vmDSR, &vmSound, &vmVideo, &vmKeyboard, 0L
- };
- int idx = 0;
- logger(_L | L_1, "vmClearUserFlagsOnModules\n");
- while (allList[idx]) {
- vmModule *list = *allList[idx];
- while (list) {
- list->runtimeflags &= ~vmRTUserModified;
- list = list->next;
- }
- idx++;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /******************************/
- vmModule *
- vmLookupModule(char *tag)
- {
- int x;
- for (x = 0; modules[x] && x < MAX_MODULES; x++) {
- if (strcasecmp(modules[x]->tag, tag) == 0)
- return modules[x];
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- static
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(vm_list_v9t9_modules)
- {
- int x;
- for (x = 0; modules[x] && x < MAX_MODULES; x++) {
- logger(LOG_USER, "Tag: '%s', name: '%s', type: '%s'\n",
- modules[x]->tag, modules[x]->name, vmTypeNames[modules[x]->type]);
- logger(LOG_USER, "\tFlags: ");
- if (modules[x]->flags & vmFlagsExclusive)
- logger(LOG_USER, "exclusive ");
- if (modules[x]->flags & vmFlagsOneShotEnable)
- if (modules[x]->runtimeflags & vmRTEnabledOnce)
- logger(LOG_USER, "[enable-once] ");
- else
- logger(LOG_USER, "enable-once ");
- if (modules[x]->flags & vmFlagsOneShotDisable)
- if (modules[x]->runtimeflags & vmRTDisabledOnce)
- logger(LOG_USER, "[disable-once] ");
- else
- logger(LOG_USER, "disable-once ");
- if (modules[x]->runtimeflags & vmRTInUse)
- logger( LOG_USER, "in-use ");
- if (modules[x]->runtimeflags & vmRTUnselected)
- logger( LOG_USER, "unselected ");
- logger(LOG_USER, "\n");
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(vm_toggle_v9t9_module)
- {
- char *tag;
- int onoff;
- vmModule *mod;
- if (task == csa_READ)
- {
- static int idx;
- if (!iter)
- idx = 0;
- if (idx >= nmodules)
- return 0;
- while (idx < nmodules) {
- if (modules[idx]->runtimeflags & vmRTUserModified) {
- command_arg_set_string(sym->args, modules[idx]->tag);
- command_arg_set_num(sym->args->next,
- !(modules[idx]->runtimeflags & vmRTUnselected));
- idx++;
- return 1;
- } else {
- idx++;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- command_arg_get_string(sym->args, &tag);
- command_arg_get_num(sym->args->next, &onoff);
- mod = vmLookupModule(tag);
- if (mod == NULL) {
- logger(_LL | LOG_USER, "No such v9t9 module '%s'\n\n", tag);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!onoff) {
- vmRestopModule(mod);
- vmDisableModule(mod);
- }
- if (onoff)
- mod->runtimeflags &= ~vmRTUnselected;
- else
- mod->runtimeflags |= vmRTUnselected;
- mod->runtimeflags |= vmRTUserModified;
- if (!vmValidateModuleSelection(false, true))
- return 0;
- if (onoff) {
- if (vmInitModule(mod) != vmOk)
- return 0;
- if (vmEnableModule(mod) != vmOk)
- return 0;
- if (vmRestartModule(mod) != vmOk)
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(vm_setup_v9t9_modules)
- {
- return vmValidateModuleSelection(false, false);
- }
- void
- vmAddModuleCommands(void)
- {
- command_symbol_table *modules =
- command_symbol_table_new("V9t9 Module Commands",
- "These options affect the modules used to emulate V9t9",
- command_symbol_new("ListV9t9Modules",
- "List available modules and current status",
- vm_list_v9t9_modules,
- NULL /* ret */ ,
- NULL /* args */
- ,
- command_symbol_new("ToggleV9t9Module",
- "Turn use of a module on or off",
- vm_toggle_v9t9_module,
- NULL /* ret */ ,
- command_arg_new_string
- ("tag",
- "tag name for module",
- NEW_ARG_STR(64),
- command_arg_new_num
- ("on|off",
- "whether to use or not use module",
- NEW_ARG_NUM(bool),
- NULL /* next */ ))
- ,
- command_symbol_new("SetupV9t9Modules",
- "Setup module gestalt",
- vm_setup_v9t9_modules,
- NULL /* ret */ ,
- NULL /* args */
- ,
- NULL /* next */ ))),
- NULL /* sub */ ,
- NULL /* next */
- );
- command_symbol_table_add_subtable(universe, modules);
- }